Is it dickish to have a gf AND occasionally watch porn?

Is it dickish to have a gf AND occasionally watch porn?

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No. Is a girl a bitch for having a bf AND occasionally using a dildo?



betas cucks are so funny


My gf is also my private porn star.
Some gf's get upset if u ask them to make u a porno with someone who makes her wet.
I'm just lucky I guess

Like a dude or

Is it dickish to have a gf AND occasionally have her give me a personal sex show with someone else?

Last one was an ex bf yeah.
I took pics to ensure his silence or his gf gets them.

Why would it be? I watched porn with my last gf while we fucked it was her idea actually

Is it like cuckolding or Did you hop in? Slap his meat or balls next time, or just randomly start beating the shit out of him
I mentioned a 3 some to my gf. Will never happen. Even if I was just watching her w another chick


I have a wife who I fuck around with almost every night, and I still watch porn, more than occasionally. Actually, I found this thread by searching for the word porn on the catalog.


Yeah you sure are lucky bud. Another guy gets to fuck your gf. Man sure wish I was you...

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No, you are a man and can do whatever the fuck you want (women will rationalise all of their shitty decisions and behaviour anyway).

But I would advice against porn, that will mess with your head. Go out into the real world instead.

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What if it’s feet and not really sex, sometimes I’ll just browse and I won’t even jerk

What's the point? Filling the void of your empty life? Find something meaningful to fill it with... Work out, be creative, help the poor!

I do work out I’ve jusf been super depressed lately tbh

Its fine as long as it doesnt interfere with your sexual desire for her. If you are married then noporn and nofap is a MUST

Jesus no.

Morals are largely emotional. Do you feel like a dick when you watch porn? Then don’t do it.
Also stop watching porn because it’s rotting your brain.

What if she wants to watch porn with you?


I mean


Clever. I fell for the bait because no one is that stupid

Then maybe you both need a break from it. Sex should be about connecting and passion and intimacy how will that happen if yall are not even looking at each other

While I dont disagree with that part, it can give you good ideas, or just get the engine revved so to say. I like looking at a pretty little thing, she likes looking at a fat dick, then we carry that energy over into whatever were doing. Connecting is good, but sometimes you just want to get off.

That sounds unhealthy. You should be turning each other on. Foreplay. Her getting turned on by a fat cock thats not yours makes you a cuck. And what ideas would you get that you dont already know from your years of watching porn. If you need porn to initiate sex with a person you supposedly love that should be a red flag about what its done to you