Is the left and liberals seriously trying to blame Trump for the Mosque shooting? How the fuck is he at fault? I mean this is getting ridiculous now. Everything has to somehow turn into an attack on Trump because muh mexicans and muh mooslimes, as if we're suppose to pretend all of a sudden those ragheads aren't savages that do this shit every single day or worse, especially to non-muslims. I'm getting tired of this PC bullshit.
Is the left and liberals seriously trying to blame Trump for the Mosque shooting? How the fuck is he at fault...
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Blow your brains out
do you faggots ever give it a rest?
It's same here in UK. Because he supported Brexit in his manifesto. The cuck and leftist media are trying to establish a connection on this.
Think it's rather funny that they can't come out with a valid argument or reasoning and had to pin the blame on something.
For real, I blame pewdeipie. Trump is at no fault.
Only thing I've seen is a bunch of people yelling at Chelsea Clinton and saying it was her fault.
Which makes exactly as much sense as blaming you for it. Or Trump.
I don't like anyone I just mentioned up there BTW.
>Only thing I've seen is a bunch of people yelling at Chelsea Clinton and saying it was her fault
I have barely seen trump mentioned at all... Did you wait for the one idiot to say "rarrr trump did it" and then cast that as the entire liberal view?
And are you really trying to shift the argument from "innocent people were slaughtered" to "why does some people think trump did it?"
Hardly important user. We call that a strawman. Two people use it... Those trying to mislead an audience, and the very, very stupid.
It's just the perpetuation of the outrage culture. Everyone is pissed at everyone both sides of the political isles for what a select fringe few do. There are right-wing extremists, there are left wing extremists, there are religious extremists, there are atheist extremists. The powers that be want us to waste our time playing these blame games while the status quo is maintained. Don't be outraged because the media tells you to be so.
>Atheist extremists
I see your point but come on man...
No one lives or does anything in the name of atheism.
Nothing wrong with removal of Kebabs.Also nothing to do with Trump either,US Liberals just think that the world turns around them.
Subscribe to Pewdiepie!!
It was a Yahoo news article.
Shouldn't be hard to find. Apparently some students saw that she tweeted a condemnation of anti-Semitism and so naturally that comment retroactively inspired some cunt to board guns and plan an attack. Because reasons.
I'd like to understand where you got this idea that the entire left and all liberals are blaming Trump.
Hate crimes are way up since trump took office. He's emboldening white racists around the world and in america. With power comes responsibility and trump dons't speak responsibility. He's defended white nationalists after someone got run over.
He's obviously not directly responsible, but his hate rhetoric is stirring up the crazies, wether he realizes it or not.
From the Bolshevik revolution until at least 1960s, many many people were murdered because of atheism in USSR.Not the only reason,but one of the most important ones for sure.In China too,since end of ww2 until at least death of Mao.In Cambodia under Pol Pot too.
>It was a Yahoo news article
Ah, so fake news designed to make the right and republicans look bad, got it
I agree with you on that one. I was just trying to make a point. Everyone is creating these false equivalencies on both sides.
Conservatives: "Look at what the 0.001% of the left did! That's outrageous! They're extremists! Fuck libtards!"
Liberals: "Look at what the 0.001% of the right did! That's outrageous! They're extremists! Fuck cuckservatives!"
Instead of us trying to be productive and find a common ground to meet on, they only want to bitch and argue on what they disagree on. The one thing EVERYONE seems to almost unanimously agree on is something is fundamentally broken in our country and it needs to be fixed.
Uh, yeah, by encouraging your stupid brand of hate speech, he is a little to blame for it. Kys, faggot.
I spose I was imagining it wrong.
Thinking in terms of "atheists don't identify as anything and don't think about it" instead of "people kill religious people because they're religious.
That makes sense.
Well first we need to discuss what a liberal even actually is, right? Who wants to go first and represent team liberal?
>Hate crimes are way up since trump took office
No they are not
>He's emboldening white racists around the world and in america
How? Because he said we need a strong border and he doesn't want crazy as fuck goat fuckers that practice a fake religion and want to fuck infidels, allowed into the USA? Is that how? Give me a fucking break
Again, what "hate speech", show me what he said that is considered hate speech to you faggot liberals
I am a liberal but I don't blame anything bad on the right or anyone. Bad shit happens because that's life. Anyone who thinks otherwise is an idiot!
lol Trump is a fascist, of course it's his fault
and you're a faggot
Bitch, it's a video. Yahoo just hosted it
It isn't like the right wing needs all the much help to look retarded.
that is correct, I'm an anti-fascist men loving dude
Just like the left doesn't need help to look like terrorist apologists and open border, one world government facists
nice trips potato.
