Yea Forums, ask me anything. i want to answer questions to people anonymously

Yea Forums, ask me anything. i want to answer questions to people anonymously.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Do you think Pewidepie holds any sort of responsibility at all pertaining to the events in New Zealand?

no. he's said in previous videos he doesn't approve of nor condone shit like that (ie, the memorial graffiti).

That is a very good answer and I think you're cute

Are you gay?
Are you a women? (Tits or gtfo)
Favorite video game,book,song and painting?
Are anime girls cuter than real girls?

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What's your full name?

Why did my dad leave?

1. no
2. no
3. halo 2, count of monte cristo, guillotine - death grips, "Skull of a Skeleton with Burning Cigarette" by van gogh
4. cuter than most girls yes

canyon avery jameson

bc your mom was fucking a black dude with a giant cock

My do black people call each other Monica?

Do you think it's weird for a guy in his 30s to be pounding 16yo girls if age of consent is 16?

What are muslims doing in new zealand? He merced like 40 of them in one go and didn’t get killed by police like a god

you sir have good taste

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Best TV show ever created (there are only 2 acceptable answers)

Toph or Azula?


yes, and i believe this regardless of where they live. in most of the states here in the US, sure age of consent is 14/15/16, but they're still technically a minor. however, i have heard / read things saying that if there is a 3 year gap between being a minor and an adult (15 - 18, 16 - 19, 17 - 20), that it's technically okay, but i'm not sure. sex is weird anyways.

muslims live everywhere, much like psychopaths and faggots who use Yea Forums. i saw a conspiracy thread on /pol/ saying that it was planned out, but i don't know. they're still human lives and it was a shitty thing to happen, regardless of what the motivation could have been or what the goal ultimately was.

why, thank you.

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Do cigars fascinate you?

i'm a big fan of seinfeld, but if it's best TV show ever created? i might have to say the simpsons, since it's been around the longest.

toph, without a doubt. i've always had a crush on her since her first appearance.

not as much as they used to. i quit all forms of nicotine a few months back, so i don't really have any interest in cigar[ette]s or anything of the like anymore. tobacco sucks.

Glad to know you support best girl.

Favorite accent?

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Hentai or 3D?

Error 404only acceptable answers are:
1. Breaking Bad
2. Game of Thrones


"american," i guess? english is always fun to hear, but i just like being able to fully understand somebody without having to think extra about what they're saying. just normal english with some decent enunciation.

Thanks for honest reply user

depends on the mood. my folder's about 50/50.

BB was good, but i wouldn't say it's my favorite at all. definitely drama-driven, but nothing to really ride home about. it's super long, same thing with GoT. never got into it, but it seems too fucking long and boring.

Opinions on armchair philosophy

de nada.

had to google it, but it seems super interesting, being able to talk about shit that easily in an "armchair." it's what a lot of people are doing on the internet these days, so it seems like it'll happen everywhere.

K then
So is everything meaningless even if we find meaningful experiences?

yes. we all die. the realization that everybody dies and the realization that innocence truly is bliss is one of the most suicide-inducing things of all time. you ever know why PTSD people kill themselves? they've never been as happy than before they were killing people or seeing people they know get killed. they know that innocence is bliss and seeing death in their own two hands ascends them and deems themselves not worthy of being a mortal human.


Go to sleep orange boi it's not time for this call me if you see this


"That's not what they say, and you know it !" . ;-D


yeah, lots of dubs. start of this thread was a dub too.

hey guys, OP here, ending the thread. i have to go to sleep, but i appreciate all of the questions. have a good night!

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it was more of
umpire bump

ok here i go. i go out drinking ton8ght in the chespest bar i could find. i mean its not bad there and the prices are fucking cheap. and the people there are also friendly and stuff. i dont have to drice there or back. so my question is should i get rickedy reckedy reckt there?

i like the picture you posted
do you want to be my friend?