ITT: dubs decide the new meaning of "subscribe to PewDiePie"

ITT: dubs decide the new meaning of "subscribe to PewDiePie"

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Heil Hitler

Let's get the party started

winner winner chicken nigger

well, that was easy


subscribe to pewdiepie

bitch lasagna

Congratulations, sir!

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Subscribe to Markiplier

Trips overrules dubs check em
Assert dominance for the future

beware of the lizard

I'm faggot

It was probably going to be this anyways.

Your all morons, obviously he did it so that PewDiePie (a HUGE youtube presence) would say something about it therefore expanding his audience as much as possible. Doesn't take a genius to see that. Its fucking horrible any way that you look at it.

remove kebab

When was it said??? I've seen the 16 minute video and have not heard him even utter "sub to pewds"

What about your morons?

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Literally at the beginning of the video. when he sets the camera up.

Load up boys.

Did you take your fedora off before you started typing kiddo?


Is this something new that 12 year olds find entertaining? If It has to do with PewDiePie, then it has to be teen, or retard related.