Anyone else ever steal a video of a bj off a lady friends phone?

Anyone else ever steal a video of a bj off a lady friends phone?

Attached: A6C2CA99-6C48-43E3-A02B-0FC5024744E3.png (640x1136, 851K)

Post it

Attached: 47F1D189-A848-4DBB-94C6-2D6B6563DC66.png (640x1136, 911K)

post the vid?

Yea, twice. And then one girl sent me one as long as I promised to delete it haha. I didn't delete it. Dumb bitch. Pic related, first BJ girl I stole from.

Attached: (5).jpg (4000x3000, 1.87M)

fucking nice

bump for stolen family member pics/videos

are you going to show more or is that all?

I have a collection of my sisters nudes. I feel bad, I did it when I was like 16. Over ten years ago. Still occasionally jerk it to her. Might do it tonight honestly. I used to post her on temporary exposed but that site went down.

post some here

cumming to your sister is some of the best times you'll cum, feels so wrong that it feels good

nah. posting on here is permanent. on temporarily exposed you could post and no one could save it. Not ready to post her on here permanently.

do that then

the website was such down in january or else I would and would link it.

Make an unsee

i don't understand that website

Similar to temp exposed, no one can download or screenshot. Go to unsee (dot) cc and upload whatever you want


19 in this pic.

Bull i bet I can screenshot

Nothing there

somebody viewed it. deleted after first view sorry mate. maybe the dude got a screenshot.

That's impossible. You came screenshot that site. Test it on your device

you could do it on mobile by doing a screen capture also yea I could do it on mobile by recording the screen. There's ways around everything.

Come to a7df1be3



lol super easy to screenshot, printscreen even works. And no, that's not my IP lol.

Attached: pic.png (1022x925, 1.33M)

thats mine nigger wtf

yea people don't get that anything on the internet is forever.

How's Texas?

i was joking

I got a video or two off of my friends laptop of her getting pounded

In the military I had a master key to all the dorms for a week for being on dorm duty. Got so many nudes and videos of girls computers.



Share them!

I have been trying to steel a video of a frienda phone. But I never have enough time. I'm going to get all her videos