Hey Yea Forums what should I add to this little dude

hey Yea Forums what should I add to this little dude

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A wang and a hat.

A smile


Prosthetic hands for the ones you so cruelly took away from him

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Give him uggs.

These. A fancy hat, nice big tits, and a rock-hard cock

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A gun

How about a goddamn belly button?

a girlfriend

Big toes

a minion sidekick

A pet to make him happy

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a skirt please

A noose and a worthless goodbye note

A cloud above him thundering

And his umbrella is broke so hes just like...... yup

a hairline of three kids and a wife

Attached: oh god.jpg (641x763, 90K)

Do dubs

A bigger wang to match the big tits

A tattoo of himself in the same getup

OP is busy jerkin his gherkin to traps brb

Attached: ihopethismakessomeonehappy.jpg (567x661, 79K)

Give em sunglasses

His pet needs a delicate penis

traps r gae

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