This faggot terrorist was too scared to fight isis so he chose defenseless people making him the same vermin as islamic...

This faggot terrorist was too scared to fight isis so he chose defenseless people making him the same vermin as islamic terrorists what a dumb fucking retard

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Other urls found in this thread:

All brown people are invaders

because ISIS is not the problem retard, the problem are the civilian immigrants

This attack reallllyyyy showed those “UK grooming gangs” I keep hearing them bark on about

And what do muslims ?

I’m sure the Maori love white fucks.

I fucking hate muslims but those people were innocent

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Agreed. He thinks he is helping whites, in reality he is probably just inciting actual extremist muslims to take action. He is indirectly killing whites by giving the shitskins a valid reason to hate us. Fucking idiot

White people are weak ass worthless shits now. How the fuck did they become so pathetic?

read his manifesto. his target wasn't isis. it was "invaders" which included all races except "europeans" he just chose to target muslims for this attack because it would create the most controversy.

Worlds strongest men are whites, nice meme tho

so was the cow from which your steak came from, fgt. go vegan!


you're fucking retarded, do you really think Muslim civilians are more of a problem than an organization who kidnaps and beheads people on camera?

Unless his target was whites, his actions are counter-productive. I think most of you cheering him on are rp'ing shills

>Has joined the battle

>censor the internet!!
No. And who's cheering him on?

True. Dude was on some pussy shit.

>implying muslims don't deserve to reap every last ounce of violence they've sown in the name of their pedophile prophet and backward values

The fuck are you on about?

This is already worn out.
Find something else to post.

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You mean he did the same thing Isis does to other Muslims who aren't "Their" type of Muslim?

>I think most of you cheering him on are rp'ing shills

Who has the link?

It doesn't matter what they deserve. Violence leads to more violence, every time. Attacks like this enrage muslims and therefore put whites in danger. Fuck off shill

>his actions are counter-productive.
counter productive to what cause?

By cheering him on you are making it appear as if common white people approve of his behavior, thus making shitskins hate us even more. Seems like the actions of a follower of mohammed to me, but hey thats just a theory

to what? the vid or the manifesto? doesn't matter because links are being taken down as soon as they're posted. maybe hit up the deep web for that shit.

Have you ever read the Koran. It incites lying, deceit, and death to non-believers of Islam.

Counter productive to keeping immigrants out by invigorating immigrants and all those who support them... Remember 911? All it did was piss us off and give us a reason to attack. Same shit different day.

Again, who is cheering him on? Because I'm not seeing it. Everyone has condemned his act.

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Keep shilling faggot.

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Why the fuck it shit in the manifest...
Read the thing and stumbled upon

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Yes they are akin to a nest of hornets. So lets give it a good kick yeah? fucking genius

Why did "invaders" leave their home countries?
Because of fucks like ISIS.
Kill ISIS, keep Middle Easterners in the Middle East.

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Was less than 24 hours ago? Fuck off you faggot zoomer. Go refresh your reddit page for the 100th time today so you can get the instant gratification your tiny penis needs.

good idea. tell him, not me. maybe he should've joined the army and then the good fight.

Is this the first 2 minutes youve been on the chan today?


Every other edgy teen on a rekt thread is cheering him on.

>trying to create a link between pewdiepie and a literal right wing terrorist

>Im not the shill, you are

Fucking kek

pretty much. have i missed something drastic?

Jesus, such a cringelord...

They are radicalised from the time they can walk to a mosque. Praying 6 times a day. Having it drilled into them that non-believers should be killed. It's not a religion, it's a homicidal cult.

You can tel Brenton but I don't know if he'll listen. You can't rent the Brent.

What about this confuses you?

This world would be so much better if radicalists from all sides had a war and where all killed.

because audio

who would host that party?

The only way to get rid of them is to turn public opinion against them once again. Attacking them with force is completely counter-productive to this end. The only proper course or action is to bring their wrongs to light, in a peaceful way.

