Ask a conservative Californian anything

ask a conservative Californian anything

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Other urls found in this thread:


why are you still in California

Do you use meth

Do you feel there are more disgusting humans in your state than others?

I dont got any money to move


Does being a closet gay hurt?


Why are you a stupid dump fuck?

I dont know

is it nice knowing that your presidential vote doesn't matter?

what are you farming
how much meth do you use per day
does meth help you farm better
do you get angry cause your affiliated party is a trainwreck
do you want ca to legalize meth
do you hate the mexicans who work with you on your lord's farm too

I love Russians so I’m good with them running things

no not really, I mean the declaration of independence is a thing but, eh, who cares, give votes to illegals

I dont farm or use meth, I just want to move out of this state

If you commit suicide you will be away from all of these troubles

Does this get you triggered, faggot?

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Orange County here, in same boat. Where u at bro?

Are you in OC or poor and that is why you can't leave?

the worst part of the state, the capital

How do you not go insane? I live here too.

>ask a conservative Californian anything
how does it feel being scared all the time?

im working 60 hours a week to only to pay rent and be poor. if i had newport beach money i wouldnt be reading this thread

I'm just poor because cant keep a job, I've already gotten fired twice for my political views

fucking terrifying

conservative californian here too, I live in bakersfield though so im ok for the most part.

honestly bro this states the best one to be in, just keep your views to yourself and move on, i hate it too, but when im chilling in 75 degree weather when everyones freezing im fine

>fucking terrifying
aside from the obvious..
the root of conservatism is ultimately about being a coward

I didn't even know that they were Conservatives here

I'm a capitalist in California, and I"m making bank, ama.

Also, fuck divided and conquered partisan cancer, get money faggots.

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>I didn't even know that they were Conservatives here
Bruh, all the threads are bbc, cucks, trans, and anti - AOC threads. This whole chan is infested by conservatives

why do poor people vote for republican politicians?
vote for the people who want to help those in need i.e. democratic party. vote for the people who want to help the working class i.e. democratic party.
don't vote for someone cause of some bullshit you're scared of not happening happening, like MA GUNZ or ABORTION or some bullshit that isn't going to affect you. Please don't be that stupid.

You dont need money to move

that is true

what do u do nigga? You make the best point, we have the jobs and money. Worlds 6th largest economy ftw. fuck the libkekery and cucktism

Why is your sate so fucking GAY?

what's the deal with all these republicans in the scandals and shit who are ACTUALLY cucks anyway?
Roger Stone's a cuck.
Paul Manafort's a cuck.
Hell, Donald Trump might be a cuck if Russia actually does something internationally beneficial and releases that tape.

Please stay in your state and dont fuck up any of the good ones.

how can you stand it here???

I grew up in portland, before it was completely fucked. moved around a bit, past 2-3 years been in LA area (where my family is from, in a time past now). WHAT THE FUCK?? me and my dad both, he grew up here in the 60 and 70s are so fucking out of this shit in a couple months when the lease is up. Businesses leaving in droves, anything remniscent of white culture is completely gone, 1 in 10 has turned into 1 in 100. The govt is beyond fucked, every thing about it is fucked. College system is fucked here. DMV is fucked. Court system, fucked. Business with ca govt, fucked. How do you do it here? How can you live in mexico? I know it was mexico 50 years ago. But now it is truly, completely, once again, mexico. viva la raza has won and this beautiful land that was once a paradise has turned into something truly disgusting. Im not racist. My whole life. Living in CA has opened my eyes to some realities though.


ask the liberals

How do you figure?

>good ones
stay in the south bro

>why do poor people vote for republican politicians?
Because poverty is a complex issue and while the 2-party system has it's flaws, the notion that the left "cares for the poor" is tenuous in reality and more public perception--much like the perception that republicans don't care about the poor.

>vote for the people who want to help those in need i.e. democratic party. vote for the people who want to help the working class i.e. democratic party.
You're either a troll or deluded.

