Hey guys

Hey guys,

Brenton here!

Sorry about that muslim shooting thing

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Other urls found in this thread:


Everybody makes mistakes, don't blow yourself up over it.

trust me you did a good thing

I just woke up
Ok Yea Forums give me the quick rundown

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It's cool, the media is just blowing this thing out of proportion.

just shooting the shit

No problem, bro. Fuck ups happen.

28 year old Brenton Tarrant drives his car while playing "remove kebab" song, having written meaningful stuff on his weapon (like muslim terror victims and kebab remover) goes into rampage at two muslim mosques then kills some random people on the street.

vid is on bestgore.

Left wing will hold on to this for years

now fucking post the link to that video

Who cares, in the end they get the bullet too.

no worries dawg, shit happens

Recorded/streamed inspirational, lone wolf attacks on jews and their pets, is now a thing.

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Faggot leftists are fucked. All will get the rope.


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all jokes aside this jerk was a real fucktard. wat nationality was he?

why not go to a warzone and fight
instead of killing defensless civilians

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Don't forget to subscribe to Pewdiepie

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Aussie, which doesn't surprise. Buddy's a different kind of retard.

Look I agree, but you see the way the world is turning, leftards are the new cool, this world, or atleast australia is fucked


Git gud

making my race look retarded again. god damnit brenton!

Australians are just wannabe Americans only shitter

who is that faggot?

the whites will lose because they have smaller PP
take your infowars supplements guys

you're a kiwi?

Killed 49 Muslims and counting, mass shooting

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hoho, ok

I guess you could say that, but you would have to be pretty fucking retarded

It's ok

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don't forget Gas Gas Gas from Initial D when Brenton was speeding away

full vid: kiwifarms.net/data/video/694/694847-518a3baf6096388726e4e9ac7ca0336f.mp4

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why defend and die in other countries for other nations when you can look after your own

user of Yea Forums, sure

this guy is 100% Russian/Slav. clearly a KGB sleeper called to action.

It's really not a big deal, dude just got a new skin and wanted to show it off. K:D ratio wasn't even that impressive.


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That’s okay. You’re too stupid to be able to make any significant change in life, heck the news wouldn’t stop going on about your shithouse military tactics (lack there of). Pulling a trigger while filled with hate is an easy thing to do, for that there has and will be hundreds like you. Your name will be forgotten, and your face will fall into a crowd of bitter little men. You are nothing but a generic thug, a byproduct of a fading ideaology, something the civilised world actively works towards eradicating.

Your actions changed nothing in the grand scheme of things. So on top of accomplishing nothing in life, you will die hated.

You are the thing no one wants, you are the thing people will go through great struggle to remove from their live.

You are cancer.

49 kills 0 deaths isn't impressive?

No u

Haha what's the skin called? Death note?

i kek'd

Two moskes?
Did he record the other one?

Bruh, gtfo, you wouldn't even get to the gate with your peashooter without tripping over your shoe laces, let alone half the tact Brenton had to pull off this job.

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I've been on bigger kill streaks.

lmao yep

its on /gif/ in a war thread

He is flexing hard, must be a youtuber

What a show !

I've heard it was taken down, but with the pace of the internet. I actually doubt anythings out their. I think it was just a facebook live stream, so my guess is they cut the feed once they got wind of it.

wont be forgotten by the people he killed

Uh, he Livestreamed on his own 8ch4n /pol/ thread. It's archived.

No where in the video did I see american college school campus.

I think you really need to update your gps bud.

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not wrong. Couldn't do it in his own country the gutless coward. Typical fucking aussie

random people were in front of 2nd mosque.

this guy gets it

Hey, fuck you.

The cunt was BORN in Australia. He's no fucking Australian. There's a difference. Let me assure you.

Water under the bridge my dude, wish you would have gotten one more for a clean 50 but you did your best

What’s there for them to remember? They’re dead.

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he live streamed on facebook

We talking about this thread? Still looks like fb tbh

Watching the one guy trying to tackle him but just gets shot up instead was pretty gnarly. Surprised no one is mentioning that

He went back and headshoted all the bodies, their brains are not capable of remembering shit

Shit. Call me a nigger in the 18th century because I just got owned.

Russian bots are out in full force today. great work mods.

typical retard aussie logic. low IQ race wannabe american

Yeah, Kinda wanna put it in slow motion to Enrique Iglesias - Hero.

