This workplace is a SAFE space!

>This workplace is a SAFE space!
>The fact that people have to obey the law of the land is not SAFE enough!
>My FEELINGS need to be SAFE!
>Respect whamans at all times!
>Minority women are always correct, period!
>Your MERIT here is based on how OPPRESSED you are!
>White men CAN work here but they SHOULDN'T!
>We are the future! Every company should have 99% minorities!
>even though we make up less than 20% of the population
>All WHITE MEN are nazis
>it's always ok to PUNCH a nazi right?
>I basically just said it is okay to ATTACK white people in the street
>I am so progressive

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get triggered shitlord

who hurt you?

First they made me grow out my hair. Then I had to wear a dress. I had to tell them I was a woman again and again....

Find another job or career. The trannies won.

It's pretty obvious you don't interact with the real world or have a job at all


Suck my balls

But user, you are a woman.

I've never seen anyone wear these hats in real life.


Penuis penuis penuis penuis penuis penuis


Attached: Puffypilled.png (270x321, 49K)

Penuis penuis penuis penuis penuis penuis penuis

go back to /pol/

/g/ - Technology

Also, from what I have heard here on /g/, there are a few workplaces like that in the USA, but it is not the norm. That is: Most places in the USA are not sociopolitically driven.

So if you dislike sociopolitics, just stay away from places that practice it. If everyone does this, sociopolitics will naturally wither and diminish.

go away tripfag nobody wants you here


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I do. He's right.

Actually it was about ethnics in. videogame journalism


you will never be a woman

you're not supposed to reply to them, moron redditor

I thought /g/ liked this tripfag

Attached: 1548864875752.webm (640x358, 1.91M)

>the gaping mouth
Everytime, why?

My theory is that it's just awkward people who don't know how to smile on demand so they just do "a face".

yasss queeeen

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Enjoy our steaming pile of shit Yea Forumstards