Draw Thread: Nap in the Field Edition

Draw Thread: Nap in the Field Edition
>Draw stuff
>Interact or roleplay with others
>Threadly reminder that you can always git more gud
>Don't be afraid to try drawing a request yourself
>New Drawfriends are ALWAYS desired

systemax.jp/en/sai/ (PaintTool SAI, ¥5400, the most popular)
clipstudio.net/en (Clip Studio Paint Pro, $49.99, also sorta popular)
wonderunit.com/storyboarder/ (Storyboarder, Freeware, Animation!)
krita.org/ (Krita, Freeware)
firealpaca.com/en (Firealpaca, Freeware)
medibangpaint.com/en/ (MediaBang Paint, Freeware)
sketchbook.com/ (Sketchbook, free or paid $30/year, frequent mobile users choice)

(IC Sticky w/ Drawing Guide for Beginners link)
drawabox.com/ (Learn to Draw)
alexhays.com/loomis/ (Loomis)
If you don't know where to start, start with 'Fun With A Pencil'. Loomis is a meme for a reason.

justsketch.me/ (Online Posable Doll)
magicposer.com/ (Offline & Online Lite Posable Doll)
quickposes.com/en/gestures/random (Pose Practice)
artmodeltips.com/poses/ (Nude Pose Gallery)
posemaniacs.com/ (Pose Gallery)
line-of-action.com/practice-tools/ (Various Practice Tools: Pose, Expression, etc)
artprompts.org/ (Art Prompts)

reddit.com/r/stylus/wiki/index (List of Tablets)
Intuos Draw/Art (formerly Bamboo) is fairly cheap and solid ($64/$79 USD Amazon)
Ask a Drawfriend

Previous Thread:

Attached: dis27.png (875x1200, 196K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Requesting this Lickipix but anthro. SFW or NSFW is fine. :P

Attached: 1523817765375.png (900x350, 69K)

Requesting the Goliath from DMC5 drawn as a cute girl

Attached: DMC5-NeroandDemon.png (1000x563, 992K)

soren, YOU are the big cute

I kind of feel bad Dis isn't getting as much attention as she should :/ credit the artist in your post OP.

Attached: 1552620851936.png (686x1200, 127K)

Fucking marry her if you love her so much.

Ok, I wanna know if it's just me:
When you push "post" and then go to update a thread, how long does it take for your post to appear? I've even spam clicked "update" to test and it just doesn't go. It feels random even. Just want to know if its me having shitty internet or something.

Why do I need to credit her when it's all you fags are talking about lately? Not that I mind.

Also the filename is her name dude

refresh the whole page

Ye faggot, she will never even know you existed

>what is refresh

but that's a pain in the ass to do every time. The update button should be doing it. Didn't have this issue a month ago.
My post still show up in time. Refresh is fine, but do you really want to do that shit with every post? Most I gotta wait is a minute or so for my post to normally show up anyway (and I'm not talking about the countdown timer)

they probably throttle the update button in their javascript to avoid being pounded by requests from people spamming it

I've gotten along well with her actually, though I'm not a drawfag so its more so simply with my writing.
I suppose as long as her name is in the image file, that's fine- I just hate how OP is promoting some random shit while using other peoples' work.
Anyways, here's to another (hopefully) good and drama-free drawthread.

I guess that makes sense? At least I only spammed it a couple times.

You new? This is always how OP threads go. You're lucky OP even copied the OP pasta. Never expect OP to credit the image.

Summoning YV

Attached: 0b3e218d1b3ce6048a2bcbc757e73d9a.gif (275x155, 1.35M)

spare us

Attached: file.png (424x522, 31K)

Oh wow, my mistake, hadn't realised you were such great friends with this online cartoon persona

Shove it up your dick hole, faggot

Attached: giphy.gif (500x275, 264K)

Hi Queen Isabelle!

wtf im not cute.

Attached: 0.png (512x512, 38K)

>Being this big a gay

Oh no you made my heart go anime Doki Doki with that cute what the fuck take me to the hospital

Don't forget to properly site your sources in the appropriate MLA format everyone
What are you, my english professor?


