Maybe it's a longshot, but gimme some inconvenient statistics about white people...

Maybe it's a longshot, but gimme some inconvenient statistics about white people. Are they more likely to be narcissists, or gay?

I'm just a little tired of hearing all the statistics about other races being more likely to commit crimes and not having any dirt whatsoever on white people.

Attached: Yin-yang Stripes.jpg (1920x1080, 98K)

More likely to be privileged.

That's a really weird question. Also googleable.
Without googling I'ma go with gay more common than narcissistic.
Excuse me I have to go do your research for you

I mean, that's true, but privelege is one of those things that you can just be thankful for. It's nothing to rise above, unless you really wanna be ethical.

Yeah, thanks. I was having trouble doing the research because I'm slightly intoxicated. If you don't find anything I'll look up more later, but I was just curious if anyone knew shit off the top of their head.

>I'm doing research

Attached: sketch-1552618333401.png (1439x2560, 796K)

Of you actually want me to find out. Ok that was a joke. I have a bachelor I can actually find you the answer lol.

>the information era

FUCK! What to believe?!

It points to homosexuals. It's estimated the population rate of npd is 0.5% - 1%.

As far as homosexuals goes the rate varies by geographic location. But it consistently tops out at 4.5 percent in more liberal places which would suggest it's 4.5%.

The problem with narcissistic personality disorder, however, is, I mean, think about it... It's not common a narcissist is actually going to seek psychological help or diagnosis. If they actually have a problem more likely they'll blame everyone else.

The diagnosed narcissists more likely than not at the ones who saw a gain or praise card from having a mental illness and sought out help to get a diagnosis they could bathe in, but even that wouldn't be all of them.

It's also rising in youth it seems..


Tentatively there's a lot more gay people but maybe not.

I'm guessing race is pretty irrelevant to these statistics.

well if you want to piss of the stormfags, you can remind them that the gap between the IQ of jews and white people is larger than the gap between whites and blacks. then they're stuck trying to explain why iq doesn't matter but somehow also shows whites are smarter than blacks

This is the kinda stuff I wanted. I got to thinking about it a few minutes earlier, but I couldn't frame it quite so clearly.

I don't hate white people, obviously, I just think white supremacy is dumb and I wanted something mention when people are throwing around that "Blacks are 13% of the population but commit 50% of the crimes" stuff. Like, yeah, it's true, but whites aren't so perfect either.

If my old psyhcology knowledge from University serves me well, there is a variance of disorder occurrence across cultures... Not races...

You can develop a disorder. For example, psychopathy and sociopathy are exactly the same basically... However psychopathy is genetic and sociopathy is environmental.

Woah. Cool knowledge. I'll have to verify this later.

Fuck man I'm sorry I didn't read your entire post. I'm drunk. Sorry.

You'll obviously have to defend yourself in these debates and find the info yourself (again, sorry I'm too tired right now.. i promise you it's real).

But there are charts for example that show black crime rates are higher for blacks compared against white, and though it drops as wealth increases, it stays consistently higher...


these charts should show a standard deviation (those little dots plotted on the graph itself. A standard deviation shows where the actual data points are to make the average).

The thing is, the standard deviation for white people is small, which suggests extreme consistency despite environment.

The standard deviation for black people is *fucking massive*. An extremely large standard deviation usually means something else is causing it.

As in the standard deviation of black people and crime rates and wealth is so big it suggests theres something else causing it. Not race itself.

I blame BET.

Night pal.

Most of those statistics are pulled out of their asses.

That's the internet for you

Hey, I appreciate it. I'm already pretty sure there are certain factors such as IQ, lack of stable father relationships, and corporal punishment that contribute to black-perpetrated violence.

Easy peasy. It's obvious. Just wondered if there was any similar bit of information on whites to be mentioned, since I know full well that there are black people who aren't inherently violent or stupid.

Even IQ, genetics wise, just sets a potential.
If your genetics say I 126, it doesn't mean you'll have 126. It means in optimum environment you'll reach that high.
And as blacks in America gained better access to education and social security increased their average IQ closed super fast.
As in from 80 average to 96 average in like 20 years. And that's even accounting for the Flynn effect. And no one needs to tell you their socio economic environment still isn't exactly "on par"
So even lower IQ wise the data still points to "not fucking related to race"

Yeah, it's pretty silly and unscientific to base claims about behavior statistics on "race." But people sling around stastistics like it's a proven fact that black people are just bound to be degenerates. Gets to be annoying to refute.

you can statistically determine whether one factor is a better predictor than another factor.

race, not poverty, is the best predictor of violence-- among groups with identical income, at all levels, blacks are more violent than whites.

well that post is just screaming for [citation needed]

>Citation needed
Don't blame you. Nor will I blame you for not accepting the following sentence.
I'm drunk, tired, and studied this shit academically so I can offer you my useless internet word that it's true.
If you want to learn, it's out there.

Frankly I've never said "citation needed". If someone makes a claim I'll go find it my damn self because I'd rather learn than be right and if you know how to find the information you can find the information.

Whats wrong with being gay?

well the problem is i have in fact searched and can't back up your ridiculous claim that the overall black iq is now 96.

Citation needed? On a Yea Forums post?

You mean this website's information isn't comprised entirely of scholarly facts?

or that it was ever 80 within the past 20 years, i think you're wrong in both directions; it was 85, not 80, 20 years ago

It annoys people with an excessively conservative mindset.

Thats good tho bc homophobes Are retarded

I generally agree. I think there are certain types of homosexuals who are retarted, but in general an individuals choice of sexual expression isn't going to have a profound effect on the ability of the collective to reproduce and function.


Ding ding! I think this one is accurate. Fuckin'... whitey!

I love you do you have discord?

I think the best explanation of the rates of violence among niggers came from the guy who wrote freakonomics. He's got a good TED talk on it.

Essentially, it's the Gini Index that is actually an indicator of violence/crime/rape/etc among the poor.

The Gini index (or gini coefficient) is a way of measuring income disparity in a population. The more unequal a society, the more likely poor people are to commit crime.

Blacks are disproportionately poor. Rich blacks commit crime at the same rate as rich whites, same goes for poor of both races.

Large Gini Indexes are better indicators of shootings than gun ownership.

To wrap this up, whites have more money, therefore are unaffected by this on the majority and are therefore more upstanding citizens by definition. Money, to a point, makes you a better person, just deal with it.