News anchors you want to have greasy sex with

news anchors you want to have greasy sex with

i'll start. Andrea Mock, Channel 19 Columbia SC. she's got a great rack and a nice fat little ass. i'd fuck her until her head came out of the calender next week

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Other urls found in this thread:

how lonely are you, son?

not at all, but the local news just went off, and i've still got that POV in my head

Jennifer Reyna from KPRC-TV (NBC affiliate) in Houston, Texas. Pretty much all men in the greater Houston area tune in just to see her talk about traffic. She has an incredible figure and a gorgeous ass!

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When I lived in Charlotte, I had the hots for the weathergirl Kelly Franson. Can't seem to find any good pics of her

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Sandra Shaw West Palm Fl is hot

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Caroline Hyde...phwoooor!

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Just a shame she's gotten old now

Lyndsay Morrison
CTV weather girl

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Sam Kerrigan and Suzanne Boyd in WPB are hot too

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Megan kelly

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natasha zouves, ABC 7 Bay Area
Always a reliable 4 am fap session.

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Ellison Barber

mallory brooke

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Claire Anderson Kiro 7 Seattle

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maria medina, CBS KPIX 5

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My cousin and NBC Bay Area news anchor Vianey Arana

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i agree...

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News 12 bronx. Petite and cute as a button

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Rudabeh Shahbazi CBS Miami

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Hell yeah. Didnt see it when we were younger but boy do I now

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i'd like to fuck this milf-y anchor, Elizabeth Cook

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that's always the case.

Not always. Definitley enjoyed her younger sisters growing up

Looks like a trap a shitty mess of a trap but still a trap

tell me more... with pics

Yeahh, Elon was all time

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Pj Randhawa, KSDK in St Louis

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Veronica Corningstone
KVWN Channel 4
San Diego

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Yo more right

That's just gross

Fuck her right in the pussy

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News anchors, not news skankors

what city?

Katie Beasley Fox Atl

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is she still around?

here's mine... Elizabeth Hopkins

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Even after having been retired for a few years... and popping out a 3rd kid... I still masturbate to Sonni Abatta on the regular.

Orlando... Fox... woo!!!!!!

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another from Fox25 in Boston

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> Your opinion ? Should i post it on b ?-


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Laura Hutchinson - a goddess

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combined 7/10

one more of Hutch......

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Fuck yes, more

Ann Marie LaFlamme

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Ahtra Elnashar, Fox 17 Grand Rapids, she's been sexy af since her U of M days

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Yoop newsgal

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those nipples

Mah Nigga.....

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Stephanie Mead.
Used to be in Green Bay

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KCRA in Sacramento

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Jesus, this news whore can get it 6 ways to Sunday; story at 11pm.

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Farah Nasser, Global News Toronto.

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Live in Columbia, and I agree she's sexy. Although she has gained weight.

Cheryl Burton on the right I dream about sucking those mature titties
abc 7 chicago

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We got NSFW jusk ask mods

I assume someone has already posted Yanet Garcia...


I heard she's a major slut and coke head

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just google the name, plenty online

Ainsley Earhardt. She's from Columbia SC too. I went to school with her.

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I think Brooke O'Daniel from WSBT in South Bend is pretty easy on the eyes

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Cheryl Burton and Cheryl Scott

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Cool thread

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Shit I read that as Andrea McRotch

Sharp knees

Fuckin babe

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I love Ama Daetz

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I mean she s gorgeous

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Adrienne Alvarez, Former anchor for KTSM Ch9. El Paso, TX. She's no longer on the air because she got arrested.

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None of them come close to Michelle Logan of CBS 42 in Birmingham, Alabama.

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Weather sluts. Taylor and Ava. Baltimore. I run late many mornings.

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and kate larsen both from KGO TV San Francisco

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Lisa Teachman, KCMO weather girl

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I wouldn’t be able to hear her cum with her thighs wrapped around my head.

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get those cocks out boys shes taking measurements

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What did she do?
>please be something fucked up and dirty

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She was probably wet with that phallic symbol around her.

Elizabeth Montgomery

fuck your local amatuers

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really a lot of the SF bay Area reporters, lot of Hotties

Go fuck yourself, San Diego

they are all ugly boomers

Tara Palmeri ABC news, super hot

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Lisa Kennedy Montgomery

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her boyfriend pictured here is 5'10

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Yep. I tarded.

Not 100%, but I think it was domestic violence.

She was arrested and charged with public masturbation/lewd conduct with a vibrator. She caused a multi-car accident from distracting men as they were driving. Suspended sentence and probation. She tried to save her job by blowing the station manager. Gave random hand jobs to the camera men.

That was the first time she was arrested

mikaya thurmond

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I used to want to hit that back when she was on MTV

TV news anchor arrested for beating her husband

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This. I heard that she was a regular disruption to the workplace as she would constantly rub her clit and orgasm loudly when using the restroom. Dudes in the station would have to fap one out and neglect their work.

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Lucky cuck.

people still watch local news?

lol get off the internets grampa

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She did like her ass cream

who dis?

Constantly thinking about sex. Little nympho slut.

thats not an anchor.
Thats a pair of tits with eyes.

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she looks better now

>trying pathetically to sound young and edgy

Go take your hrt and cry about Trump in your safe space.

Renata Vasconcellos

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everyone did.
She talked about it on Red eye that everyone tried to fuck her. Specifically the rock stars. She was a virgin that whole time.

>As a 22-year-old VJ for MTV, in the days when MTV still had VJs, Kennedy was at once transgressive and unpredictable. When I profiled her for Vanity Fair back in 1994, she called herself an ardent Republican, professed an obsessive, stalkerish love for former vice president J. Danforth Quayle, advertised her status as a virgin on Howard Stern’s radio show

CT news anchors?

Alyse Zwick and Lindsay Tuchman from NY1

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fuck, I meant to

I need to paint her face.

Weird that she was a closet republican on mtv.

Pablo is that you? Wtf homie

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totally fooled me too.
She exuded "feminazi" back in her MTV days

I remember she always gushed about the lead singer of Jesus Jones.

KIK me if you wanna jerk of to CTV Kitchener's Lyndsay Morrison

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SWFL ABC’s McKenzie Bart, former miss Ohio

mbartwx On Instagram

I actually think she might be pure

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cant belive no one gave this post props

I guess the odds are against that, though

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erica grow on WNBC in new york...fuckin THICC

fuck forgot pic

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a woman reading the news? KEK

The Sports chick Lainie on there isn't bad either :-P

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That's her dress, you fucking incel


Rebecca Schleicher, WTVF Newschannel5, Nashville

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I dated Bri Winkler from LA's ABC affiliate for 2 years.

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how was it