Attached: 1551412244544.jpg (804x799, 36K)

I love you too, lets never fight again

Attached: ba944b99eed42525768e9e42b19ea76b.jpg (1440x1418, 135K)


Attached: PinkFlamingos1-1600x900-c-default.jpg (1600x900, 265K)

Attached: 6601780870.jpg (908x1586, 137K)

God bless America


one req? Maybe NSFW
Except this

Attached: file.png (544x550, 36K)

Bend your ass over and shove a 12 inch dildo in

Accepting requests.

Attached: Untitled.png (239x301, 1K)

bissh you cute as fucc and there is nothing you can do about it

Attached: 1552170571593.png (800x800, 143K)


Attached: SketchBoard2019-22-16_04_22_06.jpg (480x800, 120K)

Requesting Vera (from Be Prepared) kicking around a hacky-sack.

Attached: vera_hackysack_req-1.png (2476x859, 765K)

Stop being lazy.

Attached: file.png (797x718, 132K)

rider still here?

their demon gal, i guess

Attached: hero.png (744x829, 665K)

Good girl. Now ride it while moaning, shoving a second giant dildo in your mouth.

sorry bud, that's a negative.
very nice.png

Attached: 0.png (512x512, 68K)

Requestin Cathyl getting fucked by a horse. Impregnation and overflowing with his cum. X-ray view showing the inside of the womb being filled would be nice. And then also have her sucking the dick of a man who is also cumming inside her mouth, cum flowing out the sides of her mouth.

Will provide more character references if needed

Attached: EMG_Cathyl_14.png (468x1376, 672K)

Requestin Lilith tied up, bent over a small coffee table, and raped by a large dog while being forced to suck the dick of a man. Have his hand pushing her head down to his dick as he cums inside her mouth, all while the dog cums inside her pussy at the same time, with a little thing to the side showing impregnation. And to give a more rapey feel, if you like, have a gun sitting next to him on the table or pointed towards her head and have her crying.

Will provide more character references if needed

Attached: EMG_Lilith_1.jpg (1583x1069, 286K)

Requestin Mero sucking off dog and jerking a hot load of dog semen into her open mouth and on her face. Preferably some view where you can see entire face but the dog as well.

Will provide more character references if needed

Attached: EMG_Mero_7.jpg (568x900, 170K)

Requestin Papi bent over a table, being fucked doggystyle by an orc while another one fucks her mouth. Then as the orc fucking her pussy cums inside her and impregnates her, then at the same time the orc fucking her mouth, pulls out, chops her head off, pulls her decapitated head towards his dick, through her mouth and out her neck hole, cumming all the while. Then after, another orc fucks her neck hole on her body and cumming inside that.

Will provide more character references if needed

Attached: EMG_Papi_51.png (1488x2105, 1.7M)

send requests

Attached: spoi.png (524x480, 13K)


I'm working, but dont expect anything too fancy

Attached: shrink.jpg (50x50, 1K)

Self succ

Give him the longest needle you have

That's fine. Take your time.

hi, it be me, pokakoka

Attached: popopoka.png (700x600, 74K)

had any cool pose?

Draw some gay stuff
And stream it

Attached: tumblr_p7h91kmdG71w3p7s6o1_raw.png (3000x3000, 759K)

Requesting a Honey/Hunter slime largo sucking dick, and being drippy.
Can be as is (encouraged), or an anthro or a gijinka. Thanks for considering...

Attached: honeyhunter.png (930x584, 390K)

perfect self portrait

thx soren! you doing your doodles colored now?
why r u like dis?

Attached: hero.png (550x403, 88K)


pineapple pizza
request that to another drawfag

Attached: pnepizza.png (524x355, 7K)

Something like this with another one going in your mouth

Attached: 036f2780029799314b4db7e44cd8b085.28.jpg (600x337, 33K)



One request?

Oh my god, gay dog! I thought you were dead, how you are doing?

hi hero, give me attention.

Accepting requests.

