Hey user's. I want to kill myself. Does anyone know good sites for getting help with doing that.
Hey user's. I want to kill myself. Does anyone know good sites for getting help with doing that
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Go on the deep web and hire a hitman to kill you
uhhhh i can tell you how if you give some criteria on how you want it to go
Go to a psychiatrist to get help.
I have already done psychiatrists and psychologists.
I have considered the deep web, but I don't know a lot about it or about how easy or hard it is. I would guess there is a good chance, that I would get scammed.
I have considered hanging myself, or getting access to some kind of deadly substance. Guns are hard to come by where I live.
>Guns are hard to come by where I live.
No wonder you want to kill yourself. Come live in freedom land
What's the cause? We do not need anyone that's dead.
What's the country you live in? (not trying to track, just asking in order to help OP).
Mosques are pretty useful, just go in one and tell them muhamad was a pedophile that fucked pigs, that ought to do it
Also, OP, just becasue you're having worse time in your life doesn't mean you need to suicide.
Let's go even deeper, what's the reason behind this thought? Suicide is not a solution. It can only make things worse.
Furthermore, let's get a look at suicide techiques.
Headshotting yourself would be very painful. Unimaginably painful and agonizing.
Poisoning? It often takes much time and is AGONIZING.
Explosion? Doesn't kill by itself in most cases. You'd have to bleed out for very long time or die from some disease.
Hit by train - it only SOMETIMES kills just by hitting. Often train driver stops, passengers call the cops and ambulance. You'd die in hospital in torment.
Almost same with car crash, yet statistics provide only people killed in accidents, not the ones who caused these.
Fire? Fine. Do you remember sunbathing and having your skin hurts a lot? Well, then imagine it being a hundreds times more painful.
Carbon Dioxide and Monoxide are also not the solution. In your last moments you'd wake up and feel unimaginable pain and agony.
>Headshotting yourself would be very painful. Unimaginably painful and agonizing
But shooting yo self just kills yo self str8 away duznt it? Like hello world I'm alive-BOOM. Nothing.
Are you Hapa OP?
(part 2 of )
Stabbing yourself? Bitch please. Not that lethal. Cutting throat has even less chances of killing the one.
Overdose of drugs, illegal drugs, prescription drugs or painkillers? Less than 10%. Not that effective since humankind got used to them.
Drowning in ocean is not effective. Even though you're dead nobody would notice. Almost low chance as lakes, bathhub and swimming pools.
You could also say "But I can cut my limbs!" HELL, NO. DO NOT.
It is the most painful death way.
It is the most time consuming way.
It is the most tormenting way.
So do not kill yourself.
STEP 1: get a shotgun.
STEP 2: go to the top of the tallest building you can find.
STEP 3: go to the ledge, blow your brains out with the shotgun, make sure you plummet to your death.
STEP 4: ????
STEP 5: profit.
Also, do you think the life is tormention/curse?
Well, then I'll tell you something: It is not.
The life is time when you can feel... everything. Just because you do not feel happy it doesn't mean you should kill yourself.
Visit psychologist. Talk to your trusted friends. To anyone.
Tell us what caused you to make that decision. Yea Forums doesn't usually help, yet it may make you feel better, some kind of "freed".
>Headshotting yourself would be very painful. >Unimaginably painful and agonizing.
Yeah, for like half a second and then it all goes dark.
Hey, do you think i will live forever through reincarnation?
The every self killer in his VERY last seconds regrets their decisions.
How did I find out?
The footage.The footage of people dying slowly.
And watching my friend dying. It was too late when I came. They said he had regreted everything he has had done to kill themselves.
They had bleede in my arms.
This happened a few months before mature exams.
Yeahh...Elon...you was all time
Because those people are stupid and have problems that can be fixed. Some people have problems that will never be fixed and will regret nothing
Life after death doesn't exist. You wouldn't feel anything except the eternity slowly passing.
You're not going to neither hell or Eden (commonly missed with Heaven).
You're not going to reincarnate.
You're not going to get 72 virgins.
There is nothing after death.