This cunt is ugly.

hey moron he grew up sucking kangaroos
off just like you did. don't try to put this on NZ

Yeah that's why they're making the 8ch4n connection because he was the OP of the thread. Saying he was a regular poster. And by looking at his profile, you can tell he was a regular

Drove past and shot people out front with shotgun

We definitely need more gender queer women to deradicalize white men.

That would be making the incorrect assumption that this guy could get with a kangaroo let alone his hand.

Fuck I think I met this cunt before, fuck you lol

Just saw BBC's coverage of this. I guess if you're white it's a shooting and if you're not white it's a terrorist attack.

I just moved to Sydney two months ago but I've spent most of my life in Christchurch, I recognised the streets he's driving down.

That's far out man.

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He chose the symbolism of taking down a mosque in a town called Christchurch


he is VERY Australian. A gutless coward with a gun going on a shooting rampage against innocent unarmed civilians.

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I watched nine news, PM of new Zealand labelled it as an act of terrorism as well as the reporters
All in all... shits fucked

who dat ?

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Underrated post



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LOL...sure he did

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If you want to make an impact on the world, symbolism is the key to the subconscience.
i.e. Twin Towers on 9/11 was all chosen specifically.
Swastika and how it's seen globally today is very different to how it was seen before Hitler.

Symbolism also plays a part in how to sway the masses.

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I don't think I can express how much love I have for that man.

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Who the fuck would actually want to be Amerifat? Lmfao

oh for fucks sake

Of course it's vice

It's so weird how I played this mission last night. Only to wake up to this news.

That's ok mate. What can i get ya? Beer, wiskey, vodka?

I want to be that man!

hi adome

stupid fucking fuck
he's so far up his own ass he can't even read what he's writing

an Austard

"And remember lads, subscribe to Pewdiepie"

Wow. New Zealanders are retarded voters as well huh?


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those are the worst arguments i've seen

he seems to have forgotten that the catholic church has been a religion of war too


Bit of a skewed perspective. It's not addressing the cause of the hate, only that it exists, and blames those who have it.
Like interviewing women at a shelter, and claiming 'the number of women mistrusting men is on the rise', it's blaming the symptom, not the condition.

But did he dew a ded n an hero?

triggered leftard, reddit-spacing faggot spotted

Hey kid, wanna start a crusade?

hi terry

He's right tho

9/11 just made things worse for sand niggers. It’s the global equivalent of slapping a guy who is three times your size across the face, then getting the shit beaten out of you.

Getting more people to hate you and making shit harder for the next guy like you is counter productive man.

And sway the masses? Hitler could sway masses, Stalin could sway masses, Trump could sway masses. This guy will at most will encourage a handful of losers, like himself, to do the bare minimum and kill some random people with fuck all influence in the world to begin with.

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Considering he was half their boy, they’ll forget about it quickly.

No, someone posted a video of him getting dragged out of his vehicle alive. He gave up and didn't put up a fight.
I'm pretty sure they took that video down because it was "evidence"

wassock, he was an immigrant moaning about immigrants, what a wassock, just like you.

If Supreme releases a Supreme Makuta, then that would shift the meaning of a Makuta drastically, because nobody gives a fuck about Makutas. Nobody gave a shit about Swastikas, except for one art faggot on crack, meth, and whatever other shit his doctor could get the fucker to take. That guy was a fucking lunatic, most aggressive advertising of the Swastika, or any product, to this day. He could’ve used a phallus, still would shift its meaning. Eventually.

It was on utube for a second



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yea someone posted it on twitter. That's where I seen it.

He's right tho

Just watched the vid. Well done sir. Deus Vult.

Got you user.


That's not how evidence works

If nobody gives a shit about Swastikas then walk into your local Synagogue and watch the kind of reaction you get and see how impactful symbolism actually is.

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Yeah, but the fag uses an automatic, it would be epic if he would have used a manual transmission

This man is a Ray-Pist!

He probably did. Why not, the connection there is a little giddy. Not like there’s a conspiracy, but the guy played initial D and remove kebab. Also there’s all sorts of planning clearly, his manifesto, his outfit, his preaching on his guns. Why not choose Christchurch. He even said “subscribe to Pewdiepie.” Seems to me like he’s aware enough to notice on his map a place called Christchurch, and make the connection of his plan to that name

lol pewdiepie's latest video is loaded with gold

Hey look this shit

>this is a symbol now, mate

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Dude was cowboy'ing a shotgun, give him a break

Digital evidence is still being defined. SImply because no one fights it when it happens.


