Everyone here is either being gay...

Everyone here is either being gay, only posting porn or obsessed with the newest tragedy that got boring after 20 minutes or just being a general boring retard. Let's be interesting retards in this thread and discuss meaningless and trivial shit like it's important.

I think I'm going to buy a car tomorrow. US, Illinois. I have little over 2k to spend. What does Yea Forums think I should try to get? No car loans.

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I think you should try to get out of Illinois.
Wisco is economically a better choice.

Buy a razer scooter. Do a kick flip.

You're not wrong... Things with my girl are completely FUBAR and thereisn't a single other reason I wanna stay so as soon as my probation is done I'm a ghost. Thinking I might go South though. IDK You got any random or cool things going on user?

I'm an edgy 28 year old not and edgy 19 year old...


those are a bitch on the ankles

Thanks for the tip. Might give em a call but I’m trying to have cash left over for shit.

but vtec Yea Forumsro. wait til that shit kicks in.

I am looking for something a little more efficient... if it’s yours are you willing to go down on price?