It's going to happen either way. Better to start the open fighting sooner than later as they're only growing in numbers. It's the Muslim way to play nice with the kafir til they have sufficient numbers to wage war

>The only proper course or action is to bring their wrongs to light
Name three wrongs.

ah, the irony of a culture that recognized "an eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind" turning around and claiming that others "deserve" to suffer what they've dished out.

if they're mad that others keep fucking with them, why is your answer "keep fucking with them"? do you not see how retarded this "logic" of yours is?

>literal right wing terrorist
nigger disavowed capitalism
econ better, retard

the baptist church down the street from my house isn't westboro.

explain why the parishioners refuse to radicalize themselves to that extent like i'm 5 please.

guize, the formula 1 is on.

>newfag doesnt recognize pasta memes

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You're on the wrong website mohammed

they marry children as young as 8 years old, they kill everyone who doesn't practice their religion, and they also kill their own daughters if they fuck anyone before they're married.

they literally stone people to death user. like they're living in the fucking dark ages, they throw rocks like apes at the people they don't like.

I think it's a necessary evil

New Zealand Muslims don't do that.

>i can't even make up an answer
ok. top lel.

Can someone who knows about guns answer me some questions please?

1: The weapons he used looked pretty serious, are they legal to own in NZ/Australia?

2: Why did he discard the first gun so quickly?

3: Why did he have a strobe on one of the guns?

So our corrupt governments let them in without the voters say so, and you expect the same corrupt government to throw them out. Look up Kalergi Plan.

>Trying to change the subject and bait me at the same time

Shill confirmed.

Of course I do...but like for real, Why would he put this in his manifesto. It’s in the original...

Notice how he replied to me instead of Be wary of shills boys and girls

But it's illegal to do this and good luck, the media has the hive mind well indoctrinated to tow the line. Just look at how they play with the sjws. They're just flexing at this point showing that there's no low when it comes to virtue signalling

he's the ultimate troll. typical fucking australian.

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yeah well unfortunately that's in new zealand, where most of the fucking world ISNT located.

Maybe he had a sense of humor? Seems kinda funny to me

I'm making sandwiches atm

>I fucking hate muslims but those people were innocent
no such thing..get them together and challenge them and you see their true hatred of all non mudslimes

Whose got the link?

was his argument seriously that one group of muslims doesn't do this therefore NO muslims worldwide do this? that's just astounding.

2 I guess it jammed
3 strobe lights disorient the prey


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vid is on 8ch

>pointing out your mistake
>changing the subject
whatever, normie

He doesn't care about other countries you faggot, they are invading and killing us, civil war will come soon or later

The argument was that he targeted the innocent harmless ones like the cowardly scum he is.

they fooled ME, jerry.

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Why put him in a dress?
That's just inhumane.

fucking kek. shitposting til the very end

I want to know what medications he's on. The guy is completely devoid of emotion.

Exactly, the media is controlled by the left. Events like this are weapons in their arsenal to convince more and more normies/people on the fence to become lefties. We need to get our team riled up, not the enemy team. Thats why I consider those who glorify the shootings shills, because they are only hurting the right

But then....he is the absolute troll king, killing 49 people and always keeping his mind on the keks...

You spelled normal wrong. It was completely irrelevant to what you said, but hey Im still gonna "point out your mistake". Oh, would you look at that I done gone and changed the subject. Whoopsie

I'm kind of hoping that this is the start of something big

Yes, too bad his actions are only building mohammed's army of angry mudslimes.

i'm bored with life too

>tfw no gf

Ask yourself, why are they worshipping a "religion" that tells you to kill non-believers. They are what we call sleeper cells. When the time comes, they will act.

The way he took that girl out and then just drove over her was weird!

Even wikipedia is full of keks

>The author of the manifesto also labels himself a "kebab removalist"

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ye they invading us. just like we invaded the native ppl here. u dumb retard

what was he supposed to do, turn on the thrusters and fly over her?

