My hometown of Christchurch has turned into downtown Bagdad. Multiple shootings at several mosques...

My hometown of Christchurch has turned into downtown Bagdad. Multiple shootings at several mosques. Active shooter screened the shooting live.

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Other urls found in this thread:

islam is the religion of peace

said by nobody with a functioning brain ever

anyone got a link to the video? cant find it

It's on live leaks.

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Shit i for got to say this is a working link so yeet have fun its fucked

>turned into downtown Bagdad
Bagdad doesn't have a down town (bagdad, FL). Now if you are referring to the camel country then it's spelled Baghdad.

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so the guy wrote a bunch of bullshit all over his gun and ammo? this is obviously a false flag to fear monger people into hating muslims and pushing for gun control

When I watched this, I was fucking impressed. Also, I wished he said "Remember, so muslim"

Thought you guys had "gun control"? Hows THAT workin out for ya??? Not so good ay???

your cops look like the kind of faggots that take airsoft too seriously but don't have any real formal training

how could a shooting, where dozens of Muslims we're killed, make people fear Muslims? does your carer know your jerking off to trap threads during your 30 minutes internet time?

Those savages don't belong in NZ.

They belong in the desert where they came from.

Am 5 mins away from this. I watched his live video of the first shooting of unloading so many roads into about 20 people and then going outside and shooting down the road and then running over one lady he shot a few times. He flew from Australia to chch Nz just to do this. Apparently there are 5 other locations that were shot up as well as 9 other people helping him. Its crazy i was legit just on the other side of the aves when it started and i drove past there yesterday

We have tight controls of firearms in NZ so somebody fucked up probably customs. The shooter sounds like an Aussie and looks like an expert with an assault rifle.

Is it true they have a full blown gun ban there? Watched the video and he was armed to the tits

It's the Jews

>Christchurch has turned into Bagdad
How many flying carpets?

Off with you, hasbara troll.


It's a sacrifice. At the exact same time, Israel was conducting an operation on gaza. Also, terrorize muslims worldwide. Did you really need it spelled out

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so that's the music of a killer

What the fuck is up with that picture? Don't cops in New Zillund wear uniforms? I'd have guessed that was the gang of shooters from the look of them. Lucky they didn't end up shooting each other.

Best thing to happen in a long time. ABOUT FUCKING TIME WE FIGHT BACK AGAINST ISLAM!!!! These shooters are heroes.

imagine accidentally cutting him off in traffic on his drive over. bad times worst luck.

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>He flew from Australia to chch Nz just to do this. Apparently there are 5 other locations that were shot up as well as 9 other people helping him.
Any sources on this?
(((news))) is saying 2 mosque hit in ch NZ, 1 person arrested, but I only say the one vid.

If what you said is true, which I doubt, this would be the first real coop terroism against the muslims by whites since 9/11, afaik

You guys are idiots. The muslims were the victims here... not the shooters.

20 mass shootings *ever*, as opposed to so many happening per week they don't even get reported on any more

"The muslims were the victims here"

What.. for the first time ever? Gimme a break.

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Wait a min there's a Mosque in Christchurch? And someone removed all the kebabs? Well I hope those dirty mudslimes learned their lesson and stay out of Christchurch.

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Pretty good considering this sort of thing almost never happens as opposed to places like burgerstan where it's a weekly occurrence. The laws won't ever be perfect, but they work pretty fucking well. There will always be anomalies

You live in a place called Christchurch why the fuck do you have mosques in your town?

fuck off edgelord

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the one guy that tryes to rush him at the start and actually knocks him over by himself if one or 2 more helped would have stopped him right there even with all his "tactical gear" he had

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>The shooter sounds like an Aussie
Sadly true, clearly not an NZ accent

Blow me, faggot.

What about when he says Subscribe to pewdiepie?

>You live in a place called Christchurch why the fuck do you have mosques in your town?

