I hope Yea Forums gets taken down. This has nothing to do with freedom of speech anymore. Look at pol...

I hope Yea Forums gets taken down. This has nothing to do with freedom of speech anymore. Look at pol, look at the alt right ignorance, hate, racism, ignorance and their manipulations. This goes too for. There should never be freedom for discrimination, for hate groups. Fucking die you wannabe viking incel faggots. You being a loser in life has nothing to do with any other group. It's your fault. Don't blame blacks for taking your girls, it's because you're an ugly ass fat virgin, don't blame muslims for terrorism, your ideals are identicasl to ISIS, don't blame jews for controling the world, you faggots spread the biggest bullshit propaganda imaginable. Every single one of you deserves to die

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Other urls found in this thread:


>shut it down shut it down
wait, why now and not while all those muslime attacks? white terrorists are worse other terrorists?
for me it's the same cultural marxist bullshit you are spreading, nothing new

Muslims don’t troll Yea Forums you dumb fuck

yfw 0xchan.net will cuck losers like OP out of their safe-spaces by deploying a truly immutable, decentralized and censorship resistance platform.

Muslim attacks? You're talking about the non relevant terrorist group ISIS that only lasted so long thanks to the United States. 1.5 billion muslims, but the one small minority that only exists because of international political interests is enough to justify discrimination towars muslims... Sure thing, faggot

>Constantly kill hundreds of whities with trucks, bombs and animal-like breeding
Yuh, white be evil

>One attack in a fucking decade with less deathcount than on an average haloween in US
Reeeee white is hitler

I don't see the a proportionality in the reaction impliying how many attacks in one side and the other

>but terrorist atacks bla bla I'm a media sheep faggot with 0 real life experience
>one attack in a fucking decade
Because the alt right doesn't explicitely aim to kill muslims, blacks or other religious/social groups. But they definitely symphatize with it, they want it and they spread their racist bullshit all over the internet, hiding behind "freedom of speech" and randomly chosen statistics. I don't say there is no truth behind black violence or religious fanaticism. But you reply to problems with hate and propaganda instead of looking for realisitc solutions. You're just degenerated rats.

al-qaeda, isis, chechens, lone wolf

Oil interests > al qaida > 9/11 > afghanistan is now yours
"Oh shit, we're out of oil!"
ISIS joined the game.

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I’d fucking love it if they shut this place down.
It used to be proper funny. Now i visit and just end up cringing.
Its just so fucking feeble


Good post

Wow, your post is even better

>try peaceful solutions for decades
>literally no success

I guess terror attacks are "just part and parcel of living in a big city" huh Mr.Khan?


Excellent contribution

Stop using words randomly

He's been watching daddy perterson lately, don't blame him.

It's cute that you think stirring the pot over 4chins (the faggot's choice of chan site) will do anything at all, Ivan. Especially Yea Forums, where the average height is 5'2" and the average weight is 500lbs. At least target your faggy bait thread to /pol/, where someone might at least try to take it seriously.
Cкopo Poccия нe бyдeт изoлиpoвaнa oт интepнeтa. Hacлaждaйcя этим, пoкa мoжeшь, Ивaн.

>this is the alt-right's doing
are you willfully or purposely ignorant?

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cultural marxism is the same as the marxist class conflict dialectic but with race, gender, sexual orintation, nature

Literally could ask you the same

why cant these people be like the prophet ..


... upsi

randomly posting a historical fact that doesn't represent anyone today. Well done, sir. Want a cookie?

all of you niggers who are posting "OY VEY TAKE IT DOWN" dont realize that if, IF, Yea Forums is taken down, another, equally "bad" or possibly even "worse" website will replace it. You cant win this.

>people are finally realizing free speech is a sham and fascists should be pursecuted

Attached: stalin approves.jpg (220x345, 20K)


no that's unironically my opinion
these people are cancer for society

Sure it is kiddo

I'm glad the shitskins are dead, and if you aren't you are part of the problem and deserve a bullet in your head.

surprised you can even spell bullet tbqh

>they have nothing to do with free speech
>look at these animals, saying things I disagree with!
>that shouldn't be allowed!

How do your mental gymnastics not give you fucking seizures?

