The UK might be even more retarded than Sweden

The UK might be even more retarded than Sweden.

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Other urls found in this thread:

at least they didnt elect donald trump as their president.this cuck cant even get his own party to support his bullshit anymore

well they are doing the whole brexit thing, so i wouldn't say they're the brightest bunch.

>/ptg/ false-flagging again.

The can't even do the brexit properly. It won't happen.

i don't care which way it goes, i'm just laughing my ass off at the whole thing. You would think they had easy gun access they way they all keep shooting themselves in the foot.

Except it's a piece of art advertising a pop-up shop that the artist has disowned
>The text is believed to have been taken from a longer piece from workshops attended by Scottish artist Robert Montgomery, who has now asked for the text to be removed while apologising for any offence it may have caused.
But don't let a few facts get in the way of a good old dog-whistle

>He added: "The text has been removed from the wall where it appeared only briefly. I did not paint it, but I still feel responsible for any offence it caused as it has been associated to my name and I apologise for that to everyone."

Breeding programs are real.

Take your dirty Soros money.

So, in conclusion. It was painted by a retard taking words out of context, was widely condemned by all, disowned by the artist and has now been painted over.

End of story...nothing to see here....move along

Which party is that?

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brits cant do anything right

for cunturies brits wondered how egyptians could have possibly run the biggest empire in the world considering what a disorganized incapable shithole state theyre currently in. Or the mayans. or the mississipeans, or the tibetans, or the mongols. Now the bongs finally understand. you peak, then you wallow in shit, unable to overcome the romance of your past greatness and maintain chrrent relevance. USA isn’t far behind them.

wait people still believe in this shit?

edgy teenagers dont count.

Why wouldn't people?

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why would a person not trust some random faggot who larps that they have secret info? maybe because it's one of the oldest games in the book?

I’m not american you dolt

please tell me that's not real. I can't believe a country would promote rape in this manner

Trump's doing a good job as president tbh

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>bwaaaak politics bwaaaaak

the parrots are in flight.

>i'm above you simpletons because i sleepwalk with out realizing just because i don't partake in politics and bury my head in the sand, that the world doesn't stop revolving around me and political motivations and actions don't cease to exist
>implying i'm either of the guys you were originally talking about in your no doubt retarded reply

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>some random faggot who larps that they have secret info
I take it you haven't look into how many Q proofs there are.
You may want to do a little research, user.

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>I take it you haven't look into how many Q proofs there are.
>You may want to do a little research, user.
user, you can take random gibberish and link it with the mayan calendar, it doesn't make it true.

>random gibberish
Was him predicting the exact day McCain would die, random gibberish?
The fact that you said that proves you don't know shit about it.

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look user, believe whatever you want, but don't be surprised when people make fun of you.

Look, the cancer is so malignant it's literally spread to the south pole.

Someone clearly knows very little about Europe and how Norway is essentially the richest country in it without actually being in it

where we go one we go all, is what you say when your cultural traditions are dying off to inevitable change.

Bad Ivan! No bait! BAD BAD IVAN!

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It doesn't bother me, make fun all you want.
I'm not the one closing his eyes and plugging his ears.

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It's actually a line from the movie, White Squall...

The Art of Trolling the Fake News Media
Step 1:
Step 2:
Who is Scott Free?
Step 3:
>>White Squall
>>WWG1WGA (from the movie)
Thank you for playing.

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>I'm not the one closing his eyes and plugging his ears.
i looked at a fair amount of the shit to realize the sheer sadness of it. so then i stopped. to each their own.

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i dunno...i kind of want to have sex now with a jasmine refeguee

that's fire yo!

Yeah. They think they can leave the EU and some how suddenly everything will get better.
Conservatives... funny how they call liberals the emotional ones that don't think about repercussions of actions

You didn't look at shit.
You literally called it random gibberish.
I just posted at least 3 proofs that you haven't even responded to because you know you're a lying sack of shit, user.

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Sure, and I'm sure it was used before that movie as well. Still doesn't go against my point that Qanon is a desperate attempt to feel safe.

Conservatives are terrified of everything. Especially change.

Shit, they're so afraid of reality, they actually need to fabricate another one after this one in order to feel safe.

Fear of the unknown and change are two things that horrify the right into a coma.

It's usually a bunch of small reasons that are all sparked by a cataclysmic event. Rome lasted over a millenia and their decline was from countless tiny reasons sparked by christianity relling them the god of war is a demon and they have to give up the military state for some faggy hereditary system. Then BAM retarded barbarians with inferior weapons rip them to shreds. For the crumpets it was the abolishion of the East India Company, I wonder what kills the burger?

