How do you faggots justify being gay or bisexual?

How do you faggots justify being gay or bisexual?
Do you ever consider how it makes your parents feel?
How does it feel to know that most people find you gross, even if they hide it?

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I justify being bi by fucking your dad and mom in the ass.

idk why do people choose to be gay in cultures that punish homosexuality with death?

yeah but they get to fuck so much so...worth it

I don't fucking know man. People are crazy, aren't they?

Fuck fags

Fuck fags

yeah I can't understand why someone would choose to have a preference that would end in stoning

Some people are just psychopaths, chasing a thrill, or get in with the wrong crowd. It's very sad.

hopefully someone can end it with their tanks
and their guns
and their bombs

If a man is able to shoot up a mosque, then god damnit i will be as gay i want to be and who the fuck cares what anyone thinks

Those two things are completely unrelated.

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The fun part is when your dad walks in on me fucking your mom, and everyone is fine with him joining in.

No, no they aren't actually. It all boils down to idiots believing in a magic sky man.

Cause dude butt looks tasty

Muh holy book is true bcuz muh holy buuk saiz it’s tru


Nothing I said in the OP was religious at all.
I'm actually an atheist. Now answer the goddamn questions and justify your sexuality or stop being gay.


What I find absolutely hilarious is that Christians, Jews and Muslims all believe in the same god. They just have different views on the "messiah".

Truly something worth killing each other over. Kek.

They aren't hurting no one, you're born the way you are. How people know they are heterosexual is the same for how people know they are homosexual. And they aren't gross, a lot of people are supportive except for bitter people who actually hate themselves


Sure it's ridiculous but going into a mosque to shoot innocent people is worse

People are also born serial killers, pedos, and so on.

"Born that way" has never been and never will be a valid defense.

>They aren't hurting no one
They hurt themselves and their families. It's tragic.
>How people know they are heterosexual is the same for how people know they are homosexual
Heterosexual is the default. You become homosexual through a deliberate choice to be deviant.
>And they aren't gross, a lot of people are supportive except for bitter people who actually hate themselves
Imagine if your son decided he would rather suck dick than give you grandkids. Anyone who is "supportive" of that is a cuck.

>comparing sexuality to psychopathy

Question for you:

I'm a man in a relationship with a woman, and together we are steadily working towards creating an abundant and stable home for our future children.

However, a couple of times a month, she dresses me up and pounds my ass with a huge pink strap on. Pic very related.

Are we terrible people?

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I honestly wouldn’t give a shit if my kid was a raging right winger or a feg

I never said it wasn't. Christian terrorists are just as, if not more dangerous than Muslim terrorists.

Pics of said pegging?

Do you have kids?
It's easy to say that as an internet nihilist but when you actually have a stake in the game things change.

sounds pretty gay fam

It is. People can be born healthy or sick, gay is a healthy thing while wanting to hurt people or children is a sickness. The pedos or the killers have to visit a professional instead of acting on those urges

Beautifully said, user. Completely shut down and resort to inane babble once you're presented with facts.

Better than believing in a sky wizard that cares whether you want to be fucked up the ass or not

I didn't care that some people were gay. Then they started pushing it on the wider public by parading through streets and exposing themselves to everybody else and demanding to be treated like heroes for their faggotry. Nobody wants to see that shit. Keep your bedroom activities in the bedroom. I started avoiding fags at work and in public then. Now with all the other shit they're doing I find myself outright hating them. They're all just disgusting perverts and child molesters. Absolutely sick.

How are they hurting?
It is not a choice, people have tried to force homosexuals into converting to heterosexuality through many ways, including electro therapy, and it never truly works. You can't hide who you really are.
It's their lives, they don't have to please no one, imagine how proud your grandad would be if he knew you're calling people cucks on a weeb website

Oh, then we are on the same page then. My apologies. No, I do not believe in ridiculous fairy tales from the Bronze Age.


Nah sounds like fun

35 replied
16 posters
OP can't bump his own thread

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Why would a person justify their existence at all OP?

>It is not a choice, people have tried to force homosexuals into converting to heterosexuality through many ways, including electro therapy, and it never truly works.
This isn't true. There are many ex-gays. The media doesn't cover them.
>You can't hide who you really are.
Yes you can.
>It's their lives, they don't have to please no one, imagine how proud your grandad would be if he knew you're calling people cucks on a weeb website
He would be very proud. .


biologically we are required to reproduce to a opposite sex partner, thus naturally forming a heterosexual family. Anything different than that is wrong and should be consider a fetish or even a mental illness

The ex-gays isn't healthy, they are threatening their own mental health, and most deny it but are still in a homosexual relationship.
Not if you want to be happy.
Then your family tree is very sad

Haven't got any but tbh might ask her to film next time

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Don't worry, tho. The natural selection will kill biscum.

>Bi people report the highest rates of poverty

>Bi women report the highest rates of sexual assault

>Bi women report higher rates of mental illness & substance abuse;;;

>Bi people have the worst access to healthcare

There's been homosexuality since the begging, it's perfectly normal and is biological. And we live in times where we don't have to reproduce for the safety of our species nor do we need more people on earth

How big is said pegging device?

Being gay is a threat to physical health.
There are things more important than happiness.
My family tree will continue beyond me because I am not gay.

