Ask a man who just won $700,000 in a lawsuit anything

Ask a man who just won $700,000 in a lawsuit anything.

Attached: 1395348769743.jpg (635x477, 188K)

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Why do you go on the internet and tell lies?

don't put it in a bank

what was the lawsuit?

How does it feel to live in a country where you can get sued for sneezing in public?

obviosly hes an attention seeking faget

Where are you vacationing first?

Give me $30 on Paypal man, please

Do you plan on committing suicide one day?

Care to give a Yea Forumsrother a thousand?

What was the suit for?

Is a big mac with bacon a big mac?
Everytime I see the add on tv I want to put my foot through it.... What's your opinion on this fucking cunt of ad?

Defamation of character

Oops; too late.

It feels amazing. I have to restrain my impulse to jump and cough and sneeze for joy.

Yes: it's an even bigger Mac.

>Defamation of character
You post on Yea Forums, for fuck's sake. Don't you have to be a decent person with a good name to sue for defamation in the first place?

If you are in fact telling the truth, you need to invest all of it like yesterday. Pay off any debt first and find an expert to help you divide the rest.

Buy my a new gpu friendo

Buy me this please?

Nice. I got a 6 figure sum for a medical fuck up. Just don't waste it, it sounds a lot but it can slip through your fingers like water.

What he isn't telling you is that he won a lawsuit in Zimbabwe. Have fun with your $1934.23 USD.

PS: Can I borrow 1500 bucks?

Who defamed your character, and what did they say? Did you win in court, or in a settlement?

How hard do I have to suck to get that 700,000 Dollars out of you

Let me call you a nigger loving faggot on social media.

My former physician told my current employer and a prospective employer that I was bipolar and unfit for employment (I'm neither, but I do struggle with depression). I tried to convince that physician otherwise by putting him in contact with psychiatrists, behavioral therapists, and social workers, all of whom agreed that I was not bipolar. He refused to so much as take any of their calls, so I hired an attorney and sued him. It turns out, being a physician who refuses to take calls from qualified mental health professionals makes one look reckless and unprofessional, and doesn't look good in court.

Not OP

Are you outside the U.S.? We have HIPAA here and it's serious.

Can you give me a couple of thousands? Trying to buy a new gaming pc

Now hire another lawyer and sue for breach of privacy. Your medical privacy is enshrined in law. If what you say is true, you have another suit to go

No; I live in the U.S.

Plus you can have his medical license taken from him

Do this OP. Completely ruin that fucker.

Just give him a call and let him know that you'll drop it if only he signs over the deed to his 2 million dollar house. Win win