I have never had a dream but I've heard a few friends who have them. Some of them have had lived almsot eternity in their dreams. They always claim they felt... nothing. Literally nothing for eternity.
It all goes dark. It all goes deaf. It all goes SENSELESS.
You're user here. We do not want you dead. We want to help you.
You've us or, at least, me.
Jump off a building, like I will soon.
This, like for example if you're an ugly non-White. Can't fix that.
>Life after death doesn't exist
How do you know that?
>You're user here. We do not want you dead. >We want to help you.
>You've us or, at least, me.
Bullshit you virtue signalling faggot, nobody that believes death is the end loves anyone. you're a malicious narcissist like everyone else, fuck yourself whore.
Blow your brains out on the ledge of the tallest building you can find, make sure you will plummet to your death.
too poor to afford gun and bullets
Look, if you're going to die anyway just take the risk of stealing the gun and bullets. Just do it you fucking faggot, what the fuck is wrong with you?
talk to a therapist
they really do help. I was suicidal had one suicide attempt. Life felt like at least mine was not worth living.
After speaking with her for about a year, I have not solved all my problems but I am no longer suicidal. It definitely helps to have a mental health professional on your side.
He also claimed his problem was "unique" and had no solution.
You don't even know how it feels when someone's dying in your hands. It is terrible. Horrifying. Frightening.
Even though you may think that only weak regret what they've done (I don't know you so it's difficult to tell), you have to know that sometimes even the strongest ones fall.
My local priest suicided last year because he had been falsely accused of pedophilia. And he was great man. Patient, intelligent, wise and could hear the people. A perfect man in convent.
And he had lived a very difficult life. He had reached the convent all by himself. His parents were addicted to alcohol.
The life teaches us that even the strongest fall.
It is not hard to fall lower. Let's prove the world you're not weak and get up.
Visit psychologist, start meeting with people (Tinder can be very helpful) and start training sports. I am not joking, these 3 elements are the key to get up.
All 3 of those things cost money that a NEET like me doesn't have
go to a therapist retard. dont kill yourself
Bumping for interest as I want to an hero as well...
I thought of heroine overdose.
I'm tired of seeing this thread on this site.
If you're going to kill yourself, please, stop burdening yourself further with this wasted time.
Stop SAYING you're going to do it and just do it.
Now if you're not and you have any shred of you that still wants to live, fucking live.
Live your life the way it was meant to be lived and don't stop until you do.
What's the alternative?
You've also claimed that only weak people regret their decisions. What if I told you that only strong ones get over problems?
Suicide is not a solution. There is always another way around.
Think unconventionally. Do you really think your reason is worth dying for?
Before we go further, you need to cry your problems out, at least for a bit.
Start setting yourself little challenges every day, beginning from doing activities by yourself through happiness with animals to the end at socializing with people.
Depression is not a will for not living. It is cry for attention, but not like these FB bitches do.
Everyone is precious, you being no exception. Find someone who is worth listening to you. Talk yourself out.
Also, you still haven't shared the reason behind your decision. Could you do it now? It may be important factor.
You should choke on my dick.
>You've also claimed that only weak people regret their decisions. What if I told you that only strong ones get over problems?
not Op but this part is not true part of living life is coping with problems beyond your scope
they may still hurt you but yo have to cope and find a way to keep going even if the pain never stops
If OP is White he should watch a few Hitler speeches, really inspirational feller that Adolf. Really gets the nogging jogging, gets the mind juices flowing you know what i mean?
I think we all live forever through reincarnation, OP should crush all opposition before him/her until he/her achieves the Final Victory over all of the enemies of Deutschland.
Fappening fags fuck off, heros get to streaming
you can't win every battle you only guarantee defeat if you engage some fights
its more about accepting your limits and planning accordingly
Bullshit cunt, depends on who's your enemy, what if you're figthing 50 average IQ Abos and you have a panzer? you'll crush those cunts. Run over their anthropoid bodies, fuck yeah. Brrrrrrrrrrrrrtttttttttt *crack* *crunch* brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrttttttttttttttt.
