Oldfags give tips / advice based on past experiences / mistakes

>oldfags give tips / advice based on past experiences / mistakes.

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Don’t date a bartender

There are no oldfags moot is just a sperg whos secretely fapping to his own childporn collection and the rest is bronies

Don't put dick in crazy.

b/ has changed.

it's no longer about original content, epic GETs, and win it's an endless series of reposts, perpetuated by newfags and trolls fail - and its consumption of Yea Forums, has become an unstoppable cancer. Yea Forums has changed.

I saw this one some time ago in a similair tread:

Find someone who loves you more than you love them

Kinda harsh but it's good advice.

Never turn down a chance at sex, but at the same time your dick knows what you are attracted to better than you. If you're having trouble getting it up, your little guy is trying to tell you something.

And learn to fucking budget and save money early on.

Maybe your just drunk and that’s why you can’t get it up. That’s why you never go straight from the bar to fucking. Grab a coffee first.

If your partner is a shitty communicator, it's a ticking time bomb and needs to be addressed now. If they don't get it, leave.


Wow that hits home

Money makes the world go round, sell your soul if you have to.

Like, shitty at communicating her feelings etc.?

If you're drinking to gather up the courage to fuck, then you have bigger problems that you need to address.

I'm talking about chemistry. Sometimes you and a girl just won't 'click'. That's okay. Not everyone's meant to be together, even sexually.

Don’t believe statistics. Statistically you are a Chinese peasant

Save money. Try at least 5% of your gross pay into a 401k or Roth IRA

A women decides within the first 5 minutes of meeting if she will fuck you. If you want to be friends cool. If you want sex move on.

Never loan out money you will miss / need later.

Don't date at the work place.

Alright I'm gonna just step in and say this guy is retarded and probably never said anything useful in his life...

>Never say no to sex
Has my super attractive best pal enter my apartment wasted af one night looking to bang. She was not in a state to consent.
She's was actually extremely grateful I didn't do it after the fact.
She told her friends. It get me laid several more times over. So there's a bonus other than 'not raping your friend's

>If your dick doesn't work it's telling you something

Low blood pressure, dehydration, nervousness, anxiety, too much alcohol.. there are a lot of reasons it won't work. In fact if you're way over excited or charged that you've landed an 11 to the point of nervousness, it stands a higher chance of not working.

While you have a choice.

never stick your dick into crazy, no matter how hot it seems. you might think "easy, she's crazy and will sleep with anyone".. and that's right. she will.

it's like going to the store, but instead you lie on your stomach naked on the road and pull yourself along with your toes. it's just not worth the effort.

Yes. Tl;Dr I lost my fiancée in a spectacular finale.

She let really minor dumb issues pile up for years and never addressed them.
Some of them were personality flaws on my part I actually honestly could have worked on and fixed but so much damage was done it was way too late.
Some.of it was even misinterpretations on which she built new negative perspeptions of me that only required explanation.

Instead she spent years fuming and collecting issues and telling her dumb friends.

Carry your fucking white-knighting elsewhere. Where did I say rape someone? Use some common fucking sense. Goddamn people read way too much into too few words. Get out of your fucking head projecting shit, dude.

Read my response here:

It's always like they've been writing it down somewhere the whole time, I think it's generally a girl thing.

>Never say no

Sometimes that's rapey. But alright want other reasons?
Sometimes you may have a clinger, a crazy, a high sti risk, you really need to read it. There are a tonne of reasons to say no.

Also, super crazy good advice. I got swept up with a manic pixie dream girl back when that was something to be had. Turns out crazy isnt as fun as it seems, because it sucks you in.

Find something you love to do that pays a little money, and then spend your life doing that thing. Remember that work/career is a means and not an end.

Have some fun, and take care of your relationships. No one ever lay on their death bed and said "I wish I had worked more".

That's also dumb. Some people inherently have nerve issues they'll never get over. There is nothing wrong with some alcohol to help ease off and step out if your comfort zone.

She's not yours. It's just your turn.

Ouch, fuck

What are you, 15?

Or, smoke weed everyday.

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let go of everything and let it be as it is
experience is uncontrollable, but it appears to be controlable
trying to control it brings sufferring

the physical reality is not primary, what is primary is your experience. Seeing, hearing, touching, smelling, tasting and thinking are primary.

Don't cling to things because reality is impermanent and WILL change. Be ready to lose anything anytime - you should not suffer because you won't cling.

Don't kill
Don't steal
Don't drink alcohol and don't take drugs
Don't lie
Don't commit sexual misconduct

This is basically what will make you happy if you take it seriously.

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sad but true. good one user.

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Don't live your life in a certain way to avoid upsetting people, thinking that it would make you an asshole to not consider their feelings; live in the way you have the impulse to live it, and then if people *do* get upset, enough to tell you about it, then *do* consider their feelings and change the way you do things to try to accommodate them.

I guess, don't live life in a state of pre-accommodation. You can easily make yourself miserable doing more work than anyone really expects of you, and denying yourself more joy than anyone really expects yourself to.

>what is primary is your experience. Seeing, hearing, touching, smelling, tasting and thinking are primary
>Don't drink alcohol and don't take drugs

you must be some kind of ultraidiot