True heroism in action and a bigger hero than any of you keyboard "warrior" asses will ever be...

True heroism in action and a bigger hero than any of you keyboard "warrior" asses will ever be. Rest in peace brotha from anotha religion.

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Other urls found in this thread:

What a bitch

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He died in the floor like the filthy vermin he is.

He died like the degenerate mudslime trash that he is... or was! lol.

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RIP o/

A retarded nigga wanting to die, good thing he is in hell.

Whats this all about now?

Running at a armed man that is there to kill everyone. That isn't heroism, that is fucking stupidity. Glad he died. Fuck that Muslim piece of shit.

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Pretty obvious he was just making a dash for it

Charged the shooter head, was able to knock him down momentarily. The man died a bigger hero than most of these negative nancys commenting here will ever be beyond their basement internet wasted lives will ever be.


Take some edge off that, kiddo

rip hero

oh you guys are talking about the muslim...HAAHAHAHAHHA

shut up you fucking faggot, I'm 21 and have a job, have been posting on this chan for 2 years, and have sex regularly, don't fucking call me edgy. I'm going to take thirty fucking Kershaw kerambit knifes and furiously stab you until your screams of pain are reduced to gurgles and then in your death throws find the biggest knife wound and fuck it until I orgasm, using the blood as lube, and I hope all of you other liberal retards get cancer and in your final days bleed out in a car crash so I can jack off to the images just like I did where the Starship Troopers where Diz gets ripped apart and chokes to death on her blood, you'd better fucking run before my penis is covered in your blood, and be a lesson to all of these faggots who think the fallacy of calling me edgy is a legitimate tactic for arguments

Yeah good luck finding any muslim sympathizers here. We're not cucked nigger faggots. You may want to post this on Facebook instead.

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Dude, he wasn't trying to tackle him. He was looking past him/shoving past him - he was trying to flee

Alright fucking bombarded with Russian trolls today, its days like this Yea Forums needs the ids back. Jesus fucking christ.

Why didnt they break the windows and climbed out. Fail

Press F to piss on grave

That bitch got his shit gaped

The shooter was the real hero. R E M O V E K E B A B

they tried, you can hear glass shatter once when he paces back into the hall to pick up a mag or w/e the fuck he was doing.

Take some edge off that, kiddo

have to admit that's fuckin gold

This includes you in your big sack of shit diaper.

post the videos you fucking niggers, i still cant find them

The intersting thing is that if all people in the room charged the coward with the rifle like that, they would have a better statistical chance of being alive. This should be taught at schools.

As an atheist I salute that muslim bro. He is a real life hero.
use tor
has everything

Like shooting fish in a barrel.

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No you fool! He's gonna kill us all!

When you spend all your points on taunt:


Speech 100

i agree
the man died a hero, and only his name should be known, not of the shooter, build him a fucking statue

Yeah, in the smaller pile you can see one guy was trying to climb out a window but only managed to get his head out.

in a sense. But guess what. He could've did that in his own country to stop the radicalized faggots that caused him to flee in the first place. So actually he's just a giant fucking faggot pussy. Was. Cause he's dead now.

911 was an inside job u absolute mongoloid

Or scum in a pond

He actually looked pretty pathetic
he ran into his desth like a moron

Holy shit. The day has come where I can tell someone on here that I have been posting since he was shitting his diapers... Where has time gone...?!

Or he has a family to think about.
Or he immigrated as a child with his parents.
Or he was born in NZ.

he didn't knock him down u fucking reddit cuckboy. this just shows you didn't watch the video because you are too much of a snowflake. get back to your ' black cocks' thread u filthy subhuman treasonous vermin


Fresh copypasta?

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taquiya bullshit
you have been allways threatening and bragging about how you would conquer and subdue the infidels

im happy they all died but at least keep the facts straight dude
he was knocked to the ground
he was no longer on his soles, more like knewws and toes and at least one hand on the ground

have fun

Watch the vids, he was trying to run, shooter turned into him, shot him, he fell onto shooter causing shooter to fall stumble backwards. Not a hero

There were at least 3 exits you retard, open your eyes

>Keksimus Maximus

Yeah, and they were all hiding in a corner, opened to be killed. Let that sink in how dumb they are along with yourself.

