Did being a cuck really drive this man to shoot up the place

Did being a cuck really drive this man to shoot up the place

Attached: D8982B27-BB86-4CEE-95C7-0613E22974E0.jpg (750x585, 301K)

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He's an attention whore.

My money says it was a case of small-penis syndrome.


Not being a cuck.

He mainly sighted in his manifesto the fact that he was annoyed Muslims raped so many children in the UK.

Theres no (?)

read his manifesto, all his reasons are in there.

So he was jealous of them, I'm guessing.
I mean, think about the proclivities of the sort browse inf-chan.

He's a collectivist cuck

Stop samefagging you autistic jew

No he didn't want to watch a muslim fuck his wife. he wanted revenge for all the attacks they have done in the past.


Oh damn, it's pretty easy to samefag here on Yea Forums.

Attached: samefagging.png (696x320, 60K)

He wanted to send a message written with blood

Fuck Towel heads killing innocent people is beta as fuck though, should have been a chad and attacked isis.

Attached: 84ADDFD5-4483-4D11-B1AD-2FD6D44665D2.jpg (1010x893, 91K)

All mass shooters are

Man that was pretty hard to do, to make it not look like I was samefagging

Attached: ayyy.png (832x718, 62K)

All the soylent green went to his head

Attached: giphy.gif (300x300, 354K)

Its almost like there's a solid color that I can just use and draw over the (You)'s. Wow technology is amazing, the jews would love this.

I'm simply pointing out that I was responsible for two of the five messages you labelled as samefagged.

Of course I can't convince you that I didn't take the time to edit my screenshot, so there's really nothing more to say.

> fuck his wife
i think you mean his hand

he means ur mom

my moms dead!

Attached: 70e48a69d373af42c0bbf9f6844792b1.jpg (427x340, 12K)

she was just coming down from da orgasm a black man did

Attached: elg,er;plg,elr,g.jpg (230x348, 24K)


He fell for one of the classic scapegoats

It's all the immigrants fault!

So he kills children instead?

where do i find it

Yeah I know right. Anyone have a linky that still worky?

why do cucks call other cucks when they are the ones into cuck stuff

like it just doesn't make sense, it is retarded

He's a manlet and a gigantic loser. Almost definitely a virgin.

Any1 have link to vid?I'm retarded


If you really want to know, then read.

Attached: battle of new zealand mosque, invaders.png (739x877, 72K)

That linky no worky


Mind blown

he has traveled too much

Attached: 1552588674569.jpg (1005x712, 565K)


imagine being so retarded as to believe or even write this

so, where can you watch the full video of this rekt?

he attacked their supporters


islamic state in new zealand

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it is on your end

Attached: worky.png (1301x597, 682K)

totally not just some cuck buying into the most conveniently available list of badguy stereotypes and using them as a means to share how miserable he was with his own life.

that's a terrorist in a nutshell. a simple angry human who throws themselves away in a manner to cause chaos and misery.

>"More recently I have been working part time as a kebab removalist".


The fuk it is

Nah, being invaded did

Time to gas /pol/ boys. Wish we do it like Hitler did it. The ultimate insult to these cockroaches.

I cant find the manifesto, help a dude here.

Im fairly certain 90% of Trumpfags got cucked by a brown person at some point in their life. It’s really the only explanation for their bizarre obsession over these things


all the arguing aside. ive been trying to redo the play list, so far i got: remove kebab, fire by arthur brown, gas gas gas, grenadier march; any else?

Fucking why? You gonna put out an EP to fundraise the great cause?


Attached: Manifesto.png (3218x6480, 1.76M)

Thank you!

I can't get over this man's retardation

>shoot guy in door way
>jump over him
>spray magazine into pile of lifeless bodies
>jump back into hallway
>jump back into main area spray another magazine
>jump over the corpse once more
>jump back into the hall
He memes about fortnite in his 70 page virgin manual, but his "training" was clearly done in a battle royale.

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