Wait how do these contradict themselves? You fuckin degenrate fuck. Discrimination and hate speech ≠ freedom of speech

Exhibit A

Attached: Otto Dix, Die sieben Todsünden (The Seven Deadly Sins).jpg (1347x2048, 710K)

Then why the fuck you support these stupid niggers and jews !!?? They are most racist of all races. If you want to fight against racism start with niggers and jews. I reccomend you to check David Duke videos. We need to give a niggers and jews a lesson of tolerance !

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Love the new copypasta

>he says as he spews hatespeech

Free speech = being able to say what you want, you silly child. It doesn't exempt you from the consequences of what you say and it doesn't mean what you say is correct, but it means that you have the freedom to say it.

Applying a broken definition that a priori makes what you don't like "wrong" doesn't make your argument work. Your thought process has more holes in it than the Muslims in NZ.

Going back to your mental gymnastics, how do you manage to fit
>these poor people that someone didn't like were killed and that's a terrible injustice
>and also these people who think things I don't like deserve to die
Into your soft skull without it exploding?


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you really need a dictionary.

Stop linking your racist articles, I don't care what a bigoted hate filled person like you believes.

No that's literally not it. Now go kys for not knowing the limits of your freedom.

Attached: the-goyim-know-shut-it-down-jew-walkie-talkie.jpg (408x632, 32K)

How do you literally ask someone something?

haven't read anything this autistic in a long time, thank you for this

It's not a paradox. We have moral standards you dumb fuck.

The best part was when all those mudslimes in NZ died

The only autistic thing here is your perception of the world. Alt right faggots.

Reddit: the post

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That person was clearly a homosexual and yo called them a degenerate. Denying your blatant hate speech and offensive bigotry is not fooling anyone on here. fucking homophobic cunt

Because when an opinion is different than yours your first reaction is to shut it down, good luck when your opinion is the next taboo

You sound like a muslim

>NiGgErS MuSt DiE
That's not how it works, incel faggot.
Also symphatizing with terrorism and discrimination or even calling for them (which was the case in NZ) it's totally justified to ban this autistic place

U mad bro?

Agree. Yea Forums was fun and all in 2000's now it's just trump this, incels that, porn, cringe, and 16yo cancer. I come time to time to check though...

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Unfortunately, this cringy edgy alt right meme culture is older than avg. 16. That's just sad

you mean Yea Forums, there are still some fun boards out there, porn on dedicated porn boards is fine too
nuke /pol/ though, please hiroshim00t

15 last years have been harsh for the USA... people are being dumber these days.

For any and all media outlets trying to figure out how Yea Forums might be affiliated with
this recent terror attack let me fill you in as well as give the Yea Forums communities official
stance on the matter.

Over the last week Yea Forums and hundreds of other social media platforms have been invaded by
entities originating on Militant Atheist LBGTQPOC discord channels advocating for
"Accelerationism". The same Accelerationism advocated by the terrorists own manifesto.
This anti-Semitic, anti-Christian, xenophobic and anti-Trump #resistance organization has
relentlessly bombarded all faucets of conservative media with their hateful and dangerous
rhetoric promising free money to any and all who would join them in their crusade against
humanity, freedom and democracy.

From what our caring and peaceful community can disseminate thus far is that these
"Accelerationist" believe that President Trump is destroying the world and that the only
way to fix it is to "accelerate" this process so the masses wake up to what they perceive as
President Trumps failures with the hopes that it will rally the masses behind Democratic
Socialists like Andrew Yang and AOC.

The Yea Forums community, especially the love filled patriotic Christian souls of /pol/,
UNEQUIVOCALLY DISAVOWS all Accelerationist terrorists and does not in any way condone,
advocate or represent the members or Ideology of said terrorist #resistance organization.

Thank you for your time and we as a community know you will do the right thing by shedding
light on this most unfortunate turn of events by exposing the truth about the #resistance
Accelerationist movement and infiltration of social media.

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I'm going to let you in on a little secret that a lot of people seem to have overlooked today. You'll disagree with it at first, and that's fine. But at some point, something will happen in your life and you'll realize that this stranger on the internet that you're spazzing out at was correct:

Words like "hate", "right", "wrong", "moral", and the like have no actual substance to them and no actual value beyond expressing whether or not someone agrees with something. When people say something like "that's immoral", all they're really saying is "I don't like that."

