He memed

He memed
They screamed

Attached: iloveyou.jpg (940x788, 522K)

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memes from a 28 year old male that watches pewds, no wonder this dude wanted to become something infamous, he was an absolute loser until he killed these cancerous muslims

>projecting this hard

What an absolut pice of shit. I hope they boil him in oil

wait is he dead or alive

Death, to your (((kind)))~~~>!

fucker looks like georgie bush

Attached: georgie chimp 620015.jpg (273x185, 10K)

he is going to a new Zealand prison, he is going to wish he was dead soon...

Yeah, there's nothing but muslims in there waiting for him. Wait a minute.. Why are there so many muslims in jail? Shit, can't avoid these redpills no matter how crazy leftist I try to be!

naw , there are new zealanders there, racists don't do well in prison in a country like that

what about the local abbos...will they give em the ole dijjery doo

I'm all for a little ethnic cleansing here and there, but "subscribe to pewdipie"? "remove kebab"? This dude is the normiest normie and probably discovered 8ch last month

So only non-racists go to jail? Like, all the murderers and rapists are fine upstanding bigot haters? You live in a fairy tale.

That's Australia, slowmo

Remember the Yea Forumstard that fell for the trap meme here and went to a tranny prostitute and realized that traps were in fact gay while he had a large penis in his mouth?

This is the same thing, cept it was a /pol/ user and he's now in jail going "Shit, the race war isn't kicking off."

Is that a young George w bush??

whos that?

gangweed tbh

Attached: 1529408373441.jpg (680x406, 25K)

Hmmm..So he was behind of that..

Attached: e6oz7ff8qsn89knrs228731737500.jpg (1754x1198, 105K)

fuck you... y'all criminal scum



They should pardon him he was only doing God's work.
Sand niggers attack.. Thats not terror just brainwashed minority poor folk.
It happened in my town durka in a burka stabbing people up screaming muzzi phrases, oh it's a mental illness.
Suck my festering cheesy dick.

You win this time, Musky poster.

A fucking loser and piece of shit hope they hang him