Attached: Untitled.png (239x301, 1K)

>Oh my god, gay dog!
You should read the filename once in a while

Draw a banana getting peeled & liking it.



One art?

Who is perviest girl.

requesting a girl with messy hair


this is gay stuff,
and i can't stream at the moment because my finger hurts DDD:

this is a perfect self portrait

y can't u accept me as i am

request that to me one more time and i'll fight you irl

Attached: popopoka.png (700x600, 77K)

>this is gay stuff,
Some penetrative gay stuff

use razor leaf!

>this is a perfect self portrait
Got it

Attached: 0v7F5pS.jpg (1080x813, 80K)


Attached: girl.png (600x600, 34K)

Requesting Max and Stacey fucking and cucking Roxanne like in the references.

Attached: Cuckxanne.jpg (1040x1280, 431K)

here ... some free attention for you!
oh mr tolerance . . .not like you tell me every single day how much you hate me for being green, righty?!

Attached: hero.png (701x543, 186K)

Accepting requests

Attached: Untitled.png (239x301, 2K)


time for medicine

Attached: 0.png (512x512, 91K)


Need porn of this

Attached: Turn-that-frown-upside-down.jpg (700x750, 131K)

this is as gay as it'll get,
let's just say the leaf is penetrating the ass


b-but, i'm allowed to do it,
mom says i'm special DD: !

Attached: popopoka.png (700x600, 122K)

Erect the OwO

Alrighty bro, i usually hate this game but it's fun to watch
Alrught buddy now you've done it >:[

Attached: Untitled10.png (501x501, 47K)

p-p-popoka-ka . . .

Attached: hero.gif (238x239, 147K)

Feelin really off today. What should I draw?

Thanks, mang.


Any requests that don't involve tongues?

This please?

draw some pants

i can only dream of the just world where this would lead to something ... fun . . .

Attached: hero.png (742x644, 169K)

Is this okay?

Attached: mg.png (371x422, 32K)

Attached: file.png (640x897, 209K)

You're a pedophile that deserves to get hanged

Attached: E56DA1B2-7906-4E5D-97A1-9EC365C3A146.png (800x800, 99K)

Give me naked hug

I perfer slowchoke, he just loves choking but uh... he- he does have trouble with the whole lettin go thing, makes pokemon battles kind of uncomfortable

Attached: Untitled11.png (501x501, 77K)

>This is how we lose drawfriends

nigga u gay

w-what, a bloody ass makes you dreaming ?
gee, i didn't know you were into that

Attached: popopoka.png (700x600, 89K)

Who are you quoting?

Attached: file.png (661x619, 58K)

Popoka are you okay?

I take requests but I dont make promises.

Attached: tret.png (1894x1913, 634K)

H-hey um user, can I ask you for a favour? C-come join this /pol/ Discord server please, it's a really good server I promise! We can maybe even laugh at the Christchurch shooting livestream together if you did... so join using this link right now:


Attached: join degeneracy akarin 16.png (320x359, 219K)

Requesting something comfy with this guy

Attached: 1552506786708.png (147x230, 21K)

ich brauche titten

Attached: file.png (813x821, 99K)

Ah yes,very clean boy

Attached: herb.png (142x132, 14K)

ich auch

Yup. Where is from?

Attached: file.png (462x506, 30K)

Cookie run: Ovenbreak. It's a mobile game

Attached: nanoda.png (149x227, 27K)

a cat


(forgiv. I love my fluff too much.)

Attached: SketchBoard2019-46-16_06_46_27.jpg (480x800, 152K)

deds don't talk, press F

Attached: koiSHIT.png (1000x1000, 152K)


Cat wont let me draw send help

Attached: c a t.jpg (768x736, 108K)

Finger its butthole, Jun Jun

Go away Shadow lmao

Other req?

Attached: file.png (529x489, 34K)

my bee

You want to draw on paper
Cat on paper
Draw on cat

Attached: file.png (230x800, 9K)

requesting you cuddle with me

It worked thanks user

The moment I STABBED him with my pen he ran away idk why

Attached: band.jpg (768x636, 432K)

This thread concerns me.

