Fucking zoomers got juuls taken off the market! I quit smoking cigarettes with juul and l

Fucking zoomers got juuls taken off the market! I quit smoking cigarettes with juul and l
It looks like I'll be going back to cigs soon because these fucking zoomer tards try way too hard to be cool

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i litteraly look like the zoomer in the pic

A lot of faggot zoomers all look like that

yea theres no juuls in europe kids here smoke regular cigs

I'm aware of that. Got a buddy from England actually

I can’t fing a link or any evidence for the claim that Juuls have been “taken off the market.” Please provide


Well I don't have a link or anything but juul sent notes to all the local tobacco shops and they're all displayed on the counter talking about sales are limited to 2 devices and 5 packs of pods per customer. I asked the habeeb who owns the joint what that's all about and he said juul is gonna get pulled

They all want to be badasses and smoke in school

most kids who smoke get hated on at least in my school

Step your game up, son

Attached: vape naysh.jpg (720x1280, 62K)

My guess is that’s a weird local regulation and a stupid cashier

Fuck those zoomers I was smoking cigs in school. Vape kids were pusses. I know I vape now but that's because I'm older and not healthy enough to handle cigs anymore

Kys vape fag I'd rather smoke camel crush than carry an obnoxious mod on me

everytime i see someone with that fat thing i think hes a faggot juuls are at least slick

Real men smoke Marlboros. I only vape when I'm pooping.

I'm honestly more embarrassed about hitting a juul in public and I feel way cooler smoking a cigarette but those big mods are a joke

Forgot to add pic due to pooping related issues

Attached: sup now zoomer.jpg (720x1280, 76K)

I used to smoke Marlboro mediums actually.

27s are so good my second favorite cig next to red lables

I was pooping when I created this thread

27's are like mediums but I like them better.
This guy knows what's up.
Nice lol

Nobody needs more pictures of your dick sucking simulator

Tell that to your big fat juicy mom!

I did, she agreed you're a fag.

Alright, pooping completed. Cya round! That's a blurry pic of me waving goodbye.

Attached: byyyyeeeee.jpg (720x1280, 52K)

That was quick! You must still live with her, how sweet.

You've got big hands. How about a hand job?

sounds like you're a giant faggot. If you must have something in your mouth that badly that tastes disgusting, you might as well jam a dick in there.

I would've thought you knew what a cell phone is but I guess you're retarded as well as homosexual.