Hey, Yea Forums.
What keeps you guys going?
How do you guys wake up in the morning and continue on with your day?
I find it hard to do nowadays. I've been trying to get a new job for months, and haven't gotten anything after ~20 or so interviews. So how do you guys do it? Hope you're all having a nice night/day.
Hey, Yea Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
food alcohol fapping and coffee
food alcohol fapping sounds messy.
Just kept on trying.
Maybe try to add to your qualifications: volunteer work, internships, etc.
Always do an interview prep or mock interview b4 hand too.
Something will eventually work out
Start a shitty art project, even if it's just a podcast on doomed things and butts
well i need money for food booze weed and internet
I have no particular goals I'm aspiring to, but things continue to move and I feel like I'll be left behind. I'm in my last semester for my bachelor's and haven't been looking for a job at all. The only thing keeping my existential angst in check is weight lifting. But that's starting to wane as well.
I won't say I'm in the same boat, but I do feel I'm at the edge of sinking.
I've wanted to start a podcast, but I feel like my friends wouldn't care to do one with me, and I don't think I'm charismatic enough to do one by myself.
I currently type (to myself in a notepad, thank fucking god) thoughts on certain games and media and save it, if that counts as "art."
Keep interviewing, that shit is your job until you get a new one and you are your boss so start sucking the boss dick like a good little fag employee. Also, work on job stuff during dedicated day hours and don't think of it at all when not working on it, dedicate 20 min a day to working on long term goals (savings, job security, retirement), dedicate time to personal care and betterment, etc. Also, you probably don't live in a country where you are going to starve without a job, so thank God properly you heathen. Also limit this Yea Forums shit til you get a job.
OP here.
Thank you. I've been devoting 2-3 hours a day to looking for jobs that I think could work for me. I don't use Yea Forums all that much, as this site doesn't have the same mobility as something like Twitter or Tumblr does for me, I come on here maybe once a few months since 2014.