So, how do you fellas really feel about the recent event...

So, how do you fellas really feel about the recent event. I get a lot of u guys come here to be edgy and funny but what's your real response?
If you're anti-islam then you know very well that this guy only hurt your cause. Did u actually get satisfaction when u heard a guy murdered a bunch of innocent people that look different from you?

Idk, I'm babbling. I just don't understand how mentally stable and possibly educated people can be happy about this. Please explain what's going through your mind. I'm not asking for excuses like "they had this coming", because that's a retardedly autistic thing to say. I specifically want to hear why you think innocent people need to be killed. Don't bother responding if you just want to make an edgy joke.

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Dude was a fucking retard.

I mean it makes sense, he posted here.

Indifferent. People are getting murdered 24/7 in droves.

Sure, but I'm referring to the people that are happy about it.

Did you see the live-stream? He walked into the mosque and opened fire, killing several people in the first few seconds. Dozens of people were trying to take cover in two corners of a square room. He just opened fire on them, leaving them dying in a pile, only to come back a few minutes later to head-tap each person. If that doesn't incite some sort of emotional reaction from you, than you have not fully processed the events that took place.

He's basically right.

I genuinely had no emotional response from the video either. Watching it my thoughts were "This isn't what I felt a mass shooting would look like" and "I wonder what the medias take on this is going to be"

In general I think the act was pointless and accomplished nothing other than killing people who weren't really relevant to anything and probably were just minding their own business doing their day to day

Is it any different when Muslim radicals kill innocent Christians?
I want to think that now they know what it feels like when people lose loved ones in Muslim attacks.
They don't like it so much i bet , when the shoe is on the other foot

Pretty much this. Don't know if that's a good thing..

yeah I've seen far worse things in the rekt threads tbh

I watched the second half of the 16min video. I don't know any of those people he killed, so why should it elicit some emotional reaction from me? Do you get emotional every time you see or hear about someone getting killed on the news?

the man was a certified memelord

Someone needs to go to a white church and stab as many people as possible while shouting "Subscribe to T-Series!"

This post would apply to the Muslims that felt the same way. I'm not sure what point you're trying to make. Why do you assume the people in their supported terrorist attacks?

We get it. You vape.

You joke, but this is only gonna wake up the radical muslims. Don't be surprised when you get news of a revenge attack. This is one reason why the shooter is a massive retard.

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Because it's real. There's a difference between reading about something and seeing it happen.

I registered no emotional response. I didn’t know who they were and 49 casualties don’t matter make it a million then I’ll actually care

and there's a difference between seeing someone die in front of you and watching a video on the internet detatched from the reality of it.

You sound like a whiny faggot who can't handle walking for fear of stepping on an ant by mistake. Pathetic

read his manifesto.
he was untypically uncertain about his personal religious beliefs, while seemed to have rationalized and pinpointed his position on pretty much any other spectrum.
he described himself as eco-nationalist, a self-admitting fascist, and his reason for his deed were him perceiving muslims in western nations as invaders, and to rile up both sides of the culture war to radicalize even more.

He openly admitted to bait the media in every direction possible. Why did he use guns out of all possible killing options? To rile up the anti-gun lobby and subsequently increase pressure on the pro-gun lobby to radicalize both parties.
why did he mention pewdiepie? To bait the media into even more accusations of false racism / fascism against him to gauge up the pressure against him and his 86 fucking million followers, to distrust the media even more.

and judging about how everyone is pointing fingers at everyone currently, he got exactly what he wanted.
He won, thanks to all of us trying to play the edgelord / victim / virtue-signaling game.

If you truly want to defeat him, forget about him, or brand him as confused lone wolf without any affiliation.
But since we all know that neither our media, nor our politicians can, he won this battle. And if that leads to civil war, he'll have won this today, already.

To quote one of the edgiest movies possible, which is eerily related: "Some people just want to see the world burn."
And today the internet and media surely is on fire.

I used to tote the same mantra - emotions are for females and crunchy boys. I wore it like a badge, Emotionless user, unaffected by the knowledge of danger and suffering in the world. You will grow and as you start to care about things in your personal life, you'll begin to realize the world around you has a direct connection to the people and places and things you love.

woe is me, everyone is a sheeple and i am one of the few gifted who can see past the facade.

