Women are twice as likely to watch rape porn

Women are twice as likely to watch rape porn.

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Tell us something new OP.

>Women are twice as likely to watch rape porn.

Did you fall for the clickbait again? They will tell you what you want to hear so they can get sales up or more viewers.

go to your porn account, change gender to female BOOM you are a female in the eyes of the demographic now....
legit resources anons.....

62% of women have rspe fantasies, according to a study named Women’s Rape Fantasies: An Empirical Evaluation of the Major Explanations'. The same study found that sexual openness and frankness in women is correlated with rape fantasies.

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> bait

Yh I like it tbh. Some of you need to understand women don’t go for “bad boys” we go for people who act like they’ll fuck you up in the best way. No pussy behaviour.

My ex had this, wanted to be choked and would say no over and over. I found it weird because apparently her uncle tried to rape her when she was younger.

Sorry for thumbnail

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Why didn’t you pussy

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Personally it’s because I like thought of feeling helpless but still safe in trusting the person.

5-50% of women orgasm during actual rape.

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Do women admit this to each other?

Look at the fucking data

Same, gf does this. No history of assault though. Makes me respect her a little less every time she asks for it though

stop being a fag with shit

Fuck apologies for thumbnail again

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Explain the fact that 62% of actual women admit to fantasising about forced sex.

Should we start being considerateand start raping girls now, if that's what gets them off? I'm confused


also the majority of rape cases are by woman

H-hey um user, can I ask you for a favour? C-come join this /pol/ Discord server please, it's a really good server I promise! We can maybe even laugh at the Christchurch shooting livestream together if you did... so join using this link right now:


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Yes we have conversations about it all the time. Well me and me really close friend are very extreme but none of the female friends I’ve talked to about this stuff have at least a small want to be be in a submissive state.


I read that as "Ultra-Violet Porn" there for a sec, honestly I think I'd rather see a thread about that.

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'Why Are So Many Women Searching for Ultra-Violent Porn?' is a Vice article based on data obtained by a Google data analyst named Dr Seth Stephens-Davidowitz, published in his book 'Everybody Lies'. The data that states that 62% of women have rape fantasies is 'Women’s Rape Fantasies: An Empirical Evaluation of the Major Explanations,' Bivona, J.M., Critelli, J.W. & Clark, M.J. Arch Sex Behav (2012) 41: 1107.

Speaking of r4pe me and my girl have been drinking all night. Waiting on her to fall asleep so I can get it in. She just got done puking 2 times in the bathroom once in the bedroom garbage can that she didnt remember.

Do you think you'd be one of the 5-50% who come during actual rape?

Well hello there Dr professor

What do you think about this female user?I guess I should say supposed female user.

Unless you've already agreed this is an acceptable thing to do, probably don't do that

>I have chosen the girl for me
>She smells of booze vomit and piss
>But I can't wait for her to collapse so I'll have my chance to put my penis in her
>This will be so much fun

You seem like a pretty shit human.

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And why is that.

Well I hope I don’t get raped but maybe. If I got raped that would probably be My life over forever tho :/

We have already agreed on this it's fine. She doesnt care. Honestly she cant really care if she doesnt remember. Kek

>Things that never happened

Cool LARP bro.

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Forgot to add shoes a good drunk. Brushes her teeth after she spews. So she doesnt smell like vomit. Not that I would care I'm quite intoxicated myself. And why would she smell like piss?

I mean believe me or dont. I dont care. I'm gonna fuck my girl.

Well I think it’s very wrong to do that whilst she’s out unless you’ve already discussed that is something you both wouldn’t mind taking part in just make moves whilst she’s drunk I wouldn’t object

>Brushes her teeth after she spews. So she doesnt smell like vomit.

So she's wasted to the point she can't remember if she's thrown up or not, yet still has the mental capacity to brush her teeth. Are you sure you aren't making this up?

It would not be the first time its happened. She gets off on it. She's one of those women that has tape fantasies so if she wakes up in the middle of it she's only freaked out for a second and then cums hard

And? Yeah, lots of women have rape fantasies. What's your point?

Why do you think that is? I know rape is an awful experience but I've never understood the idea of it as life-ruining if u don't live in a society that's puritanical about female chastity

They also cum during real rape

I hope you both have fun personally it sounds like a great way to wake up :) consent is key

I'm positive. I dont need to make shit up just figured there may be a degenerate or two that can pull their dicks to this.

Yeah, sometimes. So do guys. I still don't get what your point is.

Thanks it is. The last time I was really gentle and took my time she didnt wake up it was kinda weird for me. But now i think the weird might be over so I'm going that route tonight.

I think sex is sacred and it would destroy me that someone took what I think is important with no empathy or remorse or care. I try to have a rosy veiw on reality (failing at this stage in my life) and the thought that someone could even have it in them to hurt me like that is very painful. I’d feel worthless.

