Do you care about animals being tortured and killed for meat?

Do you care about animals being tortured and killed for meat?

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Even if they’re tortured?

Of course
Fear hormones might make their meat taste shittier

Fuck off PETA whore

makes the meat taste better

if we use humans as an example, it would be a fairly trivial thing to breed animals that enjoyed torture.

no, they taste good

Your telling me that living a life in the animal kingdom isnt just as terrible?

Nigga go for 2 weeks without eating food just to get an infection from a cracked hoof and die a painful miserable slow death while all your friends just stand around and be like well... Todd's gonna die better leave him here.


Grow up OP, that’s how life works, if you free that pig a fucking tiger it’s going to eat him alive or he will get a painful disease
Animals kill and are killed, it has been this way for millions of years your shitty moral means nothing to me

Is that a fart cloud?

Torture? You mean clipping their beaks? That's done so early it's the same thing as circumcision. Hardly torture.

And this

It’s not about freeing already incaptivated animals, it’s about not demanding so much meat so that they produce less of it and there for breed less animals into capitivity

In the case of factory farming, the issue is less with how the animals suffer and more how unhealthy the meat is.
Factory farming is unsustainable and fuelling a short-sighted consumerist economy. We need more free-range chickens to make local economies stronger, curb our addiction to meat, and not screw over the environment.

Big mack

I believe it's our right to breed and exploit other life for our benefit, yes. However, I also believe our superiority also renders us responsible to limit cruelty and suffering.
Even if animals have no concept of self worth, or understand the implications of pain, the fact they feel it is sufficient enough for me to believe that every measure should be taken to ensure their lives and death be as painfree as posible

if you go by numbers, which seems to be all that matters in the end even for humans, this so-called torture is a small price to pay for world-wide distribution and much much larger numbers than would be possible in the wild. same with farming in general really,and human beings.

we traded a simple, fulfilling life for a greater population and spread but shitty lives basically as indentured servants.

when the mongols, who were hunters, first encountered cities they were stunned to see people herded and worked like animals.

Well you seem like an okay person user

Killing them for meat and torturing them can be mutually exclusive.

Many cattle farms allow them relative freedom before slaughtering them.

Why do we have this responsibility though?
How does treating our food well, outside of ensuring it's health, contribute to the good of humanity as a civilization or species?


I care if they're tortured for the sake of torturing them.
I don't care so much about them being raised and butchered for meat, they're rather nutritious and delicious.

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That too.

I try not to think about it because of how tasty they are but cows are causing global warming so they need eating.

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Because life is still life. I worry for the health of our collective psyche if we are so willing and callous to quantify the value of living beings.

actually if we stopped supporting the beef industry they’d breed less cattle and there’d be less of that

we need to end farming, go back to tribal sizes (maybe a good plague) and let packs of animals wander freely that we can hunt.

People are just as important.

You're twisted image of people should be corrected. You need to correct your thinking.

it's nearly possible to create underground fully automated farms and let the above ground go back to grasses and wild fields.

Good point, but I personally believe that quantifying the value of life at all arrogant for humanity to do.
Who are we to dictate how valuable animals are outside of their usefulness? It's taking on a role that I feel humans as a whole aren't prepared for.

Cool. I’ll stop after I eat the steak in my fridge. Can I still eat chickens though because they taste real good but are stupid and shitty birds.

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for a hundred thousand years we hunted animals, sometimes to extinction.

Nah. Fuck em. If I had a pet pig I’d force them to sleep in the bathroom with the window and doors locked so they’d have to smell every time I shit out their relatives.

I literally don’t care I was just saying

RIP lonesome George :’(

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>Do you care about animals being tortured
yes they should be killed quickly
as for meat yes they should die for their meat
you are very very very stupid

underage edgys

No. I fully understand that a cow, pig, or lamb likely suffer just as much as a person when they’re slaughtered, but they taste good and I don’t give a shit.

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We should avoid that for sure, but because we want to preserve the health of the biosphere, not because it's 'moral', or 'the right thing to do'

Would you honestly be fine with doing gif related to an animal or are you just being edgy?

Agreed. Knowing they were tortured all for my benefit makes it 10X better. Fuck that free range shit.

Not being edgy. We legitimately just don’t a fuck that they suffer and die. If you think that’s just us trolling, that’s fine too.

not them, but if it were instant death ala guillotine or pneumatic to the forehead, yes

if you look at ancestors of cows, we basically made them extinct. there's no way that our current cow could or would have turned out the way they are.

Using history as a justification for future immorality is Democrat-tier stupidity

I farted in a jar and locked my pet rat in it

No I wouldn’t. I like dogs, I have a 15 year old flatcoat retriever mix who I’m quite fond of. However, I like meat and will continue to consume it, despite knowing that livestock suffer.

it was a close to "natural" as human being ever got

dogs are just the 'tard castoffs of wolves and coyotes. the ones that got drummed out of the pack for being a liability ended cozying up to humans.

Nope. We all die eventually, and they would've died a far more brutal death in the wild. And we are omnivores and pushing technology, people are gonna eat meat, and we are gonna make it more efficient to kill them. In the end, they are better off dying to us then dying outside.