Exactly, and the natives ended up dead and replaced. We don't want to share their fate


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I'm disappointed in you, Jimmy Hopkins

and onto the watchlist you go..


Did you expect him to fly over to an Arab country with a rifle with him, and to take on ISIS? I'm sure he's fine with the mudslimes doing their shit in their own countries.

I don't know if these people are serious or not with their whining. I'm lead to believe that it's blown out of proportion simply due to some site namedropping Yea Forums for the nth time creating a rise of newfags and retarded edgemasters.
Sucks people died but who gives a fuck unless you're directly related to them. It has absolutely nothing to do with any of you, and if you think it's one of the "worst things ever" you're quite literally the reason why this guy decided to go on a spree.

Opposed to the Bible which is all sunshine and good times.

Every 15 year old like you has the same shitty fucking opinion knowing nothing about the world.
Not only is he going to cause a retaliation and he's likely fucked NZ's gun laws to shit in the near future.

After reading a few blocks of his manifesto he's a fucking low iq dipshit with hypocritical views on many of his points.

Thinking that this attack wasn't anything but a retard thinking he's killing terrorists when in reality he just killed a bunch of people worshiping their version of god, which is entirely fucking pointless anyway.

Also you're wrong about the Koran, but you'll never actually learn about it enough to understand that I'm right.

TL;DR - You're fucking stupid and so is this mouth breathing idiot along with his accomplices. Acting tough is just showing how scared you are.

>Most states, including Massachusetts, allow minors to marry with parental consent and court approval. Unlike many other states, Massachusetts does not specify a minimum age to marry with permission from the minor’s parent.

>Over the past 15 years, more than 200,000 minors married in US, and in Tennessee girls as young as 10 were married in 2001


they need to go back home

Who are you quoting, schlomo?

>live anywhere where there is sun
>get a tan
>get gunned down by some unhinged retard walking past a mosque on your way home

Get a new metric, retards.

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oh man, this made me feel lighter

He will get buttraped in jail who loves hisa ction is a dirty shit who needs big fines and a beating.....Killing is allways bad by you crazy racist idiots emntality inbreds if a white did something bad like rape and murder then all whites are bad,You disgusting pieces of shit get civilized i hope this board gets closed and the fbi fines you disgusting schreechers till you lose your own home disgusting bastards who cheer for killers with no shame or common sense.We white man will never accept this racism and the killing of innocent non armed man !! Make your right wing prayers becouse soon you will all end no more internet for you idiots crazy dorks

>He will get buttraped in jail
You need to be at least 18 to post on Yea Forums.

that was his goal he wants a racewar he wants them to attack back so his government can do something with the shitskins

Shut up normie aka fucking commie

al lthe cheering schreeching pieces of shit should follow him in jail and lose everything

>he's a fucking low iq dipshit
perhaps you couldn't read between his lines which makes you the low iq shit stick

>a retard thinking he's killing terrorists
he very clearly stated that his attack has nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism and that he simply chose muslims as his target for this attack because it would generate the most attention.

i, personally, do not condone his actions but i'm all about free speech and seeing fools like you misreporting his motives triggers me. you're either a moron or you have an agenda to incite further violence in the form of retaliative attacks.

but be clear; this was all about race, not religion.

A race war will end in a nuclear apocalypse

shut up shitskin

Dont worry they are mostly just shills, trying to get you to hate whites and vote for bernie in 2020

Europeans are invaders so why didnt he kill them

exactly. He's a fucking pussy.

>Richards, Victoria (2016-03-09). "Child marriage chart reveals girls can wed at 12 in some parts of the US - as lawmakers battle to raise age to 16". The Independent. Retrieved 2017-06-03.


>At least 207,468 minors married in the US between 2000 and 2015, according to data compiled by Unchained At Last, a group campaigning to abolish child marriage, and investigative documentary series Frontline.