Cry a fucking river

Yeah bcuz we were just on the brink of a worldwide redpill.

I merely told you what he himself admitted in his manifesto and gave you sincere advise on how to deal with it in the least damaging way.
I do not hold any special insight more elaborated than simple common sense.
Actually read his manifesto if you think this comes straight out of my own ass.

There is a war coming faggot. You just witnesses the first shot. You millennials have been so sheltered any little thing "breaks" your mind. Look at how divided America has become. It will only get worse. It will come here. Liberal california, ny, ideology is incompatible with the rest of the country. I know no one who is upset about what happened. No one.

The media already has the gun control issue covered. All the coverage is reporting the use of an automatic weapon, which it was not.

The event will make more extreme the stances of both the left and far left, and the terrorists.

4 chan will not be hurt, this is not the first time something like tgis happens. Twitter might experience a setback.

New Zealand will get on a blaming spree to avoid being targetted.

The right will be slightly more demonised, which will add to the backlash, and radicalise it more than it already is.

Highly doubt this will trigger a chain reaction of any kind, but the muslims may exaggerate the event and jump on the feminist and black trend of "we deserve you compensate us for something you did not do and we did not suffer".

I will make some very edgy jokes with my friends shortly, and will be looked at with disapproval by them.

Meh. Pretty irrelevant, if put in perspective.

i felt sick to my stomach. i dont think i have the mental illness that the internet gives you

get in the bunker martha, tha storm is a comin!!!!

when did Yea Forums become so weak and limp wristed

You sound like you live your life not giving a single shit about anything. You probably think you sound like a badass by having no emotion. Such a childish response, like a kid wearing shorts in cold weather.

I don't view it as some "macho thing", I just don't care that much about it. Should I start pretending that I care? I've lost loved ones and that hurt me greatly. Again, I did not know any of the people he killed, and going around pretending that you care about every single person that gets killed is just fooling yourself.

white people care less about actual human casualties they can see for themselves than theoritical unborn white babies

lol you must hide harddrives in your moms house

I have no response, because I don't care what so ever.

im bored of shootings i dont really pay attention
actual shootings, properly defined, havent really increased in frequency in decades. but the media doesnt miss a shooting now, where as before, and in present day in europe, media has a policy of not showing shootings.

link? i havent seen it yet
dont know where to find it

I bet there is gonna be another shooting in the next weeks

millennials happened. the summerfags who refused to leave.

If I was only more like you, sitting at my computer crying all day and embracing emotions like my therapist told me too, maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan

Empathy is what seperates most from being sociopaths/animals.

I don't think I sound like a bad ass. Why would I care what other people think if I didn't give a shit about them in the first place?

We get it. You chug semen.

The original question was for people that gained pleasure from the news. You came in boasting about how cool you felt watching the video.

You sound like that 5th grader that doesn't like pizza. Yes, pretend. It's what we all do. It starts to make sense and the sooner you start participating with the rest of us, the better.

It was pretty cool. Nothing like that has really been seen before.

Imagine coming to Yea Forums of all places to moral fag and shame others for not treating random events as if it's their own personal family being affected by it. Truly pathetic, I can't imagine what a sad life you must live to try and shame anonymous strangers on this board of all places to give a fuck. You are all sincerely wasting your time

You mean gen z?

It's almost like internet access became universal

But hitler didn't do anything wrong..

>thread opens with
>So, how do you fellas really feel about the recent event
>don't care
>H-how could you not care, I'm wiping my tears with a tampon right now

Your analysis of the thread is actually not accurate in the slightest.

You sound like a fag.

>questioning one's right to post
>speculating that a poster's life is sad
>we're all wasting our time

Your post has brought nothing of value to the discussion or this board. Would you care to contribute next post?

