How can I smoke weed in my door room without my roommates smelling it? I have a bathroom and a window

How can I smoke weed in my door room without my roommates smelling it? I have a bathroom and a window.

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you eat an edible fuckhead

Smoke outside retard

Depends how many doors are in the room

Ethanol extract it and vape the oil

Try shooting it up

Good album op.

Get a wet piece of cloth, a towell or a shirt will do. By wet I mean moist dont be a b-tard. Use the pice of cloth as a filter when you exhale the smoke, use a pipe or bong, not a whole joint.

Dont even smoke it if you cant figure the shit out on your own retard.

Vape it

>Make a spoof with dryer sheets and an empty toilet paper roll
>buy ozium
>plug in air fresheners
>light candle
Stick to smoking bongs or bowls or something you can clear in one hit. Take in a huge hit, stick your head out the window, blow out through the spoof and spray some ozium inside.

I put laundry detergent cut with enough water to make it useful and put it in a spray bottle, then I spray down a rag and shove it into a sock. Combined with a one hitter, it kept the smell down fairly well but better than that is vaping extracts and exhaling through a sploof, and better than that in terms of smell is edibles. Also try a Smoker's Friend.

Also I never loaded a bowl with more than one hit.

other user suggested good ideas with a spoof but make sure that when you open the window, the air is being sucked out of the room and not in. If the air is blowing in to your room you should not smoke in your dorm room

Dude yeah
OP spray something in the air like your faggy Lynx deodorant and see if the air is going out the window or in, because if it blows in, any smell is going right through the door and into the hallway.

there is really no way. you need to smoke outside otherwise the smell will linger in your room and you'll get found out eventually

get a vape now. Carts are so accessible these days. smoking flower in dorms is a losing battle.

Take the weed, place it in the trash and never pick it up again because weed is for 14 year olds

Fuck off moralfag. You lost. Get over it.

One hitter

Make a spoof.

Switch to vape cartridges or get a smoke buddy. They work pretty well.

pot smoke doesn't linger like cigarette smoke. this is why you can smell it from a mile away

This plus roll a towel up and stick it along the bottom of the door so no smoke goes out

These. Outside or get yourself a vape. I bought an Arizer V-tower 6 years ago and its still kicking strong, for $100.00. The parts are replaceable and cheap, like under $10.00 cheap. I used to vape a wall away from family and they never had a clue. Still puts off a smell but it isn't a foul one. Hard to describe... but if you just buy a candle or something, one with a rich scent like sandalwood, you'd be all clear.

Also if you have a closet with a door, not just one of those foldable cubby type ones, you can set up and smoke in there. Most closets do now have any vents or airways for the smoke to travel, so smoke in the closet, move out of it close the door and spray Febreeze or if you have a candle light it right before you go in.

Pine air freshener
Pic related.

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Buddy is a prison guard in a Canadian federal medium security penitentiary. He says the cons use toilet paper rolls with Febreeze dryer sheets stuffed in the end and blow the smoke out the window through the tube. Cons think they are smart but all the guards know what's going on and just don't give a shit coz weed doesn't cause any trouble. If they smell any "brew" (cell made alcohol from fermented ketchup or food) they will toss the place and throw the offenders in the hole since brew makes the prisoners violent and people get shanked and shit. When my buddy smells Febreeze on the block he just tells the cons "Ahhhh boys it smells like a glorious spring morning in here".

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Mix it with acid to dissolve it then inject it

Honestly u cannot smoke inside without creating a smell. Its impossible, sploofs dont work, blowing the smoke out the window doesn't work, none of those things work. Not only does the weed itself smell, but u will smell, the pipe/bong/rolled will smell and the weed smoke will go where u dont want it to because of the currents. Just go outside and smoke in ur car or a block away, then eat some gum and go inside.