Thanks for your concern user

No problem, friend.

Hey.... any chance you wanna buy some extra chromosomes?

How much?

You still here, brother?

About tree fiddy.

What to draw

Space Ape going feral on some helpless alien bunnies.

female butthole

AnD yOu ThInK i HaVe ThAt KiNd Of MoNeY?!


cute pantsu



Nigga I have just enough to buy a caprisun and god knows I would waste it on dam caprisun over sum cromoshitty

I hear Sunny D is better.

Take that back

Attached: take it back.jpg (720x708, 37K)


Attached: 6a00e54eea612988330133f11990e4970b.jpg (387x455, 61K)

Attached: file.png (510x643, 50K)

Clever bomb, achmed. But you won't foo.....

What do you do when you fart?
How do you prevent this from happening?

Attached: 94797FB1-F52B-4C31-A7ED-80436A74DD96.png (800x800, 105K)

This is far more disturbing than I could ever have imagined....
Since when did the space rabbits master firearms?
Why do the bullets not bother space ape?
Why does everyone seem kinda indifferent aside from the dude poppin' caps!

So many question. So few answers. Never enough Batman....

Requesting cute reaction images of Pythor

Attached: Pythor Req.png (1400x1136, 1.04M)

But he’s right. Sunny D is the best.

Attached: 8559F422-F449-45B2-9C43-9AD526121D76.jpg (720x833, 27K)


Attached: 76ED1E87-10A6-4DAC-A4B9-C130861FBAF5.png (800x800, 80K)

How dare none of you like kool-aid

Attached: no mercy.jpg (500x379, 51K)

or, ty very much
any drawname?

Cherry kool-aid?
Purplesaurus rex?

I enjoyed the band you drew me in before
thanks for that!

Attached: Turbo.png (800x600, 58K)




Attached: heck.jpg (1024x662, 236K)

I'd like to request a 4-panel, dumb comic
1. A sweaty, nervous man asks, "What's wrong with me, doc?
2. A plague doctor
3. A plague doctor looks out as if staring at the reader
4. the plague doctor says 'Caw'

Any attempt appreciated as I hate everything I draw :^)

Np Yea Forumsro

Why aren't you drawing things involving a space ape!?
>And do I want a coffee or not. I'm having a hard time deciding....

All of them
Did you just diss KOOL-AID!? I WILL FUCK YOU UP

Attached: ready.jpg (530x397, 28K)


Here you go faggot

Attached: ayyylmao.png (2000x2000, 994K)

>delivering to "it"

Square up thot

Attached: thot.jpg (630x630, 57K)

every time i enjoy life, i become afraid to die
so i depersonalize and lose the fear, but also lose the joy

Are you still doing requests? What’s your drawname?

You don't know who your messing with

Attached: Yuri.jpg (517x894, 117K)

No risk no gain fag

>store brand is just as good.

apes suck man
you gotta drink water or something other than coffee and cola bro
you'll DIE bro

Attached: Turbo.png (980x561, 34K)

I enjoy chaos
Just the panties

Attached: 9D641CB2-FC93-4B7F-87A5-B1072979AEFD.png (800x800, 98K)

Hi bawble

I do. But at this moment I debate whether or not I'll be able to find enough to do in my realms to justify consuming a covfefe at this hour.
>And maybe I'm okay with death. Then I can be a skeletal.

U don wanna catch these hands

Fuk u right

Attached: nibba.jpg (743x1064, 314K)

I rate these panties a 4 on the cute scale

hey has anyone seen frakie

What a surprisingly lovely OP pic.


U really that cocky? I will destroy you

Attached: yuri yuri daze.jpg (480x520, 28K)

Try me bitch

Attached: die.png (960x960, 1001K)

I will lolicon thot

Attached: ba5af3fc15bf312dc9098f73e38d426e.png (600x600, 415K)

Don't mind me, just gunna talk to myself in tbe draw thread and take up image space that coulda been used for something better than my shitty reaction pics

No u

Attached: no u.jpg (480x854, 167K)

>like the image limit is reached half the time

Bring it on you edgy purple fuck

Attached: blasted.jpg (942x2256, 283K)

>like it aint getting there sooner with you fags talking about shitty soft drinks, besides everybody knows Tang is the way to go. Astronaut fuel

can't you guys fight about political views like normal losers?