One day you'll wake up and cringe at your tween phase

No fucking incel he straight up tried tackling him and you see the shooter lose his footing.

the edgy teen is right though, I dont know what that dumbfuck muslim thought was gonna happen.

fuck them all. Hopefully we'll see some more mass shootings soon.

>Calls someone edgy
>says "hopefully we'll see more mass shootings soon"

Oh the hypocrisy


think they'll run out of virgins soon?

first of all (you)

second he tried to run away like the roach he was and failed like the roach he was

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You fuckers realise that blindly following an ideology which laughs at the murder of innocent people, is blinding you to the true things which are affecting your lives. NZ isn't a warzone, they were innocent people.


Where do you plan on dying?
A gurney like a incontinent cripple?

As opposed to just sitting in the corner and getting shot like a fish in a barrel? At least this shitskin had balls. I hope he gets his virgins

That child on the right of the image though.

Low quality bait, Ivan. D-, must do better.

>blindly following an ideology which laughs at the murder of innocent people
Are you being ironic?

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Tbh to me it looked more like he was just trying to get the fuck outta dodge.

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can someone link my the video thanks

So this thread is basically neckbeards calling other people neckbeards and keyboard warriors while baiting the neckbearded keyboard warriors into a keyboard duel. Fucking hell I feel like I'm in NZ

>innocent people.
pick one

Yeah that ain’t right. Makes him as bad as the fuckers who commit terrorist acts in western countries. Don’t kill kids.

>So this thread
yes it is a thread

This guy has done more in his dying moments than you fags will ever experience. He tried. Can't say the same for the lot of you sad cucks.

I agree, the shooter was a hero.

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I'd rather it become a war zone for a year than become islamic for the rest of time. Saudi Arabia will literally arrest you for possesing a bible. Double standard that stifles us while promoting them. Not that I'm not a Christfag but god damn, fuck off with your desert pedophile world domination cult.

Too bad allah isn't real lol. He really wanted those virgins

this is a board. your mom is a thread

he ded m8 so he is no hero

I am brazilian, and i came here to see eurofags opinion on this shit... go grab some pussy, you bunch of looser’s.

Ps: i am white and blond, communism forever.

Bunch of looser’s.

well if i knew i was going to die, damn fucking right i would at least try to take him down rather than do nothing like a frozen fucking bitch. Yes i realise its different when your in that actual situation, but thats what i would fucking hope i would do.

Brenton Tarrant Is just another looser like the eurofags posting here... i do really hope that they put him in jail whith some 30 inch black man or muslim and finally embrace the little bitch tha this man (Brenton Tarrant ) was... fagget

To be fair that was jews

Jews aided by neocons and executed by muslims let's be fair

I'd shit my pants and throw it at him.

At least we are still alive.


>Literally every Muslim is a terrorist.
Do you hear yourself you reductive halfwit?

This, but made the wrong choice.

no you fucking wouldn't. Dont kid yourself

I dont see what's edgy about that. The shooter is right, we need to eliminate these invaders from our lands. There's no other way out of this mess.

you will be executed by muslims

>like the filthy vermin he is.

compared to the faggot that massacred unarmed people and ran like a bitch when someone shot back?

Vade retro satana, you fucking fag

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fuck islam fuck arab,death to the savage

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yeah he did, pushed him and he tripped over a body dropping some of his magazines. Stop defending that faggot. He couldnt even watch his corners when his gun jammed, and surrendered to the police like a bitch

The more you post the more I cringe hooly shit

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thank u

>surrendered to the police like a bitch
he gets to play playstation 2 in jail now = win

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He tripped over the body ONCE the guy who tackled him had fallen down. Or, the guy was trying to tackle him, but the gunman only fell when a limp body crashed into him.

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so you agree he was a coward?

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Almost doesn't cut it when you're dead. But he can have this cake as a consolation prize.

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ah yes the 'hero' who murdered unarmed people because he didnt like their point of view. Wounldnt go to a real warzone and do it though, only to unarmed civilians who cant fight back


Never saw any pussy, and thats why he is so angry... must look like an elephant and jerk off to animes and traps.
Come hand to hand in a battle, fagget.