>You literally called it random gibberish.
i literally didn't user. for someone who can decipher messages you obviously can't read. people going full retard over it only reinforces my belief that it is quite a tragic thing that is happening. i don't give a fuck about your shit anymore, don't reply to my shit.

this is refreshingly true

>Conservatives are terrified of everything.
What is there to be terrified of?
>they're so afraid of reality
Which reality are you referring to? The one where CNN tells you what to think?
>Fear of the unknown and change are two things that horrify the right into a coma.
What unknown?
What change?
You're just spouting off useless platitudes at this point.

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>user, you can take random gibberish
Sorry, you 100% implied it.
>i don't give a fuck about your shit anymore
That's because you're a disingenuous liar.

>Sorry, you 100% implied it.
>You literally called it random gibberish.
no user,
>you're a disingenuous liar.

All of the EU is retarded.. russia is the only place not retarded.. they know gays are mental... the don't put up with any shit... rofl...

Why are you getting triggered, user?

>this cuck cant even get his own party to support his bullshit anymore

Theresa May
>this cuck cant even get her own party to support her bullshit anymore

pot, meet kettle

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conservatives are terrified of liberals because they will write the policies that will force them to change. Conservatives don't like to be forced to do anything.

The sad part is, liberalism throughout history always wins because conservativism, again, historically, is people who are older and pay taxes, own property etc.

SO conservatives definitely have a reason to fear. Especially those who wish traditions to stay as they are.


The end of capitalism.

Wow, you got me user.
I was wrong, you didn't literally sya it was randon gibberish, you LITERALLY implied it was.
Funny how you're now trying to turn this into a semantic argument and not able to attack the evidence I posted.

Really makes me think.

What so this guy was talking about this in 1979?

>conservatives are terrified of liberals because they will write the policies that will force them to change.
Force them to change what?
>Conservatives don't like to be forced to do anything.
You like government overreach?
I know plenty of liberals who would agree with me.
>The sad part is, liberalism throughout history always wins because conservativism, again, historically, is people who are older and pay taxes, own property etc.
LOL what?
>SO conservatives definitely have a reason to fear.
I think you're confused.
You probably think people who don't agree with homosexuality are homophobic too, don't you user?

user thought he was being funny, but he ended up looking retarded.

It's actually retarded to hate on other people whose situation is far worse than either of ours.

Indians & paki's

>Funny how you're now trying to turn this into a semantic argument and not able to attack the evidence I posted.
funny how you can't even keep comprehension of what transpired in 20 minutes, yet want me to try to debate you on something? something that like every other bullshit theory that is stuck in a person's head won't actually listen to any rational thought and be in self-defense mode, until they figure the shit out for themselves? i'm good

>Force them to change what
being racist
being sexist
being class-oriented
being science deniers
being intolerant, basically

>government overreach
wouldn't happen if the private sector got their shit together and stopped using a 19th Century model just because it makes them more money. They shit on their workers.

smart people are racist. Science is racist. Classes are racist. facts

facts are not racist... lol

>funny how you can't even keep comprehension of what transpired in 20 minutes
I just greentexted exactly what you said, you compared random gibberish to Q posts.
If I'm mistaken, please, re post what you said and enlighten me on how I misunderstood what you were saying.
>yet want me to try to debate you on something?
This was never a debate, you never once spoke against the proofs I posted, you just kept whining.

>being racist
What's it like being 14 years old?

Actually no, laws would keep people from acting on their racism, living wages would basically destroy classist ideology, laws protecting abortion, stem cell research and advancing climate change legislation would hinder anti-science rhetoric.
We already have laws protecting against racism, but it's obvious we need to enforce them.

It's been awhile, but I noticed I really started getting horny.

>I just greentexted exactly what you said
yes you did, but you thought i directly insulted qanon, when i didn't, i compared it to something else.
>This was never a debate
yeah because people usually have facts and evidence at debates, not memes.

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The Democrats are the party of racism.
Just wanted to let you know, in case your teachers didn't educate you properly.

>The Democrats are the party of racism.
no child

You are dodging the other user's point. Laws keep you from acting out on your racism. Liberals passed these laws. That's what you fear, that liberals will pass laws that require you to change your behavior. You're scared fuckless of it.

>conservative democrats were racist

>but you thought i directly insulted qanon
Of course you did, you compared RANDOM GIBBERISH to Q posts.
I posted some proofs that are not gibberish, very specific predictions and you have nothing to say about them now, all you want to do is argue about nonsense.
>not memes.
Please tell me you aren't this retarded.
Are you now trying to make the argument that those images are doctored?
You know you can go look up the archived Q posts and check the dates/times yourself, right user?
Do you even know what a meme is?

