Why are socialists so fucking violent? Why did the New Zealand shooting have to happen?
Why are socialists so fucking violent? Why did the New Zealand shooting have to happen?
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i mean, if only he actually stated " i am a socialist", instead of stating "i want to kill marxists"
it was streamed live because he wanted to piss the more violent of the muzzies into reacting on whites- making the more violent whites react violently back- and instigate a mass cluster fuck
Because muslims are cancer of any civilizations. They just try to cure it.
The same could/should be said replacing “socialist” with “white nationalist”, yet somehow I imagine you’ll disagree
But socialism should be about helping ALL PEOPLE
dude he said socialists and marxists were the worst possible people
he called himself an "eco facist"
Yes, for all. Who doesn't terrorist (muslims are terrorists)
trips of ESL
"who doesn't terrorist?"
are you mayhaps a russian shill?
I don't know. Why are you a discord sewing piece of shit? Some questions will just have to remain mysteries.
So you think violent racism is a great way for socialist people to express their rage?
Socialism requires a tyranny to exist. You simply cannot control that much of the economy and society without ceding an incredible amount of power to the state which creates a tyranny by definition. Naturally, people do not want to give up their autonomy and so socialists must become violent in order to take what they do not have. This is why socialist uprisings and regimes are literally always blood soaked.
That said, I'm not sure that the NZ shooter was a socialist.
>>Shooter writes a lengthy manifesto about his right wing politics
>>"Fucking communists"
I need the link to the full video (good quality)
Pfft did you even read his manifesto? He says he is a Socialist. He says he is an environmentalist.
Yes, he was a lefty.
Yes, because here is no other options.
No, because we talk about religion. This shit is multicultural, but islam most radical. That's reason why muslims must be eliminated.
Link to the HD video please!
Of course I didn't, I don't need further confirmation of the obvious. One minute the leftists are Muslim apologists and the next their mass murders of Muslims. Pick one Ivan, your messaging is inconsistent.
Clearly a Democrat
Thanks for proving me correct Ivan.
Clearly an asshole
Read you morons:
New Zealand mosque shooting: What is known about the suspects? bbc.co.uk
>them mental gymnastics
Liberals are having a literal breakdown
Read the manifesto faggot not the nedias desperate narrative lol
This is already more overused than MLP.
Find something else to post, robot.
>this is the best response liberals can come up
No wonder you lost 2016
>don't follow the bullshit MSM narrative
>follow my narrative
Besides what you offer? Spread ass and let in as many refugees as possible? They are a literally savages who shits right on streets and fuck all local rules, because allah is allows. When it's some far away - it's fine, but if that shit right behind your window - it's goes not fun immideatelly.
>anyone who isn't centre pussy is a socialist
Fuck off redneck cunt
Why do trolls not even try anymore? There used to be effort in trolling.
Because of us
What signal is he giving there?
>i have no response whatsoever
Oh man hows it feel being our colony lol
OP is a retard. He was a facist, white supremisist. Retard or low level troll.
Nobody is going to your shit website faggot.
Translation: “OP IS SOMETHING”
he said his political thought was most similar to china u moron lol
he said he was absolutely not conservative. Most like china.