If two people charged him at once they could have stopped him

he could have gotten away with it
kinda silly exit plan. pretty cool otherwise. there was no need to go back for the wounded if you shoot them in the chest or gut they die with in 20 to 40 mins

i dont see you fixing errors of mass immigration you faggot

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>their point of view.

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>unarmed civilians who cant fight back

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>he could have gotten away with it
except he didnt because he was fucking stupid and a coward who ran when muslims shot back

>i dont see you fixing errors of mass immigration you faggot

yes because murdering the immigrants will stop the problem, what could possibly go wrong. Do you use the same nigger logic in your every day life?

The goat-rapist was obviously trying to run past the shooter while he was distracted shooting people on the other side of the room.
The coward was too stupid to realize that if he had charged the shooter instead, he would have had a better chance of survival.

Damn too bad they didn't go back and finish the job. Bet the little cunt loved every second.

trips of destiny

Where those men in the mosque?

wow quotes from a holy book that talks about killing and murder. You could make the argument for any Abrahamic religion you fucking mog

He didnt want to harm any non-mudslimes. He did say at worst he would shoot an officer in the leg.

He's got ps3 now I hear

shut up you fucking faggot, I'm 21 and have a job, have been posting on this chan for 2 years, and have sex regularly, don't fucking call me edgy. I'm going to take thirty fucking Kershaw kerambit knifes and furiously stab you until your screams of pain are reduced to gurgles and then in your death throws find the biggest knife wound and fuck it until I orgasm, using the blood as lube, and I hope all of you other liberal retards get cancer and in your final days bleed out in a car crash so I can jack off to the images just like I did where the Starship Troopers where Diz gets ripped apart and chokes to death on her blood, you'd better fucking run before my penis is covered in your blood, and be a lesson to all of these faggots who think the fallacy of calling me edgy is a legitimate tactic for arguments

yes im sure the random fuckers on the street getting shot were all muslims

>yes because murdering the immigrants will stop the problem, what could possibly go wrong.
You're absolutely correct. The way to stop the problem is to murder the politicians and police who are the true cause of the foreign invader crisis.

>Him: Muslim piece of shit that tried to take down an armed killer.

You: Cocksucking mother fucking retarded nigger fag pedo slime jizz turd.

so why the fuck do you advocate killing people that nothing to do with the problem? Do you realistically think this helps us or them more? Use ya fucking head

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>when muslims shot back


I like the part where he got double domed 13 pics after this one, on the ground. His head was pretty much non-existant after this. Like yours

This young man is different than you in two ways.

-he is dead
-while never lived in fear

Moves to a new place for a better life: Invader.
Invades and murders 99% of the indigenous population: Settler.

Right, keep trying kid.

Actually the guy tried to sneak past him shill harder and open your eyes . Making nothing out of thin air

Truth be told

>Where those men in the mosque?
Yeah they perpetuate the teachings that enable it. It's like fighting nazis in WW2. Even though the nazi you shoot is not the same nazi that shot your brother.

>You could make the argument for any Abrahamic religion you fucking mog
And people do.

>people that [have] nothing to do with the problem
Politicians who pass the laws allowing invaders into the country have nothing to do with the problem?
Politicians who pass laws protecting the invaders have nothing to do with the problem?
Politicians who pass laws criminalizing criticism of their laws or the invaders have nothing to do with the problem?
Police who enforce all those treasonous laws aren't part of the problem?
Police who punish the victims of the invaders for having the effrontery to defend themselves against the invaders have nothing to do with the problem?

I just want to know from those praising this coward act... how many off you have seen a real pussy?

I'd trade all whites going back to Europe in exchange for all nonwhites leaving Europe in a heartbeat, but since that's not going to happen, we need to defend what we have. Call them invaders, settlers, immigrants, I don't really care. We whites need them gone if we want to secure a future for white children. I don't claim the moral high ground. I only seek my people's continued existence.


try a little harder, triggered leftard


no, he didn't

go back to raddit, kiddo

>I dont know what that dumbfuck muslim thought was gonna happen.

He rushed as the guy's back was turned shooting the other group in the corner. He would have had him if he acted a half second earlier. It was not a bad move. What would you have done besides lay there and die crying and pissing yourself?