>we need to enforce them.
so we're going to arrest people for wrongthink.
fuck off totalitarian cocksucker.

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We got NSFW just ask mods

>Liberals passed these laws.
No they didn't.

are democrats conservative right now?

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Yes, they want to conserve their plantation of welfare niggers for votes.

>do you know what a meme is
yeah, qanon is a meme. his supporters retardation is a tragic part of life now.

try to stop the stabbings first eh?

actually wrongdo would be the correct term
>totalitarian cocksucker
user government steps in because of a failure of the private sector
if you pushed for living wages and health care, government would step back

>That's what you fear, that liberals will pass laws that require you to change your behavior.
no shit, because laws that require you to change your opinion or else face losing your job or getting kicked out of a school are fucking retarded and authoritarian. textbook path to dictatorship.
>You're scared fuckless of it.
maybe because we don't want our freedoms restricted more than they already are? its funny when you call us fascists yet you use the same tactics as the blackshirts. kys.

You're still doing it user, you essentially called it random gibberish.
Scroll up and tell me how the predictions I posted above are just that.
You literally have zero arguments against the evidence, this is called ad hominem.

yes they did user
laws that protected the poor, people of color, immigrants, basically everything you hate, a liberal had the courage to get laws passed, laws ending segregation, the 40 hour work week, minimum wage. Just a few examples.

user this is a stupid argument. Quit making it.
The racist Democrats jumped ship to the Republicans in the 1960s. If you really understood history you'd know this, and not be stupid and boring. Bye.

>against the evidence
once again user, memes are not evidence. i don't get what's so hard to understand about this.

>living wages
...which would just increase the price of everything and lay off workers.
yeah while you're 20 trillion in debt youre just going to magically pay for healthcare for 320 million people most of whom are fat as fuck.
>inb4 muh nordic countries
completely different.

user liberals aren't trying to restrict your freedom. We're fighting for it.
Better labor conditions, clean air, clean water, crime-free communities. Don't you want those things?

>would just increase the price of everything
>it'll lay off workers
you literally have no evidence of this
>20 trillion in debt
thanks to Republican "fiscal" policies, go on
>nordic countries
democratic socialism works there user

not if the refugees can't read English.

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Democrats, for example, were less likely to vote for the civil rights bills of the 1950s and 1960s. Democrats were more likely to filibuster. 80% of Republicans in the House and Senate voted for the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Less than 70% of Democrats did. Indeed, Minority Leader Republican Everett Dirksen led the fight to end the filibuster. Meanwhile, Democrats such as Richard Russell of Georgia and Strom Thurmond of South Carolina tried as hard as they could to sustain a filibuster.

>The racist Democrats jumped ship to the Republicans in the 1960s.
Oh yeah, name them?

oh please,

man-up mister

What's a meme, user?

How do you get those things?

You might Google the Southern Strategy. It will explain why Republicans seemed to be Democrats and vice versa.

They ALWAYS have been. They were founded on racism. It has always been their core principal.

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qanon and his retarded believers.

Most of the South, actually. They used to be staunch Democrats, now they're Republicans. Texas. Even now in some parts of the South, there are conservative Democrats. Known as "Blue Dogs."

You don't know what you're talking about, name the Dixiecrats that switched parties.

By having the courage to fight against the system and force government to pass laws.
That's how Nixon created the EPA.

So, you've now proved that you not only don't know what evidence is, but you can't even explain what a meme is.

>durr democrats have alllllllways been wacist
ok user adults are talking now


You've made your mind up, user. Voting for Trump in 2020? Will you be old enough?

Heyyy! he was behind of this..!

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kek, now i know you're trolling. qanon supporters are retarded, but not that retarded, you never go full retard

They have, the welfare state the Democrats created for the black community destroyed them and turned them into a new kind of slave.

you mean jewfukt

jews obv wont let that happen

>Breeding programs are real.
that's fucking hot tbqhm8


You're a "race realist" aren't you?

that means shut up nazi

Go check the Q posts from my images and debunk them.
You can't.

we americans dint elect DT, either,

Hillary got 2.8 mil more votes than DT.

But the US has the Electoral College,

a relic of slave-state america, the vote in which, can over ride the popular vote that HC got.

it has 527 members, and DT won 302 of them & the Pres
Cheney-Bush was also an EC pres.

Why can't you name a single Dixiecrat that switched parties?