You can see that everywhere that people disagree with things that you think are OK. For example, many Muslims think being gay is "immoral." You probably think there's nothing wrong with it. Neither of you are correct because both of you are just expressing your opinion. Societies can agree with you or disagree with you, but at the end of that day, all that means is that society shares your opinion or it does not.

An example something you probably think is "right" that society at large did not is, again, homosexuality. Society, for the most part, has changed its mind, but that doesn't mean that being gay is any more right or wrong than it ever was - it just means that more people accept it than previously.

So when you say something is "hate speech", all you're really communicating is that it's speech that you disagree with. So when you advocate banning "hate speech", all you're doing is advocating that things you don't agree with are censored.

We get it, you don't like the things you don't like. It's your egotism and nothing more that tells you that your opinion on something is the be-all-end-all of its morality or value.

Sage goes in all fields

gtfo with your cringy efforts to bait anyone you autistic fuck. Use your energy to actually be productive in society.

Yea Forums had this black humour, inventivity and disrespect, with intelligence. There was pure shit too, but now we only have the feces, the rest is gone... sorry for my english, I'm rusty..

>New Zealand
>Guy who hated Trump

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watch what you say. the lone wolf is watching, make sure you dont piss him off

No !
It's just relativism applied to social and moral constructs. Bullshits ! All is not equal ! You just sorted out the worst of your existentialist crisis.

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pretty good post

Holy shit I cringed so hard at you, first at the fact that you are so confident that what you say is actually true or has any value to it. Fucking faggot.
Morals don't mean "I don't like this". They're more complex. Morals are a concept to make a functioning society possible. It's obviously connected to emotions too, at the end it's always about maximum freedom for anyone.
I don't agree with religious morals like immorality of homosexuality. And I think muslims and christians should adapt this new thinking and reform their religions. Or at least not express any form of homophobic, racist etc. opinions or any form of action that would damage our morals.
Yes, the morals on homosexuality have changed. Why? Because it didn't align with our basic western morals. Morals change, yes. But until they change we need to operate under these morals. Accept that, faggot. You can't just say "well I disagree with these morals" and justify it by saying that morals don't have any "actual substance to them and no actual value"

dumb fuck, he doesn't even know what he's talking about.

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Homosexuality doesn't help the function of society.
It doesn't help society, at all.

Homophobia neither. At least we integrate individuals who have rights too.

hello reyka

It's not supposed to help society, you fucking idiot. Tolerance of homosexuality is supposed to help homosexuals.

Thanks, M8. I don't usually bother typing a bunch of shit like that out, but OP and his ilk seem like they really need it.

Your disagreement is understandable because the idea that people besides yourself can hold differing opinions and still be "right" probably erodes your sense of moral superiority.

At some point, it will click for you. And however long that takes doesn't mean your smarter or dumber or more or less stubborn than the next person, it just means that it took you longer to internalize an idea that is very challenging to people's sense of self.

It's an admission that you and your opinions are not important enough to assign justice, righteousness, reprobation or blame to anyone else's thoughts or actions.

It's an understanding that you and your opinions are not any more important than the next person's. It has less to do with relativism and more to do with understanding that the world at large doesn't care about what you think is right or wrong.

With all that being said, perhaps now would be a good time for you to pull a Gandhi and
>be the change you wish to see

If you don't think Yea Forums should be a thing, lead the way and be the first to go.

Define phobia, user.
Just because I think homosexuality is wrong and a sin, doesn't mean I'm scared of homosexuals.
>Tolerance of homosexuality is supposed to help homosexuals.
I can tolerate homosexuals and still disagree with their ideologies.

Can you explain to me why you think that someone's opinion on morals are anything more than what they do or don't agree with?

It's one thing to state a quantitative fact - "Josef Stalin organized pogroms that killed over 100 million people" is a statement of quantitative fact.

The issue with things like "morals" is that they are qualitative. In the same way Jeff Bezos and you probably disagree on what is "a lot" of money or whether you might disagree with someone that stealing a loaf of bread to feed a starving family is a crime, expressions of morals are at the end of the day, just your opinions on something.