>Moves to a new place for a better life: Invader.
>Invades and murders 99% of the indigenous population: Settler.
Nice college freshman antifa wannabe faggot "arguments". Try again when you have something other than worn out 'white man is evil' shit tier NPC dialogue to offer.

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he tried to run away...

He's alive guys lol he in hospital rn


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Thank god.

Good build with op weapons but his camera was from Aliexpress

Why are you fixated on the fucking color of your skin, or that of your children? Kids are kids. Stop being fucking retarded.

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Not just white man. This happens all over the place. True invaders make heroes of themselves, then bitch about anyone else that tries to move in peacefully afterwards.

muslim=/= isis
mass shooter=mass shooter

He tried to flee, not attack our hero

FBI you got that?

lol @ that hat

Underrated post

Not true at all. 2 stories getting mixed up. Guy in video is dead as fried chicken, in case you didn't notice his body exploding.

Bruh... that's kinda cringe.

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Bruh... that's kinda cringe.

Bruh... that's kinda cringe.


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holy shit someone please make a dub of the video with the Doom gameplay sounds

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i want to say there already is a doom version but i didnt click to see it
someone definitely said it existed though

kek, he was running for the exit

Fuck alt-right.

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>yes because murdering the immigrants will stop the problem
if you read the manifesto he addresses this, the birth rates are the problem og now. you cant get to the politicians/propaganda/banks behind it

muslims are the problem, he took out future problems. can you prove they were not diddling kiddies?

god works in mysterious ways

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so what about you, you overweight victim of abuse?
also: who here claims to be a hero?

he tried to run away7 like a fag, if he actually fought he would have been able to jump the shooter

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this upload doesn't exist... wtf user

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I can now understand how /mlp/ was born. You fucking retards take shit too seriously here.

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this has to be pasta

is he getting done for speeding looks like he exceeded the speed limit in a few places very dangerous speed kills..


someone PLS post a working link of the video? the one I have from last night got taken down. thanks bros


Better man than I'll ever be.

You kissless virgin fags can go die in a whole if you wanna defend the monster who killed 49 people

>Like shooting fish in a barrel.

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OK I watched the video, when I saw this guy try to stop the shooting I saw the only glimpse of humanity in the entire thing. If the Virgin bit is true, he's getting laid right now.............

How fucking stupid are(were) to not run away through that door thats right fucking there?

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This is pasta, a 14 year old virgin, or someone who *really* wants us to believe he's a 14 year old virgin.

Where can I see this video?

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Lol that fool was trying to run while shooter was distracted killing his friends.

In a whole what?

this is literally what muslims do to eachother.

>Moderates enable extremists
Again with this fallacious logic. This is exactly the same as saying that moderate white people enabled THIS extremist.

the muslims are the monster invaders, he is just a partisan, get your facts straight

this isnt the first time a country and ppl get destroyed by mass immigrating muslim arabs

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Do we not live in a world where moderates tolerate extreme views?

The only solution to one type of extremism is the successful eradication of it by another type of extremism. That's not a world I want to live in. Much better to live in a moderate one where all extremes exist in smaller measure.

they dont get virgins they get sexless servants. they take 13 year old virgins in this life and brutally gang rape them for days or even hours.

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This is why the death penalty will return in the future. Filthy commies living off the state.

Yea Forums - you should check it out

what is the name of the song playing in the first part???

No, we do not. That's the point. Moderates unanimously condemn the actions of extremists.

>Do we not live in a world where moderates tolerate extreme views?
>The only solution to one type of extremism is the successful eradication of it by another type of extremism. That's not a world I want to live in. Much better to live in a moderate one where all extremes exist in smaller measure.
you're a fucking idealistic idiot enjoy watching your friends/family slaughtered..

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>Rest in peace brotha from anotha religion.

go away nigga from anotha motha.

Lulz, some hero he was, dead like the rest of them parasites like him

tbh he shouldve blasted the isis theme on a beats pill for irony



Oh my god

He ran out mats. Had no slurp juice. When can I buy this skin?