There's a difference between natural selection and not having support from the public or from the government

My parents don’t care either way, and I was already gross to everyone before I came out, so it changed nothing.

Someone obviously hasn’t had an anal orgasm

>not having support from the public or from the government
Why should the government nor the public support the AIDS bridge?

How is it? It's only harmful when others discriminate you for it.
Not really, your life sucks if you aren't happy.
Not if the only thing you do is reply to people on Yea Forums all day.

can confirm any prostate stimulation will make an orgasm better

How did it feel when you crawled out the abortion bucket?

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Bisexuality sounds good in theory but in reality it only leads to misery.

AIDS isn't only for the queer, straight people get it to.

The term homosexual is wrong because what's called "homosexuality" is just a fetish or mental illness. My point was biologically speaking not matter what VICE says men can't reproduce with other men or women with women since starting and for the vast mayority at least so it leads to traditional man-woman partnership just naturally. All of other alternative relationships we allow to happen this days are just a fetish bad implemented and influenced.

Homosexuality doesnt really exists

Yeah. The worst thing it's that they bring misery to all monosexuals.

There is a reason the majority of AIDS patients are gay or bisexual. And it's quite probable that the risk in straight sex came from bisexual men.

Monosexual sounds like an std

She uses an 8 inch silicone dildo, hot pink but super realistic with veins that feel amazing

Epic answer, my dude.

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>How is it? It's only harmful when others discriminate you for it.
Or when you get pozzed with GRIDS.
>Not if the only thing you do is reply to people on Yea Forums all day.
Nigger I read a book and went skiing today. This is just a small part of my day.

90% of HIV positive people are sexually deflected

Ebic style

Why does your gay hate picture have a rainbow on it? Did you do that yourself? LMAO

Homosexuality is real, just because you don't have it doesn't make it non existent. You're trying to use biology/science to disprove it but you're not, all you're saying is that men and women can reproduce, that's very obvious, there's many scientists supporting homosexuality because it's a real thing

>you don't have it
genius argument smartass

If a nigger with 12 inch dick ass-raped you, would you still say that Homosexuality doesn't exist?

Men and women reproduce which leads to partnerhip since the starting of human kind. I mean fetishes are a real thing yes

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yes, no prove that men are genetically attracted to other men other than their testimony. Rape is just another one

a parsnip?

The phallic symbol.

Reminder than neither hetero or homosexual men and women like bisexual people.

>>Straight women hate bi men
>Many straight women and gay men refuse to date me. They believe false misconceptions about my (bi)sexuality: I can’t be monogamous, I’m inevitably going to leave them for someone of another gender, or I’m in denial of being “full-blown” gay.

>>Straight men only notice bi girls because fetish fulfilling
>Bisexual femmes are fetishized and ostracized enough.
>as we’re often fetishized for straight people’s fantasies.
>So in essence, the actual bisexual identity of women is invisible, whereas their sexual behaviors (or how they express same-sex intimacy with other women) is fetishized, hypersexualized, and strictly for the male gaze.
>But I'm not, so it would be super if people would stop fetishizing my sexual orientation. It makes first dates kinda awkward.

typical of losing an argument, attacking and highlighting grammar mistakes.

Gay men just look and act differently to straight men. They just look fucking gay, like their facial features look different some of the time. No need to prove it scientifically.

No, spelling mistakes.
You can't even spell you fucking retard.

Biphobia from the very LGBT community:
>I think it was a bisexual disease…and what they didn’t realise is that a lot of bisexuals went to those countries and had sex with those people and then brought it back to their own families in America. And that’s how it became such a worldwide disease.
>However by only singing about bisexual people as cheaters without acknowledging that not all bisexual people are cheaters, singers are only perpetuating hurtful bi stereotypes.
>In 2012 Bindel condemned female bisexuality as a "fashionable trend" caused by "sexual hedonism," and broached the question of whether bisexuality even exists: "[B]isexuality is sold to heterosexual women as some type of recreational activity far from their 'natural home' of straight sex. It is seen as 'temporary lesbianism'"—having a girlfriend, for a straight woman, is like having "the latest Prada handbag".
>When a Facebook user pressed her to clarify, Rose added, “I think it’s amazing when a guy is bisexual and he’s comfortable with it. But in my personal life, in my sex life, in who I choose to love, I just think that I would think about it too much. It would bother me in a way. I wouldn’t be comfortable with it and I don’t know why.”

H-hey um user, can I ask you for a favour? C-come join this /pol/ Discord server please, it's a really good server I promise! We can maybe even laugh at the Christchurch shooting livestream together if you did... so join using this link right now:


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Faggots kill themselves every day because people won't worship them for sucking the shit out of someones anus, or, their own shit off some faggots dick.

I'm suppose to think that their turn ons is worth a fucking Nobel peace prize. I'm suppose to believe that people are born to only fuck animals, or children, or opposite sex, or both sex because of a temperamental gene.

Simply because humans can't control themselves.

They have no point in life, they can't determine their own fate. They're only suppose to enjoy what life throws at them and witness it for the sake of proving that nothing doesn't exist without everything.

You guys are the aids to the great change! You guys are the aids that are killing gay men every day.

Fuck me right?

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I disagree I think fetishes and or mental illnesses got no skin color and or race, physically speaking of course. I got "homosexual" ill friends who dont act like the stereotype image of such


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