So I see you trump love filters are on. You dont recall the immigration and travel ban from muslim countries when he got into office?
I am not saying he is at fault either, but you only mentioned wetbacks.
His pandering to the alt-right probably had some influence but not enough to be blamed.
>So I see you trump love filters are on. You dont recall the immigration and travel ban from muslim countries when he got into office?
Nothing he said was racist though
Muzzie animals don't give a shit about their own suicides all they care about is their wives and children.
That's why we gotta take out their families.
Shock and awe.
I agree 100% with that, sorry that triggers you so badly though
anyone got a link to the mosque kebab removal video?
bestgore is being ddosed, nothing loading on their website
Could do the same with cnn ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
ever hear the idea "incitement?"
there you fucking go you moron.
Obvious b8
>what are “actions”
You are correct about the USSR, but I'd argue that they didn't kill for atheism. They killed them for communism, because they viewed religion as competition. There was only room for one dogma under that flag
>I'm a fucking pussy that doesn't like Trump because he hurt my feelings :(
CAIR, National Executive Director Nihad blamed Trump.
Said the shooter QUOTED Trump (he didn't).
Said Trump's policies and words cause things like this.
Said Trump needs no denounce white supremacy (The guy clearly wasn't a white supremacist).
Do you believe the Nazis were just Nazis. All people are generally good in the beginning. Political persuasion constant rhetoric and reformation Is the reason the good Germans turned into Nazis. Sounds the same in the USA. Just sheep blindly following.. The Democrats are the only ones that understand. Why do you think lots of conservatives Republicans are just starting to veer away from Trump. Because he’s cancer
Haven't seen anybody blaming Trump. You're dumb, and a gay. Stay on your containment board faggo
Can you give me examples of people blaming Trump for it? And no bullshit SJW examples. Just the politicians and the media.
Are you retarded? That is Fox News doing.
>muh fox news
How about you go fuck yourself? You're clearly a sheep
Holy shit. This one is actually retarded.
Well, I got more than I expected from a Trump supporter. You can greentext!
Go fuck your cousin before you guys’ dad does it for you.
A shrilling cow blaming Chelsea for the massacre.
Man shariablue has people coming in for extra shifts
What mean thing did Trump say this week that made you cry? You pussy ass liberals haven't stopped crying for three years
Yeh ur right dude. The people constantly shouting about how great guns are and how evil Muslims are hold exactly no responsibility in a right winger mass murdering Muslims.
man trolls are getting so weak now adays.
He wasn't even a right winger though, the media is only saying that because he was a white supremacist
it will be so satisfying if Dump
A) Goes to jail
B) Lose to a girl
Then your fatass will have to anhero!
Trying to pin blame on Trump for the NZ shootings is kind of dumb.
Trying to pin blame on the mosque victims for terrorist murders in Europe is orders of magnitude dumber.
At least the idea that Trump's rhetoric can inflame and radicalize is plausible, whereas the same cannot be said for the mosque victims.
>a right winger mass murdering Muslims.
Where do you get off calling that retard a right winger?
Have you read any of the manifesto yet, user?
>saying that because he was a white supremacist
You're just as retarded as other user, how was he a white supremacist?
Because he said so himself, and you have the fucking balls to call anybody else retarded?
Yeah you're right my guy. It's all the media. The media and the leftist cucks are holding the gun-sucking white supremacist genocidal freaks down. You poor victim.
>Muslims retaliating in Europe is not plausible
Imagine being this retarded.
>Because he said so himself
Show me where, I must have missed that part of the manifesto.
The media is responsible for these attacks because these guys are literally doing this for attention and the media is literally giving them EXACTLY what they want. If there was absolutely nothing to be gained from these attacks such as attention then they wouldn't happen, but nope, the media is too stupid to realize that.
i'm exhausted. i don't care what happened, i'm just here for the nuanced discussion of our favorite anime
>implying you even read it
So what is he then, a nigger loving faggot that went crazy from AIDS?
How exactly can you not give any attention to the reality of 50 people being murdered randomly?
>How the fuck is he at fault?
Are you kidding me?
>>Muslims retaliating in Europe is not plausible
>Imagine being this retarded.
Um, maybe you should turn your brain on and reread my post. I never suggested radical Islamists couldn't possibly use this shooting as an excuse for terror.
your whole post is proof to what your saying isn't true. lfmao what a fucking moron
user, show me where he said so himself.