Kill urself

Coming from a muslim im not sure if i have to be offended or happy about your comment.
Made me chuckle tho

He talks about EUROPEAN stuff you robot shill

Don't forget condemning the actions of their more violent, extremist cousins. They protest hate against Islam because hate against Islam is unjust. Hate against the extremists is just, but if you start hating the entire religion for the actions of the few you're literally just a shit person.

But you'll ignore this because you're a reductive moron who can't separate a few evil people from the group they claim to represent.


if only modern SJWs could put their money where their mouth is and do this.
if like 20 of them did this we could take the ratio of raped or mudered : not, and then apply that to muslims to see if its #notallmuslims or #justmostofthem
but they wont cause know theyd end up dead.

> '' misses tackle ''

> What a hero

Kill thou self sjw faggot

>Literally all Muslims are this
Reductive moron.

If all of them attacked him like that at the same time most of them would still be alive. Let that sink in. That's the only thing you should be doing in a situation like this.

It's only "heroic" if you put yourself in harms danger to save someone else. He was gonna get killed anyway so he had fuck all to lose and everything to gain, therefore not fucking heroism in the slightest

Lets just pretend he was trying to get the gun and not running for his life which it looked like. 40 muslims were cowering in either corner, many more ran out of side doors like cockroaches. If they all went at the gun man they might have achieved something. Thats muslims for you, they all run away when shit gets going

if she hadnt called for help, she might have survived

>Every Muslim preacher teaches bad stuff
Reductive moron

Shooter is a dumb cunt who will rot in hell like the rest of the pieces of shit on this planet who murder people for whatever reason. Fucking coward ass bitch. Bet any amount of money the shooter is a punk ass bitch without a gun. Just like 90% of the people on Yea Forums. Waste of life.

> when u try to be a hero but realize you didnt put on your bombs today.


>Bet any amount of money the shooter is a punk ass bitch without a gun.

umm... he clearly had two guns...

Try calling yourself a nazi, saying Mein Kampf is a holy book inspired by God and Hitler is his prophet, but only teaching compassion and love (and a few weird things like the direction in which you have to cut a goat's neck). And then expect people to let you get away with that.

If you did that in any lawless place as a lone woman you're gonna get raped and murdered. Women got raped and murdered all the time travelling alone in Europe in the middle ages, and in the American frontier.

im pretty sure his car got rammed into a wall by police car one wheel was off the ground still spinning

he also mentions he wouldnt harm police unless he had to

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1- if its an invader, yes.
2- they are called settlers because they really did settle. they moved out of europe to get to land where they can. get this. settle.
90% of the indiginous population was killed off by disease. i cant accuratly speak about the rest but one thing is for sure. the USA was not there when people got to amarica. it was created. coem back with real arguments,

haha youre SO edgy please post more uwu

no one will love you for youre horrid personality

Look fags. I fucking know what happened. The shooter claimed he wasn't interested in school or education. He fucked up. If you have any kind of will like he did, a strong feeling about an idea or w/e. You don't kill your "enemies" you fucking go about public speaking. Maybe politics. What potential he or breivik had. If you believe in something violence is not the answer. The shooter really fucked up.

Not heroic, ran for the door like a little sand-nigger bitch, and didn’t take the opportunity to take down
K E B A B R E M O V E R whilst he had his back turned, and potentially save other people.

Was a good killstreak, but who gives AF about NZ, should’ve done it in Bankstown in Sydney

Why is the flashlight flickering?

They never had a chance. It's not like he knocked and announced himself. He was putting bullets in people before they knew what was going on. Indiscriminate, inhumane slaughter, lives cut short because one guy is a mentally unstable /pol/ posting fascist gab shitheel who failed at growing up to live a happy life. Fancied himself to be a soldier while he gunned down people in cold blood. It's pathetic.

If and when this happens again with shootings and stabbings in retribution, maybe on your next holiday or on your next night in any major city, none of us should be surprised.

>Moderates unanimously condemn the actions of extremists.
there is no moderate or extremist. if you follow islam you follow all ofit and it clearly states you need to kill and fuck up all non muslim arabs

Spooky ghost?

