Tell me Yea Forums

Tell me Yea Forums
What would it take for you to share the immense amount of pictures you have of girls you know?
Including shit you shouldn't have/kept/know about.

Attached: wasdfegvhbn.jpg (1288x966, 155K)

It would depend on the picture

nice dubs - post your kik and i'll send you some from the depths of my archives

got vola/snap?

post something from your collection to see if its even worth my time. Add your kik

tagged the wrong post - op post something

OP here. What location?

Not gonna start posting all the bitches I have, but here's 1.

Attached: GEDC0349-2.jpg (3992x3011, 1.79M)

Also r/v5xp49z0

decent - story behind pic?

Not much of a story. Found it, knew who it was, saved it.


What the heck i know the girl on the right, her initials are JA

What the heck I know the girl on the right. Her initials are J A.

You got anything good on either one of ‘em?

Have her on ig and had classes with her

If there we’re no archives I would

I think i know you irl

Not much I do it for anyone who adds me on disc lol

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To share my best stuff including especially trlhe videos it would take cash. I've sold stuff before.


i don't know any girls.

Probably a decent payment

If I knew the world would end in like 6 months and we'd have no way to stop it

Whats your discord
