Be me

>be me
>finally moved to the country and got away from shithole city
>its been nice and comfy for a year
>unfortunately, some 70 year old boomers buy the plot next to mine
>say they're going to build their house and driveway right next to the property line because its "too expensive" to build it further away
>their house would be facing into my kitchen window
>once they die their crackhead kids will probably move into the property

What can I do about this? Can I do some scooby-doo type scheme and dress up as a monster to scare them away?

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You could expand your house, built a solid brick wall right on your side of the property line, always higher then them
Could also be a cunt and look into building rules of your town, maybe they have to build at least the house away from the boarder, no hope on the driveway tho

You could use the extra space for some mirrors so you get daylight and view from up the wall into your kitchen

walls and fences exist for this very purpose user, make sure its hideous on their end too

I was thinking of throwing a bunch of trash and tired and stuff on the side their house would be facing

Yeah they cant build it less than 30 feet from the border but that's still too close for comfort

Hail Satan tell them to build their house out of your sun
If they don't hope they build a window near your ground that you can wall shut

Similar thing happened at my parents place.

>Family buys lot in the middle of the country
>No neighbors, build a house everything is peaceful
>30 years go by
>Farmer buys the farm next to their property
>exploits some loopholes of the property laws to build a house when he technically shouldn't be able to
>Gives rights to his city daughter and her husband
>they chose to build the house right next to our property line a close as legally possible despite having about 300 acres and 2 other roads they could have built it on
>acted like pricks to us the entire time they lived their complaining about us as neighbors as if it was somehow our fault they did what they did
>It's been over 10 years since then and their yard is still barren, doesn't have a single tree and they never cut the grass

You're just fucked. Get up and move or deal with it. Some people are just dumb niggers

Go nudist, if they don't like it too bad, your property.

Secondly start hosting satanic rituals in your front yard as well. Invite a bunch of friends over and scare the everloving crap out of them from ever returning. Make sure you go full on blood sacrifice especially while their kids are looking.

>moved to the country
You didn't quite make it to the 'country' fren.

>dig hole on their plot
>fill with water and leaves
>release some frogs
>anonymous call to EPA
your neighbors plot is now protected wetlands and cannot be developed

I don't understand, If you wanted privacy why did you build your house in the limits of your property, why didn't you build it in the center where neighbors are not a problem.

It's not in the middle of nowhere, but it is far away from town with only a few neighbors
Its built within the limits but close to the road so I dont have to build a long ass driveway

So basically the same as them.

Privacy fence

>Shiiit dudeeeee
>This all fucking day dawgs@@#!!!!!@@@

No, mines still far from the property lines where others would build there houses. I would have built it farther back but the land slopes downward and the woods get dense further back. They are also building near the road but super close to where my house is

>Peasants will always have double standards


I remember someone telling me if you dump either sugger or salt on wet / drying cement it screws up the drying process and drastically reduces the life of the material.



ucsb ucla are the same way

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Make your house a fucking eyesore, start saving to sell the property and buy more than an acre next time.

>whiteknighting hard in 1969

Go get a job you fucking leech

>they never cut the grass

2 words user. Code. Enforcement.

Those jack offs LOVE nailing people for shitty yards.

>Do you even pay rent,bro?

Stop crying you fookin fagglet.You sound like a god damn princess.
>Get a job

I is confused.

>spotted the cucks

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Its sugar, 2 pounds sugar/ton of concrete if i remeber correctly

I know this dude..I'm sure I know who you iz,brah..

>Ray Pist

What would a good neighbor do? People from the burbs don't care about property lines unless they're mentally ill

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dats cos u iz a fookin O.F. an original faggster.
>Go git a job,friend

hows the ass on the crackhead kids?


Check with your zoning department. Most places have ordinances that require buildings, driveways, etc to be a certain distance from the properly line.

You will also want to ask them about the fencing ordinances. You may be able to put up a 6' solid fence along the property line.