Multiculturalism does not work

Multiculturalism does not work.

The US will have a civil war in 5 years.

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Stop shilling violence, Mohinder. This isn't organic, like one in three threads are this fucking shooting and people trying to inflame Yea Forums. It's not generated by Yea Forums for Yea Forums and shouldn't be here. These are paid influencers sitting in call centers.

Exactly .06 shekels have been added to your account.

I'm not shilling for violence, retard.

I'm warning Yea Forums users what is going to happen so they prepare and stay safe.

The Normies will starve when the war happens.

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Not like it matters, your threads die with less than 20 replies every single time and you just re post it.
Consider suicide.

Hey if 20 people see it, and I post it 10 times, that's still 200 a day

The Truth will be revealed

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I look forward to it. The idea of watching all the fat little right wing boot lickers getting back torn to shreds by police is giving me a boner as we speak. I wish they’d hurry up and start do so can revel in their extermination.

>fat little right wing boot lickers
>by police

Who do you think the police are, mostly?

i hope so its all getting too boring

>The US will have a civil war in 5 years.
Good, I can kill lefties.

Assholes, but assholes who follow orders. The cops aren’t just going to sit there while armed militia groups subvert their authority.

Life must be an endless disappointment...


as long as there's dipshits like you

actively hindering mankinds progress.

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This so fucking much.

The shills got too much blowback in the recently spammed threads about the New Zealand attacks, so they start making different ones.

Not really. I just see no reason to be intimidated by right wing threats of retribution because I refuse to lick your asses and worship the ground they walk on. If they want to legitimately force us to defend ourselves against their aggression I welcome they opportunity to watch them die and forget they existed by lunch time.

Many of them will remember their oaths...

Nobody asked you for your "culture" either. Your rotten republics that poison and corrupt, steal, murder and lie. What kind of "culture" do you have anyway?

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Either you're a Kool-Aide drinker or a shill, you fuckers keep pushing your totalitarian shit and the only thing you ever accomplish is an ever-higher body count.

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Whatever, they can die for their oaths then. If two groups of my enemies decide to fuck each other up I’m not going to quibble over which side is getting picked by who, I’m just going to enjoy the shit show. The fact remains any right wing uprising in the USA will have to go to war amongst themselves before they can even start to come after us. All we have to do is mop up what’s left. It’s a self defeating course of action I deeply desire to witness before I die.

>Multiculturalism does not work.
>America literally built by immigrants and multiculturalism
I thought USA was the greatest country in the world? Make up your minds.

Why do alt-right extremists want a war so bad? Every past war they glorify is one lost by the side they identify with. Are they masochists? They just want to get spanked?

>corrupt, steal, murder and lie.
oh so, human traits
>What kind of "culture" do you have anyway?
kicking ass and taking names

that is a '60 hippy lie
so cann' it


It's just "can." Like, the verb meaning, "to seal in a can." How is this hard for you?

Yeah, cause beta neets whos bloodline havnt made a contribution to this country since 1840 get mad that no one cares about them

The only aggression I see is from your side.
People have caught onto the agenda and say NO, and that makes them some Manichean Evil to be extirpated.
Keep throwing screaming tantrums, it does wonders for your credibility...

you're absolutely right in every wurd you say, good sir

may I ask you for some change..?

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why hello there new friend,
the phrase "cann it"
means shut the fuck up

> cuz built by whites alone and on themselves

you CAN NOT be this dense, can you..?

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call me a conspiracy theorist, but, every now and then wars are necessary to kill the poor before they rebel.

US was built on assimilating immigrants, LibTards have been deliberately undermining that process since the '60s in order the lock in immigrant ghetto vote-farms for their corrupt machine politics.

There will never be another civil war in the US as there once was.
you could have small scale civil unrest but that is about it.

The Government (or who ever is in control of it) would also win now.
Power is too one sided now.
Before, modern weapons were pretty much equal.
citizens had access to horses, guns, cannons, small explosives, ect.
same as the government. the government just had more, and more people.

Now it is completely unbalanced. Sure many citizens have shit like machine guns, shoulder launchers, and other shit that can be bought on the black market for maybe 10,000 dollars or more.

But the government has Planes, tanks, bombers, assault helicopters, Nukes, Ect.
Shit that even the richest, pissed off citizen could not afford.

A full blown civic war would be very very one sided.

Now many people would say "no way military, police or other citizens working for the government would allow mass killing of US civil war combatants"
Look at history. Leaders have always found enough citizens in the country to carry out their orders. The US civil war would not have been possible with out this. Soldiers of the North has no problem taking orders to kill US citizen of the South. Enough of them believed that the Government (and the president) was in the right and that the citizens of the south has to be put back in line. Or die.

If you have a large enough fly swatter, and the will to use it. it doesnt matter how many fly attack you. one swat and all of them or most of them are taken care of.

You're stepping up your efforts to destroy the country, patriotic people notice.