You're doing what the shooter wanted you to do. Set aside your need to get (you)s and do what's right.

No one cares, nigger. This is all one big circle jerk for most of us. We get on here during work because we have a little down time. No one is gonna take your tendies then give you the gas.

Settle down Beavis.

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>probably erodes your sense of moral superiority.

Well isn't that reverse psychology.... rofl.
You surely took me for one of your sjw, snowflake or whatever the hell your pitifull political war in usa made you call it these days. You just are not able to do the distinction between ego and society, not really surprisingly, your society produce guys like you "à la chaîne".... Goodluck in your silly world, silly boy !

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OP is right. But does that mean you shutdown Yea Forums. Or does that mean we just let the world burn.

Playing on words, trying so hard... Grow up !


You don’t want to promote hate and ignorance but the alt right are faggots? ...ok lol.
You’re very much the problem.

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Do you have a counterpoint to make or are you relying on smug images to carry your argument home for you?

>Playing on words, trying so hard... Grow up !
Ironic, you're the one that said homophobia.
I've never once met a person, that disagrees with homosexuality, who had an irrational fear of it.
Homophobia is a made up word that casts all people against homosexuality into one basket.
It's like calling the guy who cares about the black race, a black supremacist. Or the white guy who cares about preserving the white race, a white supremacist, people lump them into a giant basket because they either want to vilify them or cannot understand their beliefs.

A counterpoint to what ? Your opinion ? But man, you just told me opinions were not important ! rofl... there is nothing to answer to your views on society because, well, it's empty. Like you seem to be. Sorry, maybe that will just comfort you in your believes. And inflate your own moral superiority. And sorry, but that pic define properly what I personnally think of your deep views on the subject.

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>It's like calling the guy who cares about the black race, a black supremacist
>Or the white guy who cares about preserving the white race

like I said, grow up boy !

>nigger typing away at his macbook

We get tons of idiots like you in intro to ethics classes. Your view is literally a joke to professors because it is so common and eyeroll worthy. You aren't clever, you just happen to think you know a lot about a complex topic that you haven't even scratched the surface on.

Cool post user, totally added something great to the conversation.

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Grow up to what?
Why can't you articulate your point?

Because NEETs are socially underdeveloped, emotionally immature, and spend 100% of their time pursuing the devolution of Man by consuming nothing but food, the darkness of their room, and media.

Are you so shocked that these creatures don't have a moral compass? Where would they get their morals from? Playing 12 hours of Civ5?

The internet has become a cesspool, and the retardation is worn proudly as a cloak.

I've just come to realize that they're nothing but parrots, hearing a word or phrase, and repeating it because it sounds nice. And hey, that's what all the other parrots are squacking about, so why not, right?

ie, "niggers", and every other buzzword that they become attached to.

The NPC meme is my favorite, because nobody is more robotic than the people who push that meme. Irony so thick you could forge a blade with it.

Humanity is in a terrible state. Too few see this, and instead opt in for continuing the path of madness.

The cycle stops with you.

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So it sounds like you agree with me then - opinions are just opinions.

But it does seem like someone has pushed your buttons a bit.

>I have an in depth knowledge because I am in the midst of what is titled an introductory course

Can you refute anything or are you going to appeal to authority? Your professor isn't here, and invoking his name is just waving a flag on a board full of anonymous people.

What does "preserving the white race" mean to you?

>wanting people you dont agree with to die
you are literally the same as the shooter. cant wait to like and share your killing video, and subscribe to your channel

Your point is so stupid, focalizing on the "phobia" part in the word homophobia, that I don't really know what to answer to you. Meh ! Grow up boy, being afraid of something is natural, you are not a coward if you feel fear.. I say this because you seem so desperate to prove it ha nothing to do with fear...; whereas that's not the point. At all.

Well, it probably means the same thing to a white person as preserving the black race does to me (I'm black).
Anyone who thinks they're racist or a supremacist based solely on that, is an imbecile in my opinion.
Nobody called Muhammad Ali a black supremacist when he said he didn't want white babies because he wanted to preserve his lineage on camera decades ago.

