Is the shooting video really illegal to share? if so, the NZ feds can suck a fat dick

is the shooting video really illegal to share? if so, the NZ feds can suck a fat dick.

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Listen fag remember her ? Yeah go back to this threads

Attached: C58B940B-6AC1-4DA2-AB75-B3118A008803.jpg (600x778, 105K)

This was a link to an .mp4 file yesterday, but now it seems to point to a torrent.

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downloaded the mp4 earlier when it was up.

fucking reddit banned /r/watchpeopledie too...

Why the fuck did they ban r/watchpeople die?!

Fucking cuck shitheads. That was one of my favorite subs. Fuck Reddit.

Is it illegal to watch it in the UK?

This is one of the worse things I’ve ever seen. Fuck this dude

sup Yea Forums name my band

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Imagine living in a country where watching a video is illegal.

i believe in response to this vid being posted there

Its illegal to own a TV without a license, so probably desu.

Seriously this. That piece of shit didnt even give them a chance.

Already seen it accidentally. It had some techniques used, especially in the music. The fife and drum gave it away. :^)

nah it was gone for a long time. Reddit purged loads of subs about a year ago, including wpd

If you are scared to watch the real shit, just watch this

>child porn

And he shall bring upon them their own iniquity, and shall cut them off in their own wickedness; yea, the Lord our God shall cut them off.
Psalms 94:23 KJV

just got to theync site. Fucking rekt cucks dont know where the rekt vids come from.

not illegal to link it but it’s illegal to download the vid and host it under NZ law

WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW if it was only a matter of time, fucking reddit

well it got banned a while ago there are no good subreddits left since they have been banning them all


watching is not illegal, at least in the civilized countries, redistributing and owning sure is

It’s illegal watch child porn on the dark web.

Video of when he was caught?

owning gore is illegal?
where? in the US?

Technically any evidence shared before a case is a crime... but ya, internet.
its only illegal if you get caught or live near freemasons that believe god is real...

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Checked and yes

anyone got link to manifesto

Dude, the vid.
Never seen it before. ty very much friend.

no only in your house or near Santa Claus and sometimes the Easter bunny

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Wpd was quarantined but not banned since that time you are reffering to. You could use a verified email to access the subreddit from a PC.


it was about child porn

I already knew it was illegal around Santa but the Easter bunny too???

That's kinda the point of mass murder, user.

Literally 100s of Muslim execution videos. But they're trying to say it's illegal to share a video of Muslims getting killed in a mass shooting.

I’m amazed at how accurate this was to the original video, minus all the bullshit driving


just checking carry on...

Attached: Screenshot_2019-03-15 Bushworld Adventures Adult Swim - YouTube.png (853x439, 370K)

The left can meme better than this
That aint even a meme son

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I meant to say standards and practices...

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-02-14-03h01m37s400.png (640x350, 128K)

It's only illegal in non-America.

No matter what you think about this attack, that guy did a fine job.

Reddit also banned r/imgoingtohellforthis for the same reason

absolutely this

>"Remember lads: sub to Pewdiepie"

>aussie shoots up mosque
>media: we watched video for you so you don't have to think
>don't watch the video or read manifesto
>just take out word for it

there is an epidemic. the one of people have forgotten how to respond to a crisis epidemic. notice how emergency services took ages to arrive

Can someone link the manifesto please?

Interesting idea. Crazy world we live in now when people Livestream mass spree killings and someone quickly puts the effort in to recreating it on a video game.

Everything is illegal in the UK
Except if your a Muslim

What's next, crusades?

smfh Reddit is getting purchased out by some Chinese Corp anyway

Last I checked it was just set to private. I assume they're waiting until traffic slows down enough that they can keep up with deleting bannable content.

That handsome dude has some nice logs.

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Part I
Part II