Oh, look. Another white national terrorist strikes again...

Oh, look. Another white national terrorist strikes again. What is it about having right winger beliefs that encourages domestic terrorism in the people who have them? Why does conservatism create the conditions necessary for individuals on the right wing to hate their own countries?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Soo...he was behind all that...?

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1. Mao Ce Thung 64 million his own people
2. Stalin Joseph 37 million his own people
3. Adolf Hitler 6-8 million his own people

When conservatives surpass those 3 socialist let me know i will rethink

the most recent guy was australian and attacked in new zealand, you fucking moron


right wingers got baited into not smoking weed so now they have no way to chill out when they get all worked up

I think I'm technically a liberal because I'm ok with fag marriage and I smoke weed.

But yeah, this dude is right. And I love Stalin lol.



you are not a liberal ... government do not need to regulate marriage it is personal choice , government do not need to regulate one plant and not another one .... you are more libertarian than liberal

trips have spoken #liberalismismentaldisorder

then go watch trap treads

so are we saying fuck authoritarianism or what's the common denominator here

hitler wasnt a socialist

he larped as a socialist to gain power

learn your history before you spew bullshit

socialism is the path communism is destination

All socialist countries end up in murder and suppression of ones that do not follow the path ... Not One socialist experiment was good.
You live in greatest country on planet

Hitler was a National Socialist ... do not talk to me about history ... look at his policies and tell me they are not same as democrat Party of USA
Collectivism ... betterment of community is more important than benefit of one ... Where you think Hillary picket that up ??? Kid time to bed

>Thinking Nazi Germany, Soviet Union and People's Republic of China all had the same economic system.

I bet you think the Democratic party is Socialist or Even communist too. lol

Yes they are

Not that guy, but yeah fuck authoritarianism, no matter which political extreme is peddling it.

oh so it wasn't a geniune post it's some retarded ideological shit and you probably think conservative totalitarianism preferable to social democracy

Yeah, he literally larped as a 'national socialist' because that was the populist movement at the time. You do not know shit about history if you do not even know about Hitler's rise to power. This isn't about your hatred of democrats, it is about you being an absolute mouth breathing troglodyte.

Every mass murderer today is angry, white, and autistic as all hell

oh look, it's 4chans entire userbase

and they'll do anything to defend the poison that they drink each morning.

>muh race
>muh skin
>muh people
>muh genocide

*que white guy killing children

We're so proud of you, really. We are.

SA brown shirts are tugs that beat anybody who dare to speak publicly against Hitler and Nazis before 1933 elections
Can you see the similarity with Antifa here in USA ??? Or you just want to be ignorant

good to see some sanity i can't tell if this stuff conflating the various potential meanings of words like left wing and socialism is bait or retardation

You must be perfect example of public school in USA

no i don't see the similarity because i not retarded

idk do you want to compare Antifa punching Nazis in the face to White Nationalists shooting up churches and mosques?

White people bad.

no ...you are brainwashed ... wake up before your country become shitholle too


you are not even from an english speaking country cunt stop trying to tell us what to do

I don't know either user, all I know is that I've given up on saving the word liberal. It now means authoritarian left and only time can remedy that.

you mean beating somebody just because he have MAGA hat is ok ??? That is not retarded ? Not same as beating somebody because he is gay ? or pretending to be beaten because you are gay ??? Liberalismismentaldisorder

you should research the facts before you spew bullshit

after hitler rose to power under the german workers party he outlawed trade unions, threw communists and opposing socialist parties into prisons and concentration camps, and enacted strong nationalistic/ heavily capitalist policies after the mid 1930s

im not a socialist by any means, but evil exists on both sides and if you can't agree with that nobody will ever take your arguments seriously.

Antifa punching nazis in the face happened over 80 years ago though user.

H-hey um user, can I ask you for a favour? C-come join this /pol/ Discord server please, it's a really good server I promise! We can maybe even laugh at the Christchurch shooting livestream together if you did... so join using this link right now:


Attached: join degeneracy akarin 10.png (320x359, 219K)

What Nazis Antifa punching in face ???? Peoples that exercise their constitutional rights to assemble and support president ??? or people wanting to have dinner in Washington DC// what planet are you from

HA here we go ...
>get GED
>you stupid

me saying that antifa is not the same as the brownshirts =/= me saying that antifa's behaviour is ok. you are a brainlet

your vocabulary outs you as non-english but your logic conveys your retarded thinking past the bounds of language

I am sorry for you ... maybe if your parents were more liberal ( rich ) you will have better education

Whatever you want to call yourselves I guess you only post White Power signs online but at protests you pretend to be suffering from Economic Anxiety instead.

Point is only incidents involving Antifa I can think of is them acting like hippies, trashing parks, disrespecting police, throwing rocks at bank windows, and punching right wingers.

I can think of WAY more anti-social behavior on the part of Right-wingers.

It's like comparing jaywalking to armed robbery what you conservatives are doing. Antifa vs alt-right.

Yes English is not my first language ... but aren't you liberals are all inclusive ???
I perceive myself as a genuine American so I am ...right ???

