Just wanted to post a picture of the 44 year old polish milf I'm dating, I'm 27 btw. Her name is Katarzyna Piszko.
Just wanted to post a picture of the 44 year old polish milf I'm dating, I'm 27 btw. Her name is Katarzyna Piszko
go on...
Aged like a fucking fine wine, look at that tight body! Now this is the definition of MILF. Give me this over an old looking monster with fake tits any day.
I'm a lucky guy
Agreed! Anymore to add to my collection?
Her name is Piszko ?
Best woman I've ever had. 10/10. Genuinely relationship material. Good thing is she's too old to have kids as well. Lol, bonus.
>tight body
Those pancake tits don't look tight to me. Her face is no oil panting either.
she is fine! Love more if you have it!
You have Kik?
I've done worse, good job OP.
Good tits
I'll explain who's arm that is in a later post I feel like the luckiest man in the world that I sleep with pure perfection every night and wake up to it every morning.
post all the pics you got nigguh
lol, keep dreaming larper
Very nice, I bet she's a lot of fun. Let's see the rest of what you got.
nice try you little virgin incel loser....
you cant fool the yandex function on Yea Forums x chrome extention
why do these losers make these thread?
why pretend they get laid?
how pathetic and loser like can these retard get?
it's just sad man
Whoo think was him...?! WHO!!??