>don't vote for someone cause of some bullshit you're scared of not happening happening, like MA GUNZ or ABORTION or some bullshit that isn't going to affect you.
Incoherent ramblings, user.

>Please don't be that stupid.

OP is being a cuck and just answering yar stupid qeston lalawl

wanting to help the poor and actually being able to do it are two very different things, and usually the REAL reasons why conservatives and liberals disagree.. it used to be disagreements on the approach, not the fundamentals.. liberals started losing, so they kicked up the game into creating narratives that conservatives are racist, misogynist, homophobes, xenophobes, all the -ists and -phobes.. if you don't think like a liberal, then you are a bad person.. think that's helpful? Trump is the reaction to that

We all need to come back to the center and stop these retarded games. I don't give a shit what state you're from

Do You get tired if being surrounded by toxic libs? Personally doesn't bother me, for me it's "think what you think, call me whatever. You don't matter in my life, what you say doesn't affect me" but I want to know what you think about it

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exactly.. the narrative that conservatives don't care for poor people is fucking stupid and a lie

Nah, not those.

I see too many of you white plate fucks out here in the Rockies and I just wish you would all fuck off back home.

You love our wilderness and our cheap cost of living, but you hate the actual people who live here and act condescending as all hell. Hopefully the next mass shooter goes after a Whole Foods in the bay area.

yang gang??

dude fuck being landlocked in Colorado

cuz the right are projecting faggot hypocrites, I thought everyone knew this?

Not your user, CT fag reporting in, not exactly landlocked, but we enjoy our lakes. Not sure what your point is.

I part own a startup, which just hit series A. Gonna be rich af. Fuck the divided and conquered hahahaha

Shit man you're right. It sucks out here. It's so cold and there's no ocean and winter lasts half the year. Guess you better just stay in CA with your Jamba Juice and your year long Pride events.

Can't be a hypocrite or a cuck if you don't believe in anything? Right?

I run a business in CA too.

But I'm getting the fuck out of this disgusting place very soon. Even if you can afford to live in the nice places, for twice the price of anywhere else in the country, what is the point of living on a little island in the middle of mexico? Been here a few years and enough time to think about it, and I'm fucking good. I'd rather be in a normal place, than stuck around a bunch of out of touch hollywood retards on a secluded island in the middle of mexico. Fuck this shit. Give this shit back to fucking mexico.

my bad dude, i misunderstood. I didnt think CT got many CA transplants. I am aware that they fuck up real estate costs. Its all home equity dude. people sell grandmas home for 1M that she bought for 40k in the 60s and there ya go. I can understand where youre coming from 100%

just dont say anything to them and you'll be fine

H-hey um user, can I ask you for a favour? C-come join this Discord server please, it's a really good server I promise! It would really make my day if you did... so join using this link right now:



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Just a friendly reminder, wasn't your original user.

I don't think CT gets a lot of CA transplants, although the people I bought my house from were from CA. Value went down $60k since then. My only point was that landlocked(which boils down to no import/export docks) doesn't really mean much. We're nothing compared to NJ, but we get to enjoy a pontoon on a lake.

Yes, I see cutting taxes for highest earners and trickle down economics HAS worked wonders for those in poverty

And Donald Trump conservative #1?
Let's take a look at his upcoming budget proposal...
Cuts to Medicaid and Social Security?
Yeahhh....... Looks like those republicans aren't "in the business" of helping or caring about the poor.

But I'M not poor! That's OK misfortune affects us all.

I personally feel better about my country knowing if I got fucked on some bullshit like not being able to hold a job for whatever reason, that I could make it through the next couple months safely.
Maybe you don't though?

Let me clarify lastly on my rambling, don't vote on social issues that are presented next to some bogeyman, like border emergencies.

yeah. I'm from NC originally. I do plan on making some money from my tenure here and leaving, but not too far probably OR. you cant be comfortable in california unless youre taking down atleast 300k a year and thats slaving to the mortgage man.

You don't sound like you're in CA, I call bullshit. Sure it's diverse, but it's not as bad as the right cucks think.