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Because it's the Jews distracting you

>Go check the Q posts from my images and debunk them.
>but use my source to verify that it is the truth
im actually insulted, do you think everyone is as stupid as you or something?

The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. Fuck your flyover state.

hmm after segregation, crying out for state's rights would be dog whistling for who?

The Republicans jumped fucking ship, user. The Democrats that were in power were DINOs. You can stop with the charade now.
We know you're really mad that the Dems are becoming more and more of a progressive party.

>lets ban "hate speech"
>lets force bakers to bake cakes they dont want to, fuck small businesses!
>lets push for even more gun control
>fuck whitey
>youre going to pay 70% in taxes whether you like it or not
>you literally have no evidence of this
ontario literally lost close to 50,000 jobs because they raised the wage to a """living wage""". what do you think happens when companies are forced to pay higher wages than they can afford? theyre going to lay people off, retard. basic fucking economics.
>thanks to Republican "fiscal" policies, go on
biggest increase in debt happened during the wilson, fdr, johnson and obama years, go on
>democratic socialism works there user
the nordic countries arent fucking socialist, do you even know what that word means? social democrat isnt democratic socialism. and those countries are the easiest to open private businesses.

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>"adults talking now"

Got me.

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Don't change the subject.
Democrats 100% went from advocating for literal slavery to welfare state slavery.
They did it for the votes, not because they care for black people.

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>but use my source to verify that it is the truth
My source has links to the archived posts, you absolute mongrel.

>ontario literally lost close to 50,000 jobs because they raised the wage to a """living wage""".
not him, but i thought the typical fearmonger was that price of the good was supposed to double?

its a satire of Indian English :

"jasmine-scented "


How many times do I have to ask, NAME ONE.

>The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.
lol no they dont.
>Fuck your flyover state.
you say while eating food most likely produced in a flyover state.

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>My source has links to the archived posts, you absolute mongrel.
no one cares faggot. only sperglords still care about muh big gubment conspiracy that said hillary and the pedos were certainly going to jail any day now...10 months ago.

Well, they DID create the global, feared


l-l-long live the empire!
it hurts

Actually Trump has said on more than one occasion that the press has "too much freedom." Meanwhile you can give me an example of any Democrats "banning hate speech," I'll wait.
>let's force bakers
it's homophobia and bigotry user
we don't tolerate that shit
>even more gun control
because it's necessary
and the people are behind me on this
>70% taxes
you will never pay that, because that figure would be directed at people making 12 million a year. Don't be a faggot
>ontario lost jobs
there is no evidence that jobs were lost because wages went up, user
stop lying
>biggest increase in debt
I'm talking about now
The debt went to double digits because of the Bush Years user. There is no debating this.
>they aren't socialist
we know, dickless
they use a partnering of capitalism with a good social safety net
the US needs to do this

So you're not racist? You support full social diversity?

I just suspect you're projecting, that's all.
You are a "race realist," aren't you?

You seem triggered, user.
Let me ask you this, if you knew from the beginning that you never had any ACTUAL objections to Q, why did you keep responding to me?
You now look like a fool, I hope you realize that.

Just another NPC. Ignore and move along

>welfare state slavery.
user if you want to end that then fight for living wages so people can afford what currently social services are costing.

All those votes were from the single dumbest state in the US....California. If it was a popular vote, Trump would have done it differently and he would have won anyway. Democrats are objectively stupid.

You're a "race realist," aren't you?

What if your aunt had a penis?

user you elected stupid. You don't get to dictate to others what stupid is.

>that you never had any ACTUAL objections to Q
but i do, and i stated them a couple times. jesus you tards cannot remember anything that is happening, or is it i didn't make it enough gibberish for you to "decode"?

>You are a "race realist," aren't you?
What does that even mean? That I know there are differences between races?
Yeah, that's scientific.
>I just suspect you're projecting
Why would I be projecting, projecting what?
It's a fact that Democrats were and in different ways, still are the party of slavery.

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i don't speak bagged milke, what does that picture mean?

as expected of a country that released a child rapist go on the grounds he was muslim

>and i stated them a couple times.
And I instantly debunked your implication that Q's posts were comparable to random gibberish.
That's the moment you couldn't even look at the actual evidence and started whining like an 8 year old.
Nothing but ad hom.

And thank God we didn't elect Clinton. She's boss tweed with a vagina and an ugly pant suit.

You're Boss Faggot

What a worthles thread

user if you're Canadian, get out. Nobody fucking cares.