Muslims want to invade countries with ZERO repercussions
I can guarantee you more people are silently smiling at this video than you can imagine


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actually gun control is BS. In the US, if you disregard gun violence done by blacks, we are one of the top 10 safest nations from gun violence.

The best correlation with a nations violent crime rate/number of shooting is actually income inequality

I honestly felt bad for Pewds, after the shit he got when some shitlin defaced a war memorial.

>If you disregard most of the gun violence, we don't have gun violence
It doesn't work like that

No you fuck off and die, Go fuck goats with your allah snackbar friends and don’t be surprised when they rape your family.

Man, after everybody dies it's peace, isn't it. Earth will look all like Mars, full and craters and shit, but hey, it's peace.

You have to understand the problem is because of niggers

You mean NZ has Trump supporters?

Uhhhhhhh..... Actually low income whites that live commit crimes at the same rate as low income blacks, high income blacks commit crime at the same rate as high income whites.

The problem with blacks is the majority of them don't have the IQ to not be low income.

I really hate when my racism is misinterpreted.

it'll be a false flag when you do it too, faggot

you retards are all the same

at least I can take comfort in the knowledge that even though this guy did this FOR YOU, you'll deny him in his hour of need.

God wills it.

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"remember lads subscribe to pewdiepie" wtf

Yeah, they keep shooting up schools, and pizza joints, and arcades, and strip malls, and post offices, and-
wait no, that's white people

White people who are sick of white genocide*


So is the intelligent option to support the pozed immigration death of white Christian culture?

Your an idiot bro i was close by when it happened at hagley park and heard the whole thing go down.

he plays remove kebab in the car ride up so no matter what I have utmost respect for this man

Would you like some fbi statistics?


>My hometown of Christchurch has turned into downtown Bagdad
because you let slimes into your country

I'll go ahead and post it

Keep in mind that black males make up a whopping 6.5% of the population

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so Trump supporters


like you


>death of white Christian culture
You have to admit it's a hypocritical failure

kiwi edgelord detected

They've got the Jew

Whiteness cannot be tolerated anywhere because whites were the last one to comprehend the vileness of the Jew and actually have any semblance of a chance of finally ridding the world of it.

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are you posting from class user? :^)

I'd assume they where off duty special response members.

this is literal nazi autism

The only good Muslim is a dead Muslim


user you've literally never met a Muslim
nor will you ever

why the hate?

Yes, I'm reporting OP now.

>Jews admit what they're doing

>Hurr durr duh autism

Gee, I wonder who's behind this post

Anyone with a gun licence can buy a gun here which is pretty easy to get. There are a few restrictions but the main one is no full auto other than that anything is aloud


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Keep safe fellow user ive got a bad feeling about this whole situation

I don't hate muzzies.

I just don't understand the logic of bringing in people from shitholes and expecting them to be upstanding citizens.

OK the way some of you are mocking me in here is why I'm considering becoming a serial killer.

Inflammatory comments aside, don't you find it reallllllly audacious to move to a white country (nb4 Maori LOL) and then open a mosque, not just in any city, in a city named Christchurch. Fuckers deserve to get shot just for being arrogant enough to attend a mosque in the city named for your enemy.

Religion of piece- piece of a guy here, piece of a guy there

Muslims are by and large law-abiding. They have a strict code of conduct. You're listening to hype from racists and bigots.

Not OP, but I really wouldn't care at all, if Muslims stayed in their Countries of origin.
However, in all their primitivity they don't realize that it is their culture which is holding them back from real progress. They move to western countries, still believing in their bullshit religion, and want to leech on progressive societies thus slowly destroying them.
Even if they'll never realize the cultural adversity, I must do everything to get rid of them in western societies. Not because of
but merely because I believe western societies are the only societies worth living in.

Is there a second video? Looks like there where two places shot up.

Then explain why their countries are complete shitholes.

Damn these niggas got dabbed on

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Yes, they strictly live by their cultural values. And this is primitive. They should do that in their shitholes.

