Left or Right? You must choose.
Left or Right? You must choose
Other urls found in this thread:
Left every ducking time
Left. Every time.
not even a valid choice user get your shit together
Rosario's jiggling titties for me!
Margot robbie (wolf of wall street)/ rosario dawson(trance)
Threesome is the only way.
Not to choose is to choose.
– Jean-Paul Sartre
Depends on if I'm in a sister-fucking fantasy mood, or a mom-fucking fantasy mood.
Your family is like Obama's.
White is always right
Hottest Klingon.
Hmm hot blonde or ugly nigger. Tough one.
I choose ambidextrous
You mean "cool limey or hot boricua".
right, no question
Right is sexier. Left is cuter.
So, when would you NOT be in a sister-fucking fantasy mood?
Is this even a thing?
I like me a robust midsection.
beautiful white girl or ugly nigger/beaner. yeah tough choice
*sniffs hand*
is this to scale?
They both have the hips of an 80 year old man
Even if you choose not to decide you still have made a choice
Yes true.
Also black girl gets a point for tits and white girl gets a point for face
They cancel eachother out.
left or right? Both are 18yo
I feel like I saw both of these on the age-restricted side of YouTube.
left ofc
aH-hey um user, can I ask you for a favour? C-come join this /pol/ Discord server please, it's a really good server I promise! We can maybe even laugh at the Christchurch shooting livestream together if you did... so join using this link right now:
>left is for fags who will accept anything in order to lose that virgin label
>right is for men with true taste
fuck me Rosario had the ripest body in that scene. pussy lips you can fucking CHEW ON!
Fuck off y'all.
-Me, pol science student who heard all this shit quadrillion times.
right i think, those tits...
what about these little cockholsters? lets turn this into a L/R general
id love to watch her knotted by a goodboi
Any more of her?
Left, what else. Nigger lover
apparently someone posted her tits here once...
shes fucking gorgeous
Right. There's no choice here.. I mean left is okay but can't hold a candle to right
Is that captain Picard?
shes a shiny angel no?
Yes it is
>nigger tits good
>nigger face bad
>is this to scale?
My question exactly. OP fucked up the scale. Size is important.
Left duh
>Trap or Transvestite? You must choose.
Faggots prefer traps.
Real men prefer transvestites.
i got trips -Barth2048
Fix your attributions, mate.
H-hey um user, can I ask you for a favour? C-come join this /pol/ Discord server please, it's a really good server I promise! We can maybe even laugh at the Christchurch shooting livestream together if you did... so join using this link right now:
Rigged. Someone fucked up Rosarios pic to influence opinions... just like always you racist pieces of shit
Left, but the pussy on the right looks hungry.
I choose the one on the right
Is he running for president in that year or was he born in that year?
Margo's boring and relying on makeup, Rosario's beautiful and I like the bod.
I prefer black/mixed women as I've gotten older.
ha! left
Flawless white beauty, or rectangular Lego coon.
Geez what a hard choice
Rosario Dawson in a heartbeat
Un checked kek.
Left , the right one does nothing for me
Right, without a doubt. Rosario Dawson is miles ahead of Margot Robbie