>there are differences between races
not really, other than exterior appearance

Absolutely not. Take your communist faggotry, that you misappropriated from Star Trek, turn it sideways and cram it up your pinko ass.

>Democrats are still are the party of slavery
I really hope this is a bad shitty troll
because this is beyond stupid

>ad hom.
you know that would be accurate, if i didn't already tell you i'm debating you, or trying to make an argument. but i bet you will try again with some more of that "intellectual capacity" of yours

im not*

not double, but the prices do increase.
>it's homophobia and bigotry user
>we don't tolerate that shit
no, it's called forcing somebody to do something they don't want to do, which is morally wrong. fuck off with your retarded feels arguments, they dont mean shit.
>because it's necessary
>and the people are behind me on this
"necessary". states with the most gun control have the highest amount of gun crime, tell me again how gun free zones save lives when a shooter enters it and no one can fight back. the only people behind you on that are sheep who are in love with the idea of being controlled, and the control freaks themselves.
>you will never pay that, because that figure would be directed at people making 12 million a year.
"dont worry, we're only stealing the majority of income from people who make x amount of money"
theft is theft. where did i consent to be taxed, at all?
>there is no evidence that jobs were lost because wages went up, user
>stop lying
t. literal brainlet who can't do his own research.
>I'm talking about now
lol. debt increase is debt increase period, but now that i called out the biggest democrat debt increasers, you shift the goalpost to "right now".
>we know, dickless
no you don't know, since you just called them democratic SOCIALIST.
>they use a partnering of capitalism with a good social safety net
which is social democracy. which i already mentioned. and which i pointed out that isn't the same as democratic socialism.

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"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."

>no, it's called forcing somebody to do something they don't want to do,
well we don't want you to act on your bigotry against gays in public user
that means you'd better find another business where you don't discriminate

she enacted the $14 an hour wage.
shes a Liberal
Liberals held a majority of seats
$14 an hour wage fucked a lot of jobs, as mentioned
people got pissed off
Conservatives given a majority (in ontario of all places, its canadas new york) and Liberals reduced to 8 seats, barely even official party status.
the proof is right there.

>"necessary". states with the most gun control have the highest amount of gun crime,
They also have more people in them user.
Seriously. You gun nuts are so fucking obsessed, it's insane.
Nobody is trying to take your fucking guns. How many fucking times do we have to keep telling you this. There's no reasoning with you.

>dont worry,
you are a retard, user
the 70% tax is for people making 12 million dollars a YEAR. Not you.
It will never be you.

non argument. lost jobs due to increased wages are lost jobs due to increased wages, no matter where they're at. try again.

>theft is theft.
user, taxation is legal under the 16th Amendment. They are not "theft," why do you hate the Constitution?

Thats what your kind said in DC. Then you banned handguns to little to no effect. Same thing in Chicago.

>t. literal brainlet
user if a company can't modify their business plan to keep up with the times, they have no business being in business

I know you were never debating me, you had no legitimate arguments to begin with, I wouldn't have expected you to back up your disingenuous lies with real facts because we both already knew you had none.

>i called out the biggest democrat debt increasers
None of them compare to the Reagan or Bush years, user. None of them.
Your hardon for the Democrats is fucking hilarious, when the real enemy is the party you keep defending--the Republicans.
They are literally the enemy of our democratic republic system. Stick to your own country, you don't know shit.

You were a faggot in the past as well.

>well we don't want you to act on your bigotry against gays in public user
refusing to bake a cake isn't bigotry. theres millions of other bake shops, most of which arent christian yet the gay couple specifically went to the christian one because they wanted to make a giant spectacle. however when islamic bake shops refuse to bake cakes for gays, its stuffed under the rug.
learn what fucking per capita is, numbnuts.
into the trash it goes.
doesnt matter if its me or not, faggot. its not morally right to steal from someone else because they have more of something than you.
>quotes two words from my post and ignores the rest
why am i not surprised lol.

What was the point of the 16th Amendment?

user, cities in the US have 15 dollar an hour minimum wage laws now and they're doing fine economically. I don't know the specifics of bum fuck Ontario, but the bottom line is you don't want people to get paid more money.

Says the guy that supports transgender surgery on demand for toddlers at taxpayer expense.

>real facts because we both already knew you had none.
because it's a meme user.

>your kind
you literally sound like a raving nut

>refusing to bake a cake isn't bigotry.
Yes it is, it means you don't want to serve those icky gays. Don't be absurd.

>There's no reasoning with you.
and theres no reasoning with you either.
shall not be infringed means SHALL NOT BE FUCKING INFRINGED.