The true figure is likely to be much higher because 10 states provided no or incomplete statistics.

>calling me shlomo, when your country promotes child marriage
>blaming it on musleemz

I lost count of typographical errors. Holy shit. As another user said.
>you must be 18+ to post here

No dumbass, he and ISIS work for the same (((people))).

Shut this shit hole down. Yea Forums may have been great at one time but it's only become a haven for FB/IG jerk off posts and shitlord racist faggots and Russian trolls.

Hmmm...who guessed this..?

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>your country promotes child marraige

Have yoy ever been to america? Met Many americans? If word got out that someone married a 10 year old, his neighbors would merc him.

This is a shit career move, Senator. I love it, give me more. More retards sailing on the winds of delusion and exposing their power levels to the public's naked eye. Give me more.

because that would be suicide

It was a win because every Muslim is isis
>he didn’t kill enough

What's there to read between the lines?
He himself said that he struggled with his fucking school and barely got his graduation, while mentioning that he wasn't interested in school.

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you don't go to school to learn how to fuck

Who has the video tho?

Nigga, there are documented cases where girls as young as 10 have been married away.

Are you fucking with me or are you just plain dumb, like that "white race warrior"?

So, what really happened im seeing his face all over Yea Forums ?

>implying fucking requires an high understanding of the world or IQ overall

Even the dumbest animal knows how to fuck, what were you trying to tell me by this sentence?

Not that user, but that really doesn't mean jack shit. I was a straight A student and Im also a grade A dumbass. Are you seriously going to tell me that the guy who was fucking every girl in the school, living alone supportig himself, is dumber than me because he was less interested in school? Shit teir opinon user

that ur a moron who just repeating unsubstantiated """"facts"""" that your media is reporting. i goota go do poo now.

Well I still remember 911 and how they all celebrated. I think I may need help. I'm going to go cry now.

I own a copy of the Bible, Koran, Torah, Tripitaka, Vedas and Guru Granth Sahib.

I am much older than 15. All gun laws are messed up. Why allow so many guns in the hands of the public. It will always end badly. As for his agenda, I don't care. Forced immigration on the voting public will always result in resentment and in extreme cases like this, ultra-extreme reaction.

Your last statement shows that you are an extreme left-wing, brainwashed individual. You have been indoctrinated to believe that immigrants are the best thing since sliced bread.

shit got real

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Being the dominate race is definitely pathetic guy is autistic though.

it's fake, dumb dumb

he's a /pol/ack, who hard it is to understand

He's saying you share ideologies with a dropout who trained for his mass shooting in a battle royale lobby.

Man, fuck you /pol/. I just want a place to be autistic but you dumb faggots had to turn this place into an alt right paradise.

It is completely illegal to marry a minor in America, so anything like that must have slipped through the cracks of law enforcement, which is a far cry from the whole country promoting pedophilia. But you already knew that, fucking jew shill.

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He was a hero, a conquer. You wouldn't have the balls to do what he did, This was the best karmatic justice done back onto those worthless sand nigger shit skins. Anyone who advocates for them and their pedophilic ritual based religion, you can get tossed in an oven you worthless jewish kike shill

Were you really an A-Grade student? Your orthography tells me otherwise.

Can somebody link the video, every fucking where I look it's banned or a 10sec clip

this faggot killef a bunch of racists, homophobe and terrorists apologists.

shut your retarded mouth OP

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Oh denial, how i love it.

When your mom got raped, she was in denial too.


>terrorists apologists should die
>defends terrorist
Look, it's /pol/ and they're still stupid as fuck.

Muslim communities don't abide by the law. They live by their own Sharia Law.

Yes, I was a straight A student and I have an 8 inch cock.

Only lying about one

What an idiot. This will result in more gun control in New Zealand, guaranteed. This guy is dumb as fuck and looks inbred.

Where is the video

And this, caballeros, is the prime example of the Donald Trumpius, a human with cognitive abilites resembling a fucking cow.