Liberal means rich now too?
How much abuse is a word that used to describe a good thing going to be able to take?
One of the posts you link is me.
I'm a lefty anarchist user, I just happen to realize that calling people nazis, doesn't make them nazis, unless they are in fact nazis.

the point of what i said is that your english ONLY tells me it is not your first language, it says nothing about your intelligence. the logic behind your arguments is what tells me that you are a retard and logic transcends language

no point arguing ... it is as charging at windmills
But OK
Explain all out hysteria about alleged Judge Kavanough misconduct 30 years ago ...and complete silence about Virginia lieutenant governor Justin Fairfax alleged misconduct 6 years ago ???? #metoo .... justice ??? or just politic

>not real Communism
>Communism has never existed!!!!!
>You haven't read the literature!!


Anybody got a link to the video?

There is this group of very nice people called ISIS that have done all SORTS of community activities that make THESE WHITE NATIONAL'S community activities look like kids playing with Legos. Stop putting them on a pedestal with your ideology.

he was a commie tho dumbass

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in normal world arguing from different point of view do not make you retard .... and btw calling somebody retard is a hate speech today in USA ( in Europe you will be shearing jail cell with anybody who insult islam )

it's not your point of view, that's what i'm saying, it's your logic. one thing you say does not logically follow from the next. i can assure you that it is perfectly safe to say "retard" and "fuck islam" without being sent to prison, i do both regularly

Are you saying the fact that Muslim terrorist groups have killed over 75 innocent people alone in one country just this month alone is something we should be talking about or that this is actually common place in the middle east? How dare you

Far right and I like to light one up from time to time .

You think that some Conservative can do the same and not be forced to resign ???
Honestly answer this

Just to be dick that jumps into other peoples arguments, how exactly do you shear a jail cell?
I happen to be from Europe and as far as I know, none of our jail cells grow enough wool to merit shearing them.

no one ???

The current social panic is founded on hyperbolic assertions based in intersectional beliefs.
There you go user.

go fuck yourself ... share #grammarnazi

This is why the American school system is laughable. If you think these guys are socialists and not authoritarian dictators then you should have your gene pool terminated

Just saying

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If you post on Yea Forums at all you should have your gene pool terminated, step up the insults to something that doesn't apply to everyone here

nope doesn't count

weak and predictable

weak and predictable


weak and predictable

Come now user, I did preface my post with saying that what I was about to do would make me a dick in your view.

Well you would say that Satan.

weak and predictable

weak and predictable

There will always be a greater evil. To ignore lesser evil and pursue only the (perceivable)greatest evil, is a cruelty to the community in that you will constantly need to change and reasses objectives, because there will always be another doing worse than the current target.

To put it in laymen terms; ignoring one evil because you know there is another is very fucking stupid. It ultimately allows all left off the radar to move and act freely, causing far more collective damage than would otherwise be if all evil's were pursued with relative balance.

There is clearly a pattern in the states and the western world. The product of the pattern seems too often to be disgruntled(and white) males acting on murderous intent purely for the sake of self-satisfying delusion. Figure out what's causing this and the symptom can be remedied. Ignore it and instead saying "well brown people kill people too" fixes nothing except maybe a bruised ego.

>the actions of all white people do not define white individuals
>the actions of all brown people do not define brown individuals
>measuring the value of a tragedy does nobody good if you don't find a way to prevent the same event in the future

weak and predictable

weak and predictable

Damn you're right, what the fuck am I doing trying to make a point on Yea Forums of all places

The news likes to hype up this stuff, but the truth is, even if you eliminated all these people, it wouldn't even put a dent in crime. In the United States, for example, the vast majority of murders happen in cities like St. Louis, Memphis, Baltimore, Chicago, Oakland and New Orleans, but we pretty much never hear about it. I'm talking thousands of murders every single year committed with illegally obtained handguns, but the left, who claims to love the darkies, won't talk about it because it simply doesn't fit their agenda.

imagine being this brainwashed

weak and predictable

Socialism literally requires authoritarianism.
You're an idiot if you don't understand that.

666 holla back girls

weak and predictable

weak and predictable

Repetitive and unoriginal

weak and predictable

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alt right was born from the democratic party in America, everywhere else you just have racists.

If you are white and your parents are living together you need to be punished

Dude clearly states he is not conservative, in fact he hates conservatives and believes they are cronies to corporations.


weak and predictable

weak and predictable

White privilege

weak and predictable

Got any reasons based on things that exist in reality?

weak and predictable

I'm not that user, I was just trying to make a funny.

Oh alright, we're good then.
But for future reference, if you want to make satire based on beliefs some people actually hold, make it more obvious to avoid being taken seriously.

This is Yea Forums. Suck my nuts, ho.

>underr8d brost
Reasonable user is reasonable

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He praised China but okay and put this to /Pol/ pussy

The leftist progressives hate their own countries as well. Everyone hates their own countries. Progressives will start displaying violence at similar levels in fact paddock and the atheist in that texas church shooting could already be considered examples to that. Mostly I believe conservatives tend to have less friends than liberals. Which goes along with tmcore beliefs that family is more in important than friends but since marriage is pretty rare for most younger people now they find themselves disenfranchised.

TLDR Progressives for the most part have thriving social lives and modern conservatives typically do not