I call bullshit, lived here my whole life.

yeah its not a financial thing i just prefer having coastal access.

>Bruh, all threads are bbc, cucks, trans, and anti - AOC threads. This whole chan is infested by conservatives
Nah man that just your average autism

I keep hearing lefties saying that the tax change benefited the highest earners, can you cite exactly how?

Medicare and SS revenue are fixed, that was never changed. So you're saying that the expense side is changing under the new proposal, can you be specific?

Not a troll, honest question, because I saw a lot of portions of the new law that tax the rich more.

>Nah man that just your average autism
exactly, the right

so besides the joke, are you saying that autistic people should be excluded from public debate? serious question

I'm just saying this place has become dominated right since about 2015. Primarily from the pol malignant tumor moving into it. You don't have to think so hard about it lol


yeah, nice skirt, but you didn't answer my question at all.. i deal with autistic people who are probably smarter than you, so choose your words carefully

I'm guessing you've never been to Los Angeles County in the last 20 years.

Oh, LA, yea fuck LA, I'm in the bay. We make money lol.

>the right is smart
LOL ok

to add to this, go look up the high school grad photos for the last year for all of the previously known middle class white areas.

you won't see one white face in 80% of the schools. the only areas with ANY white culture left in Los Angeles is literally the hollywood hills area, santa monica, calabasas, etc. Only at the extremely elite level does any culture remain. All middle class white culture at a normal, down to earth level, is completely utterly gone and replaced completely with viva la raza.

>Los Angeles County
Ohhhhhh California is so big. No wonder you hate it. Yea dude, that's almost as bad as texass or some shit. Fuck socal.

Quoted from Newsweek, and if you think that's fake news this is over.

>the only way to lower the record-high federal deficit would be to cut entitlement programs like Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security.
>"It’s disappointing, but it’s not a Republican problem," McConnell said

And about taxes, things like estate taxes as well as corporate taxes have been lowered or made more forgiving. Corporate cuts are instated to be perpetual, whereas the tax cuts made to individuals i.e. working class people i.e. the majority of americans get reverted back to pre-tax cut rates in 2026.
The tax changes unless you tax the highest earners more, will almost always benefit them more. It's about not paying taxes on income. If you're progressive, you want more of that income made in the States to go to the government, and with the newest tax scheme, you have a lot of that money being diverted away. Not really sure how to explain that one to you. I'm personally OK with being taxed more, if it means I get infrastructure and things out of it for paying my proportional share on income made.

nothing of substance, right on target.. ask for an actual intelligent response, get "HURR DURR: LOL ok"

yeah, you win

I never mentioned fake news, and I asked for a citation. You copied and pasted shit from who knows where, can't even have the courtesy to provide a link?

I mean, if you're trying to prove the right is intelligent than you've already lost lol. The divided and conditioned will always lose.

>muh white
meh, race will be a cosmetic choice in less than 200 years. The whole race bullshit is fucking archaic and dated son. It will die off, you should be far more worried about modified intellect. Now that shit will render you useless.

fair enough, you did not.
however, I don't know how many newsweeks there are.



You seem like a pretty angry guy.

Because you're a conservative

The constitution would handle this situation, not the declaration of independence trumptard

What's the story op?

for me its far less about color, as I am mixed race myself, and much more about culture and how by me being half white, I am automatically given dirty looks and treated less, not given the same benefit of the doubt that they give to their own people. the only people who are not "racist" in our modern interpretation of the word are white people who think they are too good to worry about their own people. mexicans look after their own, blacks do the same also. only for white people is it a crime to care for our own. my culture that I grew up with, in my home, is rejected by those and I am treated worse because of things my grandparents have done that I have had no part of. I have done nothing but grow up in a halfass environment. I have done nothing to deserve needing to pay reparations for slavery or for taking of california hundreds of years ago, its not my fault as a 22 year old mixed young man, that I am given dirty looks by every older mexican that walks by and I dont even feel comfortable talking a 10 minute walk to clear my head like I have done all my live when I lived in other areas. This is the area my family is from, I grew up in a different area.