Eating, shitting, shower once a month or so.


he killed fucking five year olds, if you don't see the problem with that, I'm sorry user you need help

Haha well played sir, well played.

Holy shit, yes, absolutely.
Noone I know was in any way negatively impacted by ISIS. Four of my friends were robbed and/or beaten by immigrants/refugees.
The only hope I have left is that ISIS is controlled by right wing interest groups which try to turn the public opinion against the invaders. If they really are muslim terrorists, the war against immigration in Europe was lost long ago

lurk more faggot

You just revealed your power level, kike

Not even a bit, i'm capable of doing more to your mom than you'd imagine.

Im not defending muslims

future bin ladens. good job!

And the fact that they in Australia get more payments and better care from the government then our own elderly that helped build this fucking place, I say he's a hero

I recommend you watch some muslim school sneak peaks in Europe where 5 year olds repeat that Christians need to be slaughtered and that the devil will turn you gay if your hair is longer than 0.2 inches.

all he did was create further sympathy for Muslims, and to allow them into the country. it will have the opposite effect

he is just out to get his 15 mins of fame because he has failed in life and needs to vent

no doubt there are muzzies in jail, both practicing and sympathizers, and this dude is fucked

More like a hero for the muslims. You're missing the big picture here.

Who got attacked? Muslims. Who will enjoy protection, condolences and support? Muslims.

To be honest, this guy fucked white supremacy more than any muslim could've done.

Be prepared to get shit on by muslim countries like turkey.

Go back to your four wives that you make cover up towel head, the shooting was fucked up though.

How dumb and uninformed can you be. Have you never heard of Sharia courts within their communities. What has Trump got to do with Islam? Just learn the truth and stop being so leftist that it makes you sound mental.

The difference between the Maori and the native Americans and all the other indigenous peoples around the world who got marginalized is this:

They let it happen to themselves. They didn't advance fast enough in numbers or technology. So they were wiped out/subjugated by the superior invading force.

With all that in mind, what makes anyone think it would be any different in Whote countries? Brown "visitors" could not be multiply and eventually outnumber us? And if they did, they wouldn't eradicate/subjugate us? Why not? It's established historically that this is always what happens to a conquered people, and wouldn't the brown hordes be especially brutal to us, given their real and perceived grievences against us?

And so my point is, why do we care what some past "victim" thinks of us today? Why would we let their opinions matter? They could only lead to pain, death, hardship and revenge for us. Why would we put ourselves through it?

this this this this this

Towel head detected

*Laugh in white people owning guns*

>your four wives

Because citizens need to have power too and not have to really on pig narcs that only care about themselves.

No you fucking retard, read carefully.

One of you ignorant fucks threw in the argument that muslims are pedophiles and child marriage is widespread among them. I copy pasted several sources claiming that child marriage happened in the U.S. Children as young as 10 got married away.

And there are STILL, TO THIS FUCKING DAY, exceptions that allow girls as young as 12 to be married away.


Do you understand your retardness now? Who the fuck talked about the sharia law nigga? Don't make me go jihad on your ass with your stupidity

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I'm 8 inches

>It is completely illegal to marry a minor in America
that's nice and all but america isn't the center of attention right now. new zealand is.

hes a partisan not a terrorist you semite shill

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Every kebab removed is a good kill

There's a reason chomos dont last long in American prisons.

about 7000 rapes every week in europe with the avg age of victim being 13 says yes.

No, I'm not jelly of an inferior race, every Islam ran nation is a shit hole for a reason.

You guys need to he aware that you are talking to shills

islam wont stop until it rules the world, they take your peace to build up strength, the quran tells them too

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>abides by sharia law
>highest BIP

>being this jelly



This faggot OP was too stupid to make a better board so he chose regurgitating threads making him the same faggot as Islamic terrorists what a dumb fucking retard

>thus making shitskins hate us even more.
even more???