Well, all jokes aside, i think it's a complicated situation. This fucker was insane as fuck and killed innocent people. That for sure isn't acceptable under any circumstance. But are you surprised abou this event honestly? With todays media I'm more surprised that there isn't a incident like this every week. I mean some goatfucker blew himself up at an ariane grande concert, an event that has nothing to do with religion or anything. This garlic face killed 22 people including children for absolutely nothing. Eventhough those people habe nothing to do with real muslems, they're still connected through the most important thing for both... religion. this doesn't rectify killing 50 innocent people, but think i might kinda understandwhere this guys motivation came from. Could be possible that I'm totally wrong, I didn't watch his videos or read his manifest and i have no interest in doing so. This is just my assumption.

This board is worth nothing of value so it's a neither a net loss or gain. Thanks for playing Yea Forums, please click on the banners for more support

He brought up a separate discussion about watching people die.

>that look different to you?
>posts the most Normalfag file and OP i've ever seen on Yea Forums
Yea Forums .... just a bunch of faggots really

Dialing into bbs's was better. Bring back the old internet.

considering the video in question was literally watching people die I don't see how it's any different from the main post

I love to see how people really don't care; it's quite fascinating. I mean eventually we will be our own downfall won't we. Many of us on here are so different, selfish, bored, or just waiting for the next news. It really shows. When do, or if you do, think the next world war is coming? Sides are being pushed further and further, and no one is able to do anything about it. Maybe another civil war will come to finally divide America, who knows. I not sad about the deaths of others, but more so the mindset of the "attackers". I get sad from the pity on these criminals, that this is what they plan ahead of time and this is what they want. Each person is a ticking time bomb, so this attack certainly won't be the last. Eventually people will be conditioned, bored, or plain angry about anything, that they will go to extremes for personal benefit. This man got what he wanted today, and it doesn't matter if he "pays for his crimes" because it will accomplish nothing.

Don't really care the guy was a retard and the guy that tried to side step him and grab the gun from him was just asking to be shot in my opinion.

Even though I wish muslims would stay in the middle-east I felt no satisfaction when I heard about this. It's all just senseless bullshit, on both sides. I knew the media would be all over it for their own agendas and I'm sick of it.

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This. In one way he's just as bad as isis, on the other hand, he's the hero we don't deserve.

>the guy who tried to stop the shooting was asking to get shot

britbong here, had more of an "o shit" response to pewds getting name dropped than i did to 49 people dying and im aware of how that seems. im not a racist and immigration isnt an issue to me, people just die sometimes. some of my coworkers celebrated 49 muslims dying though and that pissed me off. they were innocent people and being brown got them killed at the end of the day

That guy was the only chance that room full of people had. If two or three people rushed him when he was at the end of the hallway (where he dropped his mag), the loss of life would have been cut in half.

naw, not really.
according to his manifesto he knew exactly what he did, knew exactly what the consequences would be and rationalized both his own position, his motivations and the public reaction to it pretty accurately.
This is not the mind of an insane being.
This is cold, intentional action according to his beliefs.
Call him misguided, pessimistic, radical, violent, fascist even as he described himself, and you'd be mostly accurate.
But "insane" surely wasn't one of his traits.

>I get a lot of u guys come here to be edgy and funny but what's your real response?

My real-real response is: this make a day or two of interesting news. The raw footage was horrifying and morbidly fascinating.

And... thats kinda it. I think.

Not sure if bait but ok.

>Some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn.

Welcome to Yea Forums

>implying a lack of sanity always causes incoherence and incompetence

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>they were innocent people and being brown got them killed at the end of the day
no one supporting shariah law is innocent.
And it wasn't their skin-color that got them killed, it was their support for a violent, barbaric religion that they seek to spread in the western world.

Yeahh..Elon was all time..

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but every muslim is brown I thought, muslim is a race isn't it? That's what ben affleck told me and he is LITERALLY batman

it felt like a good round of counter strike
it kinda completes my transformation into a racist.


> - the state of being seriously mentally ill; madness.
> - extreme foolishness or irrationality.

since he spend two years planning his action, and three months planning the specific attack on this mosque /as well as the drive-bye on the second), insanity is not a valid descriptor for him.
Source: His manifesto. Pretty interesting read actually.

the sad part is that many muslims hide behind this foolishness, and many liberals call out mere atheism directed at Islam as racist, too.

my money is there will be a big shooting in america before april.