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user, you're the creepy gun nut. If you're that paranoid about guns, that means you're probably fucked about some of your other points. :^)

>its not morally right to steal from someone else
Why do you hate the US Constitution, user?

To finally start taxing the populace. Government couldn't cut it without additional revenues.

I support having that bale of straw surgically removed.

user, you're a fucking gun nut who thinks the 2nd Amendment has no restrictions. I'm the reasonable one here who supports the concept of rights having responsibilities.

Not him but ffs you retards have the highest fucking military budget in the whole goddamn world
Just this year alone is the highest i’ve seen on stats
>over 600 billions
For fucking what? So y’all can wave your dicks on a global scale? What does it even mean in the scheme of human evolutions?
Multi millionaires/billionaires are the ones at the top of the economical hierarchy
Everything pertaining to world affairs is done behind the curtains and all the fucking sensationalistic bullshit on the MSM is purely fabricated to
>1. Brainwash and divert from the real issues
>2. Political indoctrination

So you get a bunch of highschool dropouts enrolling for a couple of years, mostly farting around on taxpayers’ cold hard earned cash and when said high school dropouts finish their “service” they have already a pension and a bunch of other monetary benefits

All in all, what is the purpose of the industrial complex if all they do is fucking siphon their own economy in order for the USA to peacock themselves for all the world to see

Fucking trillions in debt, yet the distribution of wealth and anything to do with it is highly unequal
kek, no wonder how much fucked your country is
It’s a matter of years before it implodes from sheer ungodly amount of retardation plaguing your nation

If he discriminates, he looses customers. Looses money. Capitalism is colorblind. Let the people decide.

>because it's a meme user.
You don't know what a meme is, stop crying.

>>over 600 billions
not him but 750 b if trump gets his budget.

Good. I hope the son of a bitch goes the fuck out of business.

>None of them compare to the Reagan or Bush years, user. None of them.
except they do, as wilson and fdr started the initial rise in debt.
try again kid
>bum fuck ontario
toronto is anything but.
No, it means "im a private business owner and this is my business, i can serve whoever i want, and if you dont like that then you can find another baker". why is it so hard to find someone else who can bake a fucking cake? stop being a child throwing a tantrum because "muh bigotry :(("
>no argument, just ad hominems
hating certain amendments doesnt equal hating the entire constitution. why are you playing semantics, user?

>stop crying
i'm not the one that got triggered over it getting compared to gibberish

and good riddance. that decrepit jew hag did too much damage to the province, no one voted for her when mcguilty got ousted

>i'm not the one that got triggered over it getting compared to gibberish
Proving you wrong is now getting triggered?
No user, you refusing to back up your position with evidence yet still responding looks an awfully lot like being triggered to me.

I know, but your obsession with firearms leads you to this equally creepy interpretation of the 2nd Amendment, while shitting all over the 16th Amendment, and you'd also defend homophobic bakers.
I think you're mad because you can't vote for Trump. That's why you're throwing a tantrum here. :^)

>Not him but ffs you retards have the highest fucking military budget in the whole goddamn world
maybe just maybe it has something to do with the us leading nato and having to pay the military budget of countries like norway because they dont pay their own. ever think of that?
>For fucking what? So y’all can wave your dicks on a global scale?
maybe to balance power so china and russia dont get to advantageous and try to fuck us over
>distribution of wealth and anything to do with it is highly unequal
so whats your solution? force people at gunpoint to hand over part of their income because daqarius doesnt want to work?
>wahh i hate ppl because they have different views and want more freedom for their business wahh

>because they have different views
no user--because they're bigots
and I don't hate them, I pity them.

Once a great Empire. Now a third-world shit hole. Hope those folks are brushing up on their Farsi.

>like being triggered to me.
no user, confusing "take gibberish and link it with the mayan calandar" with "literally calling it gibberish" is triggered. defending your meme like it is fact, on Yea Forums, is hilarious to me, user.

>I know, but your obsession with firearms
wanting the freedom to be able to own a firearm is an "obsession"? read a history book and it'll take less than 10 minutes to figure out the first thing dictatorships do is confiscate guns so nobody can fight back.
and dont go
>hurr durr youre not gonna live in a dictatorship user
democracies have gone from being democracies to being dictatorships easily, its a completely justifiable reason for wanting to be armed.
>while shitting all over the 16th Amendment
are you trying to equate the 2nd to the 16th lmao
>and you'd also defend homophobic bakers.
yes, and? it's their right to serve whoever they want. find another baker. not that hard.
>I think you're mad because you can't vote for Trump.
ahh, the "if he disagrees with me hes a trump supporter" trope. lol.
>That's why you're throwing a tantrum here.
yup, so people mass replying to me isnt a tantrum, but me replying back to them is? stop being one sided.
>adds a condescending smiley face to cope with being assblasted

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>>I think you're mad because you can't vote for Trump.
>ahh, the "if he disagrees with me hes a trump supporter" trope. lol.