>I'm one person, therefore everyone should feel as I do.

where did I ever say that? I stated my personal experience and feelings nothing more.

Any implications are drawn by your own fucked up self projecting your problems onto others. Sorry.

Das rite wh*te boi

To be honest, I rely strictly on government data. The IRS Databook, which is released annually, usually late March, which obviously has not been released yet.

This Databook shows how much revenue the IRS has taken in, from all filings: corporate or personal. It shows how many filings there were vs the amount of each filing. And this is only for the fiscal year which ends at the end of September of the year prior. So the impacts of the tax reform can't be _honestly_ assessed until over a year from now.

Anything we talk about now, is pure conjecture. Come back in a couple weeks when the first fiscal year can be brought into perspective. Only then can we maybe freak out. This data book won't report the actual impact until late March next year when the IRS sorts out the refunds and payments.

I respect your opinions, but, keep honest. The only answer anyone has right now is that "we don't know, yet".

I love how all libtards think everyone voting for Trump is a redneck or a meth head. When in reality the majority are business owners and solid blue/white collar individuals...

Also, Cali conservative checking in.
These liberals are stupid as pile of dog shit. They have lost their minds and it's great seeing Trump ripping their asses.

I know that feel bro, every time I'm walking down the street after some white fucker does some fucked up shit I get looks. WE ALL feel that. Doesn't change that the world is evolving and humanity with it. We can't stop the meltingpot, we have to adapt to change instead of be pussified by it.

Right? I love trump, also, I'm not a fucking white flower faggot. I like diversity, how's that feel leftist cucks? I'm in favor of diversity, and I voted for trump.

Get money.

When the rest of the world thinks about what's great about America (where they'd want to visit out live) they think mainly of blue areas? Why do the red States depend on blue state taxes to exist? the greatness that comes out of our cities (financially, education, science, the arts) is what the rest of the world envies - why do they all vote blue? If we replaced all the Hicks with Mexicans (esp the jobs they perform, i.e. farming), would anyone notice?

This /bro gets it .

The IQ in trump country is like 20 points lower, the income levels are worse, and quality of life is much lower

Why are you still in the state?

I wonder what has happened to education since I was in high school (

It's quite the opposite.. and ALL of the country is, Trump Country when he's President. Being a lazy liberal millennial isn't anything to write home about. Staying with parents , drinking Starbucks w/soy, driving gay ass Priuses and not working..lazy ass people wanting everything handed to them for free. Doesn't work like that freeloader.

>don't got any money
Sounds like every red-state in the Union. When's next food stamp coming in?

>The IQ in trump country is like 20 points lower
try.... more than that.

seriously who would enjoy being like this conservative who posted this

The economy is not growing at 4% which was the number the tax breaks needed to break even, so we are spending like niggers with a payday loan

The red States are welfare States that live off blue state taxes. How does that fit in with what you wrote? Why do blue voting areas do so much better financially than red areas?

He lives in a trailer, has no job protections, makes $9 an hour because he is a “supervisor” in a shit state. His state doesn’t offer real avenues to success besides the other brainless college alum pushing for football over education...but his parents don’t own franchises in Businesses smart people created so they will wait until the next flood comes and hope the federal government bails them out again.

H-hey um user, can I ask you for a favour? C-come join this Discord server please, it's a really good server I promise! It would really make my day if you did... so join using this link right now:


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In a world full of liberal retards I just want to say Thank You For Existing user

Your mother for starts....

in the blue or red part?

>>I'm in the blue part. I've just developed a high tolerance for leftist pablum and I mostly keep my opinions to myself. It sucks, but I'm optimistic. The CAgop was really impacted by Trump: the few republicans running in the bay area just got clobbered by democrats because of it (and a shitload of out-of-district money). Hopefully they'll win back ground once he's out.

When you have bad days and are feeling particularly triggered by the communist clusterfuck that is our state government, just go outside and enjoy the most beautiful real estate on Earth. Life could be worse.