You don’t need the internet to kill yourself you pretentious fuck. You dramatic attention seeking fuck. Get the fuck off a message board and fucking fuck off and die. “I’m suicidal, let me post about it”, fucking poser fuck. Hang yourself, slit your shit, blow your brains out, jump off a bridge. You’re clearly stupid as fuck. You’re the type of fuck shit stupid fuck that makes actual suicidal fucks kill their self. You’re a fucking idiot fuck who should fucking die.
imagine the person you hate most is
Mohammed Ali
how many life times you gonna get your head punched off?
None, i have a 9mm semi automatic pistol i'm going to make his acquaintance.
I want your boipucci.
Fine, enough.
I've been trying to talk with you, yet with no effect.
Thread has been reported to both police and Yea Forums admins.
Enjoy ban.
You’re a fucking pussy fuck poser wannabe fuck. You aren’t depressed, you’re fucking stupid. Plain out fucking stupid. You’re a fucking faggot fuck. If you really wanted to kill your fucking self you wouldn’t make it a social event, and wouldn’t make excuses as to why you haven’t killed yourself. Dying is fucking easy you fuck fag. Please, go edgy as fuck you hot topic employee, do society a favor and fucking kill yourself. You can literally take a fucking for and jam that shit into your jugular. Quit making excuses and making it a social event. Fucking die if you wanna die you fucking poser
okay but now you are in prison for life maybe even death penalty
how many lifetimes is this worth ?
Take a fork and jam it into your jugular
To all police entities reading this. I am only in this thread for educational purposes. I do not condone anything said in this thread. Please don't arrest me
Yeah, the sites that say that they don't want you to do it can be pretty helpful.
They typically either patronise you with a bunch of lies and bullshit about how brave you are, or they heap a tonne of guilt on you about how your friends and family would feel. Then you walk away feeling much worse and wanting to do it even more... at least that's what I found.
I do not support suicidal thoughts what so ever. But since I noticed that nobody posted it yet, I'll do it. If you're suicidal, or just interested in helping someone who is, read the articles here lostallhope.com
I recommend starting here lostallhope.com
I'm just gonna smash his face in with the butt of the gun, Jesus. You complete psycho, i'm not just gonna shoot the nigger! what's wrong with you? are you a racist? you think i'm just gonna kill him just cause he's Black? shame on you.
Yeah me too. The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
Shoot up a mosque before
Do it.
Do it kid.
Do it and post it online for the world to see.
Let the world see you asphyxiate your sexy body.
I know that site. That is the best ressource I have found so far. I guess I believe that there are actual suicide-forums somewhere on the internet. As in forums where you can talk about how to commit suicide. But those are probably hard to find.
This, blame it on Candace Owens.
he will knock yo ass out
I used to lurk The Suicide Project, buncha worthless White liberals on that site. Can't handle a couple military marches by the good old boys back in WW2, i even posted some Jap marches to mix it up. I mean what the fuck? that's discrimination right there.
I'll get him a couple incarnations down the road, this ain't over Cassius. Yeah that's right, i know your real name bitch. This guy's a gangster? his real name's Clarence. And Clarence's lived at home with both parents. And Clarence parents had a real good marriage.
Now everybody from the 313 put your motherfucking hands up! up!
unless you a goddamn champion of the world you can't even touch em
Bitch, i'm a motherfucking champion of the galaxy. Niggas over in Xenus 4bik know who i am. They'll tell you, i curb stomp niggers. Niggas.
I'm not racist.
I had lice and this is a buddhist symbol. You fucking twats. This is a Roman salute, i'm 2% Italian, don't be fucking racist you cunts, i can't celebrate my Italian heritage now? it's not even White supremacy, Italians aren't White.
Go get help.
Look, your mosque was infested with roaches. I performed a valuable service to the community.
That is not what I'm saying; I'm just saying they're about as useful as tits on a bull.
Those are called udders, champ. They perform a valuable service to the community like /ourguy/ Brenton here did
>on a bull
Do they really?
What are you a fucking transphobe? youtube.com
H-hey um user, can I ask you for a favour? C-come join this /pol/ Discord server please, it's a really good server I promise! We can maybe even laugh at the Christchurch shooting livestream together if you did… so join using this link right now: