Why are socialists so fucking violent? Why did the New Zealand shooting have to happen?
Why are socialists so fucking violent? Why did the New Zealand shooting have to happen?
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i mean, if only he actually stated " i am a socialist", instead of stating "i want to kill marxists"
it was streamed live because he wanted to piss the more violent of the muzzies into reacting on whites- making the more violent whites react violently back- and instigate a mass cluster fuck
Because muslims are cancer of any civilizations. They just try to cure it.
The same could/should be said replacing “socialist” with “white nationalist”, yet somehow I imagine you’ll disagree
But socialism should be about helping ALL PEOPLE
dude he said socialists and marxists were the worst possible people
he called himself an "eco facist"
Yes, for all. Who doesn't terrorist (muslims are terrorists)
trips of ESL
"who doesn't terrorist?"
are you mayhaps a russian shill?