>>So it sounds like you agree with me then - opinions are just opinions.But it does seem like someone has pushed your buttons a bit.

Well, if that reassure you to think so... You seem to attach much more importance to my opinion than you're willing to say. Strange for someone with your views. But who am I to judge.

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>focalizing on the "phobia" part in the word homophobia
You're proving my point though, since when was a phobia anything but an irrational fear of something?
Why did the people who created this word put phobia at the end?
>being afraid of something is natural, you are not a coward if you feel fear
When did I say any of this?
I'm simply pointing out that the people who created that word had ulterior motives, they knew exactly what the definition of the word phobia was before making it but it somehow has nothing to do with fear?
It makes no sense.
> I say this because you seem so desperate to prove it ha nothing to do with fear
I'm sure some people have an irrational fear towards homosexuality, my point is that most people aren't scared of what they're speaking out against.
There's a big difference, user.

weak and predictable

weak and predictable


weak and predictable

weak and predictable

weak and predictable

Sure kid.

weak and predictable

Well.... what to say... I don't care ? It's like perorate ad aeternam on the fact islamophobia is maybe not a phobia and so on.... You don't like the way gays lives, it's your right, but you don't have any rights to ostracize them.

lets censor what i dont like boooo

noun: phobia; plural noun: phobias

an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something.
"he had a phobia about being under water"

noun: homophobia

dislike of or prejudice against homosexual people.

weak and predictable

weak and predictable

>It's like perorate ad aeternam on the fact islamophobia is maybe not a phobia and so on
EXACTLY, who the fuck came up with these terms?
They're not real.

weak and predictable

weak and predictable

I care about your views because I'm an empathic person who cares about other people.

Your opinions on someone else's behavior caused you to roll up in here and be a dick to everyone and anyone who had the temerity to express anything contrary to your point of view.

Basically being a dick to everyone else and getting yourself wound up in the process. And for what? Because you thought that your opinions constituted some sort of unassailable moral code.

Letting go of that shit will make you a happier person. You can still care about all the things you care about and try to advance the agendas that you feel need advancing, but letting go of the idea that you're fighting for some perfect moral vision will go a long way to making you happier while you do it.

Moreover, it will mean that you change what you're doing from "enforcing a moral code" on others to "sharing your thoughts", which means that you're not rolling up on someone being an asshole just because they think differently than you.

>weak and predictable
weak and predictable

weak and predictable

weak and predictable

>Well, it probably means the same thing to a white person as preserving the black race does to me

"Preserving" implies there exist a threat or threats posing danger to that which is being "preserved" and that there is a particular, intentional action to safeguard its existence or state?

What is "threatening" the "white race" and what actions are being taken? and what IS the white race?

>Anyone who thinks they're racist or a supremacist based solely on that, is an imbecile in my opinion.

As "they" use the phrases and teminology typical of supremacists that encapsulates ideology given rhetorical structure and assumed effect.

>he said he didn't want white babies because he wanted to preserve his lineage on camera decades ago

And does "preserving his lineage" mean "whiteness" would defile it by nature of "being white"?

the world will be done with when freedom of speech and press dissolves

weak and predictable

weak and predictable

weak and predictable

(insofar as the person is abstracted into "a homosexual")

weak and predictable


:( people mean. Orange man bad.

lol. What the hell are you talking about ? You read too much in all that and seem to mingle me with other anons... I'm not OP by the way.
So I don't really know what to answer you, I agree with this, but not your views on society.


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T U R M P 20/20

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Loving the new Copypasta user

I never made any claims bout society's views aside from that they are more friendly to gay people now than they have been in the past.

In fact, the entire point of anything that I've said is that I don't speak for society. My opinions are my own, just like yours are your own. Sometimes our opinions agree with those of "society" and sometimes they do not.

>"Preserving" implies there exist a threat or threats posing danger
Have you checked white birth rates around the world recently?
I don't blame white people for speaking out and wanting to preserve their race and culture.
I feel the same about black birth rates in America, but our birth rates are only terrible here in the U.S.A.

>And does "preserving his lineage" mean "whiteness" would defile it by nature of "being white"?
No, I don't think he meant it in a racists manner, I think he just wanted his family to stay black.
That's at least how I took what he said.