I think the worst thing about this is he wrote a huge list of bullshit and the media is plucking what they want from it to further their agenda.

That thing is so all over the place both sides are gonna find a handful of pages / excerpts and run with them. The whole thing is clearly a hot pile of garbage made specifically to sow discord and divisiveness, it even says so IN THE MANIFESTO. Every news outlet that does anything to talk about this nut jobs manifesto as anything other than the ramblings of a mad man should be shut down. All they are doing is playing right into his hand.

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strongly agree with the second half

Your assesment is basically age old. You can find similar views about the new generation written in 200 BC.

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It's going to fuck over Yea Forums and other Chan sites. Countries are going to call for more action against it and the edgy jokes and comments are just validating it.

You guys are shooting yourselves in the foot badly probably because most of you are kids too young to even be on this site anymore.

Ultimately, this is a case of what happens when people want to lay blame to bullshit and not accept the fact that mental health is more important than ideological bullshit. I'm not saying we need thought police. Nor am I saying "help" without any real plan.

People have issues and those issues can be worked out most of the time psychology can actually do it.

Not fucking psychiatric bullshit where they order you pills that work 30% of the time.

No one wants to take responsibility and no one is directly at fault.

People are going to lose things they care about all because a bunch of dumbshits in charge don't know what to do and don't care about what to do.

People here aren't helping sadly.

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I drink soy lattes too

holy shit some people need to learn to separate church and state. Islam isn't inherently violent, no more so than christianity or catholicism. People are violent, sharia law is barbaric... if he wanted to kill people who actually support sharia law he should have aimed himself straight to saudi arabia because guess what? the people that LEAVE those countries left for a reason. I'm gonna say 9/10 times its because they do find their governments practices barbaric.

if that happens, he'll just have succeeded in dragging us into the culture war, too (well, increase our motivation to act in it / radicalize us)
Even tho many newfags don't remember thisanymore, there is/was a very good reason why Yea Forums once got called the final boss of the internet.

Oh, thank you. This actually helps a little bit more.

wow there are so many edgelords with no emotions, numb to the world around them, walking through the darkness with a subtle grin and no fucks to give. you all have huge dangling cocks.

seriously though if you clicked on this bread just to say you have no emotional response to a video of 40 innocent people getting murdered you’re such a little try hard virgin

If they were people I would probably have cared.

You see something like this and think “that’s awful but at least the world can’t get any shittier” and then it’s just a waiting game for some psycho to come along and prove you wrong

ITT a bunch of fucking redditors pretending to care about inbred shitskins that would love to watch you die. You people are pathetic.

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looks to me like it was just a bunch of people hanging out minding their own business

>being this brainwashed

Did you read his manifesto he sounded like an intelligent person who fully understood what he was doing and the reasons he had for doing it, he fought for what will soon happen immigrants will take over the world through increasing birth rates while whites have fewer and fewer children, what he did was wrong because you should not kill people but what he said was largely true

He said himself in his manifesto he had nothing against Islam, his concern was migrants taking over countries and destroying their sense of cultural and traditions, he just wanted different cultures to remain separate

My true feelings are that I don't give a shit. I watched through the entire video of him going into that mosque, shooting people in the doorway, opening fire on unarmed muslims, gunning down fleeing and terrified worshipers, coming back to shoot each one of them to make sure they were dead, and finally shooting some woman, finishing her off as she lay injured and screaming for help, then running her lifeless body over with his car. I watched the entire thing and I didn't feel even one shred of remorse. I only felt excitement. I literally could not wipe the huge smirk I had off my face. I was giggling through the entire video.

I don't feel for these fucking people. They follow and revere a rapist child molesting warlord. They believe he is correct. They respect him, the very man who advocated for the deaths of all non-muslim people of the world. They CHOOSE to follow, revere, and respect this man. They come to a free country where they can choose to worship who they want, and they still choose to follow the teachings of the prophet Muhammed. I have no remorse.

