What’s your opinion about the terrorist attack in New Zealand?

What’s your opinion about the terrorist attack in New Zealand?

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deformed brain

Kebab successfully removed.

On the plus side, the cops saved money on those sheets used to cover the bodies. The victims courteously were wearing their own at the time.

Some asshat who wants guns banned, pewdiepie banned, Owen's banned, free speech banned, and start a war. He was a chickenshit dick. I dont care he killed anyone but be a fucking man that's the kind of shit they do.


nothing of value lost

the man is a hero tbh

islam is cancer for the west

That when you try to make different ethnicities, cultures and religions live together you get tension and violence

Islam and Christendom have been doing this to eachother for literally 1500 years without end

Kek. About time someone did something about the infestation


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Islam is absolute cancer and has no place in Western countries.
I don't think this is going to do anything to help though. Will probably just make them even more mentally retarded and preform more terrorist attacks.

just a part and parcel of life in the BIG city

He did a lot of good for NZ

Opinion is join this discord


can we talk about the fact that Gas Gas Gas was blasting on the radio as he was driving away in the video

I approve

fuck white people, scums.

I live in the states, l here we only carte about what's happening in the states.

well deserved



Who's got a link?

You know why muslims can't escape violence? Because they cannot shed from themselves islam which is the very first thing creating the issue. Flocks of muslims running away from the very same thing they perpetrate.

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Fuck off Sadiq

Fuck Islam and Fuck Muslims.

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t. Butthurt Paki

false flag

Terrible, because the government will use it as propaganda in my country to let in more muslims

And also good. Conflicting feelings.

sister fucking whitiod

I rate it 79/10.

Would watch again.

Been coming for a long time.
Isis will retaliate.
Someone will do it again.
Civil war?

It was badass. Like watching a movie but it was real

People said the same about every previous large scale wave of immigrants. It's depressing that history can repeat and nobody learns anything

"But this time it's different" yeah nah

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He isnt a terrorist :) He is a hero in my eyes. I wish he killed more of these people...They are like insects infecting our countries. I truly wish more people would do a massacre like this one. Someone who plan to do a suicide, i would definetly suggest make something useful before and repeat the yesterday events.

It's ridiculous that in almost 2020, people are still getting memed by religion hard enough that they'll actually kill for it

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It's not about religion dude. These people are just hateful for whatever reason, be it the middle eastern wars their families killed by bombs or shit they see on TV or even just Muslim incel kids in Britain who want to go for the high score.

They get angry, and some stupid ass ideology becomes their excuse to kill.

There is no difference between "Allah wills it" and "white power". It's the exact same person, the exact personality, attitude, poisoned thinking. They're just using a different rally point.

immigrants idgaf about my parents are imigrants themselves, islam is a warmongering philosophy
my parents come from muslim nations, they hate them with a passion because they were persecuted for being christian

muslims are literal cancer and will kill you if they are the majority
stop giving them special treatment

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This... Lots and lots of this.

White supremacy is a warmongering philosophy. If you can't see the Simularity you are sadly a total retard.
The war isn't between the west and Islam.

It's between your retarded ass and the retarded among the Muslims. We want nothing to do with any of you.

cry louder, little leftard. maybe a nice muzzie will wipe your tears with his dick.

then why did the white supremacist shoot up a mosque instead of a church filled with arabs?

>White supremacy is a warmongering philosophy.

He just wanted New Zealand to stay White.

Someone link the stream

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He wasn't even from New Zealand. He wanted to attack where noone though it was possible to happen.

Immigration is very controlled in New Zealand also, it's extremely difficult to get enough points on their system to immigrate. The country is is no danger of having its demographics changed.

Also New Zealand was never 'white' per se, it has a very large Maori population.

Read the fucking thread


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>The country is is no danger of having its demographics changed.

Then why have they changed over time?

They barely have en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_New_Zealand#Ethnicity

The people in the country currently either met the insanely high bar they have for migrants, or came in the tiny amount of refugee intake they have per year

He probably prevented a child rape gang in New Zealand.

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Already happened

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>>being this uselessly terrified of brown folks
>>implying this place wasn't formed as a cess pool brimming with child predators

Get real, m8.

Shut up nigger.

They already ruined Britain.

White supremacy was an irrelevant hasbeen until it was given a platform by the mainstream media in 2015 because large numbers of people were getting sick of the left/right false dichotomy.