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I can't wait to watch Pew News

Nice, there will be more to come..maybe not pew pews but interviews and shit.
Sux about the kids thou that was a dick head move on his part.
Wonder if he'll write a book or something KEK


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Lol we don’t want to be anything like America stupid cunt. What shithole do you reside in?

Do you read 2 lines and then type away?

Do paragraphs confuse you?

Too many word? No can read?

Fucking past tense, moron. No, nobody gave a shit about swastikas. That’s why you can find them in various places as decorations, Hindu symbols of peace. Like Capitals in the States have them, some monuments in Europe have them. Specifically Germany, had them.

NOTE: HAD them, as in they NO LONGER have them

Had to Have

Hmmm..So he was behind of that..

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>Navy SEAL

Check youtube for the thousands of 1st amendment audits before you make that claim, or the hundreds of videos of police demanding helmet / dash footage. People deny / fight them all the time

But he didn't recharge the shotgun well, I mean, he clearly saw Terminator 2 and said: " I can do that on a car!"

But what about this man. He's a member of the white supremist KKK and he has a Swastika on his forehead. Doesn't that mean something like ummm I don't know. Racism. But you're more than welcome to think symbols are redundant.

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This is still a meme?
Fux sake is it not stale enough for u still chode gargler?

Wait, so they still didnt catch him? And hes still on the run? Damn. I'd be fucking scared if I lived there...

I dig the reference, but the lever action Winchester 1887 isn't really relevant here.

Aussies are such dumbfucks. Only there could a retarded like this become a Senator.

Found the mudslime boys!
Have at him!


Kekimus Maximus

Oh yeah, and the Black Sun symbol on Brentan Tarrant's gear too. That means something to do with his beliefs, faggot. It's also used in Chaos magick.

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fuck you, he's an aussie.
he's white and was born in australia
don't be sorry you're a good chap
BTFOing muslim niggers

The video is her


Official soundtrack?

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Yeah, that's right. New Zealanders aren't terrorists, they just support it,like me.

>has been

Why justify one evil with another?


>some people genuinely saying they understand why this guy did this
>guy actually says he expects to eventually get the Nobel Peace prize
>some people genuinely not realizing how deluded and fucking psycho this guy is

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Found it. Here he is being arrested.

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49 dead - nowhere near enough - kill all the Muslim cunts. Good job Brentan!

First day here?

Everyone hates Muslims, kill 49 of them suddenly YOUR the bad guy. Crazy times we live in.

Yeah now ask yourself why would they do it.

They arent that much involved in 9/11 imo.

Dam. Nice

nah the autism just sometimes surprises me

Agree, this dude is just supreme tier coward

WOW one hell of a video that is for sure!

Normally id argue, coz i love my country, but fuck our politicians

Jet fuel can’t melt steel beams?

Type more words

You couldn't wait to do this for Good Friday U fuking fuk! Huh!? FUK! Is only like 1 month away u damnd prick!...

>“Just a ordinary white man, 28 years old,” the manifesto explains. “Born in Australia to a working class, low income family. My parents are of Scottish, Irish and English stock.

That’s because that didn’t happen. The guy tried to get past him.

I don't hate Muslims, I dislike Christians more than them, more Christians have fucked me over, fucked shit up for me than any other religion. Anyone that believes in any of this outdated shit is a massive twat, and is totally laughable in any sane persons eyes. That goes for all religions, not just the ones that it is fashionable to hate. Dicks, the lot of you, you pick and choose which bits you want to believe and trust in. Hypocrites, the lot of them/you.


its an old Germanic symbol the black sun or byzantine sun not a swastika faggot
its linked with Odinist and pagan belief now

>When you've become such an incel that not condoning a mass shooting is "virtue signaling"

user, have you ever tried suck starting a shotgun?

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also asking

>Most hate groups are started by whites in U.S.
>U.S. is a white majority

In other news, water is wet

Oh wow that’s not a stretch at all. So then you don’t feel that sexual abuse is a problem in the Catholic Church because someone else farther back in history did it right?

How about we deal with things happening now... Current century.

Wrong, that is fake news, and not fair.

What do you expect from Vice?

So it IS your first time here. Could have just said yes.

This guy gets it. Thank you, Senator.


Fuck media blackout. This website is dedicated to revealing this fucker and what he did.