2:191-193 Fight and kill unbelievers until “religion is Allah’s,” i.e. Islamic law rules all societies

“And slay them wherever you come upon them, and expel them from where they expelled you; persecution is more grievous than slaying. But fight them not by the Holy Mosque until they should fight you there; then, if they fight you, slay them — such is the recompense of unbelievers, but if they give over, surely Allah is All-forgiving, All-compassionate. Fight them, till there is no persecution and the religion is Allah’s; then if they give over, there shall be no enmity save for evildoers.”

3:28 Don’t take unbelievers as friends and allies, unless it is for “fear of them,” i.e. deceptively for protection of oneself or of Islam

“Let not the believers take the unbelievers for friends, rather than the believers — for whoso does that belongs not to Allah in anything — unless you have a fear of them. Allah warns you that You beware of Him, and unto Allah is the homecoming.”

>It's ok to kill people minding their own business because muh mental gymnastics
>Pixelated infographs

the cringe is so real, you're only snowballing more retards to your cause

Arabs will never be as big as nigs or whites.

You mad bruh. You sound like a deluded Hillary devotee going into mental spasm and spouting bullshit in order to appear credible. You really need to look up Sharia law and Sharia courts. They exist. Even in Western countries. Denying it just shows you are all for it and encourage it. And fuck off with the Reddit spacing.

America not being the center of attention? Pipe dream. I wasn't the one who brought it up

Not tough enough to join the army, not tough enough to join the YPG and fight ISIS, but tough enough to shoot women and old men. And write all over his guns cos that's real hardcore.
What a fucking hero.

lol the islamic apologist uses the they do it too argument to justify the much more numerous and brutal savagery of his religion

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I don't believe so I foresee a war in Australia and we need a Australian Vladimir Putin to kick them all out and maybe hang that cuck schmo out to dry

I don't speak towel head. Your lucky America has empathy your whole country should be nuked.

shilling for what cause?

It's hard to be poor when your whole country floats on on an ocean of oil and slavery is legal.

fight fire with fire


What if our Indigenous population embraced his logic?

>in reality he is probably just inciting actual extremist muslims to take action.
That's literally written in his manifesto as a call to action.

There are some bible quotes that are pretty bad too. Not defending muslims, I just think quoting the quaran is a lackluster way to make a point, because there are always similar bible verses to bring up

the massacre happened in new zealand this time. not america.

based AF im moving to queensland NZ

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butt rape is done by blacks in prison. there are but a few and he will get segregated from the public

Literally all thanks to oil, watch the gulf states turn to shit once the oil runs dry you shitposting retard.

Oh wait, they already are, just makes with expensive building and card which is all they got to show for the money they make from draining natural resources, all architecture and cars are invented, created and built by western ingenuity, mere sandniggers would not be able to comprehend complex concepts of any kind, much like yourself.

then we got a hakka on our hands

Agreed. Real men don't kill unarmed women/children period.

it is already a race war

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he chose to fight people invading his homeland, instead of attacking people defending theirs

fuck off kike

Either you're a troll, or you're trying to sound smart to cover up your disability.

The sharia law was not the subject of my discussion you fucking fool. You're the only one bringing it up, let me portray it for you, just imagine me and some other faggot discussing child marriage among middle easterners, i bring up the child marriage in the U.S. ok?

And lo behold, YOU FUCKING RETARD ENTER THE FUCKING ROOM, and yell "muslims only abide by sharia law". I try to explain to you that it was not the subject and you insist on your fucking point of view, altough being completely pointless and no one asked about it, but still annoy me where it almost became a sexual offence.

If you're a troll, well played sir. If not, pretend you're a troll now, or admit that you're a retard.

Trying to make you think that this guy has more supporters than he does, thus fueling the lefts "dangerous right wingers" narrative.

