Sup Yea Forums I'm making a game. Can I get some feedback?
Sup Yea Forums I'm making a game. Can I get some feedback?
looks like a shit rpg maker game by a 5 year old that just learned to wipe its own ass
fuck off faggot
Actually I wrote it in C++
looks like shit
probably plays like shit
you're basically just following tutorials
if you want to make a good game while having shit assets, you need to rely entirely on the gameplay
rpg games like that are literally the least gameplay you can have because everything is already made for you
Actually it plays pretty well and I've probably looked at like two or three tutorials throughout he project.
It's not an RPG.
>Actually it plays pretty well
>It's not an RPG.
just had a look at the video on your itchio (not sure why you posted a video of some random tutorial shit rather than the actual game here) and it seems to be as boring gameplay as I expected
also why is there no fucking audio in the video other than a fucking facebook message notification
at least mute that shit you fucking nigger
The video is old. Download the latest build to get an updated experience. The game's much improved.