>Mein Kampf
Whiniest book I've ever read.

Someone please find op adress and fucking kill him hail kek

Preserving their "race" Nigga you gotta be trolling we all human.

/pol/ is basically a cesspool of russian propaganda.

please, i beg you, come if you have the balls. "Someone" do it. Why dont you try it, you little pussy?

hail kek.. autism much?

>I hope Yea Forums gets taken down.
Given today’s events, your parroting the ideology of a murderious terroristic self-discribed “eco-fascist” who walked into houses of worship and shed the blood of unarmed women and children in an admitted attempt to promote censorship, is disgusting; beyond even the worst filth any normal Yea Forumstard could come up with as bait.
Rather than spewing your insults, hate, and misinformation and sweeping stereotyping, I hope you look to your own immortal soul, before you end up in the same Pit as all of your murderous kind, regardless of their outward appearance and pretentiously professed “side” in your hateful war against the World, both the shitlords and the gullible normies.

nice bait, cuck.

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you need to socialize.

If he were a media sheep he'd be ignoring how many Islamic attacks there have been and how they may or may not reflect on them as a society and focusing on one or two white attackers and how it's representative of the entire group. Kind of like you and an alarming number of other people on here.

Please can someone find an address of op and dox him or something i would love to see how he is going to act when he realizes that he is fucked

Give the Saudis, Qatar, and CTR SOME credit.
Not everyone is lucky enough to get a job flipping burgers or telemarketing.

>peaceful tactics
Is this what we're calling droning?

Already blocked in NZ now.

weak and predictable

>Every single one of you deserves to die
t. Muslim


Religion = Cancer

Attached: Ben.jpg (853x1024, 135K)

weak and predictable

By ISIS you mean that thing that the US fabricated to generate a pretext to send "US soldiers" when all they wanted was to smuggle who knows what in those "military" containers saying it was "military" equipment? I bet less than half of whatever left US soil ever returned, and is not just because "ammo" and "other consumables" where spent there

Cancer = Religion

is the op from california?or in virginia ashburn?

Ye fuck off cunt Afghanistan and Iraq were invaded for oil brainlet keep drinking trumps cum

>There should never be freedom for discrimination, for hate groups.
> Fucking die you wannabe viking incel faggots. [endless rant]

is this bait?


>the laws changed

yeah,because omar mateen did a shooting in fucking america.this is happened in new fucking zealand.americans are so stupid they cant tell the difference between 2 different countrys.you idiots cant run your own country successfully,until then.stop worrying about foreign countrys

>freedom of speech

lol,after the trump and obama administrations.its not even worth having a constitution in america

>is this bait?
I honestly can’t tell any more.
“It’s you guys, not me,” everywhere I look, from everyone.
So many people seem to honestly be projecting and compartmentalizing that hard.
I honestly can’t tell a poe anymore. We are through the Looking-Glass, Fam.

Terrorist fuckwit even told us he wanted to polarize the current “us v. them” faggots, and get them fighting harder...and everyone is obliging him. What kind of irresponsible click-baiting hack could read the murderer’s manifesto and decide, “this sounds like a great idea; I should give this guy exactly what he wants and misrepresent everything he said so I can use it as more ammunition in my political muck-slinging and try to prove him right...” You’d literally have had to sell your soul to think like that, yet so many are acting like that, with such sincerity...
We’ve passed The Onion, and gone straight into Fox4Kids, that is the level of political discourse, now.

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i wish there was a darker worse version of this place you fucking cry baby faggots

The peaceful solution would be to stop fighting Jewish wars in the Middle East and to deport every brown person from white countries.
But instead we're gonna do the diversity, tribal warfare, and Balkanization bit. This is the future people like you chose.

Attached: YOU HAD A CHOICE.jpg (1024x682, 80K)

>too for
Stopped right there.

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Attached: It's this easy.png (318x268, 88K)

>I’m goin to build my own version of Yea Forums, with hookers and blackjack
Sign me up.[spoiler]It’d probably hafta be an old school parallel doggie-net and it would be filled with so much gore-spam that you’d hafta wade through that at least there’d be fewer tourists and the worst bait would seem banal by comparison.[/spoiler]

POST this image to his twit