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Either you didn’t bother reading what I said/replied to, and just read what someone replied to me, or you’re a dumbass. I’m talking about the Swastika. Hitler’s Swastika. Maybe it’s not Hindi, cool, but I’m referring to the Swastika that was talking about with Hitler, faggot.

Good for fucking you, dumbass. I’m not replying to OP in my other post I’m replying to the dumbass making up some edge shit about “symbolism is the key” as if he’s onto some conspiracist shit

Good God, some people on this site have the reading comprehension of a fucking infant. All the time dumbshits are arguing about shit from two different topics. Fucking morons

sounds like a KGB eluding his true past/identity

You threw yourself into some shit rant because someone suggested everyone hates muslims, considering they’re the most lethal religion atm. At least religious people are happy, happy enough to not have to vent at every given opportunity/trigger word. This is my experience which religious people, which clearly determines the behavior for all religious people. No wait, that’s not how that works outside the mind of faggot.

Australian tiles

Brenton dude you're hero

He’s drop dead gorgeous amirite

Where can I find his manifesto


Anyone have pdf of manifesto

This man is marrying his 13 y.o. gf and he's 20 years old. He hates black people and publicly masturbates in places like Denny's, McDonalds and other take-outs where women and children are seated trying to enjoy their happy meals. He is truly a disturbed perverted individual.

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He has a swastika on his forehead because he's a member of the Ku Klux Klan.


Amen to this!

Could have been valid points, but no bueno execution. Shit timing. Over 40 people murdered and he says “They’re not blameless.” He says how their religion calls upon them to murder, but so did Christianity in parts. Now we justify Christianity by salvaging the good part, the New Testament, but what if some Muslims did the same with the Koran. Doesn’t mean they actually did, but in the eyes of the rest of the world, these muslims were completely innocent, because nothing says they aren’t. So what is the Senator doing by releasing this statement? Justifying the shooting? He fucked himself, and the whole right of Australia. He should have waited for Leftist media to make up some shit, then hit them when they’re exposed with legitimate, researched facts. He had an amazing opportunity to do so, but blew it by speaking too early. Now, he made the first move, which includes accusing the Left of crying gun control, however this event just started, so gun control was not brought up as an issue yet. Especially since New Zealand has not had a gun problem in so long, no need to bring up gun control as usual, like they would with the USA. Especially since he accused them of it. Now they can conveniently say “Well actually, we think this shooting was because you allowed Aussies to defame these immigrants, and grow resenting toward them. You just released your propaganda about how they take up the sword, so now they must be put to the sword. You rushed to defend this shooting, to blame the victims as responsible. You allowed Aussies to hate Muslims, and thus caused/Influenced this Aussie to go shooting. The problem is not guns for Australia, it’s the govt. allowing the people to hate on the muslims, and the misrepresentation of their beliefs,” Literally a fucking idiot, makes me wonder if he’s intentionally giving the Left a fucking feast. Seriously seems way too convenient.

> Gangs are not a hate group

This asshole got 19 votes lol
Mr Anning received just 19 direct votes in the last general election as a candidate for the anti-migrant One Nation party but became a senator after a fellow MP from the party was forced to leave Parliament.

Most of these are sandpeople actually. If you had reported them they'd be gone by now.

It's not a meme, it's some sandnigger scamming retards out of eth.

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Symbols are important though. It's te language of the subconscience that's the only point of my post. You don't to argue over relevance. See, a symbol or a company logo (Logos the Biblical) is how you communicate with your subconscience, because it doesn't communicate on the same level as your conscience does. That's why advertising bombards you with all these types of information. (Infomertials playing in the backround on your television or car radio). You think it's not sinking in, but these things do and you only pick it up later.
A symbol doesn't only mean one thing in the world. Like you pointed out about the Swastika, to eastern Buddhist traditionals it means something totally different to a european, a Jew, etc. If a picture is worth a thousand words, then it's fair to say that a symbol is worth a thousand pictures because that's how much more impactful it is. Understand sigil magick and you'll see where I'm coming from with all of this.

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Go home we're full

this is a good one
top kekle

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Holy fucking shit kek

Saw the first video and the arrest.
Where's the second mosque video?