It would probably go back to being an irrelevant hasbeen if whacko lefty types didn't keep counter-advocating it.

where is the video now?

>White Supremacy

That's a throw around term they're White Nationalists and they make some very good points.









But user, muslims have the highest rate of incest and inbreeding. Mad because your sister rejected you? Did you throw acid in her face for it? Or did you bomb an airport in rage while jerking your little muslim dick?

Not really, migration in western countries usually ends up cherrypicking the most educated and useful people from other countries, which makes your country wealthier and better off

There's also an amount of refugees you end up taking in, which is basically the membership fee of being part of the world community. Those people integrate in generation or two anyway, so it doesn't make a difference.

Wtf is wrong with you guys. They were people. They had families

>muslims have the highest rate of incest and inbreeding
and as a result their offspring have lower IQs hence why there is no pacification of the religion

Funny how the same people on this board that hate women, and share their nudes, hate the way Islam treats women. You're just mad you didn't think of it first.

They can go have families somewhere else

>not the user you replied to

ITT: people pretending to be badasses or that they have morals.

I think it's a nice change of pace to actually have the roles reversed for once. Kinda funny to see everyone losing their shit 10x as much about it too, think that really says a lot.

Don't care. Would watch the video if I stumble upon it, but not worth looking for.

fucking gold someone did this upload

t. white girl with a japanese faggot profile picture on social media

Those dumb nazis need to be stopped. They can't even see the difference. Kebab is not made by arabic terrorists. It's Turkish

Honestly I've little sympathy

Nobody deserves to die, but say that to the victims of the recent muslamic attacks throughout yurape

I don’t agree with the “nice” part because I think that murdering anyone, especially children, is gravely immoral.

But you’re right it does say a lot about the left wing double standards

You're blind and retarded.






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pornhub link is down. watch here: my.mixtape.moe/jjoyre.mp4

They had it coming. Muslims have been getting away with attacks for the past two years, and liberals turn a blindeye to it. saying, "not all muslims", than this happens and they immediately go, "ALL WHITE PEOPLE".
fucking hypocrites. based shooter is christian though. one day god will return and punish all the jews, muslims, etc. with eternal torture. I have a big fucking smile on my face thinking about it.
Take the jesuspill anons.

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jesus this is sick.

Did absolutely nothing but give leftists, jews, liberal journalists, etc a collective gold plated soapbox to shout on top of.

Imagine their joy when they heard a white person killed brown people and that they'll get to stand up on that gold plated soapbox and shout 'we have to do better, we have to stop these white males, enough is enough.' Killed them with the guns that they're trying to take away from law abiding whites.

All for the small cost of 49 insignificant brown people's lives. There's thousands more born every day. The damage this guy has done to them is already erased.

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forget even Europe. what about the christians in muslim countries? they get slaughtered wholesale. we never hear about them in the states. you dont see muslims holding vigils for them in those countries either

hell you dont see muslims holding vigils for terrorist attacks in the west either. why is this double standard accepted?

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Jews and muslims must unite against white subhuman

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God.. God is the same head of all those religions. Not that he's real of course. Just bullshit.

Sorry but "Not all Right wingers". There, shut down that argument.

Great post. I really value your opinion. You've contributed a lot. I now see my faults.

>2x as many likes as dislikes

Fucking Kek

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No matter how many people are born in to this planet, it can never erase the pain that the families of the victims have in their hearts

oh fucking shit that is the funniest pic ive seen today

This faggot was MKULTRAD you stupid nu-Yea Forums cuck. This event happened so we could let the 3rd world bastards into our backyard further. As if this event cancels out all the evil the Islamic world has done. For the average normies faggot. This event will.

Great post. I really value your opinion. You've contributed a lot. I now see my faults.

The problem with the other religions is they place these other leaders on the same pedestal as god. muhammad, buddha, pope, etc.
""Thou shalt have no other gods before Me""


What is

I blame the Clinton’s and pewdiepie

Thanks for your moron input, but not at all. If you haven't noticed by now, we live in a society of double standards and brown people are a protected class. The same reason when dozens of brown people kill each week hardly make a blip on, but when a white person does it's international news. Your reason and logic have no power against this slithering enemy, cracker.

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Song Name plz

I love how the government bombs the shit out of kids, then when a civilian wants to join in they get mad.

Proof that the "alt-right" is just the white version of isis. Terrorists who de humanize people and commit terrorist attacks.

