Why didn't you leave this shithole for 8ch yet where the big bois dwell?

Why didn't you leave this shithole for 8ch yet where the big bois dwell?

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Other urls found in this thread:


because im not an ethno-nationalistfag

Big bois lmao. Read his manifesto. He's a literal manchild

The full footage is on 9gag

>gets angry because mudslime cucked him
>shoots up mosque
>doesn't even kill the man that cucked him
>lived a cuck, died a cuck

It's obvious he was a PewDiePie fan; memespouting degenerate that died a cuck,


He didn't die

you mean eco-fascist

Who cucked him? Explain please.

>died a cuck,
uh, what?

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i don't understand 8ch navigatiuon tree the interface is a fucking mess

Cuck. Cuck. Cuck.
Find a new word, robot.

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Where can I find the video?

He has a pretty good KD. Especially since he's still at zero deaths

This guy is like 95% memes


Already more mindless than celeb threads.
Find something else to post.

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You find something else to post.

is that the same thing now adays?

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He was literally cucked

No u

Attached: Shitposting.gif (250x250, 32K)

this is what happens when you when your reality becomes memes.

Anyone got a copy of the manifesto?

It's fucking everywhere use the Catalog

49 and 0 not bad


anybody got full 17min video?

Fuck you and your kike buzzwords. You will use his pronouns.

see manifesto included


Kiwi Farms front page has a torrent with the livestream and the manifesto. Both are absolutely horrifying works of art. I truly hope he is wrong and people actually keep their cool. I believe making more people aware of what was in his manifesto will help people stay sane just to spite the guy.

I do but go to the pol archived thread to get it. its on my phone and I don't want to move it to my pc to upload it for you

That is his pronoun. he used both. so what you gonna do now???

what did he mean by this?

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Once he lights the fire to remove the kebab then the corporate overlords will pay.

He's a fascist that wants to save the environment

They post CP there at times and that is disgusting and pisses me off

meme spouting faggot pewdiepie fan cuck

that used to be here, but mods just got better at handling it and getting the pedos v&. 8ch just has shittier mods

cause 8ch is a ghost town unless there is a happening

hope u enjoyed that thread

enjoy your wheelchair-accessible honeypot, cringeservative tween

How the fuck is pew still on youtube lol he's going to enable more edgelords that end up in jail.

>no u
sweetie no

because its full of boomers and schizoids

wait this means he has a KD ratio of infinity

>implying Yea Forums isn't the daddy of all honeypots

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Googled it nothing happend

I'm complacent with my degeneracy thank you

Does anyone know where I can find the video I’ve been looking for it everywhere.

Fuck off newfag

I've been here since last summer mate

I like 8ch but not enough people are there.

only newfags say newfag you absolute newfag

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>since last summer mate
Thanks for proving my point

New Zealand shooter wrote of wanting to "create conflict between the two ideologies within the United States on the ownership of firearms in order to further the social, cultural, political and racial divide." A goal the MSM is now accomplishing for him and still they blame Trump and his base.

Now, the terrorist published a manifesto. And the manifesto includes the claim from the terrorist shooter that he’s not a conservative, that he’s not a Christian, that he identifies as an eco-fascist, and he adds that he disagrees with Trump on politics. This is an amazing list of things to put in your manifesto. It indicates an awareness of how media is going to tend to report this. And of course media is reporting this, that it is precisely the fault of Donald Trump.

>Baited xD

plz be bait

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This cant be real nigger actually just did it for the memes

who did the memes better, skyking or this guy?

Familiarity. I basically grew up on this site. I'll go to it again though. Thanks for reminding me.