Every post you've made, with ironically the exception of the gun part, could have been made by Trump. :^)

such an overused buzzword. i could claim a grocery store not wanting to serve me while im wearing a ski mask as "bigotry". thats how useless that word is now.

>overused buzzword
to other bigots, yes
go on

Nah, I don’t have a solution
Just think that you guys are fucking too soft where you need to be strict and too strict where you should be a lil softer
Fucking corporate whores, CEOs, lobbyists and politicians are the ones making the moves

Unless you guys rebel against that, spread some kind of “manifesto” to really rile people up from what the trusted prestigious individuals ruining your economy, eroding your rights and pocketing even more of your money have been doing forever to fuck even further more the country, until you guys are scared and hateful of each others, nothing will change

You cannot have a common good if the common people can’t even be good towards themselves

>wall of shit
user you'd make a fine Republican

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>Conservatives are terrified of everything.

This is actually true. Look into some studies regarding the neurological differences between liberals and conservatives. Conservatives tend to be more orderly and more afraid. There's even a genetic basis for conservative racism - conservative racists have a particular gene that heightens the disgust response, particularly in the presence of humans who look different phenotypically. It's theorized that this was an evolutionary response to disease.

You can google any of this.

Conservatives are fragile, frightened creatures who fear change over everything. This response was valid centuries ago - it no longer is. Evolution has failed them.

>no user, confusing "take gibberish and link it with the mayan calandar" with "literally calling it gibberish" is triggered.
Didn't we already cover this?
How ironic that you said, "jesus you tards cannot remember anything that is happening".
No, I'm not triggered about that, I corrected myself and moved along in the conversation.
You on the other hand, seem to be fixated on everything except the original topic.
Almost as if you don't want to address it fairly.
>defending your meme like it is fact
You don't know what a meme is, user, why do you keep saying that word?
If none of the images I posted are fact based, prove them wrong.
I'll wait.

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>none of the images I posted are fact based, prove them wrong.
prove this wrong

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really, trump is against all taxation eh? is he also anti-israel and anti interventionist? because he could make a few similar arguments to mine doesnt automatically mean i would vote for him you moron.
now youre just claiming that because someone disagrees with overusing a word, theyre also a bigot. youre dismissed. have a good day, jackass.
>you guys
im not american.

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>no argument, again

>There's even a genetic basis for conservative racism - conservative racists have a particular gene that heightens the disgust response, particularly in the presence of humans who look different phenotypically.
yes, its called tribalism, preferring your own ingroup over others, its literally human nature.

prove this wrong

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>its literally human nature.
Nice naturalistic fallacy.
user, I thought you were smarter than that...

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why do niggers suck so much?

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>HRC extradition [was] already in motion effective yesterday with several countries in case of cross border run” with Drop #2 alleging “HRC detained, not arrested (yet)” and that there would be “massive riots organized in defiance and others fleeing the US.
prove this right

>naturalistic fallacy
fallacy fallacy

You're right. Humans will best be served by continuing to be tribalistic and killing each other.

Not him but why are you still feeding the troll?
Ffs you’re anonymous so is he and on an egotistical angle, none of you gain anything other than being frustrated over divergence of opinions
If you know you’re right and have facts to back it up, prove your point with as much details and evidences as possible
If the other user just keep on calling you out on “bullshit” that he can’t even counter-argue, then you don’t have any more business to deal with an ignorant retard who is comfortable living in his own fantasy world where his false perception is his safespace

When you are arguing against someone who doesn’t have much going for them, they’re most likely going to be overly attached to their shitty opinions that they’re entitled to since they don’t have anything else therefore having a strong urge to protect his belief because not only his whole personality and life revolves around it and all that it implies but the person’s degree of anger is usually in correlation with how they feel you have badly insulted them as a person

Can you see the psychological nuances? Not taking any of your sides but i’ve been going thru that same course of events atleast a million of times
People who think they’re hotshit for whatever fucking superficial reasons will always act righteous and how flawless their whole intellect is

I asked you first, don't be rude.

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Only the ladies are Jasmine scented, an Arab dude wearing that would get throne off a roof.