Attached: shit.png (523x543, 261K)

Then bring it on try hard underweight loli

Attached: _gif__yuri_vs_natsuki_by_nicmangle-dcj69fd.gif (587x392, 270K)

>even with stuff like this image limit isn't reached half the time


oi ya wanker imma gonna blast ur ass off do hard ya' look laik a flower biych

Attached: best ship.jpg (850x930, 61K)

Wait shit wrong pic

Could I request a chubby tuatara anthro annoyed that her bikini doesn’t fit, please?

Attached: IMG_5573.jpg (400x400, 32K)

Oh god please tell me that's not mountain de-
>Sorry I went shopping
>I'm the user
>You still cute fucker no amount of Nickelodeon gak is gonna change my mind

I need another request

Dragon enjoying fireball whiskey.

Attached: C8821A2A-31CC-4FC6-97FE-581E901A809A.jpg (2000x1125, 190K)

Requesting a cute gal holding hands with another cute gal

fuckin nailed it lad
thanks my dude

Draw this girl being happy

Attached: 3a5f8358121417f2f9fa09a1ed62ddcf.jpg (868x1137, 132K)

slime succ if thats your thing. if not have a good day anyway

do some chores then pass out man. always works
no sweat bruv

realized I got shit to do
see you guys later

Attached: Turbo.png (800x600, 25K)

I don't understand what you're trying to tell me.
Unless it's one of those freudian things where you say what you thinkin' not what's relevant....


Ay man its almost spring time woot

small /r/

Attached: l8gTLk9.png (1015x609, 65K)


cat sleeping on a skull

I'm not too great with anthro, tbh, im more cute animals, sorry fam
comin up

This please?

Draw an elephant shrew

Hi hero...i just woke up i just saw this it looks fricking amazing thanks..really like the madmax kind of jacket you gave her real nice!

Attached: rider.png (190x258, 18K)

This please?


Attached: 50lqF6d.png (739x822, 187K)

taking sleepy requests

Attached: rider.png (192x316, 26K)

Your favorite dark type pokemon with ur demon

Last for tonight. Hand is cramping. Vik out

Attached: 02D74F49-8260-4D46-92AA-809693E028DF.png (800x800, 182K)

This please?

Could I request Stryker from Mortal Kombat tied up like the guy on the right?

Attached: ocdphtvtynx01.jpg (1000x600, 272K)

>666 00
hail satan
hail the void
that shit's cute, thanks fam

send requests

Attached: dissu137.png (524x355, 2K)

Hello friends, how are y'all today?
Staying hydrated?

Taking some reqqus!~

Attached: Untitled795.png (768x768, 909K)

Sexy cheerleader

Attached: JS76084006.jpg (1979x1227, 228K)


also yw, im glad you like it
>drinking water


Attached: kFS8OHo.png (857x901, 153K)

i want your avi to eat some of those flowers. Just shove em in there


Attached: 7YrFGT1KK_OkfVYkoeUkM5awprjsks4Im4X-FWawPp0.jpg (458x767, 88K)


Attached: 72C731F5-D02B-444F-8837-662B1A8638F3.jpg (439x587, 307K)


Attached: 93312239-F5FB-4E6B-8627-B9F0FDC7A616.jpg (728x546, 156K)


Attached: 1526861490852.jpg (539x579, 36K)


Attached: 1530842524807_9178.webm (720x480, 754K)


Attached: A631A1F5-E131-4545-BDAB-88BA3EBF7F63.jpg (640x960, 72K)


Attached: b91c9077554a9b6799c040118f2035352d0d45a79a900d039d5ee4ee5f34eb2c.gif (315x227, 1.47M)

Oh no he’s angry again


Attached: car_fatal_accident_ford_focus_and_truck.gif (500x281, 1.84M)

huh he's early tonight


Attached: cropped-dsc03920.jpg (480x250, 35K)

i dont use dark types too often tho i did caught sableye in emrald...he looks rad!
hi kuma

Attached: rider.png (294x310, 44K)


Attached: face.gif (300x225, 1.41M)

Goddamn, it's been 3 days already?