True enough, I guess. But they have a high social intelligence and make for good friends.

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Do you remember those videos of some Yea Forums user torturing rats/mice? Did those make you feel bad?

Is nature inherently good though? Polio was natural, that didn’t make it a good thing though.

don’t lie, you’d do the same

plagues and shit like that are not necessarily bad. neither is death in general.

No, they don’t. I find them fascinating and intense to watch. I’d never subject a living thing to that much pain myself though.

and most of these diseases woudn't exist without our massive overpopulation

you care that a pig is being tortured but you don't care that thousands of nignogs are dying in africa because they have no food or have no access to medicine?

Whatever happened to whoever did those vids anyway? arrested? I see them floating around sometimes and they’re fucking intense.

wtf kind of assumption is that lmao

if polio was more of a killer it wouldn't be an issue any more. only like 1% of people who get have real problems from it.



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my point, retard, is that you're a fad following imbecile

I’d make a pig sniff my gassy ass after I just chowed down on it’s relatives and turn them into farts, u mad?

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I was a vegetarian for 22 years. Sometimes I regret it because of meat's superior nutritional properties and health effects and also its taste. Now I eat meat, but if it wasn't for said benefits I really wouldn't. And I don't eat pigs.

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my point, retard, is that you’re a goalpost moving faggot

In that case you would be messing with people's freedom to do as they want... but is not even about that... is about messing with balance... we may eat ourselves to death, but the problem is when we get sick from being so fucking fat, then we go to the doctor and get drugs, and that is breaking the balance. Is not unfair to eat a lot of meat as long as you die your proper death due to a life of excess, but it is unfair when you want to cheat nature and try not to die or get sick when maybe you should have... that is how it happens in nature... I see no doctor animals, I see no instinct for trying to get better in wild life, so, if you want to be fair with nature, then let it keep it's course, and don't cheat by healing yourself artificially.

as a species, we shouldn't be worthy of living longer lives without making enough positive impact around us.... don't be a ducking locust! Give back all you can, because nature and karma will take it from you one way or the other


Saved for triggering animal rights fags.

Given the natural process, but humanity's whole advantage is that we change the environment around us to suit our needs. We just need to be careful not to destroy it completely.
The biosphere is valuable because it supports life, including our life. It's state changes and animals go extinct with or without humans.

>Is not unfair to eat a lot of meat as long as you die your proper death due to a life of excess, but it is unfair when you want to cheat nature and try not to die or get sick when maybe you should have... that is how it happens in nature...
Again, nature is not inherently good or bad, it just IS. If we’re a smart and capable enough species to modify our bodies and environment to get past these issues, then it’s fair—we’ve earned it. Just like a cheetah’s amazing sprint earns it a meal when it chases down an impala. Might makes right it nature, and our brains and opposable thumbs make us the mightiest of all apex predators.

Doctors and health care are an evolution of humanity. Evolution leads to new things not seen in nature before.
There is no 'natural way' and you sound like a retarded hippie for suggesting that such a thing exists.
We still need to consume natural resources in a sustainable way though.

we already mess with people's freedoms. we have been for 10,000 years. we give extra help to people who can best work within the system of enforced manual labor for food.

Tortured yes, killed no.

I pay good money for free range meat so the animals don't suffer. Humane slaughtering methods cause less suffering than what wild animals get when predators catch them.

you only think you're getting free range or organic, pal.

what would i care, i'm a human not a pig
sucks for them if they're not the most advanced species on the planet

I know for certain though. I go to the farm and personally befriend every animal I eat. Today I had the pleasure of finding out how Carl tastes, he was delicious.

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Do I "care'?

Will any action I take to reduce such things have an effect?

Is it logical to commit your life to hardship for a fruitless endeavor?

> "But user, if you stopped eating meat then everyone else would too, eventually!"

Feel free to be a vegan or whatever you want, but don't negatively judge people for the world we're forced to live in.


Don't worry, in a few years the planet will be so fucked that meat will be banned due to the amounts of land and food those animals need, it'll become unsustainable.
It's just a matter of time.

Do I care? Sure, it's not nice, but nothing meaningful can be done. The animals are already dead, the corpses in the mall don't care whether you eat them or not, the industry doesn't care if one faggot stops eating meat.

You do realize that "eating meat" isn't what causes you to be unhealthy, right?

Animal products/meat are essential for humans to survive. Take Vitamin B-12 for example.. it's only present in animals products which is why vegans have to take supplements.

You're talking about cheating nature yet people like you take B-12 supplements which come from animals/micro-organisms.

> "But user, micro-organisms aren't animals!"
So here's a question.. what makes one form of life less worthy of life than another? You're fine with eating plants, bacteria, etc... yet you claim it's wrong to kill things with faces. Where do you draw the line?

Such hypocrisy.

The point is,
Coherent sunlight energy,
The non-veg brain only knows lack.
The veg brain, particularly fruit brain, knows... Everything.
Fruit brain is God
Non-veg brain is retardation, sadness, suffering, samsara, desire... Endless shit. And also of all ignorant behaviour.