Left or Right? You must choose

Left or Right? You must choose.

Attached: E70DBF8F-004B-40B4-B08C-1DB0FFF034EE.jpg (540x778, 122K)

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Left every ducking time

Left. Every time.

not even a valid choice user get your shit together

Rosario's jiggling titties for me!

Margot robbie (wolf of wall street)/ rosario dawson(trance)

Threesome is the only way.

Not to choose is to choose.
– Jean-Paul Sartre

Depends on if I'm in a sister-fucking fantasy mood, or a mom-fucking fantasy mood.

Your family is like Obama's.


White is always right



Hottest Klingon.

Hmm hot blonde or ugly nigger. Tough one.

I choose ambidextrous

You mean "cool limey or hot boricua".

right, no question

Right is sexier. Left is cuter.

Attached: neanderthal-men-publiphoto.jpg (656x900, 184K)

So, when would you NOT be in a sister-fucking fantasy mood?
Is this even a thing?

I like me a robust midsection.

Attached: Tekohas.jpg (2150x3337, 681K)

beautiful white girl or ugly nigger/beaner. yeah tough choice

*sniffs hand*

Attached: 1548425251.murskahammas_25012019bigcatch.jpg (100x100, 6K)

is this to scale?

They both have the hips of an 80 year old man

Even if you choose not to decide you still have made a choice

Yes true.
Also black girl gets a point for tits and white girl gets a point for face
They cancel eachother out.

left or right? Both are 18yo

Attached: collage-1550839753829.jpg (1920x1440, 267K)

I feel like I saw both of these on the age-restricted side of YouTube.



Attached: K5eFrfV.gif (413x413, 1.27M)

left ofc

aH-hey um user, can I ask you for a favour? C-come join this /pol/ Discord server please, it's a really good server I promise! We can maybe even laugh at the Christchurch shooting livestream together if you did... so join using this link right now:


Attached: join degeneracy akarin 6.png (320x360, 219K)


>left is for fags who will accept anything in order to lose that virgin label
>right is for men with true taste
fuck me Rosario had the ripest body in that scene. pussy lips you can fucking CHEW ON!

Attached: is.jpg (500x633, 190K)

Fuck off y'all.
-Me, pol science student who heard all this shit quadrillion times.

right i think, those tits...

what about these little cockholsters? lets turn this into a L/R general

Attached: 271093_10151051018957844_1702979715_n.jpg (960x960, 133K)


id love to watch her knotted by a goodboi

Any more of her?

Left, what else. Nigger lover

apparently someone posted her tits here once...
shes fucking gorgeous

Right. There's no choice here.. I mean left is okay but can't hold a candle to right

Is that captain Picard?

shes a shiny angel no?

Yes it is

>nigger tits good
>nigger face bad

>is this to scale?
My question exactly. OP fucked up the scale. Size is important.


Left duh

>Trap or Transvestite? You must choose.
Faggots prefer traps.
Real men prefer transvestites.



i got trips -Barth2048

Fix your attributions, mate.

H-hey um user, can I ask you for a favour? C-come join this /pol/ Discord server please, it's a really good server I promise! We can maybe even laugh at the Christchurch shooting livestream together if you did... so join using this link right now:


Attached: join degeneracy akarin 15.png (320x360, 219K)

Rigged. Someone fucked up Rosarios pic to influence opinions... just like always you racist pieces of shit

Left, but the pussy on the right looks hungry.

I choose the one on the right

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Is he running for president in that year or was he born in that year?

Margo's boring and relying on makeup, Rosario's beautiful and I like the bod.

I prefer black/mixed women as I've gotten older.

ha! left

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Flawless white beauty, or rectangular Lego coon.
Geez what a hard choice

Rosario Dawson in a heartbeat

Attached: 53752705_2301582493394215_7138963814707363840_n.jpg (626x907, 106K)

Un checked kek.

Left , the right one does nothing for me

Right, without a doubt. Rosario Dawson is miles ahead of Margot Robbie