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Implying muslims are people kek

britbongs unite

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Proof that the government doesn’t like competition....

They just wanted to kill them with bombs, that’s all.

violence ist ALLWAYS wrong, hurting other people is not cool..

Everyone forgot 9/11 and caught feelings for the muzzies.
I have no idea Why.

Epic soundtrack for sure

thanks faggot

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Right wing thinking is the problem. People have trouble empathizing with outsiders of different cultures and religions and it manifests itself as right-wing thinking whether you're talking about Extreme conservative Muslims or conservative Christians. all people across cultures are vulnerable to this counterproductive thinking.

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I’m ok with it. And I’m pretty sure many others do too but they’re afraid to say it. Once in a while someone have to put them in their place. No one want your shit where they live. Where I live they fucking play their shit music loud in the park and taking up benches to pray making the whole place awkward. U do that shit in your home not in public, don’t try to push your shit into people face after u stole their jobs and land

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pewdiepie is a faggot anyway,they should ban him

Every kebab removed is a good thing, so this guy (sadly) didn't get the 50 kill-count spree achievement.

also,donald trump and a democrat majority house are a bigger threat to gun rights then 8 years of obama was

Ib4 some little nigglet twat say I’m edgy. Everything is edgy beside sucking cocks and fucking trannies to ya queers isn’t it

>Pewdiepie spreads any thing remotely right wing

lol. you've obviously never watched any of his videos he's a lefty cuck

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Hilarious. I hate Muslims. About time those shitskin fucks got some payback for once.

Shit sucks, I wish all of the people who think that terrorism is a good tool for change would grow a conscience.
It would also be nice if the condemnation of the practice would be the same, no matter what skin tone and creed the terrorist has and follows.
Going "not all", when faced with guilt by association accusations for every group but one is sort of a double standard.
I mean the idea of the news media going "Omg are you blaming the entire identity group for the actions of an individual? What are you, some sort of bigo...what? Oh, it was a white guy this time? Then yes, the entire group is to blame!" kind of rubs me the wrong way.


a butthurt faggot acted like an islamic extremist and killed innocent people. the endless cycle of vengeance is continued and nothing changes.


Carpenter Brut - Turbo Killer

you're an ultranigger if you gun down women and children who has no means to defend themselves
doesnt matter how pure white your genes are, you are basically a pitchblack sub-75 IQ nigger

Fuck no. Secular Jews got nothing in common with them. We eat bacon bitch.

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> wants guns banned
> obv loves guns

mental olympics

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and you

this bitch cant even tie her own shoes

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She wasnt shot. She ran into the wall with the towel on her head


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Your country is so strong, do not let others tell you otherwise. They fear you, and us - because they know we are far stronger than they, so they try to weaken us with subversion, with manipulation of the language - they will try to redefine ideas to fit their narrative. Do not even humour them. Your ideas are already defined do not let them waver.

- Do not engage with those who attempt to dissolve your language.
- Do not let them take your language.
- Do not let them take your language.
- Do not let them take your language.

Remember, they are scared. They will attempt all manner of provocation, just remember only a worm is scared of man.

Language is not political, language is not racist. Do not let them take your language, it is our means of procreating ideas, our means of sharing information without noise in the signal.
They will always try to inject noise into the information. They will always try to adapt the language.
Control the language control the ideas, control the ideas control the people.
Do not be controlled, not by anyone - but be conscious of language always - it is our fundamental gift, they know I am right because this is the same game they are playing - the only difference is that I am describing to you the rules of the game.

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They are islam

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french fag detected

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This man because so immersed in hate a nihilism that he ruined his own life and a heap of other lives. Take note people, do something productive with your time and stop focusing on the shit you hate or you might just end up like him.

this lad knows whats up

became* kek

pretty much this

right wingers and muzzies share qite a few characteristics

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Who gives a fuck about a couple sandniggers?

Eye for an eye I guess.

I don't feel sympathy for those that died and i wonder if something is wrong with me.. I guess i am fed with up with the muslims taking all over the world...

Truly an enlightened message.

Your country is so strong, do not let others tell you otherwise. They fear you, and us - because they know we are far stronger than they, so they try to weaken us with subversion, with manipulation of the language - they will try to redefine ideas to fit their narrative. Do not even humour them. Your ideas are already defined do not let them waver.

- Do not engage with those who attempt to dissolve your language.
- Do not let them take your language.
- Do not let them take your language.
- Do not let them take your language.