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shooting random people on the street is the absolute worst, fucking degenerate

1 symbol = 1 word
company logos
“Buy 1 Get 1 Free” (that’s 5)
Swastika - that’s like a flag, means Nazi Germany (2 words)

We learn symbols first, like images, and then learn words, and sentences, like applying patterns to those symbols. However, I’m not saying that for you, we both know it’s comedic/troll, but I’m willing to bet some dumbass out there might take your word for it. Also, beautiful writing, pasta worthy


>his is merely showing the objective reality of what happens when an actual insane person gets caught up in all of the bullshit going on right now.
>actual insane person


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Well they could have trained this guy better don’t you think he wasted a lot of ammo on people who were already dead and he lost time trying to get new ammo in his car only to shoot the people he already killed the first time

Sorry, user, but I think it's the opposite. What this guy did was symbolic. Shootings have been happening for years and years now, and they don't show any sign of slowing down. In fact, this is the biggest step towards normalizing shootings on a wider scale that I've ever seen.

The guy was joking the entire time, from the car drive to the first to his inevitable capture. His manifesto, the skin on the AR... By treating this any like any other shooting, calling him the "stupid thug that we'll forget", we're falling for the joke.

All of the media's fallen for the joke, and the amount of people who "get it" is only getting higher. Taking this seriously is the approach that's expected, and the one that's getting a laugh.

I'm not saying it's a good thing, but calling it a fading ideaology is the blindest reaction you can have.

True, only 49/0, not even 50. Kek

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Dude can't be you, surely you wouldn't be on here if the police have you in custody

new postal game looks good

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You don't know shit. Why does Dodge use the RAM as a front for their logo? Do you think Shell uses an actual sea shell because it "well, kinda looks like one and makes sense cuz it's in their name" or do you not know that the company admittedly uses a sun as their logo? Do you know what the two fascis alongside the president giving his speech in the mornings on Capitol Hill in the senate represent?
Why do we have to go to court? You play basmetball on a court, you play tennis on a court. What do you play tennis with? A racket, because the whole court game is one big racket. It's the job of the team of lawyers to put the ball into the other guy's court. Why do judges wear black robes? Priest wear black robes. Rabbis wear black robes. High school and college graduates wear black robes. Darth Vader wears a black robe.
The judge is seated on the bench, this bench term is a middle eastern term where markets were seated on a bench where all the goods and money were handled. Bench in law means bank.
>Definition of BANK: 1. A bench or seat; the bench or tribunal occupied by the judges; the seat of judgment; a court.
The judge rules from the bank.
What does a bank do? It directs the flow of the currency. The liquid asset. The cash flow. Money goes through your hands "like water."
When you're in court they say you're in "hot water" and you need a lawyer to bail (of water; Ba'al) you out because you're a human being.
>sea monster
What's a sea monster?
>A prodigious birth; a human birth or offspring not having the shape of mankind, which cannot be heir to any land, albeit it be brought forth in marriage. Bract fol. 5; Co. Litt. 7, 8; 2 Bl. Comm. 246.
So if you can't get bailed out they throw you in a jail CELL and you have been CHARGED with a felony.
Get where I'm going with the magic being placed upon your subconscience yet?

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Not totally, you can hear on the audio that when he goes back in he second time, there's a lot of moaning and people aren't all dead in those piles. I'd also like to point out that it is strange that he went back at all, but left four rooms alone entirely; Not even checking the doors to see if anyone else was inside the building- I do believe this may be attributable to having scoped out the layout of the place beforehand and arriving at the possible conclusion that those rooms would be empty, but why wouldn't you check? He spends an inordinate time fiddling about with his mags, too. I could have executed half of Auschwitz in the time he spent checking and re-inserting/ playing with dropped mags. Perhaps the first gun was malfunctioning, but the mags where for that one so he had to use it up? I dunno, transfer the ammo? Unfamiliarity with his weapons? Anxiety? I'm not sure.
That being said. GAS GAS GASSSS

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I’m so glad I came back to this thread

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Uh, you know the white cone heads in that pic of yours aren't KKK, right?

He went back because of noise as you said, maybe he didn’t hear anything from those rooms, or he just glanced in. Didn’t they have mirrors, and were empty? Not ideal for hiding.

I think we have the manifesto of the next mass shooter here...

>Sorry about that muslim shooting thing
Don't worry about it. Much worse will happen.

water under the bridge bro, ain't no thang

At 15:00 he's talking about his mags dropping out. I'm not familiar with guns though.

Can't be arsed scrolling through thread but anyone got a working link to video? Wanna see it but faggots have taken it down on conventional sites like liveleak. Cheers.


Klu Klux Klan
Kangz Koolaid Klan

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Magazine: assault rifle storage for unspent bullets. Also applies to semi auto pistols.