So why am I crying? Because I said something you didn’t like and you have nothing with any validity to say?
Answer my question first, if he's not a white supremacist what is he?
You tell me why you're crying, you liberal pussies cry every fucking day over Trump. And over literal bullshit too not even anything of substance or policy, because wah wah he said mean things about spics today wah. Fucking pathetic
That's not how answering questions works, I asked you first.
You clearly were lying your ass off above, but sure, I'll answer you.
The only things I read in his manifesto about whites was about persevering white identity, population and culture, not that they're better than everyone else.
In the video I'm bout to link, Muhammad Ali says exactly what that shooter said about race, is he a black supremacist?
Now show me where the shooter said so himself, that he's a white supremacist.
Actually yeah, that nigger was a black supremacist
>The only things I read in his manifesto about whites was about persevering white identity, population and culture
And that makes him a white supremacist, thanks for playing
>treating a liberal like a person
>Actually yeah, that nigger was a black supremacist
No user, he wanted his family tree to stay black.
Just because you want that, it doesn't make you a supremacist.
>And that makes him a white supremacist, thanks for playing
That's not what makes someone a supremacist, you fucking moron.
The shooter expresses both white supremacist sentiments, while also describing himself as a socialist "depending on the definition," and an "Eco-fascist" - declaring his support for "environmentalism," "worker's rights," and "responsible markets." The manifesto goes on to describe Antifa, communists and Marxists as "anti-white scum." He also identifies black conservative Candace Owens as the "person that has influenced me above all".
Tarrant, who was in Pakistan just five months ago - amid what he wrote was two years of planning for Thursday's massacre, posted a lengthy manifesto before the shooting in which he declared his desire to exploit racial, cultural and political divisions in the United States.
Yes it does. Anytime someone says "dur we need to perserve white culture" this is just code for "I don't like minorities and don't want them in my country", and "I only want other white people coming here as immigrants", so how does that not make you a white supremacist? Obviously you feel that way because you see minorities as inferior.
This is why I don't respect white supremacists in general, by the way, because they tend to be massive pussies like the guy who did this shooting
>this is just code for
Stopped here, you fucking brainlet.
Why did a guy who traveled to Pakistan and spoke about loving the place and people, be a supremacist who hated those very people?
>Obviously you feel that way because you see minorities as inferior.
What fantasy land are you living in, user?
Explain how you can "perserve white culture" without getting rid of minorities? You have to be trolling at this point, because I refuse to believe you're seriously this fucking dumb.
>Explain how you can "perserve white culture" without getting rid of minorities?
Didn't his manifesto say something about birth rates?
I believe he repeated himself 3 times.
So because he talks about birth rates that means he's not a white supremacist to you? Like I said, that's code for I don't like minorities or their culture and I want them out of my country, which makes you a white supremacist since you view them as inferior to whites. How the fuck you don't see this is beyond me. Then again I'm pretty sure you're a troll anyway.
Why would a guy who traveled to Pakistan and spoke about loving the place and people, be a supremacist who hated those very people?
He obviously has no problem with others races within their own countries, I wouldn't call someone like that a supremacist.
I mean, come on non, the guy literally said, "Pakistan is an incredible place filled with the most earnest, kind hearted and hospitable people in the world..."
>So because he talks about birth rates that means he's not a white supremacist to you?
No, because he had no problem with those people staying in their own countries makes me think he's not a supremacist, but someone like Ali, who just wanted to preserve culture and identity.
I'm not the idiot who claimed that EVERYONE who says that is using code words.
That's like implying the girl who says she prefers white men over other races, is using code words to cover up her racism.
Because it is code words, sorry you're so fucking sheltered that you didn't know this. Are you even old enough for this site?
Hello, Leftist here
So while I'd argue that his rhetoric probably promotes violence to minorities to some extent, I think it's terrible to blame him.
In fact, his statement regarding the incident was one of the best he's ever done. It was a bad statement, but it was his best, and people criticising him for it are morons
>Because it is code words
So all jewish women who marry within their tribe, prefer jewish men are also supremacists?
What the fuck are you talking about?
I feel sorry for anyone who knows you personally, user.
You're beyond stupid.
It's mainly Twitter. Conservatards think vocal minorities represent the majority.