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itt islamophobes


>Those gan can bombs
>Didn't use them

This is how video games are gonna get banned, you guys are praising him, but hes a fucking dumbass and a killer.

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You’re dangerously retarded.
Black people kill vastly more than white people ever do, It just doesn’t reach your gay ass news sources. You need statistics because your little trap ass is a nigger lover

Kindly fuck off back to plebbit with your retarded

Oh wait.... bullshit. And an hero if not that

top kek

user that is laughable bullshit. Muslims immigrate to other countries, raise families and set up respectable businesses. Stop going to Stormfront. That shit will rot your brain.

>Extreme or irrational fear.
>whites dominating and massacring muzzies for centuries

Nah, I just don't want their filth in my country.

You’re quite the nigger lover aren’t you user?
Blacks kill more than whites ever will.

I'm sad he didn't come a little farther up the coast to Kaikoura. There are a couple of muzzie families here I'd love to see remove kebab'd!!!

I just don't understand why he sprayed pig blood all over that place.

That would certainly help to redpill whole societies.

Or maybe this'll be how shit gets kicked off

>active shooter

Is there any other kind you troglodyte? If there not shooting there not a shooter. Its redundant and fucking stupid. Like you

Frankly, because of Western intervention. Every "shithole" was either rich in resources, or a strategic base. Now the West relies on propped up dictators to maintain favorable business relations. Yes, user, it really is that simple.

Holy shit this man is a fucking hero, let the memes flow

You are filth though. We allow you here.

>respectable businesses
>(now featuring 10 Cousins)

Go back to your hot pockets and fortnite little buddy

you're retarded if you think any copycats are gonna get away with anything, everyones on high alert now.

user there's a big big big world out there outside of mommy's basement js


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More likely Yea Forums or 8ch are at risk because of this. Hiroshima should have kicked out /pol/ years ago

lol, in my hometown they're now "Muslim Swimming Times", so no, nothing is gonna get started.
Maybe anti-islamphobia Campaigns, though

I know, right?

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Mass shootings happen everywhere, but there classified as gang violence

Absolutely. A world you seemlingly just don't know, though.

They're no longer active when captured, so yes there's another kind you obnoxious ass

Ah yes, Muzzies kill each other, rape the living fuck out of each other, because of whitey.

Tell me, when has saudi arabia ever been occupied by whites.

France was fucked years ago, NZ has less than 50k mudslimes currently. The South Island can still be a white paradise, there is a reason NZ is the safest country in the world.

Mhh, what excatly are your counter-arguments?

The real world, actually, where Muslims are treated as human beings alongside other human beings user. I know that's a hard concept to understand.

apart from rhe pulse nightclub shootwr ofc

shooter was a white guy.
retarded inbred

I mean, as I was watching this I thought that him finishing her was mercy. He DID help her.

did the shooter really say subscribe to pewdiepie?

Old royal family user. They weren't going to nationalize their oil like Iran tried to do, so SA is coo' with the West.

Now this is the cause of video games.

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Why do these fuckin cops get suppressors and I'm 8 months in waiting for mine

it;s not bullshit. he listed famous battles between Christians and Muslims

>coo with the west
>fund the 9/11 hijackers.

Uh huh

But how could this have happened in wonderland of Gun control of New Zealand?

that's a pretty big if

Um, those were my counterarguments? That Muslms are actually respectable people? Not threats to your existence? If you'd like more, I would propose that you're not old enough to post here. Or you're huffing Trump's farts. Something.

>France was fucked years ago,

The shooter confirmed this for him self.

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He only killed mudslimes, this is ok.

And San Bernidino

u can tell its not cause every terrorist video has some retard screaming allahu akbar.

new zealand has guns, we just dont have fuckwits

absolutely this

And 9/11

user I hate to break this to you but Muslims possess the same body parts as we do, so yes, they are human. This shows how frankly you're indoctrinated.

This is such a dumb argument. Because one person slips through every few years, gun control is pointless. Did you even think before posting this?