Fuck you Brenton do you know what you have gone and done. The fucking kebab shops are closed tonight and people are not happy about it.

Julius Ceasar ruled from his senate on Capitolline Hill (that's where we get the word capitol hill in washington). It's where Rome, the world power of history with one of the longest standing most formidable armies and treasuries the world had in history. Capital is a word that means money. All roads lead to rome.
All of these things come from somewhere and once you begin to see where words come from, just ordinary terms, it builds a picture about the world and how it runs and who is running things. Words are dangerous things, just put an "s" in front of "word" and it becomes "sword." Think that's by chance? It's because the phoenician canaanites, the bloodline the DIVINE RITE of kings that ELites believe to be related to and entitled to it's implication of power and wealth have controlled this way. Everything happens for a reason. Nothing you see on media is by chance.

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CBS has the eye as their logo. Oh that's just a coincidence lulz

faggot pic

Someone said one of the rooms was a child's playcenter like a youth group room, the shooter did say that he does not mind killing children of the "invaders" but that it wasn't his primary objective. Maybe he avoided the rooms to avoid potentially shooting someone VERY young? I dunno, he wasn't operating on my code of ethics, but he was adhering to one of his own conception; I'd have checked the rooms, but then again I wouldn't shoot up anywhere - so my opinion is limited here.

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The all-seeing eye has way more meanings and most people don't even have the correct meaning of that. I think I've only ever found one person with the actual meaning of it. The same cornerstone pyramid on the back of the dollar bill and what it means.

Hopefully we get to see live torture or execution at least, that would be fun

>put an "s" in front of "word" and it becomes "sword." Think that's by chance?

Old English word "speech, talk, utterance, sentence, statement, news, report, word," from Proto-Germanic *wurda- (source also of Old Saxon, Old Frisian word, Dutch woord, Old High German, German wort, Old Norse orð, Gothic waurd)

Old English sweord, swyrd (West Saxon), sword (Northumbrian) "sword," from Proto-Germanic *swerdam (source also of Old Saxon, Old Frisian swerd, Old Norse sverð, Swedish svärd, Middle Dutch swaert, Dutch zwaard, Old High German swert, German Schwert "a sword"), related to Old High German sweran "to hurt," from *swertha-, literally "the cutting weapon

>Perhaps the first gun was malfunctioning, but the mags where for that one so he had to use it up? I dunno, transfer the ammo? Unfamiliarity with his weapons? Anxiety? I'm not sure.

Thanks fellas. I was referring to this specifically. I'm not that unfamiliar. I don't know why they fell out though.

nop lol

Typically, when your under pressure, in the heat of "battle", or slaughter in this case, you release the mag and let it fall. I'm sure they didn't slip out of the gun's receiver by chance.

lol cry more

Words are cutting things.
"You broke my heart. You hurt me/my feelings."

Anyone have a link or the file for his manifesto

I Love New Zealand

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Watching closer, seems like the first AR stove-piped a few rounds (Jammed a case into the next round) The semi shotgun seemed to be the most effective fo the weaponry, why the hell he didn't just use that for the whole thing I dunno, close quarters, density of human traffic, he'd have spent a lot less time if he'd have practiced speed loading or perhaps bought steel mags, the receiver on one of the AR's was purported to be constructed of polymer so, that may have contributed to malfunctioning.

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You make it sound like Aussies are like gun-toten' shoot 'em up 'muricans.

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>Words are dangerous things, just put “s” in front of “word” and it becomes “sword”.
This is the most amazing series of posts, and I’m witnessing them fresh out of the oven. You’re amazing

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Can anyone tell me if the shooter was a bit racist and would this be classed as a hate crime.

>Anyone have a link or the file for his manifesto

--> openload.cc/udoba2x3b7/mani-0_pdf

read his manifesto retard

cry more fags

He also wasted a lot of time going back to the body pile not once, not twice, not THREE TIMES but a fourth. I'd have tried to score a third mosque rather than hang about giving the cops more time to find me.


Its all on that web page, son.

Thank you

Someone did post a pic earlier of a dead child, no older than 10, maybe 8 on top of the corner pile, I think right as you enter the room. Though that doesn’t conflict with what you said, perfectly in line. I’d figure the kids would be screaming, but who knows, maybe they had an adult, or being bred in the middle east for all of existence to just survive, their instinct kicked in and they stayed as quiet as possible. Don’t know though, he seemed to sweep shop. I’d assume news will reveal if there were any survivors, or people hiding.

