When will this white autism end?

When will this white autism end?

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Other urls found in this thread:

maamodt.asp.radford.edu/Serial Killer Information Center/Serial Killer Statistics.pdf

Can someone link the video?

As soon as Islamist terrorism ends.

Why someone would take the lives of people peacfully practicing thier faith I'll never understand.

trying to understand the wh*toid brain is a lost cause

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Omg so rude right? He should have waited until they were finished. So disrespectful


He said subscribe to pewdiepie and was playing removekebab and initial d

Wat the fuck why do these kinds of people exist tbh

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White men have this disease, it where their superiority is challenged and they start to sweat and shake become nervous and paranoid, the torrets start to happen where they have a need to say nigger over and over again.

In it's extrema cases rich white men change history to suit their own needs, some lose the balance between inteligence and stupidy is broken, they might harm themselves by stealing children locking them up in basements and harming them or in it's deep depressive state carry out mass shooting.

Whyppl need your help, i'm starting up a go fund me for reform and save the white man.

except it didnt happen in america.so your meme is fucking stupid,not every country focus's on race as much as americans

Isn't Israel bombing Gaza right now?

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That's fucking crazy. How do you get so delusional.

lmao i prefer nigs to muzzies

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just subscribed to pewdiepie

which chan and board is this

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Looks like a young John Brennan.
Must be a false flag.

you can't even form a coherent sentence you filthy dark undesirable

Yes they are :)

owa fadda, who are din kwemlin...

8 chan was all I heard

One minute after Yea Forums has a cancer and bait thread free day. Faggot.

Isn't White cops killing black boys in America right now?

I'm the finest Undesirable in all the land.
There's a sentence for you. You fucking cretin.

No, no they aren't.
Can you even into Engrish?

Can someone explain this to me?

>bataclan shooters
>went in hard
>shouting and screaming that it was revenge for foreign invaders and bombings
>muslims get sympathy

>this faggot
>manifesto talking about revenge for invaders
>will never get sympathy, muslims will get even more sympathy


Oh it's real and that guys a fucking cunt.

Everything about the manifesto is a shitpost.
Most of it makes no sense, unless you understand that it's satire.

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No If I black man killed muslims i'd cheer him on as well. What are you a racist OP?

Why do you hold white terrorists to a higher level of expectation than brown or black terrorists, racist? Are black and brown people too stupid to not be terrorists? Thats exactly what you're implying.

Who did the muslims get sympathy from for bataclan? Nobody I've seen or heard.

If he was black, the mainstream media would memory hole the entire battle.

Attached: black crimes matter, murder.jpg (1412x1152, 173K)

You must have been fucking blind then? Remember #notallmuslims? and #partandparcel?

8ch, board was /pol/

I live in the real world, not hashtags. Get out of the basement more.




stop cherry picking.... or maybe actually read stuff that doesn't fit your narrative...

maga hat is KKK hat

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Never mind BLM, how do we stop conservative terrorists?

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I don't believe this for a second. What qualifies as right wing?

Good point, now do it by death toll.


What a meaningless propaganda term. How many of those are so called "lynchings" and children wearing Maga hats?

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All of these graphs are using ADL data which is factually bogus.

>rampant faggotry, fecklessness and degeneracy
>all top blokes
why are conservatives like this? why do they love being degenerate murderers?

>Maga hats
My guess is very few. You've been so brainwashed by the right-wing that you immediately assume a conspiracy, despite your claim being 100% unrealistic and counter to reality.

>why are conservatives like this?
Why do you assume he's a conservative?

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are you saying right wingers are incompetent?

Did he die? Legit question,

because i have a brain. you can do all the mental gymnastics you like, you fuckwit, but the rest of us live in reality.

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Hmmmm...who thinks...was him..?

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What is the legal definition of “incident”. Answer the question and be specific, faggot.

>mental gymnastics
>Directly from his manifesto
What reality are you living in, user?

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>conservative commits mass murder
>you: "define 'mass murder'"
>you: "define 'mass'"
>you: "define 'murder'"
>you: "define 'conservative'"
>you: "define 'commit'"
define my ass. we all have eyes and brains. you can play your games all you like. i'm not playing.

Obviously someone sent him in to do this

This hopeless fag just gave the people he hated everything they could ever want.

What a fucking spastic.

>we all have eyes and brains

You don't. It's time to stop lying.

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>fake news

Is this the guy responsible for all the kids being shot every year in Chicago?

rightwing whites are like 30%-40% of the population, muslims are 1%

>talking about this shit in 4 Chan
>”get out more”
Mkay faggot

B-b-b-but muh Jessie Smolliet. B-b-b-b-but muh Antifa.

How do we stop all the black serial killers?

maamodt.asp.radford.edu/Serial Killer Information Center/Serial Killer Statistics.pdf

Page six sweety.
And I guess we won’t bother with all the kids being shot by black men in the inner city. No. Those poor black children’s lives aren’t important to you.

Imagine if we called terrorizing a neighborhood over money a “terrorist act”. Oh boy what the numbers would look like then.

What is the legal definition of “manifesto”?

>the NZ terrorist wasn't conservative because jussie smollet is brown
>when you know you can't win the argument so you try to change the topic

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Not actually, any kebab remover is doing his part

why do you want to live in white countries?

>right wing terrorist murders bunch of people
>b-but muh blm
>user steers back on topic of right wing terrorism
>b-but muh black serial killer
stay on topic, fuckwit. you're so desperate to change the topic. it's so fucking telling that you're trying to protect the terrorist.

You're right bot, it was Elon Fucking Mosque

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