Attached: FB_IMG_1518089732105.jpg (720x845, 52K)


Attached: S5G.jpg (715x402, 57K)


Attached: Half_fare_please.webm (416x560, 764K)


Attached: 1471119291296.png (1254x1208, 1.04M)


Attached: 1471119711375.jpg (640x934, 123K)

there's a spammer so you'll probably be seeing it in the next thread or two


Attached: 1471483785538.png (952x1060, 199K)


Attached: 1471620906619.jpg (640x713, 119K)


Attached: 1471621132285.jpg (640x656, 144K)


Attached: 1471622230897.png (640x790, 250K)


Attached: 1471625941780.png (568x1096, 191K)


Attached: 1471626693471.jpg (640x832, 125K)


Attached: 1471628247371.png (640x832, 276K)

I told you, it's a group of people deciding when to do it.


Attached: 1471634199663.png (541x581, 200K)


Attached: 1471635819076.jpg (640x640, 145K)


Attached: 1471637430523.png (644x640, 287K)


Attached: 1471647286213.jpg (596x471, 60K)


Attached: 1471650551021.jpg (562x570, 106K)


Attached: 1471653270710.jpg (640x656, 100K)


Attached: 1473577512255.jpg (640x474, 26K)


Attached: 1473577752213.jpg (540x488, 16K)


Attached: 1474300824906.jpg (720x936, 83K)


Attached: 1474402711443.png (859x765, 206K)


Attached: 1481078834065.jpg (890x876, 107K)

Shame only one of you ever runs the script at a time.


Attached: 1481304808002.png (644x598, 108K)


Attached: 1483887952934.png (640x562, 121K)


Attached: 1485012994839.png (624x566, 173K)


Attached: 1485638923505.png (584x534, 288K)

I see I made it back in time for the autism-fest.

Attached: sketch1552720307234.png (500x500, 57K)


Attached: 1486443235751.png (640x640, 146K)

Shame that no one has figured out why you have to be punished like this.

Attached: 1479560516576.jpg (831x425, 66K)


Attached: 1486590665712.jpg (960x960, 72K)

hey whoever makes new thread, see if you can at least copy the OP pasta. Even if it's just in a reply, it's helpful. When spammer leaves, we can make OP post all nice and whatever again.

>t. Supreme Autisimo

Attached: 1487051189124.jpg (531x565, 137K)


Attached: 1487093553418.png (644x794, 134K)


Attached: 1487318464737.png (1440x1872, 943K)


Attached: 1487798754542.gif (696x1034, 63K)


Attached: 1487907700562.png (640x640, 232K)


Attached: 1487917967469.jpg (485x488, 130K)


Attached: 1487934297371.jpg (640x640, 142K)


Attached: 1487934781528.jpg (640x620, 165K)


But, I have? I have. A long time ago. I mean, I have figured out why this is happening. I don't know anything about that punishment nonsense.

It's just not my job to fix it. I just wonder why you don't all do it at once. You just hop threads, and it makes it a bit entertaining to watch the spam suddenly stop because
spammer left the thread.

What if I've never been to /i/ before? How can one go back to where one has never been?

Thank you!!?

A new thread would be great right now.

>when draw threads have been spammed and ridiculed for years but new threads still get made

shame that someone figures he has to punish a thread

Hi mama! :3
gonna start dropping shiet next thread,,

Requesting someone to draw my character that I use to roleplay.

A pandaren girl, a slim one that knows the monk path


God complex

Shame that people like you still live in a basement

No its not. It's better that no one ever has to see them.

Anyone who have a basement at their home shouldn't be allow to have welfare

Unless they live in Detroit.

That shithole