He's amature hour next to the suffering and death the Jews commit.

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Shooting up a mosque isn't a crime. The best defense is a good offense

And Truck of Peace

Yes. And also playrd gas,gas,gas as he speed through traffic afterwards.

Messed up.

Not defending Saudi Arabia, though. Muslims. Ordinary people. Yes, I'm defending them.
You aren't.

No one talking about the names on the guns? Shit is deep

Uh-oh, nice deviation.
Really pathetic, though.

Would've hoped you had any arguments, because I was certain I'd able to destroy them, but you just destroyed yourself.

Why are you so boring?

Maybe start thinking rationally instead of being triggered.

>What about when he says Subscribe to pewdiepie
I guess that means subscribe to peddiepie. Do it faggot.

Good! Fuck Islam!

Maybe when roosevelt bought the sauds?

Educate yourself before posting.

>The best defense is a good offense

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Ah kk, "trust me dude" is apparently is an argument now, I see.

new zealand has even more lax gun laws than canada

user I did make arguments.

Australia has been exporting your fuckwits back, and with interest(our own)

We are not very smart over here in Aus, I am sorry.

Anyone got video/pics of the VIBED?

Isn't this just part and parcel of living in a big city?

the mudslimes started it, what goes around comes around

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Before the west was in the middle east it was run by the ottoman empire who was savage and vile, and was still practicing slavery until their end.

>I would propose that you're not old enough to post here
>I am trying really hard to hide my lack of arguments

Read Guns, Germs, and Steel

I'm sorry reality is fake news to you user.
Trump needs people like you for 2020.

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pre much

So killers listen to gas gas gas... Interesting

Maybe it was. Christians were pretty vile 150 years ago, too. The point is the Middle East is a shithole because of shitty Western intervention.

I'd cockslap you

Yeah I know, what I’m saying is all the media is not even looking into this. It’s obviously deep rooted hate to go back that far

killing in the name of...

Yeah this is literally my point. While the Maori are slightly better than the Abos, they're still shitty brown people, but for various historic and cultural reasons there are a LOT less of them on the south island. Honestly Christchurch isn't a great city, still deserves better than these mudslimes, but most of the south island is a goddamn paradise for white people and i love it.

haha no
time to stop posting trumpshit

Anyone who thinks this is remotely acceptable or even makes fun of this doesnt deserve anything. How low and bad person can you be to think like this.

No matter what their faith is, what yours is, this is normal people living their lives being gunned down for pure ignorant hatred.

If religion was the motivation, I hope the shooters and those who support this burn in hell forever and NEVER find salvation under their god.
If you arent religious, you dont deserve to be part of humankind, you dont belong here, barbarian, filth

That is not an argument.

Just because you don't the negative aspects of muslim immigration into western societies it simply doesn't mean they are there.

I argumented rationally (just not giving examples) and you are trying to ignore them, because you are triggered, because this culture is your personality, not just random religion to talk about.

He did it for teh lulz

how fucking depressing

>Not defending saudi arabia
>Ordinary Muslims are fine
2 Scandinavian girls say high.

Or that retarded chick that wanted to hitch hike through the middle east to prove ordinary mudcoons are normal people. Made it 50 miles into turkey before being raped and murdered.

Oh my God! Can I have your autograph?

shocked to hear initial d music myself. still not a bad choice

>Jared >>>>>>>>DIAMOND


>negative aspects of muslim immigration
yes, go on

and the bataclan

It was a white guy shooting. Fucking tard

Well that and suicide would pretty much narrow it down to police. So I like where this is heading

Read before posting.

Tell me how exactly western intervention had anything to do with saudi being a complete shithole.

Church full of people get shot up, not allowed to defend themselves. That's basically what you have here. Well done NZ! Much like the gun free zones in the USA

Yes, the world needs people having the ability to argument about things, indeed.

