Be me, 27 years old

>Be me, 27 years old.

>I have never had a girlfriend. Not even a date.
>Even less dated/flirted with girl to kiss her or have sex with her.
>I blame everything to my appearance (mostly face). Everyone used to tell me "You are ugly."

>I have scoliosis Hunchbacked. Awful head posture.
>I am a triathlete, it is the only thing that keeps my alive and my 2 cats.

>Tried to commit suicide at least 10 times now.
>I have no social media. I have 0 real life friends, either they left me or vice versa. So I don't have companions to hang out or such.
>My mother (grandma) died 2 years ago, and my father (grandpa) 4 years ago. I was raised by them.

I feel alone, and with little energy to live.

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Maybe you start small by joining a social club of sorts...there are always bowling leagues!

Do you have a job?

Maybe join different clubs and such, doesn't matter about approval, just try to join something it usually sucks a lot in the beginning!

So many 90's movies are being remade. Maybe someone will remake the Hunchback of Notre Dame.
Think of all that Hollywood pussy you'd be swimming in after the release.

Right now I have very few time for activities like that. Gym/Swimming/Cycling/Running consumes lots of my time.

Last time I wanted to take some theater lessons.

I'll keep it present.

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Yes, I have a very steady job, Good salary, benefits, etc. I can't complain.

Multinational company

Maybe it is time to make time for some social activities...

Then you can afford plastic surgery!


Now that I am exercising is less noticeable, still when I take my shirt off, there is no way to not notice it.

Top kek

I've thought of that.

My face is uneven. I had an accident when I was 6 years or so, so one my eyes is bigger than the other.

Forest Whitaker has that same problem, but he doesn't complain he just pumps those movies out and makes it rain in thots. If he can do it, you can do it.

Yeah. I'll try to accommodate my schedule

I have Asperger, I am ok with signing up, my problem is when I talk to people I feel that they are predisposed.

I think that I make people feel uncomfortable when I talk to them, because of my appearance.

I'm 31. Ugly, virgin who has never even held hands with another human being. I've tried to kill myself about 5 times now. One of the attempts left a permanent scar on my face. Life isn't intended to be enjoyed.

You are only 4 years ahead of me.

When I was younger I kept thinking something would change, but nothing ever did.

>Life isn't intended to be enjoyed.

You mean life isn't intended to be enjoyed by ugly people.

t. a fellow ugly person.

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Fuck dude

So I have several questions:

1) What's your ethnicity?
2) Have you ever been to any kind of Asian orthopedic doctor and had your hip bone alignment examined and treated? Because misaligned hip bones can go undetected from birth, be with us our entire life, and cause the bulk of poor coordination, hearing problems, spinal curvature, and so many other things.
3) What is your blood type, and have you ever tried getting off wheat, white flour, and dairy products for at least a week?

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Cocaine and hookers.
Sell weed to fund it