Remember, they are scared. They will attempt all manner of provocation, just remember only a worm is scared of man.

Language is not political, language is not racist. Do not let them take your language, it is our means of procreating ideas, our means of sharing information without noise in the signal.
They will always try to inject noise into the information. They will always try to adapt the language.
Control the language control the ideas, control the ideas control the people.
Do not be controlled, not by anyone - but be conscious of language always - it is our fundamental gift, they know I am right because this is the same game they are playing - the only difference is that I am describing to you the rules of the game.

people die everyday

Did they ever catch him? Did he an hero? Why did he do it? Do all ar15s FTE and drop loaded mags?

I’ve heard from top legit sources that he was under the influence of butthash
I won’t disclose my sources but lemme tell you this: you can have my words on it

Basically it's created a resource for edgy 12 year olds.

Based. He is a criminal now, but he will be remember as a hero

yes, no, idk, no

Bravo what he is done, KILL more!!

I welcome it. Anything increasing the hatred between humans and those subhumans is acceptable.
I dislije being thebasshole saying that but if I don't do it, my children will paybthe price. The generatkon before failed us, so the burden fell on us. So be it, we will become the new holocaust. Let history be our judge.

Are you butthurt because you are a slut and took naked photos of yourself, and he promised hed never show anyone, meanwhile they were passed around by every male you know.

The authoritarian left is white supremacist as well though, they just think people should be ashamed of it, which is almost the only difference it has from the authoritarian right.
Otherwise they agree on blaming specific demographics, punishing them for existing and making sure everyone else thinks the right things and espouse the right views depending on the flavor of virtue being signaled.

>Initial D music intensifies

Dumb target.

Should have done it to an ANTIFA meeting, but of course he would not have done that AS HE WAS ANTIFA

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Blatantly obvious media bait. He wanted the mainstream media to raise a stink about 'internet-spawned radicals' and thus create conflict and chaos. The media took it hook, line and sinker.

The reality is this

Neet memetard who failed at life made a desperate cry to be noticed.
Same old shit.



look they want to flood your nation with immigrants to genocide you any way. it is gone happen no matter what. might aswell stop it

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The shooter should go suck a dick

Soo...nice one Elon

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>The country is is no danger of having its demographics changed.

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I shed no tears for muslims. They religious facists. The aussie senator hit the nail on the head. but liberal propaganda controls the narrative now.

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This is what all of the uninformed brainlets need to understand. Everyone needs to understand that the Quran was written in times of Holy War and it's original purpose was to inspire and teach followers of Islam how to fight and win. It is more of a war strategy compendium than anything else. Strategies of brutality and cowardice because the odds where against them.

The Quran has never been re-written to suit times of peace.

I found it excessive.

It's a country of 4 million people with approximately 24k middle easterners, you're an idiot.

the typing skills of a mongoloid

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This. 100000 times this.

THIS IS WHAT HE WANTED. You fucking retard, read the manifest.

i don't remember irish people committing obscene crimes when they were -actually- oppressed

Fuck the inhuman sand niggers

While you’re at it, why don’t you use a fucking bayonet

I hope you get acid to the face from a migrant

>but also boner

>if i don't do it, my children will pay the price
yea because sperging out on Yea Forums is bound to change anything xd

read the manifesto before you talk shit, faggot

Germany had no middle easterners 70 years ago
>implying immigration has stopped
>implying the avg birth rate of muslims isnt 8,7

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About time. I'm still anxiously waiting that some hero bombs Mecca. If muslims want to live in countries that aren't shitholes, they better behave and adapt to the country. Same as everyone else.

a tad

I Dont agree with his reasoning but his score is real nice
it gets an SS rank

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white males only know how to respond with murder, hate, and anger

see: everywhere
see: the replies to this comment itself

imagine being emotionally and socially retarded just based on your white skin.

Yipu toype liek ur dhrunk

You can basically come in to study or as a skilled migrant. The points system is extremely stringent and its likely nobody in this thread qualifies. immigration.govt.nz/new-zealand-visas/apply-for-a-visa/tools-and-information/tools/points-indicator-smc-28aug

Alternatively you can come in as a refugee, but the intake is only 1500-ish per year, versus a total population of ~4 million.

Thinking this level of intake would have a significant impact on demographics is numerical illiteracy.