Are the some people blaming Trump? Probably, but it's almost certainly less than OP thinks
He's a white nationalist, not a white supremacist
I think people are getting confused with the terms, but he probably wanted an ethnostate(Haven't read manifesto)
I'm a white man, have friends who are black, have dated black women but my personal preference is white women and I would like my kids to also be white, not because I think whites are better than blacks, but simple because I want them to be.
Had I fallen in love with one of those black women I dated, I wouldn't have minded my kids being mixed, but that didn't happen and I still have my preferences.
None of this makes me a racist or a supremacist, user.
I'm honestly baffled that people like you exist.
You sound racist as fuck to me
>He's a white nationalist, not a white supremacist
Yeah, he probably is.
>I think people are getting confused with the terms
I completely agree, other user seems to think that anyone espousing those beliefs is an undercover racist or supremacist, he's fucking insane.
That's weird, because all of my ethnic friends agree with me.
How do I sound like a racist?
Because you come across as a gigantic faggot
So you have no actual arguments, can't say I'm surprised.
Thanks for playing
>So while I'd argue that his rhetoric probably promotes violence to minorities to some extent,
Actually, it is the way the left-wing media spins things which promotes violence.
President Trump wants to keep ILLEGAL aliens out, but the media says he's anti-immigrant. He calls FAKE NEWS the enemy of the people, but they say he says the free press is the enemy.
Look how they treat ANTIFA. Look how Obama always sided with the black "victim" - even when Holder and the FBI said the "victim" was the one to blame for his own death.
The hate comes from the left.
you seem to have forgotten the part where he called himself an ethno-nationalist.
He also called himself a Socialist, a right winger, a left winger and an eco-fascist.
The point of saying atheist extremist is to say that whether or not these people purposely do things in the name of atheism, their religious stance is atheism and they do their acts in the name of some other reason, typically political, or possibly even anti theist against a particular religion. This is in contrast to the fact that atheists would lead you to believe that if all religion were abolished there would no longer be any extremism anymore, which is blatantly false.
can you just not help yourself when you lie?
>can you just not help yourself when you lie?
What are you talking about?
I didn't say he was only one of those thins, I said he claimed to be all of them.
And he did...
>aren't savages that do this shit every single day or worse, especially to non-muslims.
And yet there has never been a terrorist attack on a church in New Zealand or Australia....
Never a terrorist attack on any places of worship in these two countries......
The very first one, was this one... at a mosque....
There has never even been a terrorist attack on this scale in New Zealand and Australia before... ever.
This low-life scum of a man and his accomplice was the first.
They even killed children in the building....
You're a fucking idiot OP.
him saying things like this are actually reasonable, too bad people will be unable to look past the whole shooting thing to take that into consideration while kneejerk voting away their rights for the idea of safety against percieved danger.
Remember that it's the duty of US citizens to overthrow a tyranical gov when need be. It's part of the Constitution. We've honestly come a long way in ensuring rights and liberties to everyone, even if it doesnt seem so in the media. Instead of coming together to protect this, the people are being divided and restricted, amd the blame is being put on tools, rather than why such conflict happens in the first place. We're not bad children who need their sticks taken away, not some weak gimp who needs to be taken care of. Take control over your own lives, or someone else will.
actions speak louder than words user
promoting hatred leads to idiots snapping violently
not exactly a surprise
wouldn't hold up to the same ymount of critical analysis
Why do even care? This fat fuck spends his whole life going from a penthouse to a country club and your poor dumb ass is crying tears for this retard
>blame Trump
Not all trump voters are racist, but if you are a racist, there is a high chance you like trump. Trump is partially responsible because he made racist feel that they can express their racism and not worry about the consequences. He says racist things like we need to shut down all immigration from Muslims.
The 74-page dossier, which has been described by Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison as a "work of hate", hailed Trump as "a symbol of renewed white identity and common purpose".
>He says racist things like we need to shut down all immigration from Muslims.
How the fuck is that racist? Most of the terrorists in the world are from that toilet called the middle east and they also just so happen to be muslims too
Not all muslims are terrorists, but if you are a muslim, there is a high chance you like disrupting western society. Muslims are partially responsible because they wrote a book where they can express their racism and not worry about the consequences. They write racist things like non muslim are below animals.
nice gottem XD
quite a few terrorists werre murritards
you just spouted racial slurs, dipshit
Compared to the thousands of terrorists that are muslim? I see you're one of those faggot liberals that loves to point out the rare occasion of a white guy commiting "terrorism" as justification for all the sandniggers that kill people every fucking day in the name of their fake religion. They don't belong in the west anyway and Trump said nothing wrong.