Okay buddy. I'll let you carry on with your LARP and you know, jerking other guys off I guess... Women like rape fantasy's, men like homoerotic novels they can share with other men while they all groan and moan. Millennial autism everyone.

Yes but men don't also fantasise about it. If you fantasise about it & cum during it, part of you finds it desirable/pleasurable.

Because women don't know wtf they want ever.

"women in their droves"? illiterate dolt

lets fuck china up for the lulz

I fantasize about lots of things I wouldn't enjoy in real life.

This is probably stupid but how do you fantasise about the idea then? The things I genuinely fantasise about, I only avoid because I'd get in trouble for doing them - but how can you fantasise about something you think would be fundamentally painful, life-ruining, etc.? Genuine q.

I like shopping on AliExpress tho

Hey man whatever floats your boat. I'm not jerkin dudes off. It's not even like as gay as a double Dutch rudder. I'm just saying maybe it will give some autistic virgin hope that he can find a chick like mine. Dont get me wrong. Having sex with her when she is awake is 10x better but when she's passed out and I need a nut and she's ok with it instead of me jerkin off why wouldnt I fuck a wet hole that's right I front of me? My bad for trying to sound more interesting. I said I dont need to lie. Never said I dont embellish a little

Yes, the point here is that they fantasise about it, and also do cum during actual rape IN REAL LIFE. So the combination of those two facts is pretty damning

This. I watch creampie gang bangs but I would never be in one.

my therapist(Im an abuse victim) says women are very likely to romanticize abuse they have suffered because it makes it easier for the brain to live with. I have tons of rape fantasies every week but I’ve learned that it’s not really because I want it, it’s a coping mechanism.

I guess it’s a dominance thing? Tbh I don’t know myself. However, like the other user was talking about with fucking his passed out gf I think I’d enjoy that even if we hadn’t talked about it. Especially if he talked to me when I woke up like “you like getting your pussy used?” Because I enjoy communication like a way to see that i’m Okay and show he cares about my enjoyment.

i've heard several women complain about most men not being dominant, or if they try they are awkward
they probably search in porn for stuff they aren't getting irl

Only small group of women are interested in rape

Many men have rape fantasies too.
This day and age they are just very careful not to show it because they'll get strung up for admitting it (unless they're the ones who want to be raped).
The best thing a guy can do is to "speak softly and carry a big stick" sort of thing in relation to domination in the bedroom imho. All ethic and shit that's been said and thought goes out the window one the clothes start coming off.
This is when men deliver the "fantasy". Obviously don't rape, but be dominant and confusing. The less they know what you're gonna do to them and the more they trust you to not actually rape them the wilder the sex will be. So long as men give in to their animal instinct.

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Natural selection is taking care of these stupid little group as they are more likely to get killed

So your argument is that because some women cum during rape and some women fantasize about rape, that they secretly want to be raped?

I think that logic has some holes in it. Let's look at a hypothetical here. Let's say that someone gets you hooked on heroin against your will but you're able to get clean. You would have enjoyed the heroin, because that's a physiological response you can't control. And you'd probably still crave it and fantasize about doing heroin again even after you were clean, because you remember it being pleasurable. But it doesn't necessarily follow that you want to start doing heroin again, because it comes with serious downsides.

But it would mean that some part of you, even if you ultimately decide against it, still craves heroin/rape and would get pleasure from it

>But it would mean that some part of you, even if you ultimately decide against it, still craves heroin/rape and would get pleasure from it

Yeah, I don't disagree with you, but I still don't understand what point you're trying to make.

People like sex. It feels good. Sometimes it even feels good if you didn't choose to have it and didn't want it. It's a physiological response.

Cool, im going to rape you? I'm a 6'4 African American Male..

I bet when my 11 inch man dingo touches your prostate you cum You ever take a shit really hard and see cum coming out the tip of your dick? that means you have a shit fetish.. (see how illogical it sounds, and yes this happens if it hasnt happened to you..)

H-hey um user, can I ask you for a favour? C-come join this /pol/ Discord server please, it's a really good server I promise! We can maybe even laugh at the Christchurch shooting livestream together if you did... so join using this link right now:


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just cause she 'cums' from rape, doesnt mean she "CUMS' yall dumb little shits must have never had a female actually climax on yalls dick willingly and its apparent.. the moment a woman trusts you and gives her body 110% to you'll make her body do things, make noises never seen before.. . a whole different experience than being uncultured swine and gotta force my way on women

Word. Nuff said.

Welcome to Yea Forums, newfriend!

>Seething brown skin

That’s because most women are these new feminist radical whores that crave attention and only skinny anorexic guys will give them dick.

>just cause she 'cums' from rape, doesnt mean she "CUMS'

so why do so many of them feel guilt about cumming if they didnt actually enjoy it?