What’s Yea Forums‘s generally consensus on race mixing? Do you think it’s a bad thing or do you not really give a shit?
What’s Yea Forums‘s generally consensus on race mixing? Do you think it’s a bad thing or do you not really give a shit?
don't care really, the human race is already on its last legs anyway. might as well have fun
If any woman would let me fuck her id be happy no matter as long as she doesn’t look terrible
Scientifically proven that race mixing results in superiority.
Think of it like inbreeding - long term, repeatedly breeding to those like you even if they're only your fifth or seventh cousins will ultimately result in genetic disorder.
I believe that we should race mix while whites still have a demographic advantage. If enough whites can impregnate enough non-whites in the US we'll be able to breed non-white genes to a non-statistically significant number in only three or four generations thus securing our continued demographic advantage.
Well put, Ivan.
BBC and inter-racial threads are always Russian shills attempting to emasculate Western men and spread division between blacks and whites.
Fuck off, Putin cock sucker.
Doesn't really matter, if you mix black and white, by generations the black skin will disappear. The issue here is culture. Say your daughter had a mixed daughter from a nigger, you have condemned your bloodline to a terrible culture.
Jesus fucking christ, why niggers are so hideous ?
Enjoy the continued browning of your country burger.
Curious how many of you realize how much your family trees have interleaved over the generations.
My own bloodline only has one branch where it stayed in one town for 150 years, and there's five common ancestors after 1584.
And we mixed like a motherfucker.
Most of you in the deep south would likely find common ancestors only 4 generations ago.
Found the globalist/liberal shill.
Whitefag here. Wife is Indian / Paki / South African. Our kids are in between us somewhere. They are more intelligent and good looking and popular than we ever were. So I'm for it.
Don't really give a shit. I probably wouldn't want to have mixed race kids because I feel it would make for a conflicting home environment and family culture but whatever. I'm much more opposed to people with debilitating genetic diseases/deficiencies having offspring and then passing that knowingly to their kids and giving them a miserable life
Yeah, white guy here and I love latina chicks.
Like Hitler wanted to create the 'Super Soldier' and master race of muscular, highly intelligent, blonde haired and blue eyed man. The jew seeks to create a mixed race of subordinate, room temperature IQ, no religion, no national or racial identity and only loyal to the shekel, "Super Goyim". Race mixing is degenerate, in every sense of the word.
>Scientifically proven that race mixing results in superiority.
Stop quoting tabloids whose authors misunderstand studies and read the actual studies; there is 0 evidence that this is the case.
>Think of it like inbreeding
Except it's not. African tribes of a few thousands of members at best have managed to survive for millions of years. Despite that, sub-Saharan Africa is the most genetically diverse place on Earth. Proving that you don't need 7 billion people to avoid interbreeding.
Ironically, if liberals think that forcing racemixing produces better offspring, they fall in the same line of thinking that Hitler did.
Bullshit. Caucasians are pink because of millennia of race mixing. The original and real caucasians have long died out.
This is the reason it's false and retarded to call them "white". They're not the color of this image. They're pink.
They do, they are using the same tactics, but in reverse. They want a drooling mass of consumers and laborers, that are completely harmless to them. They know the white man is getting sick of their bullshit and nothing unites us like adversity, especially a common enemy.
Race isn't a very well defined concept, but there are definitely benefits to heterosis.
So I say mix it up, folks!
It's the natural byproduct of globalization and I don't see the benefit of opposing it. I've got a 1/4 afro / 3/4 euro son on the way, and I'm psyched. His mom and I are both rad as hell, so I don't forsee an issue. It's just humans making more humans
There is no globalization and there never will be, not for thousands of years anyway. Trying to force it will just cause WW3.
As a dirty race mixer myself, I must say its pretty great. Plus race isnt really a scientific thing. Its more of a social distinction based on geography.
I'm not forcing anything. My dad worked for a global company and i grew up between the US, Canada, and Yemen. It's already happened dude. Hordes of people travel from continent to continent daily and can communicate over those distances even quicker. Even if not, the US has every ethnic demographic within its borders. Shit is just going to happen on its own, and blaming it all on some secret group or master plan is no better than using religion to explain life and death, which also just happens on its own.