>America literally built by immigrants and multiculturalism


America wasn't built on immigrants until the early 1900's.

Even then the immigrants were assimilating and largely had similar cultures (European).

Abraham Lincoln was a Republican, you pleb

>pic related

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So we're already fucked and we might as well lie back and enjoy it?

us was not build by whites alone you dense fuck. if you look into historical records then you will see that black labor was exploited and a lot of men and women of color were exploited to increase the wealth of the nation. also mostly democrats had slaves and only through republicans the men and women of color were set free.

no it won't.
and if it were to happen, you'd be a pussy hiding under your bed, and the rightwing fags would kill you for not joining the fight.

> and only through republicans the men and women of color were set free.

You sir, deserve a medal!

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Stop talking and do something about it then bitch. Nobody sees your ass in the fight. Yes, absolutely I will keep taking whatever ground I can from you until you stop me. That’s how enemies work.

no that is not what i am saying.
find a more strategic way to win.

Historians have said the reason the South lost the civil war was not just because they were poor and had less troops, weapons, and resources.

They lost the war because they were self righteous. Their ego made them feel invincible.
"We are in the right, so we will definitely win"
They felt like the war would be over in a week because they would kick the asses of all the Yankees.

Would a "civil war" now completely destroy the US as we know it? Yes i believe it would.

But to say that a bunch of pissed off citizens can just rush the white house and take over, and everything will be great? that is a little bit of a fantasy.


Logistics win wars.
Look at how the Vietcong beat the US.

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>Green Shirt : People with different colored shirts can't live together. It causes violence!
>Red Shirt : I live with a Purple shirt fine. In fact, we're in love!
>Green Shirt : *kicks the shit out of Red Shirt for living indecently with a Purple Shirt*
>Green Shirt : Just look at this atrocious result of mixed color violence!
You guys are wrong and mad. Actually, you're just mad and looking at any justification, even shitty ones.
Cut it out, man.

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Done it before over less and it will happen again.

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You've triggered the Autist now

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I love how wrong about everything you assholes are.

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it is honestly not surprising that the vietcong beat the US.
They had one main very important strategic advantage when it comes to war.
It is not the most important, but a very good advantage.

They were being invaded in their our territory.
All they had to do was dig in and defend for as long as they could.

The US had to invade, conquer, and occupy. and spend forever mopping up resistance to their occupation.

From a war stand point that is a hugely expensive and time consuming pain in the ass. Even if you are the victor.

the US beat Japan in WW2 because they used an endgame weapon. No one had seen this or had this tech yet.
Hell even the US didnt really know what the true outcome would be.
But they used it, Twice.
and it worked. and the rest of the world stood still, if even for a short time.

No one knew what the fuck to do.
"holy shit, whole cities taken out at one time"
"hundreds of thousands of enemies all killed at one shot"

how could anyone fight against that?

and the US had demonstrated that they had a leader at the time that was willing to go that far as to us a weapon of mass destruction.

Now the US would have not used a nuke in Vietnam. and the Vietcong knew that.
So in my opinion, it doesn't surprise me that the US lost that war.

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All rebels have to do in America is not comply, dig bomb shelters, and grow their own food

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Daily Reminder: Multiculturalism doesn't work

Just ask any Black Person in the US if they trust the cops.

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jets not invented
tanks not invented
rockets not invented
nukes not invented

Yes revolutionary or civil war CAN happen again.
but it is not going to end in rainbows with the righteous beating back the evil government and planting their new flag on the capital.

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You know the Vietcong lost, right?

Your knowledge of how Vietnam went is a bit fuzzy. Most people have the wrong idea.

In 1973 the war was won. The Vietcong had lost and given up. American troops left Vietnam. We made a promise, however, that if the Vietcong returned, we would supply the Vietnamese with equipment on a 1:1 basis: every bullet spent, every tank lost, we would replace.

1975, Saigon fell. Note that this is 2 years after the American troops left Vietnam. The Vietcong had returned and attacked again and Congress wouldn't support our promise of replacing Vietnamese equipment, so they lost the war.

But note that by this time, American troops were no longer in Vietnam. They lost the war 2 years after we left.

Interesting how most people miss that, isn't it?

more a point made for discrimination than for "multiculturalism"

murricas problem is not that black lives matter

You need people to pilot, maintain, repair, construct and support those tools.

just look at the Middle East
It's a hell hole and like less than 10% of their population are terrorists

35% of Americans during the Revolutionary war supported the war.
20% supported the British
The rest didn't give a fuck

worked in rome, the ottoman empire, aksum and a few other places. But I think 3 is enough to prove your point bullshit. have a good day and read more !

Blacks dont trust Whites
Whites dont trust Muslims
Muslims don't trust Whites
Asians don't trust Blacks

Noone trusts anyone dude.
Trust is the most important currency in a society.

btw 80% of Blacks grow up without a dad
That's why their communities are so fucked

I've read exactly this 5 years ago.
No civil war. Maybe you're a retard and wrong.
Ever considered this?