How in the world can you guys be so stupid?
Muslims kill people. People kill muslims.
Humans have been killing each other for years.
Maybe even since before the jew fellow whose mom got fucked and tried to cover it up.
Humans will kill humans who think differently. That is all.
It will never change, even when we pray to the 2nd electron from the far left of the rotation cycle of the quantum field.
Someone will kill the fellow who says the only electron worth praying to is the one to the

lol, look at this derail attempt

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No shit the number of innocent lives and hate Islamic nations has spread warrants a nuclear attack. Muslims outside of Islamic nations is not the same situation.

They have been doing it for hundreds of year in the name of allah, I say an eye for an eye

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This guys based and redpilled. We tried to fix nigger shitholes but they told us off. Now that their dump is unlivable in they come here. Its just revenge.

they are killing us by invading our countries and raping our women, you can fuck right off you stupid faggot


and you can marry off your daughter to the highest bidder

its a ai npc narrative forum now, it operates freely until some event needs to be pushed by the bots

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yea shut the fuck up. This cunt was so fukin threatened by such a small portion of the population that are unarmed folk who just want to go pray, that he decided to kill them. He's an absolute brainlet. Maybe if he actually did well in high school and went to uni or tafe or whatever he'd have a job and wouldn't spend his fucking time pissing and shitting himself over why some immigrant with more qualifications is given a better opportunity.

So, they're not shitholes right?

immigrants do

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Now you sound like the one with a disability

Fair enough but this is still counter-productive to what most conservatives want

t. Seething shitskin

gotcha. bear in mind that there will be numerous rebellious kids who think they support him but in reality they're just bored and glad that something out of the ordinary happened. and they don't truly support his narrative.

how about they go the fuck home and fight isis themselves

And now we have no right to complain as we have stooped to their level.

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What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.


Let me guess you will just roll over like a cuck and let it happen because you don't want to be called bad things, waaaaa waaaaa he called me a biggot as he killed my family because I said stop doing that

>minding their own business
>holding a demographic rape invasion
pick one

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Yes and no, sure civilian immigration can get out of control it's when you dont allow too much immigrants in, and are too afraid to enforce your own laws on them in order to not look like a racist and instead decide to cover up the immigrants crimes, if the immigrants aren't doing anything wrong we dont need to kill them but we need them to know we are the most powerful country on earth and killed the leader of al Qaeda, thereful a couple runaway wahabi Islamic Arabs would not be a problem.

3 edgy 5 me! He shot an old man. That's not exactly the definition of a hero is it?

damn, got me...

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>Not tough enough to join the army

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Personally, he did nothing wrong. if anything he should get a freck'n medal.

I mean it's when you allow

On the other side of the world, Mohammed is reading an edgy teen's comment about how based a shooting was. Mohammed lacks higher understanding of how humans joke around and say things without meaning it, so Mohammed decides to dedicate his life to eradicating the white menace. What a time to be alive

I can imagine that if islamic attacks occur at the same increasing rate as they have been over the past 10 years, that a few people in this threat will likely die to some Muzzie. I REALLY hope its one of the people defending islam.

Islam prohibits the murder of women, children and Prisoners of War. Just like Christianity and Judaism.

Cuck spotted, what do you think will happen if it comes to war it's not all sunshine you need to dig in and fight you will see bad stuff and do bad stuff. But it's better than being butt fucked to death by a religion of peace

>Who got attacked? Muslims. Who will enjoy protection, condolences and support? Muslims.
considering this doesnt happens when the natives get attacked shows a lot about the media doesnt it . it doesnt matters shits fucked , best to reduce their numbers a bit

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Where is the video???????????

Different states have different ages of consent for sex and marriage. You, yourself sound like you are denying that sharia law exists. Your vitriol sounds like you are uneducated and don't understand. You are aggressive due to your lack of knowledge.
www quora com/Are-Muslims-allowed-to-marry-nine-year-old-girls-today

And your point?

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nothing of value was lost

Hurt, the post. Cry more, cuck.


he's got to get into the country and aquire weapons which would be difficult for a brown man named mohammed akillyamum

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They aren't Muslims / Christians / Jews if they murder unarmed women, children, PoWs. They are literally disowned by their God.