Why are you so incredibly boring?
Why don't you free yourself in your thinking? It is the only way to find the truth.

yay you can ban all guns too now

No it was already a shithole run by muslims who already treated every other group of people like sub humans and was not on track to ever change

Where is this screenshot from?

mossberg 930 spx
Several AR15 variants that take same mags.

Wish it had been you who cut him off in traffic

You actually just repeated a bunch of cliched frankly bigoted talking points user. You stated no "facts." I pointed out the status quo, Your dumb President and a handful of Republicans are all that's left who believe your fucking bullshit anymore.

Historically whites collectively killed more blacks than vice versa could ever attempt to. Not to mention how much batshit crazy white dudes shoot up MUH US OF A every day of the week. Yeah black people kill, but hardly to a level comparable to whites. If you dipshits are going to be racist at least have sound logic doing it.

Because the guy who was going to shoot up a mosque would care that he's not supposed to have the guns to do it with

I love how you Islamophobes have a pronounced rape fantasy for white girls getting raped by Arabs. It never fails.

Ah yas, who doesn't know Trump for his rational arguments.

Don't be a NPC
Just admit you're being triggered, just admit it

Ask someone who has intimate knowledge of the NZ shooting/investigation anything.

Yes or no questions, please.

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school full of children get shot up, not allowed to defend themselves. That's basically what you have ALL OVER AMERICA. you fuckin yank dickheads have nothing to criticise rn.

I win.
I'm sorry you can't shut up user.

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>The laws won't ever be perfect, but they work pretty fucking well. There will always be anomalies

I hope you remember those words the next time there's a shooting in America.

>yes, go on
What are you even trying to say?


kek i just found my future username.

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>Why don't you free yourself in your thinking
>from Jew-controlled media


lol yeah... islam
he said about mass murdering white men shooting up old ladies praying. lol u fagito

protip guns germs and steel is why the new world isnt still in the stone age. before white people arrived they didnt even have written language. books are why 300 spaniards were able to defeat the entire mayan "empire"

Good. Fuck muslims. Kill them all.

If you disregard all gun violence perpetrated by males there would be almost none. Maybe you should lead a hardline group of feminists and literally kill all men.

Have some better looking stats.

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Right, just forget what the past 100 years were like, after WWI.
But you trumpshits were never bright to begin with.

Have you subscribed to pewdiepie yet

It's not a church idiot

Shits moving really quickly does anyone have a current link to the 16min version?

stop posting trumpshit

His manifesto. Worth a read.

Hurr whites with guns killed a bunch of niggers in huts with wooden shields years ago.

Does that change the fact that every heavily black area is a dangerous ghetto?

And he was helping the environment by composting.

was there multiple shooters?

I'm saying you're repeating known nazi aryan white nationalist talking points. Is that your thing?

Nah i was on foot dick head.

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user has earned the title "Remover of Kebab"

*Charles Martel watches proud from heaven

They'll shut us down because of this, and they'll be right. Look at the human garbage posting all around you in this thread. I used to think this place deserved to exist despite the pedophiles, etc. Now it's literally an incubator for terrorism.

Oh man, you're so triggered, pathetic.

Ok, so you're saying there are no negive aspects in immigration of muslim to western countries?
Would you say there are cultural adversities?

Fuck Muslims, that's my argument. I hate them and I want them all destroyed. If you are an "ally" to Muslims, then you'll get the bullet too.

Saudi Arabia isn't a shithole. That's how. It's a desert where people live almost like there's a desert under their feet. How surprising right? Sunni islamic desert people enjoy their way of life. It's called tribal societies.

Once again, educate yourself, travel. Don't let your leaders drive your brain.

No, it actually happened.

Thank you.

The Self Removing Kebab™ by Ronco

2nd shooter?

It was some white guy killing Islams, not the other way around, fucking retard. I had to captcha parking meters to post this shit

>I win.
>I need to say this, because my """argumentation""" doesn't speek for itself

hahaha, you're so pathetic, unbelievable

Why wernt any of these slimes at jobs?