Attacks like these are fundamental a failure of the education system, that people are too easily influenced by idiotic memes on the internet and incapable of realizing they're being radicalized into hatred. The irony is we live in an age where all this information is available in seconds via Google and people would rather believe idiotic fucking memes rather than statistics.

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>There is no difference between "Allah wills it" and "white power". It's the exact same person, the exact personality, attitude, poisoned thinking. They're just using a different rally point.

Well there is a difference. So fanaticism is fanaticism, but the important difference is what it is for, what key values is the religion/ideology in support of. I’m fanatic about America, open markets, freedom of speech, borders, culture, social contract, small government and individual rights. Muslims are fanatic about stripping people of their freedom, killing apostates, punishing people for the sexual preferences, gender, beliefs. They don’t hold individual freedoms to be sacred like western culture does. So it’s true, you can be fanatic about anything, but some things are for the common good and some are what you call poison

Except Christians are a lot more peaceful than muslims. Name one Christian terrorist attack in the last 3 years

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Everybody with x skin color is the same

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that's kinda cute desu

Proof that /pol/tards are a scourge upon Yea Forums and the world

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Well for a start he would need a goddamn good make up artist team or whatever that could make him some kind of mask or something to look like a muslim, fake IDs, go there and aloha snackbar the shit outta of it
Given it’s someone who has a deathwish that is
So.. won’t happen


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I wonder sometimes if Chris Moriarty dons the Pewdiepie persona

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1500-ish per years multiplied by those who will breed
Add years to that and more giving birth every year
This shit is a ticking time bomb(pun intented)

Crusade when? We need to reclaim Constantinople.

It was going to happen eventually

Like that German pilot that crashed the plane with no survivors.
Some suicidal pilot just needs to fly that route.

Aww the cutest terrorist

> The authoritarian left is white supremacist as well though
> authoritarian left

you mean like North Korea or the like

Russia in last century?

dafuq u talkin?

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I prefer "white supremacy" since you can then correctly include (((Social Justice))) in with all the other race bigot ideologies.

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It's literally impossible for the 1500 people per year to out-reproduce the 4 million existing residents, but ok

This shit is all a distraction from gradually increasing world income inequality. While people fight against each other for slight differences in fucking skin color, the wealthy are laughing and consolidating their position.

It's pretty devastated by now. Erdolf did a good job in developing backwards.

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Or that faggot working at an airport that failed to become a pilot that took a plane, flew around and crashed it
Should’ve had tried to fly over there and 9/11 back at them
I know it was an inside job, but it was all intended as a joke

here's your torrent. video and manifesto


killing people is bad


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The average retard has way too much autonomy it's becoming counter-productive to our species. we need to reign them in.. I think Communism is the only real solution here.

Faggot Tourist, get the fuck off this site, cunt.

Trump in an interview just said if his political opponents aren't careful the military, his supporters and bike gangs will push back..
That's an authoritarian.
Just because you use the word doesn't make it so ...

Well for most part. The ones that did die in NZ, did embrace the kiwi way.

Logic flawed

I feel you, some people can't appreciate life without being mad at someone.

They did not embrace the kiwi way. They were in a mosque.

No but my point is that they would start to saturate more the place hence impose their shitty whatever fucking bullshit apart of their religion thing on others
I get some want to get away from all the nastiness in the middle east but fucking adapt to the new place and don’t start forcing yourself upon natives
That’s what creates more tension added with all the politicians shilling for more “diversity” and yadda yadda bullshit to push more immigrants to come over and fuck shit up even more
I’m not trying to use the race argument but it’s like having somebody you don’t know knocking at your door who’s house got burnt down, with his whole family, asking you if they could stay just one night over because they don’t have anywhere else to go
You let them and then they just unpack their stuff, won’t go away, start imposing their rules and take even more space
And shit... you get the point? It’s overwhelming

funny that the picture is from my city in austria. 2015 when they opened the border. also what newspaper is that? who wrote it? where are the sources? until i see that, i call bullshit

As if this shithead would have displayed adaptation to the land he immigrated in.

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The intersectional snowflakes who think that victimhood inherently adheres to specific demographics and that not assuming that means you hate that demographic.
I mean they made special programs based on trying to help people out of poverty and poor education, but instead of making the entrance for those programs based on a socioeconomic bracket, they claim that only people of color may use it, because equally poor white people would be able to better their circumstances without that help.
If that isn't white supremacism feeling bad about being so supreme and wanting to transition to white savior status, I don't know what is.

interesting idea (live FPS POV)
I'm sure there'll be an oculus reenactment

Anyone have a link to the manifesto?

