Fucking Americans and their weapons of war, another mass shooting in the gun capitol of the world...

Fucking Americans and their weapons of war, another mass shooting in the gun capitol of the world. When are they going to realize the civilized countries of the planet have banned guns for the common good?

Fuck you America! Why can't you be more like New Zealand?

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This is why we need burnie in the whitehouse, Only a Jew can prevent this mass holocaustng from happening again.


Yeah fuckin amerifags!! Pew pew I'm so damn cool!
I spit at you Americans ptew

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Wait a second

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Meanwhile, in New Zealand...

Weirdly appetizing bait, OP.

>Why can't you be more like New Zealand?

you want us to become fatty islanders? fuck no! you can keep your stupid haka and face tattoos. the best thing to ever come out of new zealand is crowded house and this mass murderer.

I hope cancer to your family and future kids whoever supports this dumb faggot. I hate all type of terrorism and the only people who suffers is the innocent.

Shooters get bigger kill counts in the top ranked peaceful countries.

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shooting was not in US morons


There's hasn't been white people anywhere since Rome fell. Go fuck off slavics and Asian pale niggers.

Using a shooting to justify shootings. Found the republican

Italians are not white stupid.

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>not terrorists
You're tripping over your ignorance there fuck wad

Jews are white

No, they aren't. Jews are Jews, they fight hand tooth and nail to identify Jew as a race. Not white.

yes it was.

Stop trolling asshole people are dead and you think its a big joke.


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Whooa feelings. You must be new here

oi fuck off fag

NZ gun laws are very similar to the US actually