I'm saying you're an Islamophobic bigot.
Stop shrinking from the label user. I thought it was a badge of honor.

was hiding in the grassy knoll.

You sure do make up a lot of words.

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Careful there m8, it looks like you touched a nerve.

Was it thrilling to have personally killed so many invaders?

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Finally. Some honesty here. You're an Islamophobic dipshit without remorse.

No but that's also a fraction of gun deaths annually. And it doesn't recover your argument that blacks kill more, worse yet it shows blacks are more likely to kill within their own race than to specifically target whites (whereas the opposite is much more likely)

You do realize, that you are the one needing "argumentational support" in meming Trumpsters on me?

tits or face?

Duh yes it is. It's Christs Church.

Thats gonna be the cycle huh? violence with more violence? is that the way you fix everything? thats why people deem Americans as brain dead.

Heyy...nice Elon Musky..!

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Kill them all and let Allah sort them out.

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How 2 download?

Don't post your fanfic user.
You want a sadistic grinning Muslim Arab sticking his prickly wedge shaped cock into a beautiful Swedish girl who was probably on her way home after friendzoning you. But you still pulled it out and got a boner.

It is time for this website to finally die



the only good muslim is a dead one

Pls don't be a real person

I do win, user. For you see, I welcome full social diversity. You want society to be like a hive.

Maybe they could just return to their desert lands and 99% of our conflicts would disappear.

No. He’s the hero we need. Get that pussy boy phobia shit out of here

>isn't a shithole
>murder journalists
>hang rape victims
>woman are people until 2017

You and I have very different opinions of shitholes.

I wonder if there were any other solution... ummmm... let me think..... some way of avoiding all this.... I know, since nobody ever asked them to come to their countries, how about they stay the fuck in their own ethnostate countries? You know, the countries that would kill us without punishment if we ever tried to live there?

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>obviously a false flag
>and video of false flag
>and also the bodies were already dead
>i detect the liberals trying to turn the great undecided masses against my ideology
>i am the real victim here

So you're going to deny you're a nazi dogfucking racist? Excellent. They all do.
You should be more like this user

>I do win, user. For you see, I welcome full social diversity. You want society to be like a hive.
Do you miss some chromosomes?

Except we're winning, so no. Cry harder.

That was fucking awesome.

remember when muzzies were cheering at 09/11? Im cheering the same rn this guy is a hero

shockingly, some people disapprove of terrorism like this

A product of the times sadly. Lots of people (especially on this board) view things in extremes, and when they land on one the chances of reeling them back into reality is slim

can i still come play frodo on ur butt?
i mean island?

Show proof. Show numbers that support your claim. If evil white people wanted slaves, why would they destroy their own farm equipment? Don't forget the other blacks who sold their warprizes into European hands. Bet they killed more of their fellow continent dwellers than any slave trade did, considering they were warring with eachother centuries before europeans ever knew they existed. But lets convienetly forget that so you can sell your "muh eveil whites" narrative. People are the same in the fact that they do horrible shit to eachother. You're just racist against whites and want them dead, so you spew your propaganda. You apologists always forget the full history of the slave trade, just to push that narrative. Well fuck your narrative. And fuck your forced progressive far left communist bullshit. You piece of shit.

I forgot. I'm posting in a kiwi thread.
You faggots are like hill billies in W Virginia, lol

What were the last 100 years like? You mean the west taking the lead in trying to end human suffering globally? You know why there aren't any ancestors of black slaves in the middle east? Because the ottomans castrated them all. Stop blaming white people for the middle east being fucked up. It was always fucked up, and if it were left alone it would just be a superpower of insane cruelty.

no one is going to capitualate only ramp up. what are you even tryinf to achieve?

>muh television

Keep living that dream user. That's exactly what you're supposed to think.

I see why you hate whites so much, what kind of people could push for a genocide of an entire race

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so then youre just as bad as they are.
then i have no problem with anyone killing you.