The collectivist mindset is cancer. He set us all back. And hes a coward for targetting unarmed non violent INDIVIDUALS

>behave or we will "punish" you by blowing up shit you like
How the fuck is that different from any of the shit they do that YOU HATE? These Red hat wielding retards are starting to really piss me off.

so bad examples disprove the general idea?

stop posting, cause you just delivered a bad sample

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We could always take the "single isolated incident" justification. I read about it every day, after teen girls get raped by muslims and it seems to work with the general population.

I like how these wiki article always refer to the subhuman as British-Asian

wikipedia/denying the obvious

When did I ever claim that Trump couldn't or wouldn't also act authoritarian?

49 less proponents of sharia to worry about

How am I wrong?
Or am I not even wrong?

Teen girls get raped by the natives at a higher frequency. There are shit men in every country. But sure, let's do mental gymnastics so you can create enough breathing room to separate yourself from the things you hate (yet still somehow approve of) because they were born in a different geographical location.

>Teen girls get raped by the natives at a higher frequency.

>What’s your opinion about the terrorist attack in New Zealand?


Top kek

It even happens in NZ

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Don't know about the US, but here in Europe rapes and beating/killing your wife is mainly a muslim problem.

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nigger, i'm asian and I hate these muslims. Dumb bitch.

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it was beautiful

you're DOING IT wrong

Serves muslims right. They kill and rape our people in Europe so I'm glad that this hero took action and made muslims taste their own medicine.

Fine with it - bordering on glad it happened. White people have taken enough shit.

On the Internet you can most likely find bad examples of anything. Not hard for people to find enough information of whatever to start the hate swirl. I think actually people are just trying to play safe by separating themselves from all they perceive bad and by calling that out. It's not the my-life-experience but the infos handed to them that makes their opinions. These are stupid times. Every information needs to be cross-checked to get verified. No one has the nerves for that with everything so people stick to "trustworthy" sources ...and then everyone ends up in an echo chamber because even if you're open for everything the others to discuss with aren't there.

It's the big disconnect. I just wonder what people would go after if there were no races and no religions. I guess that would then be personal tastes, like fashion or something.

What are you fucking serious? About 90 percent of rapes happen when the victim knows the attacker.




My same thought, when I heard about the mosque shooting. Also "about damn time".

>false flag

This and fake and gay.


Those are just cracks in the sidewalk, boss


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Look, it's one of those "white warriors" fighting the invader. You're doing a great joke, go ahead follow his footsteps it'll be great, trust me.

I don't really care about it. I watched the video, it was fairly entertaining. When the guy tried to tackle him I laughed. But like as a political thing I could care less. It's just gonna make Muslims more riled up, but then again what else is new?

Overall kek

Im just happy that muslims died instead of regular people

Oh, I'm fighting. But way smarter than him. He's not even a footsoldier.


The worst thing (including the dead browns) is that it's made Redditors come on to chans.

Which is great in some respects - nothing is going to get more Muslims killed than invading the last space these people have.

Strongly dsiagree.
His masshooting trumps your shitposting every day of the week. You're inconsequential was my point, and you're reinforcing that position with your replies.

Slight Idiocracy reference in this.

My autism demanded I point it out.

If you see things as it is, without ideas of justice and human goodness, then it becomes clear that it is problematic for Muslims to live with other religions. Once they get majority, they prefer to kick the minorities out or restrict their freedoms

I'm doing way more than sharing my happiness with people in this thread, but please, keep believing I'm an incel/failure/jobless and I'm not silently influencing people in real life.

>implying they actually deport or arrest illegals


Also, all of those are projections(All I said was inconsequential and white warrior), and they're really funny because they describe EXACTLY the kind of waste of space that would fall into the trap of "Muh fertility rates"

I cheered.

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You are somehow worth less than the shitskins this new saint removed.

Same here: ok. I'm actually glad, that you're not taking me seriously. I prefer that.
Keep on doing what you're doing and I'll keep on doing what I'm doing.