Real hero is the shooter. Giving these Muslim cockroaches a taste of what they've been doing to others for centuries. Should have been more than 49.

its a common thing filming LED lights

Ah that makes sense, thanks

the difference is we have never had a global invasion of time travelers from the middle ages. the rest of us have advanced to the point where theres a few bad eggs here and there. but them? theyre just playing peaceful until theyve quietly taken over so they can take the whole world back in time with them.

>Shooter is a dumb cunt who will rot in hell like the rest of the pieces of shit on this planet who murder people for whatever reason. Fucking coward ass bitch. Bet any amount of money the shooter is a punk ass bitch without a gun. Just like 90% of the people on Yea Forums. Waste of life.
you really are quite stupid aren't you it was shown on tv news he had two guns in the back of the car and three in the front and just how did he shoot anyone without a

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I think that's just fine. A very odd interpretation of the original, but whatever. You know what's NOT acceptable? Saying you're doing something for good and using that doctrine as an excuse to murder people who are innocent of the crimes you fallaciously lump them in with, you're an asshole.


I'm confused why an LED on a gun would work on AC.

So you've been to the future? Has much changed? Do we live underwater?

the majority is

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>assuming he wasn't scared shitless when he pissed himself dying

he drove his car over the body as he drove off.
she dead either way

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No. Not all Muslims follow it word for word in the same way that most modern Christians don't follow the Bible word for word or they'd be indistinguishable from Muslim extremists. You are a reductive moron.

triggered little faggot you aint gonna do shit, you'd die luck all the cucks in this video lmao

Where can I watch the video?

>It's not like he knocked and announced himself

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fucking hate that lyric.

Not much and changed but we live underwater? I'm sorry but if we live under fucking water then a FUCKING FUCK TONNE HAS CHANGED!


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Its a strobe feature on the lights. They are super high lumens and can be set to strobe to blind people looking at it. Nice lights with high lumens are pretty harsh on the eyes even in decent lighting

I think most people would disagree with you and call such a self-declared "peaceful nazi" a piece of shit. They wouldn't outright call for violence, but they would silently support it if someone did it.
Especially if a number of people born into this "peaceful nazism" had convert to outright nazism at a later age, and had committed terrorist attacks in an attempt to fulfill Hitler's prophecy of the 1000 year Reich.

eternal kissless virgin

Attached: nazi.jpg (443x400, 47K)

yeah? so because there are wars in the middle east, which the west has had a major hand in both causing and continuing, that means that these normal everyday people are part of that same thing?

you really are a retard

No, they aren't. Also that 'report' cannot be found, find me another source for your bullshit claims. Most Muslims, especially immigrants, get on quietly and peacefully and don't fuck around with the law of the land.

Thanks. I assume it is designed for close combat then.

but he was trying to run away down the hallway while the gunman was shooting the pile in the corner

>If you don't follow all of it you aren't a Muslim
Then there are very, VERY few Muslims in the world. And the same can be said of Christians.

Your logic is falling apart, reductivist.

And yet you still can't tell me what the future is like. Because you haven't been there.

Attached: received_2216565058660309.png (614x380, 217K)

Sure, but that wouldn't be the biggest confusion in such a person's mind. Calling yourself a nazi is about as insane as calling yourself a moderate muslim. ("It's the literal will of God to create a caliphate, but let's listen to the kuffar for advice on how society should be organized.")

Err...I'm not the original guy...I'm just saying I hate that fucking song.

Considering our president is a traitorous piece of shit, Omar can call him whatever she wants, and would be fully justified.

Np, and yeah its more or less close quarter combat, I couldn't imagine them being anywhere near as effective if you were 50m out

yeah i like to think muslims are just as confused as my dumbfuck christian parents. they go to church and sing their songs and share a bible quote on facebook now and again. completely ignore the times god slaughters thousands of men women and children. developing you own moral compass based on the social norm while claiming you got it from a book that you dont read... yeah i hope islam goes through the same process until it all but dies out like christianity.


Many people would disagree with me, and to those people I would say as I'm saying now about extremists.

Hate the extremist, not the fucking normal Muslims. Like I don't hate nationalists even though I disagree with them, but once they espouse hate and violence, I hate them. The people in that mosque did not espouse hate or violence, they were there to pray.

The shooter was an asshole.


Yea Forums is just as cucked as the rest of the Internet

Your great, great great granddaughter thought it was fine.