>My hometown of Christchurch has turned into downtown Bagdad. Multiple shootings at several mosques. Active shooter screened the shooting live.
Subscribe to pewdiepie

I used to love Yea Forums but not guy's are racist white supremacist who inspire shit like this...I'm out... I lay all of this tragedy at your feet

I just don't get why westeners are heavily abording the cultural diversification train.
I just don't get it.
I mean, come on, you have to see the contradictions, don't you?


Was the shooter(s) from nz?

It's fun watching them rage like dogs chasing their own tails

If you can't beat em construct a strawman around their unstated beliefs and attack that.

haha no user I support full social diversity where whites, blacks, all races enjoy equal positions in society. It's just common sense.

>I used to love Yea Forums but not guy's are racist white supremacist who inspire shit like this...I'm out... I lay all of this tragedy at your feet
k, bye

I dont care what you think you pussy ass faggot, kill yourself

damn they took down liveleak for posting the video keep ahold of this one boys it is going to dissapear

I don't condone killing, but I don't really care that this happened. Muslims can get out of NZ.


>I just came here for the furry pr0n

Didn't happen.
He's worse than they are. There was a news outlet that told someone to cheer for the camera and they'd give her a piece of cake. That's what these people think is cheering for 9/11.

Subscribe to pewdiepie

Are there more and more muslims on Yea Forums?

fucking sick racist

Go get killed by biggers then lol.

Not clicking that nigger

Links are filtered here. You'll have to type them from the pic.

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I imagine this much non diversity much make your blood boil

What's your thoughts on Jews having so much concentrated power?

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wtf is this from?

My God you're right.

RIP 4chins.

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They we're probably off duty

You heard a new word today, next, look up the meaning.

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I'm a white male, everybody is racist, even you.

let me take a wild guess first, then read, tgen see if im right.

hes a lefty liberal fruit, pansexual queer transwoman of the liberal green social communists party sponsored by the NAACP and SPCLA and a fuckin tie-dyed, sandal wearing granola munching weed swilling hippie scientist poet with dual degrees in philosophy and art history.


Holy shit. Truly shocking.
I only watched that because Im from NZ and visited Christchurch 8 months ago.
I regret watching that video.

>my country is not a shithole
>please let me come to yours
>I promise my primitive lifestyle and beliefs will meld well with your country.

Oh and thanks for the welfare.

You’ll come back for your trap and chuck threads when mommy is done bringing you your hot pockets and fortnite bucks

Rip liveleak

What was your outrage to this video? The media didn't say a peep about it.

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>i dont get it



Why do you have two mosques with minerettes in your country?

Always thought reddit was home of SJWs, though. How come such a one is posting there?

The Bataclan attack in France. Some of those killed welcomed refugees.

Brenton references it in the video just before he starts his attack "this is for the Bataclan"

send sauce

"Police are aware there is extremely distressing footage relating to the incident in Christchurch circulating online. We would strongly urge that the link not be shared. We are working to have any footage removed."
What exactly is the benefit of censoring/ preventing this footage from being viewed? We live in a time of unprecedented ability to share information rapidly and globally. Why are the security forces of a given country allowed to suppress the sharing of footage/ information as they see fit?

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A lot of normies and police and what have you agents are probably on tonight, let's red pill some normies.

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lol might want to reread what you posted there mate.

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>my arguments:

Hopefully Brenton will get deported back to Australia so he can be sentenced to death by Funnelweb bite.

That's from voat. I'm sure he wasn't able to speak freely on reddit.

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Ok poorly education suburban white male with little to no life experience outside of the internet, we hear you .

It's easy as fuck. Go to gun shop buy a AR. all you need is a license, which is easy to get. I like ARs but we can do without them in nz

that fucking music

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Doesn't sicken it you to know that there are people like me in the countries you migrated to?

Wouldn't you wish... to migrate back?

>Only not blue is prostitution


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No. It's easy to get a license here in nz. Just cant really buy autos thank god