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The guy could really use some tips on font and design

Thank you very kindly.

Don’t worry you deserve an award for your actions of bravery against the Islamic Menace

This man deserves an award for his honorable deeds

When a ship pulls into a harbor it - well, technically "she" because that's what sailors and captains refer to ships as - are parked at the DOCK. They are at their BERTH. This a term used.
When your mother gave birth to you she had to see a DOC because her WATER BROKE and you came out of her BIRTH canal, she gave birth to you. Then she had to sign a birth certificate.
When a ship parks at any harbor captains have to sign a certificate for approval (goods quantity, ship weight, etc).
They also say humans are something between 70%-80% made up of water.

So why is there all this talk of water? Well, because in this world we have two fundamental laws. It doesn't matter where you live, each country has its individual laws, but the two fundamental laws governing this world are:
1. The law of the land
2. The law of water
This is derived from the druidic system ages ago. Because when you came out of your mother there is actually two (You)s. There is your corporate you and there another you which even your parents haven't anything to do with. Your spiritual you.
This is why on checks and documents there is a world of difference if you sign your name in CAPITAL (remember that word from earlier?) letters or in shorthand lettering

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user is making a joke
You lack a sense of humor
laugh moar

can someone tell me the name of the song he was listening to on the way to the mosque?

the web is a terrible medium for innuendo. Use the medium correctly.

No prob: We all have our bad days!

There was at least a dozen survivors, there's been 20-30 people in critical condition, but the number is dwindling because most of them are too far gone, emergency response time was incredibly slow for such a developed first world country. I'm an Amerifat and we'd have some policemen or some civvies with their booger hooks on the bang switches in a hot minute or two, not 12-20 minutes before anyone even knew what the hell was happening. How longs it been since New Zealand's last shooting? I know they aren't used to gunplay over there...

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He says plain as day “I am not a conservative” and literally goes on an incoherent rant about how conservatism is failed and this and that,” and then describes himself as an eco-fascist... couldn’t possibly have been more left wing but he was crazy and confused and had wrong facts and so on.

"Remove kebab"

Too bad it wasn't 49 BBC niggers.

Does someone have the link to Tarrant's Playlist?

I feel sorry for the last girl in black
Is she pretty, what do you think?

He's literally right with everything he says and you must be brainwashed to disagree.


He did it on the ides of March.
Things are changing.

It's ok... good effort. Just a few dozen killed and several hundred wounded short from the All Time High score.

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I'd take niggers over sandniggers any day

np bro shit happens all the time and acts of terrorism happens everyday, its nice to have non muslim person doing it for a change

THIS. You can see with your minds eye. This shooter communicated things to us but many looked with their eyes and did not see, listened with their ears, but didn't hear and with their heart not get the sense of it. This was a motivated killing. Very calculated and intense with an entire manifesto of thought. You can see the spiritual element of it at play.

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Pretty crazy considering he just gets back in the car and everyone around has not the slightest idea hes just mowed down tons of people

What a roller coaster

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seems real weird he didn't use any explosives or shit
he dumped like 4 mags into a pile of bodies

There's definitively more at play here than can be observed simply watching the attack. Most of the people in this thread didn't read the manifesto.

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Penis envy detected


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A part of me thinks he did this to intensify debate when some people inevitably defend or condemn him, the senselessness of shooting already dead people is an act aimed at driving a point into the ground; adding insult to injury, and making it all the more egregious to defend him doing it. The fact is, if a Muslim man had done this to a church, we'd all be debating if he was REALLY Muslim or not, because that's where the narrative is designed to take you.

I heard he was a navy seal with over 300 confirmed kills

Did you find victim's profiles on Facebook already?

Best Mass Shooting all Time

Second mosque was the driveby in that video

Kek at all the boomers that read the manifesto and take the copypasta seriously

how many kills though mate?

It’s all over Yea Forums and the rest of the Internet dude do u have the big dumb?

i suspect that manifesto of his is for the reals, man. too many feels.

Well done.

Where is the arrest?


Its pretty cringe, in all honesty

I can't beleive what that New Zealand shooter did today, absolutely disgusting. Shooting in 480p instead of 4K and anyway got to feel for him the poor cunt there he was relaxing and flicking through a couple of magazines and his gun jams.


How many times I gotta post this?

EVERYTHING IS HERE. His livestream, the arrest, the manifesto, the thread on /pol/, EVERYTHING YOU FAGGOTS!