They don't deserve death, but if I had a gun pointed at a muslim don't expect me to show them mercy. They chose their fate. They chose to be the enemies of mankind. At any moment, any one of them can stop. They can put down their book and say "I'm not going to be a muslim anymore" but they don't. When the day comes that they are about to die by some shooter, I hope they prey to their god to save them, because he won't.

> Being such a massive faggot

Like I was watching a rekt thread, after awhile reading and watching I started to feel uncomfortable and turned it off.
I don't know the murderer or those murdered, I have no personal attachmet to the idea of "belonging to Yea Forums" and that the murderer somehow is similar to me and that I should care especially about this compared to other videos of people being killed is silly.

And he would have a point if those muslims were trying to force some white dudes out of their church so they could pray to allah but they werent, they were already separate. He's just an incel who got cucked one two many times by someone with a fucking tan.

So you are not interested in the feelings of others?
Like... imagine you have been there getting killed that way.

>I specifically want to hear why you think innocent people need to be killed.
This is how terrorism works.

If your voice goes unheard, you shout louder. If it keeps going unheard, you resort to other measures. If even that gets ignored, you do what they can't ignore - kill innocent people.
That's how it is, that's how it always been since the beginning of civilization, and will be, forever.

Stop being dumb. I really shouldn't be explaining this to you.
This is terrorism 101, very overused in XXI century by every party with any political say.

People here adore this guy because he had balls to shout louder than everyone. That's admirable.
If anything, it has a lot to say about our flawed system "called democracy where everybody supposedly has a voice" where some people's voice is ignored to the point it incites terrorism.
For fucks sake. Blame the government. They are responsible. For this and for most school shootings in the last couple decades.

The people who commit these atrocities are nothing but tools. The first ones to snap under the pressure. If they wouldn't do it, someone else would.
If we're being hammered by laws and regulations constraining our freedoms of expressions we're gonna fucking burst.
It's inevitable and you're deluding yourself if you think the guy's personality was to blame.

Why are there so many pussies on Yea Forums now? I knew shit was bad but not this bad. What the fuck happened to my Yea Forums?

>Be me
>Thread about fags being shot
>Get on this morning
>Who's got the video
>fuck it why not
>wait two minutes while video downloads, take time to look at lolis and bondage
>notification: torrent complete.
>open video
>scrub through 10 minutes of autistic music and car drive
>guy gets shotgun out
>heart is fucking racing
>praying, and God is like, you can turn it off if you'd like
>I have to see this
>fucking shot these muslims without even thinking
>fumbles with weapons
>guy tries to tackle him/run away idk.jpg
>Mother Fucker shoots the bean in the face.
>FFW after he leaves the gascans
>Shoots moaning guy
>Guy drives away and shoots some fucks, breaking his car window
>car is now useless
>MFW no cops
>MFW shooter is acting like it's a video game
>MFW I feel like a degenerate for watching this shit

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By that logic you could call ted bundy sane aswell.
Killing 49 people because they were brown isn’t a sane thing to do.

out of all the things to disturb me the most it was the strobe he had on his gun

U both are retarded, he didn't posted here, he livestreamed, apparently on facebook live.

I loved it I fucking hate muslims. They do this shit everyday less ragheads the better. The world is truly better of without there culture and race except this cutie

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Learn to read

it isn't because they were brown, tho

when liberals started coming here for the le edgey memes

>being a muslim means youre brown

>REAL response
Mate i dunno how to explain you anything after reading this. This is like explaining what the wortd 'tree' means.. to a tree.

I don't think it's about being weak.

As a disclaimer am not average in the sense of sensitivity to this stuff. I'm a combat vet and I've seen the proverbial shit.

I think sometimes we need to peek through the veil and see that we aren't all souless degenerates. We all know some people are. But it worries me to think people really fall for this kind of stimulation THIS hard. It's all designed to make you feel hatred and fear. Being an edgelord about it is not as cool as we think.

No not interested. Other people I don't know mean nothing to me. In fact I hate muslims and their religion. They make me very angry. They do this to christians all the time. Payback a bitch.

Don't care, i get more emotion from the disruptive and uninformative "journalism". And that emotion is pure unbridled rage.