Just the start of hopefully a full on race war. Whites need to stop holding back and finally lay claim to this planet.

two different countries my dude. Thats like gassing someone elses house because you have rats

No one cares.
Later trash.

i dont fill sorry one bit, its about dam time they were on the other end of a attck.
Reasons why i fill this way
1998 Us embassy bombings (224 killed, 4000 injuried)
9/11 (2977 killed,6000 injuried)
2002 Bali bombings (202 killed, 209 injuried)
2004 Madrid train bombings (193 killed, 2,050 injuried)
2004 Beslan school siege (300 killed, 783 injuried)
7/7 (52 killed, 784 injuried)
2005 Sharm El Sheikh bombings (88 killed, 150 injuried)
2006 Mumbai Train bomings (209 killed, 714 injuried)
2008 Mumbai Attacks (157 killed, 300 injuried)
2010 Moscow Metro bombings (40 killed, 102 injuried)
2013 Boston Marathon bombing (3 killed, 264 injuried)
2013 Westgate shopping mall attack (67 killed 174 injuried)
2014 Borno massacre (121 killed)
2014 Canadian Parliament Shooting (1 killed, 3 injuried)
2014 Grozny clashes (15 killed, 36 injuried)
2015 Paris attacks (130 killed, 413 injuried)
2015 San Bernardibo attck (14 killed, 24 injuried)
2016 Pulse nighclub shooting (49 killed, 53 injuried)
2016 Nice truck attack (86 killed, 434 injuried)
2017 Westminster attack (5 killed, 49 injuried)
2017 Saint Petersburg Metro bombing (15 killed, 64 injuried)
2017 Stockholm truck attack (4 killed, 14 injuried)
2017 Manchester Arena bombing (22 killed, 800 injuried)
2017 London Bridge attack (8 killed, 48 injuried)
2017 New York City truck attack (8 killed, 11 injuried)
2018 Carcassonne and Trèbes attack (4 killed, 15 injuried)

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who died today O_O...


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Ad hominem? What a "surprise".

Have a very nice day.

You said you were content and I obliged and now you hit me with logical fallacies? Could you pick a fucking lane, retard?

I picked my lane a long time ago. It's you who needs to decide if it's the high road or go low. But that's common behaviour. People like you behave always the same.

Agreed. It's time they paid what they owe.

the manifesto speaks inarguable facts.

It happened

a rat is a rat. a roach is a roach.

same here man. when i was watching the video i was hollering out loud and even laughed when he played his songs, and clapped pumped my fist a lot when he started shooting.

I love it

I'm glad it happened. They do not belong in our countries. I hope this causes a string of other similar events internationally.

from my list (not all attacks are on there) i added up 4,994 killed
soo we should fill bad when they lost 49....ummm a loud HELL NO is my answer heck next friday i may get a mask and a sight that says "9/11- 2977 killed 5/3- 49 killed i do not fill sorry for you"

False flag to ban guns. New world order agenda

You need to work a little on your spelling, Ivan.

Wow you are all the biggest cowards and pussies I have ever encountered in this sad life.

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nigga, we kill more of our own than any of them do, as barbaric as their methods might seem to us - one look at the numbers will tell you whose societies are the most violent

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>I picked my lane a long time ago
Not in life, dick breath, in this argument. You're all over the fucking place.
>hurr I am megamind, I trick my enemies into thinking I am nothing but in reality I am the dragon that will burn the world to ashes
>okay retard
>dude, you can't call me that it's a fallacy
Fucking disjointed nightmare, take your meds.
>It's you who needs to decide if it's the high road or go low.
When the fuck did I ever take the High road? From the very beginning I have been extremely condescending, have you not picked that shit up at all?
>But that's common behaviour People like you behave always the same.
Literally inconsequential, shit's unreal how right I am all the time.


Welcome home.


What is the name of the song right before the Shooting?

This is a pretty retarded fake. Like, you put minor effort into a weak bait. Your dad sure is proud.

Another muslim died in the hospital just now

never gonny give you up

its not bait. read the manifesto you ignorant retard. how about being informed before you make idiotic comments.

>having a list
I hope you fill battery now.

it's not funny i pray for those victims i hope jesus forgives them that they're muslim, also the dude who did it batshit fucking insane

>take your meds
>shit's unreal how right I am all the time

Lots of talking and projections with nothing of value to say. But again, I'm not surprised. It's actually the norm.


You missed the point. This was a massacre retard.

Yeah I get it, you're upset that your disjointed fever dream of posts aren't received well.. That's what my post said. You've clearly read it. What the fuck's all this about?

you say that while using white people's inventions. How about you give up anything created by the white man if you hate them so much? Faggot

what ???

Damn that dude looks like a fucking slimey little rat

islam gets what islam gives