>You know the Vietcong lost, right?
Fucking LOL
>V: Help, Charlie's kicking the crap out of me
>A: I've got you bro
>C: *sucker punches A*
>A: Shit, I've got other stuff to do, but I've still got your back V
>V: A help they're back
>A: *puts on headphones, cranks music, hums patriotically about never having lost a war*
>V: *dies*
yOu kNoW tHe vIeTcOnG lOsT, rIgHt?

>Interesting how most people miss that, isn't it?
It is unironically through soviets pushing this narritive in the west.

go fuck yourself you piece of shit

the only civil war we need is to get rid of faggots like you

There's plenty of people in each of those groups that do and don't trust people from the other groups.
You can't talk about a billion motherfuckers like they share a game plan.


worry about yourself

mind your own fucking business

That got to be the worst exuse i read all day.

As the diversity of a population in a community increases, people in the community become less trusting in others.

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As the population of a community increases the community becomes less trusting in others. You go from everyone knowing each other to a sea of strangers.
Bigger places being more likely to receive immigrants is incidental.
Even if New York was all dutch those faggots would still be mean mugging motherfuckers that don't have the time of day to step around instead of on you.
That's just numbers, man.

oh I didn't know white people were indigenous to america, my bad

North vietnam was communist.
south was not and the US supported the south in hopes to stop the spread of communism.

The US did not leave Vietnam because they were victorious. They left because they could not continue the losses and cost. There was no justification in continuing the war.

The North over took the South. The US backed the South and not the North.

and check your history books.

Vietnam is actually communist. The entire country. Yet their are some capitalistic principles.
But from a government standpoint they are a communist country. No democracy.

Did the US stop the spread of communism to the surrounding south east asian countries?
Sure, they can have that victory.

Did they stop the entire vietnam from becoming communist.
We have a decent relationship with vietnam now and the country does fairly well economically.

But the simple thing is this.

US doesnt like communism and didnt want all of Vietnam to become communist.

The US failed.

I don't trust you.

Maybe THAT would be a good starting point.

a lot of the german kids after ww2 did so too

there's mostly more factors in life, than just 1

You're a historically ignorant retard
Read, or at least watch some decent documentaries, and get back to us later

>hurr durr multiculturalism is good because wypepo!

What happened to the Native Americans is the saddest story in history.

Native Americans were invaded by people with a different culture who wanted to live a different way, and they couldn't control their borders to keep them out.
Both groups had incompatible ways of life.
So the Native Americans got overrun and conquered.

Don't be so dense.

correlation != causation

little do you know, it seems.

Eg: the variance in any group (be it "races" or sexes or whatever) is most often broader than the variance between those groups.

Meaning: the overlaps are much bigger than the variance.

basic psychological knowledge, well established


You realize all the documentaries on Netflix are very Left Wing politically?
Netflix is very left wing.

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So where's there right to not get overrun themselves then stemming from, again?

Do they believe in the real god or something?

(Asking for a friend on facebook.)

from the perspective of a typical right-winged tinfoil-hatted shitlord

this is the absolute truth!

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>Meaning: the overlaps are much bigger than the variance.


But just because Women and Men are 95% similar, doesn't mean Men and Women are equal or capable of achieving the same things.

So now just because 2 cultures are 95% similar (European culture and Native American culture), doesn't mean they can coexist in peace because they are the same.

>can't detect bias

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>from the perspective of a typical right-winged tinfoil-hatted shitlord
I mean, realities probably a bit left wing for that group.
Why can't we all just make fun of idiots doing stupid shit, arrange elaborate internet jokes, and fap to immoral shit any more?
Yea Forumsros. pls.

Lincoln couldn’t even win a primary for a county commissioner in today’s Republican Party. Stop your false equivelancy.

but also doesn't mean, they would be different in value, dipshit

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because /pol/ are loosing grip

I do believe this aswell. You yanks are stupid enough to do this a second time aswell as we germans were stupid enough for a round 2. I hope that we have detached the EU from NATOS tentacles before it's to late and i have to eat canned sauerkraut in Maine because NATO will probably fight the insurgance rather than the US goverment...

Because we got a containment board next to us that leaks harder than a soviet nuclear reactor after a meltdown.

I'm not saying they are different in value.
But the can't coexist in the same country.

Respectful Nationalism is the only road to peace

it's always funny to hear from foreigners about how something is going to happen here
I don't know what your point is about canned sauerkraut, all sauerkraut is canned and in any case sauerkraut is delicious.

Pfft hahahahahahahaha omfg hahahahaha whooooooo hahahahaha!

Sorry Himmler, we would send your ass home in a box. If they sent you femboys here you would find both sides of any internal conflict instantly side against you.

There are only one group of people we like to kill more than each other here in the United States, and that is you Eurofaggots.

> just like men and women can't find a way to respectfully live in loving peace together.

gotcha fam!

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No. Within 6 months.