This billboard is simply providing a helpful tip that refugee women are easy pickings

wasn't mark zuckerberg supposed to step down as chairman?

because they were enslaved for 400 years and released only because the kleptocracy that destroyed the south knew they'd be fucked if the slaves revolted. then they made laws and rules to keep niggers down, arrested, uneducated or in poor state schools, working shitty jobs, exposed to CIA-dropped crack cocaine and guns, and basically have been fucked over well until this modern day.

solved, paint this over the sign to remind them of where they are.

Attached: solved.jpg (960x580, 127K)

wasn't last july supposed to be the month of truth?

Fuck, dude, we get it. You're retarded.

>If you know you’re right and have facts to back it up, prove your point with as much details and evidences as possible
I posted 3 proofs and he couldn't respond.
He already admitted to not wanting to debate, but he seems to be addicted to responding to me.
>Can you see the psychological nuances?
Yes, absolutely, but he responded to my proofs and all I've done is reply to his posts.
He should have let this go a long time ago.

no you idiot the point is if we keep raping the immigrants they stop coming here. its like in america how they always have mass shootings to scare off immigrants

Cool ad hom bro, I feel so emasculated right now.
I might an hero over this, I'm LITERALLY devastated.

You’re acting like you’re the victim here
You could’ve just ignored him first and moved on
It’s like you’re trying to prove something you are unsure of
Own it like the way that retard you were replying to was owning the truth in this whole goddamn drama
Come on user, you’re more mature than that

Link the post?

thats pretty much the deal
half of these fucktards will deny it
the other half will brag about it

drop 1594

holy fucking shit both of you are retarded
god damn

yes. fights overpopulation
lets start with africa and india shall we
so they dindu nuffin?
i wish the slave trade didnt happen so we wouldnt have niggers

>You’re acting like you’re the victim here
How am I doing that? I'm defending the facts, he's not.

>You could’ve just ignored him first and moved on
So could he.
>It’s like you’re trying to prove something you are unsure of
Not to him, to the lurkers.
>Own it like the way that retard you were replying to was owning the truth in this whole goddamn drama
lol what? It's not about either of us, anyone reading those posts will realize that other user is talking out of his ass now that I took the time to respond. If I hadn't, maybe people would have taken his lies as truth.

Give me a minute to check it out.

>more retarded than Sweden
Everyone that believes in all the fake news about Sweden is retarded.

my nigga you are shot out

>yes. fights overpopulation
Or... we could work together to form solutions to "overpopulation."

Humans have proven time and time again that just because things exist a certain way in nature, it does not mean they are optimal or desirable. It's what separates us from other species, and it's what's responsible for the privileged life you lead as well as your ability to vomit meaningless, poorly researched opinions onto an electronic imageboard. You should be grateful, but you're not. You're just poorly educated.

I gotta run - respond if you wish - I won't see it. I've made my point. Have a nice day.
Why are we a threat to them?

Not seeing what you're seeing, user.

ok you devolved neanderthal murkan mutt who probably has a beer belly and fantasizes about trump fucking your sister

Why do you act like it’s your duty to “educate” others
Nobody cares about shit here
If you were concerned with people believing his bullshit then you should take in consideration that you’re on the internet and that it barely takes a click and some characters to fact check

Also, there’s going to be an equal amount of people laughing at his posts that aren’t even posting in this thread
People are retarded, yes
Not everyone tho
And in the end, why does it even matter to keep fighting a battle that just won’t lead neither of you no where? He’s stubborn and you keep trying to fight back.. for what? Nothing’s gonna change and you’re literally wasting your precious at that point
It’s not your burden to enlighten others
You do you, if you share truth bombs and people can’t deal with it, discard them because you know that people living in lies are shit people regardless

sure kid

This cant be real. Say it aint so my brit bros. That makes me sad. I dont hate refugees or muslims, but my goodness thats just too forward.

This world is dark. I hope you anons are staying alright.

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>Humans have proven time and time again that just because things exist a certain way in nature, it does not mean they are optimal or desirable. It's what separates us from other species,
Humans have proven time and time again that they're fucking Dunning-Kruger monsters that without exception grossly overestimate their capacity of comprehension and wisdom, instead forcing the execution of their criminally moronic ideologies and misapprehensions about systems so far superior to their stupid little ideas, that they truly have no hope of ever realizing that fact.

>truth bombs

>Or... we could work together to form solutions to "overpopulation."
It will never happen.
How would it work?

>You can only have 1 child.
>If you get pregnant again you must have an abortion.
What about people who can't afford to raise even 1 child? Shouldn't their limit be set at 0?

The only way to control overpopulation is through attrition.
Disease, famine, war.