What are your personal opinions on weed?

What are your personal opinions on weed?

I'm 18, going to college, doing decent in school and whatnot but I smoke pretty often. Is it gonna take me down a bad path?

Personal experiences welcome

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duckduckgo.com/lite/?q=site:youtube.com/watch rick simpson

It should be legalized in the US. They can place as many laws banning it as they can, but people will still be able to get their hands on it. (Sound familiar?)

It’s a business with untapped potential and legalizing it can put regulation on it that will make it safer for the public. If alcohol is legal, this should be too.

no correlation to weed being a gateway drug just use judgment if it doesn't affect your grades or life go for it dude


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Im a cop. Been seizing a lot of weed lately.

I’ve smoked almost as many years as you’ve been Aliive. It can make you a piece of crap but also it can help in a lot of ways. Just moderate use and try not to let it control you.

what are your opinions on it ?

You can smoke but keep your priorities first.

cant tell if serious or not but i'm sure the fbi has better things to do

you grass hippy im gonna shoot you

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yeah i usually just use it to free my mind on select nights, my tolerance is still ridiculously low and i intend on keeping it that way

all drugs have a utility which i believe is finite. some have potential for addiction but each substance can benefit you if used correctly. weed is not as harmless as people want it to be and abusing it will absolutely negatively affect you

Smoking often is not good, especially at 18. Smoking too often can also cause anxiety disorder. Not just anxiety and paranoia, an actual disorder.

Don't get into the habit of getting high and trying to do shit. Get your shit done, and reward yourself with a bowl.

Never wake and bake. You will just end up getting high all day.

It does affect the way your neurons connect, so if you study while high, it makes it more difficult to remember when you aren't.

I used to smoke all the time but I learned to treat it like wine. I get something nice and hold on to it. Then I know I can get baked on just a bowl.

>my tolerance is still ridiculously low and i intend on keeping it that way
same. I dont smoke as much as I used to.

Used to smoke it myself. I think it may as well be legal.

also would like to add that im limited to only being able to smoke certain nights, and i could during the day but i dont agree with driving high or drunk ever

It really slows your mind, motivation and your aspirations. It's a very subtle effect you don't realize until years after giving it up.
Stoners are drug addict none the less, while it's not a bad drug and has positives like it helps meditation, it takes about 6 months to get out of your system and makes you quiet a brainlet and a boring person. Stoners cant do without it and become aggressive, stressed and agitated without it.
It's a hindrance to educating yourself.

Once you give it up your mind will be a lot clearer.
I used to be a stoner in my teens and relapsed in my early 20s.
I do occasionally get stoned on Halloween and xmas, comfy in autumn time playing vidya. It makes me proper paranoid now when I first smoke it.
I have friends who are still stoners since those days and in their mid 30s now. They are emotionally immature, which I would expect is the weed which stunted their emotional growth.

nighttime is when i shoot you

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you're using it wrong

duckduckgo.com/lite/?q=site:youtube.com/watch rick simpson

this sounds just about spot on, i agree with pretty much everything

I gabe up weed when It wasn't helping me. My LSD days are over now too.

thats interesting, i've had some of the wildest bad trips where i get super paranoid but i've learned to avoid it by just writing or reading

I'm the guy you quoted and same here friend. I've got what I can out of lsd but once you begin abusing something like that you feel the negative effects. I don't even have the balls to smoke dmt now like I really fucked myself up and ruined drugs for me


Heavy daily user here for a long time. It absolutely is not for everyone and will make you complacent. If you don't have the drive to get up and move, get things done, you're gonna find yourself in a hole. I have always been the type that wants to do things while stoned, though I spent many a highschool days stoned on a couch playing Smash Bros

Alcohol is more dangerous

What the bong did you just fucking say about me, you little stoner? I'll have you know I smoked the most ganja in my class at Washington State University, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on the fridge when I get the munchies, and I have over 420 confirmed puffs. I am trained in lighting blunts in the rain and I'm the top stoner in the entire city of Seattle. You are nothing to me but just another joint. I will light you up with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words bro. You think you can get away with selling that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of dealers across the USA and your strain is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, bro. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your crop. You're fucking baked, kid. I can smoke anywhere, anytime, and I can smoke blunts you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in one-hand smoking, but I have access to the entire hydroponic greenhouse of the Northwest and I will use it to its full extent to get high as a kite. I will spray bong water all over you and you will drown in it. I'm fucking blazed, officer.

>I really fucked myself up and ruined drugs for me
I haven't ruined them for me, I still have some trips left in me, I just took too much had a very powerful ego death experience and im not getting that again. Trips are over for me.
Other than weed MDMA is over for me too, I have took too much I OD on even the smallest amount now.
Coke would be my preffered drug, I don't get a comedown or addiction but im pretty much done with drugs all together now. If I get cancer or something I would probably go mental on them. Now im happy to be a straight head, well except booze.

I just get paranoid when first smoking it, like I think my mother will catch me like im a teenager or the police are gonna knock on the door. I just play vidya to keep myself occupied.
It goes after the first day smoking then I just get high like I used to.

jesus yeah you're a lot like me user. I drink too much still but the only thing I crave otherwise is coke

It’s for veterans and sick people. Not you kid.