>Then there are very, VERY few Muslims in the world.
but it all comes down to...who can you trust?

Yeah lol every one of these cucks are pathetic, switch the word Muslim to Christian in this thread and it would sound like it's full of Jihadists. Fucking extremist zealots dude. Disgusting pedophile christian fucks.

>All but dies out
Christianity isn't in any danger of dying out, sadly. Atheists are still the minority on almost every nation on earth.

imageboards are the last places on the internet where free speech still exists. reddit is a hivemind AI NPC infested shithole now.

Just another one of your elliot rodger faggots that you guys love to suck the cock of

me sucking cock has nothing to do with the people i worship, and i denounce the attacks of yesterday

but i dont see many deaths happening in the name of christianity these days.

fucking disowned that bitch.

Based Brazilian
Mas que porra de mundo é esse que estamos vivendo, né?

Irrelevant, the 'if they don't follow it word for word they aren't Muslim' logic is fallacious, and using it to justify cold blooded mass murder is despicable, especially as, under that definition, most of these people would have come under the 'not actual Muslims' category.

Because NEETs are socially underdeveloped, emotionally immature, and spend 100% of their time pursuing the devolution of Man by consuming nothing but food, the darkness of their room, and media.

Are you so shocked that these creatures don't have a moral compass? Where would they get their morals from? Playing 12 hours of Civ5?

The internet has become a cesspool, and the retardation is worn proudly as a cloak.

I've just come to realize that they're nothing but parrots, hearing a word or phrase, and repeating it because it sounds nice. And hey, that's what all the other parrots are squacking about, so why not, right?

ie, "niggers", and every other buzzword that they become attached to.

The NPC meme is my favorite, because nobody is more robotic than the people who push that meme. Irony so thick you could forge a blade with it.

Humanity is in a terrible state. Too few see this, and instead opt in for continuing the path of madness.

The cycle stops with you.

Attached: 1549310725019.jpg (639x643, 63K)

White anons mad that this won’t solve anything. You KNOW this

Attached: 2569377366.jpg (2184x1394, 155K)


This pleases the funny ha ha skeleton man.

Attached: Laughing_Skeleton.gif (256x256, 619K)

Saying _a_ gorilla is representative of all gorillas is as ignorant as the rest of what's being said here.

I see more than I saw a couple decades ago, which is worrying. It's proof that extremism breeds more extremism. Jihadi Muslims acted out extremism, Westboro-level christtards fight back, etc etc. Each side uses the actions of the other to radicalise the next generation.

But it’s been accumulating more reddit for the past couple of years and has made these threads shit


I would definitely dub this vid to the doom soundtrack and effects and slap a HUD on it. If I had my computer

I really, really, really like this image. Mind if I save it?

it kills you inside to know that this man displayed more courage and bravery in a second than you will in your life.

You feel so insecure in your own skin that you lash out and attack people who are different to make yourself feel better.

Is he gonna be able to stop you?

This ISN'T Saudi Arabia you brainless twit, it's NZ.

He had his gun tattered with memes and he was listening to initial D in his car. Possible Yea Forumstard recluse angry that he didnt get to fingerbang his crush in school?

I agree that Muslims are not the source of the evil that is Islam, they are mainly victims, but
>normal Muslims
Islam is an insane cult that does a lot of harm to humanity. There is nothing normal about being a muslim. And peaceful muslims still contribute to the growth of islam, and its offshoot called salafism, a sect that takes the teachings of the prophet more seriously.

I don't think shooting up a random mosque is effective at reducing the total harm. As you say, most of them wouldn't go killing normal people, so I'm very sure that it does much more harm than good to kill them. He hasn't thought his plan through enough, and he's an asshole for that. He's a lot like many NGOs: they want to help but they do more harm than good with their reckless actions.


Yea Forums doesn't allow webms with sound but has regular initial D threads

not irrelevant, you're a pathetic fucking liberal fag in the UK we have muslims intent on taking over the country and not allowing whites into their areas and harassing UK women fuck you

Thanks, lori


calm down grandma with your facebook tier meme

this is the real muslim attitude fuck them all the more that die the fucking better fuck every filthy fucking one of them