Btards with anxiety, what helped u the most? (meds, habits, therapy)

btards with anxiety, what helped u the most? (meds, habits, therapy)

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Talking to friends, weed, meds.

I go for walks or for a nice car ride I'd stay away from pills they'll make you slow

If you have no friends and you want to get whatever your anxiety is fixated on off your chest, go ahead user.

Keep your mind busy at all times, prepare for whatever event that gives you anxiety, go out. Propranolol, Zoloft, Ativan are good meds for it as well.

Age. With age you even learn to deal with existentialism, as odd as that may seem when dealing with mortality. When I hit my 30's things really did start to become more mundane. There's so little anxiety for me now, the problem's more about being dispassionate about things.

no ssri's they'll make you have brain zaps which made me bite the tip of my tongue off.
xanax adderall weed and walks in the fuckin woods.

Anxiety isnt illness

It is part of mind evolving, you are too aware of your surroundings

Dont take meds

Playing guitar in front of people. Smile at everyone, and ask how they are. Gotta get out of your comfort zone. Eventually will realize nothing to be nervous about.

weed usually helps but sometimes I'll get a terrible high and shake for hours, no sleep, and can't eat or drink. vomit too. same weed as my good highs, and not laced. idk what the problem is.

I mean, I have an ok sized friend group, and gf, but it doesn't help.

oh fuck. you're right, thx user I will :)

idk about that. Every episode of anxiety mixed with depression, I dissociate and just can't feel. then when its over I just feel dumber.

You ever notice how older people say kids think they know everything? That's pretty natural as far as development goes. You usually tend to realize not everything is black and white, so without having a definitive answer, you'll feel less certain about just about everything. It's like mental teething, you'll get over it.


Weed definitely helps if done in moderation. Currently on Cymbalta. Helps curb the attacks but makes you feel tired and almost blank. Therapy helps find the root cause(s) but really just taking each day as it comes. Hope that helps

Heyy!...he was behind of this...?

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have u ever tried cbd meds? If so did they actually work

Unfortunately no. There a potential to piss hot and my job piss tests frequently and randomly. I have friends who have tried cbd oil though, they say it does wonders.

Thanks user!

Reading books on kindle (hassle free reading).
Watching favorite TV shows and movies on web.
Trying to get a decent sleep.

I did behavioural therapy for about a year, which equipped me with some tools to manage my over sensitive emotions. Then also 20mg Lexapro a day. It's not easy to say whether I am better, because I'm also 5 years older than when I started treatment, and emotional memories fade quickly, at least for me. But I believe it helped. Mostly it's kept me out of ruminant thought sink holes.

Speak and stay near people you love and your safe space.

Don't have any friends, tried getting high once and didn't like it, can't afford meds.

And no one tell me meditation or any kind of pseudoscience because I'm an anxious person but I'm not a fucking idiot.

Being born into wealth. Nothing else works.
