I have the Christchurch shooter original video. If u want to see it, email [email protected]

I have the Christchurch shooter original video. If u want to see it, email [email protected]

Attached: 267392C4-2FE8-42CB-9135-A7B3429D5F3F.jpg (1242x1777, 54K)

Other urls found in this thread:


everyone's seen it you fucking nerd

your a bit of a sick fuck, but everyone here has probably seen it already

I subbed to PewDiePie while watching nerds getting their brains blown out the back of their head!

Why I post this? Because you can go to bestgore and see worse. I don’t believe it should be blocked from the public. We want to know just how sick this man was and what he did exactly

you're missing the point. the disturbing aspect of the video is the context of it all. seeing narcos stab kids to death is normal by now, this isnt

send it to [email protected] thanks

lmao nice try fbi everyone has seen it tho

I haven't seen the video

I haven't seen it. I would also like to read the manifesto.

Is it of illegal to watch his hate.

Do not fuel it.

Attached: B88456A7-06FE-4730-8514-529EE18A1970.jpg (586x960, 128K)

It ain't illegal in the US, beeeeeyotch. I've watched it like 20 times since Friday. Fuck New Zealand's laws, I'm American. I don't even obey our laws, you think a cracka gives a fuck about New Queefland? Besides, the video is still up on anonfile and probably bestgore

The US is not above international law

Above new zealand law.

>do not fuel it
your anti-immigration message has been noted and reported to the SPLC

I am against hate and pro refugee you nazi

No the US is not

its on kiwifarms net
its also on pornhub, just search for "mosque"

literally just use google you fucking MORONS

k. can kiwi police come arrest me then?

Of you violate NZ law

In no fucking way are kiwi secret police gonna come to the US and arrest an American for watching a video.

Or you could not and just go to darkweb.tokyo

Yes they can it is it international law

Well they better arrest 20% of the US population

Anyone who emails this fucking idiot is a desperate normie looking for edgy content. Email this guy and he will rat you and he wont get in trouble cuz it's on through email.

Click this safe link instead: ufile.io/l7sax

Attached: 1552760217548.gif (400x204, 44K)

They can and will. The UN does not tolderate amerikans

Try reading the rules, faggot.

Attached: Fuck your bait.jpg (843x485, 247K)

Either you are an enormous tard or this is shitty bait, you choose

Imagine being this stupid

Sounds like a great way to get a keylogger so no thanks

>international "law"
My fucking sides

Attached: Solve_Crime_Easily.jpg (1023x1024, 77K)

It absolutely IS fucking above "International Law". The US is a sovereign nation, and "International Law" should be renamed "International Conventions". No nation can bind another without use of force, and in case you didn't notice, the US outguns the rest of the planet combined by 5:1.

No child left behind left this child retarded.
Please think of the children.

Pretty sure these kiwis have better things to do, like, idk... Stop mass shootings. But yeah, let them worry about a bunch if nerds watching a video in a different country.
Seems legit.

[email protected]

all of your posts have been reported to Kiwis For Muzzies Inc.