What are the chances of this winning 2020? Americans are smart enough not to make the same mistake twice. Right?

What are the chances of this winning 2020? Americans are smart enough not to make the same mistake twice. Right?

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Lol shillarys still on this board
Or are you a mexican

shut up pigskin, you arent white. youre pink

70% chance of winning.
The economy is doing well.

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Plz murka, don't stop teh maga kek. TRUMP2020!

t. Uruk

Better than shit brown, Jose.

We'll do whatever we feel like. I did it all for the lulz

Its manuel....punched joto maricon..

Anywhere from 35-55%, I think conservatively about a 40ish % odds, and like 30 of that comes from incumbent status.

A major issue is people voting. If the Democrats pick someone fucking stupid they WILL lose, and I cant really think of anyone in particular that would be like, plausible.

They need to field a candidate who is less annoying than donjon, and that's actually difficult for them

HE just has to try to not destroy the world for a few months, and not call anyone a fag on Twitter so.....

Even his fanbase is thinning, they wont be quite as revved next time so their turnout wont be the same and it was low last election. Provided the Democrats find someone more charismatic than Hillary Clinton (funny because it seems impossible to find someone LESS likable, yet they always manage....) they should get it

No, they are. Trump is what happens when snowflakes run rampant.

They're pretty fucking stupid, OP.
But they're really clever about exporting their stupidity to other countries. Brexit!

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An electoral system that allows the guy with LESS votes to win does not deserve to be taken seriously in any way, its all a charade, what people want does not really matter.

if the left
> keeps being bad losers
> keeps being salty
> keeps being "impeachment any time naaoow"
> keeps being bad memers
I'd say anything between 90 and 100 percent.

Good thing I don't care to learn your annoying ass language. Go knock up your actual pig of a woman for the 7th time this decade.

Pretty high.
Next question

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100%. Join this discord


Trump, Kanye or Shapiro. Everyone will vote Trump then whine because orange man bad.

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Can he win 2020 if he is in prison? Could he still be elected criminal President then?

>not letting Hilary win

Shut the fuck up. I'd rather have a loose lip asshole keep the lights on than let Hillary cuck America. You probably some eurotrash used to getting fucked by diversity and government. Don't forget to say good morning to your wife's husband hubby dee dubba, faggot.

> triggered trumpcuck

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americans are fucking stupid,the guy shouldnt of gotten nominated in the first place.let alone elected once

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Right? 2 years in and e hasn't even invaded a country yet. Bush had blown up Iraq and Afghanistan, and even Obama had turned Libya into a burnt-out hellhole by this point.

Instead he's doing denuclearization talks with North Korea while the economy is booming? I didn't sign up for all this peace and prosperity!

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im gonna kek so hard when it happens

62 million voted for a misogynist fraud who mocked a handicapped man, a POW and a gold star family.
Trumptards have no ethics.

Less than 10%.

Talks with DPRK utter failure.
Threatens Iran with war rumblings.
China now considered world leader.
Economy NOT booming, unless you're already wealthy.
Encourages racist trash to violence.

Shhh Progress is problematic. We can't do things like have goals and deal with world problems. We got to keep this professional outrage machine making money. Fuck every thing else!

>orange man bad

Yeah but they have Megaphones, and would rather use them to bitch about today instead of setting up for a better tomorrow.

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>Talks with DPRK utter failure.

You are literally on crack. South and North Korea have signed a peace treaty after nearly 70 years of a constant state of war, and are opening trade relations. This is amazing.

>Threatens Iran

Who cares, every American President has done that since 1979, Iran is fine

>China now considered world leader.

LOL, they're scrambling to keep their sham of an economy going

>Economy NOT booming, unless you're already wealthy.

That's weird, I must have hallucinated my raise, then promotion to oversee new hires, then another raise, plus my (small) stock package going up by 30% since he was elected.

>Encourages racist trash to violence.

Even if that were true, literally who fucking cares. I'll take peace and prosperity with the President tweeting mean things over stagnation and war with a President reciting pretty-sounding speeches someone else wrote for him

Jesus Christ, it's like everyone's forgotten Iraq

You are wrong about the base not turning out or thinning. We have not forgotten anything, and have endured 3 years of a bullshit witch hunt, an attempted coup, and a basic failure to hold people accountable for their crimes. Oh...he is for sure getting re-elected. The only way Dems win is if they stuff the ballots like they did in the mid-terms.

America elected Obama, this guy is brilliant in comparison.

Have you seen the Democratic field so far? Have you heard from any Dem leader or partisan? They're just throwing the match. It's gotta be fucking match-fixing. Bernie is the only Dem candidate worth voting for, and they're not going to let him win the primary. Trump is getting a second term, and honestly, I'd prefer that than a Harris or Biden administration.

Here is a classic form of our brand of Retardism in America...Look here fucknuts....Read some things on the Electoral College. If you come back and open that dick smoker and say you have, then clearly you have failed to understand the basic principles of how our democracy works. So kys. You are a waste of our countries resources and space.

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a lot of the new Dems in Congress are young. If they are setting up for trial, Congress may have to do it given the amount of "Classified Evidence" there is.

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Shit was so cash.