White Power = shooting unarmed civilians?
You and your followers are intellectually identical to ISIS.

The spelling errors and semi-contradictions are cringey, but it's easily the best written psycho manifesto I've read in a while.

yeah, reads legit user.

Your body is a corporation, it operates under corporate law; under maritime admiralty government. When you die, your body is defunct so your corporation is now a CORPS.

All corporations have to have a president, vice president and a secretary treasurer. Every body is a corporation on the New York stock exchange. Every year the NY stock exchange has a meeting. Since you can't be there your state senator has to be there to represent you. He's representing 700 000+ people. A lot of money. He represents maritine admiralty in the district. He has to listen to the president of the United States corporation.
An astronomer once said: "The universe isn't stranger than you imagine. The universe is stranger than you CAN imagine."
There's so much more to learn about everything and I'm just constantly learning and taking on a whole new perspective on things. You have to break it down from the bottom and work your way up. You don't have to think in the indoctrinated stystem it's ok to get creative and go against the collective flow of things.

A couple is called a relationSHIP.
Two friends are called a friendSHIP.
They go to church to get married and sign a marriage certificate, but when they divorce they don't go to church to resolve it or settle it they go to court.
I ask John and Mary what's the problem in their marriage, John says "mind your own BUSINESS." I was only trying to be good COMPANY for them.

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Couldn't help but cringe at "compliments will get you nowhere" when he responds to people potentially calling him a nazi/bigot. What a faggot thing to say.

like I said earlier in thread he goes back to the body pile in the first mosque too many times. could scored more kills if he'd have jetted and went to moar mosques.


Best part and wasn't expecting this
You are a bigot,racist,xenophobe,islamophobe,nazi,fascist!
A. Compliments will get you no where.
B. That isn’t a question.
C. Navy seal copy pasta

we do love our own philosophies and notions, cling on to them like life rafts, don't we?

It's how words play on the mind. Words are powerful. Abrahadabra, bro.

I thought that was pretty strange considering he had already pumped them full of bullets or he was most likely on a massive high and was not thinking right because if he was thinking right he would have went to more mosques.

Quads checked

sweet quads

wonder if he could have gotten away if the car was stolen, he didn't keep going back & didn't do the driveby
Imagine having like 40 muslims killed in a mosque and having the guy not be caught

>massive high and was not thinking right

yeah, massive adrenaline rush I guess, but he still seemed in control. mind the mission?

Yeah that was pretty gay, I did dig some of the shit he was saying about birth rates, and I've been following the migrant 'crisis' with a foreboding feeling, I know for a fact that europe's socialist 'everything-for-free' political systems are going to collapse under the influx of non-payers into their various forms of welfare - I just don't know if "This" is what to do about it. Doesn't deportation accomplish something? New Zealand wasn't typically on the list of places that it was easy for Muslims to access due to their limited resources/small indigenous population, so where'd they all come from? That was fast. I applied for residency in 2000 with a skill trade and start-up capital to make a business and they still put me on a waiting list that took to long to hold my interest. What changed ?

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I refuse to accept you as an actual conveyer of information and will choose instead to observe and be enternetained

Did the take down happen in front of his house, right there where he's parked? If so I guess he lived only a few km from the mosques.

I did appreciate that he shitposted in his own manifesto. That's worth at least 40 keks, maybe 49?

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Maybe more.

let's be honest, it'd be in poor taste if he didn't throw a meme from where he came from right?

I think I've rambled long enough lmao I know it's kinda weird. But I would like to leave you with a thought provoking video, although satirical it's kinda hearty and wholesome for me and reflects on seeing through your mind's eye
now you're gonna say "1 hour long no fucking way for this?! If you liked whay I've been talking about, this manner of thinking then you'll find you'll be thoroughly entertained by the video.

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>What changed ?

the migrant crisis, sand niggers fleeing their murderous overlords and religious bandits only interested in killing anyone who deosn't believe in their sand nigger god, to try to find a place that's reasonable and will allow them to re-spawn and spread their sand nigger religion elsewhere.

Just a guess.

Should have stayed strong liberal and socialist paradise EU and common wealth.

You most likely right user and to be honest I dont think anyone can say his mission failed.

I was just surprised NZ started letting them in. After years of not doing that, under threats from the U.N. Originally, you had to have a skill trade and capital to even consider a stint living there, a native had to provide a written voucher as to your character... not anymore...