My mother wants me to get my own dinner knowing full well I don't know how to cook...

My mother wants me to get my own dinner knowing full well I don't know how to cook. She won't even give me some cash to order in a pizza. Wtf do I do Yea Forums? she's literally starving me.

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You could allways go fuck yourself and make some toast cuck

Just learn cooking eggs or some shit you bastard

grab a mug
crack an egg
30 sec in microwave
smear egg on bread.

with the amount of fat hanging off your tits i'm sure you could last a night without food

Obvi b8 u fags

How old are you?

>home alone one evening
you don't have any idea what starving means.

protip: these things your mother always puts in a basket somewhere around, that's not for the nice look only. it's edible: apples, bananas, oranges.

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I sincerely hope this is a piss poor troll. I only check Yea Forums a few times a month now. No idea if this is a new zomg3epic5me donk maymay. If you're serious then you're a massive faggot. Everyone has pasta in the house. Even autistic NEETs know how to make their own fucking ramen noodles. Hot water + pasta + time = meal.

If you're "trolling" with this piss poor shit, then you're an even bigger faggot.

bad b8, but that's what you want us to say right?

My dog can cook what's your excuse

shes really asking to be beaten up user

I can teach you how to cook:

Turn the thing that makes pots warm on
Put food on it

That's it
Cooking is piss-easy

Maybe she think it's time for you to stop acting like a 11 year old.
You should thank her for teaching you to grow the fuck up

You fucking sissy.

That sounds like fucken shit

dubs and you send her a dick pick

Are you this inept? Can you not read recipes? The only anger I have towards your mom is how successfuly she raised a clown

If you are old enough to have a phone and you can’t cook to save your own life you’re completely pathetic. Society is doomed.. Star Trek mass ass just a bunch of lazy freeloaders

shoot up a mosque

Did you run out of good boy points or something?

Fuck you. Bend over.

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OP catching lotsa fishes for dinner with this bait

Idiot who cant even cook a meal, retard.
Even africans can cook you faggot

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post pics of mum

ahahaha you cant cook fucking faggot