Oh noes! Muslims got a tiny taste of their own medicine so we should all feel sorry for them. 49 Muslims became good Muslims yesterday.

Yes i'm aggressive when a fucking ameritard pops up from a corner, condemns all muslims because they marry 9 year olds, when the same shit happens in their country. Now one spurts out his nonsense about sharia law.

Do you know the definition of a hypocrite? Why would i call muslims pedophiles for child marriage, when that shit happens in my country too? When it was proven that it happened and the fucking law itself states that girls as young as 12 can be married away?

What makes me better than those, who i criticize? Because i'm an american?

It also encourages the death of people who are non-believers.

I like how all the muslims are coming together to shitpost. Welcome to Yea Forums. Hope all you sand-niggers die.

it's a good thing i hate crowded places so i'll be pretty safe at home

Actually read the Quran. It says when at War. Not just to randomly kill people.

lol. not true. also women and kids are just enslaved

Bro, grasping the principles of context, overcomes their cognitive ability.

Let it be.

I have a genuine question about this guy's manifesto. He clearly focuses on how the problem lies in the mass immigration, and logically proceeds to do ethnic cleansing. At the same time, in the manifesto he mentions that he plans to deal with both: capitalists and immigrants. Dealing with capitalism would seem to be a better way to bring change

Obviously, the left-wing government is at fault for the forced "lets be inclusive and live happily with literally everyone" thing. So why didn't he eliminate the cause first? Why didn't he go shoot up some government officials' building or something? This would raise more awareness of the mass immigration issue. And that's how the revolutions are - you go for the government first, and for the leftovers later. Is he just retarded?

Well if the only solution is to kill innocents, maybe it is not a cause worth fighting for.

people in the US are marrying 9 year olds?
this isn't true.. and in the minimal amounts that it probably secretly happens isn't even comparable to the massive amounts of muslms doing it. mohammed wanted to fuck a 6y/o but allah says to wait until their 9 and its all good. fuck outta here with your EU cucked babble bullshit

>Because I’m an American?
Yes, actually.

This. Fuck all of you. I will donate to the shooter's commissary in prison. Just in case you goat-fucking pieces of human garbage aren't butt-hurt enough: This happened in New Zealand; the guy will maybe get 15 years living in a prison that is nicer than your home.

any house not a house of islam is a house of war.
>lying shitskin found

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I don't understand why I'm not supposed to read this manifesto and it keeps getting taken down

Shouldn't we be able to see it so we can openly understand what he was trying to say so we can point by point refute it? I want to do this for myself. I don't understand why it's so hard to find this but journalists and pundits keep talking about it if it's not allowed

Lol! Exactly what I thought! Go get them nicoli

all the low iq countries are at war

Why is he dressed like they are sending him to the arena for gladiatorial matches, is the judge Cesar?

>he fell for a russian false flagging attack

you cant fight the money and propaganda brainwashing kids in school. so you need to act more directly

And yet it still happens image that, it's like they are trying to conquer everything no matter the reprocussions to further their culture just like everyone has done through out history

am i a right cunt for wanting one person in hospital to die so the figure reaches a round 50? yea, i know i am.

They are and that's why they will win

Aisha was 6 year old in 612

She herself states that

When did the marriage happen? 3 Years after Battle of Badr which dates it to 627

Do the math. Don't believe me? Check the facts.



I will now explode your mind and logic.


The age of sexual consent is 16 in my country. The age of marriage consent is 16 with parents consent.

As I said some states have lower age of consent. A 9 year old cannot get married in NY or LA. Under Sharia law, ALL 9 year old girls can be married to dirty old men.


The same tactics are used in SunTzu Art of War. Keep grasping at straws.

I'm just sad that through taxation white people will ultimately pay the bill for them trying to keep that piece of shit alive.